The Eclipsed Heart

By mehhh024

122K 8K 3.8K

In the comforting embrace of his perfect life, Khan Murtasim Khan had everything one could wish for. Yet, a c... More

Character Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Last Chapter

Chapter 24

1.6K 142 37
By mehhh024

"Meerab, Meerab beta. Wake up. It's almost 12 pm," Maa Begum's gentle voice reached Meerab's ears, tugging her from the grasp of slumber. The remnants of a late-night binge-watching session had cast a heavy haze over her senses. The chaotic energy of "The Office" had proven too potent, chaining her to the screen for one more episode and then another, until the night unfolded into the early hours of the morning.

Accompanying this comical escape had been the remnants of the scrumptious brownies she had devoured, a nostalgic echo of her past life in London. However, the only difference now was the absence of the man sleeping beside her.

As Meerab reluctantly opened her eyes, an unsettling sensation gripped her stomach. The knotting feeling intensified, making her clutch her stomach as she straightened against her pillows. Her gaze met Maa Begum's worried eyes.

"Are you okay? You've never slept in this late before, so I thought I should check on you. I knocked twice, but you didn't answer, so I had to come in," Maa Begum inquired with genuine concern, her voice laden with motherly care. However, Meerab struggled to focus on anything other than the throbbing pain in her head and the tight knot in her stomach.

Inhaling deeply, Meerab attempted to reassure her, "Yes, I'm fine, Maa Be—" Before she could finish her sentence, a sudden wave of nausea overcame her. The urgent need to throw up became evident, and Meerab hurriedly sprinted towards the bathroom, desperately leaning over the sink as she emptied the contents of her stomach. Damn those brownies she thought as she could faintly hear Murtasim's cautious warning about the cocoa powder being expired.

Meerab slowly regained her composure, washed up, and attempted to look presentable. As she emerged from the bathroom, she was met with Maa Begum standing outside, wearing the brightest smile that left Meerab utterly confused. Just moments ago, this woman was concerned about her, and now she's grinning at her post-throwing up? Meerab couldn't understand the sudden change.

Maa Begum rushed towards Meerab with an excitement that left her bewildered. "Meerab, are you okay?" she asked with bubbly enthusiasm. Meerab nodded awkwardly, still processing the rollercoaster of emotions of Maa begum.

"Oh my God, I'm so happy!" Maa Begum exclaimed, leaving Meerab perplexed. "Maa Begum, I just threw up. What's there to be happy about?" Meerab questioned, trying to make sense of the situation.

Maa Begum beamed and replied, "Well, this happens in such conditions." Meerab shot her a puzzled look. "Maa Begum, what are you saying? What condition?" she asked, genuinely confused.

"You're pregnant!" Maa Begum declared with unwavering excitement, leaving Meerab utterly flabbergasted. She wondered if Maa Begum had some sort of ultrasound scanner hidden in her eyes to make such claims without any evidence.

But before Meerab could protest, Maa Begum continued, "I'm so happy. I can't believe that I'll be holding my grandchild in my hands. Ya Allah, thank you for blessing us with such great news. Look, I'm already crying."

"Maa Begum, please stop; this isn't—" Meerab tried to interject, but Maa Begum seemed impervious to anything contrary.
"You know, I had a dream last night, and I saw a little bundle of joy in your arms. It must have been a sign!" Maa Begum exclaimed with wide-eyed enthusiasm.

"Maa Begum, I appreciate your excitement, but there's been a misunderstanding. I'm—" Meerab attempted to clarify, desperation creeping into her voice but Maa begum had cut her once again as she engulfed Meerab in a warm hug.

"I'll go and distribute methai everywhere. This is such great news. Meerab, you should rest here; don't worry yourself with anything now. I'll send some fruits and milk for you," Maa Begum continued excitedly, turning to leave Meerab feeling anxious and confused.

Feeling trapped and unable to reason with Maa Begum, Meerab decided there was no use talking to her alone. The embarrassment of this assumption was consuming her alive. She knew she had to call Murtasim; he was the only one who could deal with his mother at this point.


