Travel Time🏎️🚦

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The first one to wake up in the morning was Kimi, he quietly snuck of out bed as to let Seb sleep. He moved slowly throughout the house trying to decipher if anyone else was awake, from what he gathered it was only Nico and Lewis and quite frankly Kimi didn't want to know what those two were up to so he just went downstairs to get everyone's passports and documents in place. They were placed in a large folder and colour coded systematically which made things so much easier for security. He said a thankful prayer to Seb and his slightly wierd organisation skills. He made sure everyone's important things were there.

Next he made his way to the alcohol cabinet and started to fill one of the small suitcases with lots of alcohol. Once that was done he could relax a little. That was until the twitch quartet plus Max came sprinting into the kitchen.
"KIMI" - Lando
"KIMI HELP" - George
"Bwaoh what" - Kimi
"YEAH, WHAT DO WE DO?" - Charles

The kids were screaming at him very loudly and didn't really think to consider the rest of the drivers who were upstairs fast asleep.

"Well first, STOP SHOUTING, i'm only a couple of metres in front of you. And secondly we can leave a little earlier so we can pick some up on the way, bwaoh" - Kimi
"Oh, right yeah sorry" - Lando
"Sorry" - Alex
"Sorry Kimi" - George
"Sorry, can we get sour gummies when we go?" - Charles
"Yes Charles, we can. But you lot now need to go upstairs and pack your last essentials, i'll start breakfast" - Kimi

The kids nodded at Kimi and then sprinted back up the stairs, their feet thundering like a heard of elephants. No doubt the whole house was now awake. Kimi just sighed and went into the kitchen to start on some breakfast. No one would be that hungry this early in the morning so he just decided he would cereal. He grabbed the bowls and milk and different types of cereals and also prepared some fruit. Once it was all ready he went up to heard the drivers downstairs.


Many of the drivers heard Kimi's messaged and knew he wouldn't be kidding, they jumped out bed and all went downstairs. Their hair messy and ruffled by the sleep. Most of them walked down rubbing the sleep out of their eyes but unfortunately for Fernando he slipped on the stairs due to his tiredness. It meant that he bounced down them on his ass and ended up hitting his head on the wood.
"Fuck" - Nando
"Oh god Nando are you ok baby?" - Jense

Jenson moved over to Fernando and helped him back to his feet, he wasn't that hurt just a little bruised and sore.
"Yup, kinda. I'll be fine" - Nando
"Okay, if your sure darling" - Mark
"Sí i'm sure" - Nando

After the small scare of the stairs incident everything seemed to calm down a little, breakfast was a peaceful affair and after everyone went back upstairs to change and grab their bags ready for the airport. Lewis and Seb had a small bet on who was going to bring the most suitcases, at the moment it was Nico with 4 but Seb was still sure it was going to be someone else. Seb of course was right when Mick wandered down with 6.

"SIX?!!! what the hell do you need six for? dead bodies?" - Pierre
"NO! Ones for normal clothes, the second for ski clothes, the third for ski equipment, the fourth is for my laptop and toiletries and other random bits, the fifth and sixth are for the stuffies." - Mick
"Sorry, sorry, you need TWO WHOLE suitcases for stuffies?" - Lando
"Yes" - Mick
"Ok then" - Alex

No one really batted an eye, everyone knew that Val, just like Kimi, would be brining a whole case full of alcohol. Fins and their alcohol man.

They soon all got into the cars and drove to the airport, Kimi promised the kids they could stop for some snacks and they did. However, Kimi said they had exactly 7 minutes and 30 seconds to get what they wanted and get back to the cars otherwise they would leave without them. The kids panicked and immediacy ran into the store. Most of them managed to do it all, apart from Daniel who got very sidetracked with all the different types of jelly babies. Eventually he just grabbed all of them and sprinted to the checkouts. He knew he only had roughly 53 seconds left. He quickly paid for the stuff and started running across the car park.

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