Meanwhile, Murtasim, tired and frustrated after a long day at the panchayat, finally got a chance to check his phone. The recurrent Malik Khan land issue and the futile promises from the Maliks were starting to wear on his nerves. The unresolved matters and the looming presence of Malik Zubair, potentially linked to Mahi's death, left Murtasim feeling frustrated. As he turned back to his car, he checked his phone and saw more than 20 missed calls from Meerab. Concern etched his face; she had never called him before, and these missed calls seemed far from normal.

He tried calling her back, but Meerab didn't pick up. Even the landline remained busy for some reason. Unease settled over Murtasim as he quickly drove back home, thoughts racing through his mind. What could be so urgent that Meerab was trying to reach him persistently? The unease turned into worry, as he rushed home, his mind filled with apprehensions about Meerab's sudden missed calls.

Murtasim rushed back home, his mind filled with worry and confusion. As he entered the Khan Haveli, he encountered Farukh carrying a box of sweets. Farukh, with a mischievous smirk, greeted him, "Oh Khan, you're here. Maa Begum has been waiting for you for ages." He offered Murtasim some sweets, taunting him, "Do you want some? No wait, you'll be eating many now."

Confused and concerned, Murtasim questioned "Farukh is everything okay? Meerab had called me numerous times and when I called back, no one answered. I called you all but no one picked up. And what is this for?" Murtasim asked pointing at the sweet box. Farukh, still smirking, simply said, "Well, you're in for a ride. Good luck with that," signaling Murtasim to go to the living room.

Entering the room, Murtasim found Meerab sitting on a sofa, holding her head in her hands. Maa Begum's face lit up as she spotted Murtasim, rushing towards him for a hug. "Murtasim, you're finally here! I've been waiting for you for so long," she exclaimed excitedly, leaving Murtasim feeling confused. He glanced at Meerab, who looked at him with a desperate plea for help.

"Maa, umm, what's happening?" Murtasim inquired with genuine concern.

His mother, however, insisted he try a sweet before explaining. "Now, first of all, have this," she said, stuffing a ghulab jamun into Murtasim's mouth. Confused and frustrated, he finally demanded an explanation. "Maa, what is all of this? What's going on?"

With a gleeful expression, Maa Begum announced, "Murtasim, you're going to be a father!" A statement that left Murtasim feeling like the floor had slipped beneath him. Thinking that he would have been mistaken, Murtasim asked in confusingly, "What?"

His mother repeated with enthusiasm, "Yes! You're going to have a baby." Murtasim couldn't believe his ears. Glancing at Meerab, who rolled her eyes and shook her head, he wondered if Meerab and his mother were trying to prank him or something. In utter disbelief, he stammered, "Maa, I— I think you're mistaken."

Maa Begum continued her enthusiastic explanation to Murtasim, linking Meerab's morning sickness and nausea to signs of pregnancy. She detailed how Meerab had thrown up in the morning, and in her excitement, she had jumped to the conclusion that Meerab was expecting.

Murtasim, however, was having none of it. Denying the possibility vehemently, he argued, "Maa, this can't be true. You can't just decide someone is pregnant based on these things."

His mother, undeterred, insisted that she knew these signs and was certain. Murtasim tried talking but Maa Begum's enthusiasm turned her deaf ear to any and everything. At last, Murtasim, trying to reason with her, suggested, "Maybe we should consult a doctor before jumping to any conclusions." He gave up realizing that he couldn't possible spell it out to his mother the basis on which he was falsifying her claim.

Maa Begum, agreeing with a hint of annoyance, commented, "Today's generation needs a doctor's approval for everything." Despite her agreement, she maintained her conviction that Meerab was indeed pregnant.

In the car, as Murtasim drove Meerab to the doctor, he couldn't help but ask, "Care to explain what all of this is?"

Meerab sighed deeply, the weight of the misunderstanding lingering in the air. "I woke up, wasn't feeling well, and then Maa Begum was there. I felt the urge to throw up, and she just misunderstood everything."

Murtasim raised an eyebrow, his gaze fixed on Meerab with suspicion. "And why did you even throw up in the first place?" he inquired, causing Meerab to flush with embarrassment.

"I think it might have been the cocoa powder," she admitted sheepishly.

Murtasim scoffed, shaking his head. "Hmm, too much for a strong immune system," he taunted as they drove down the road.

Meerab rolled her eyes, but then earnestly continued, "No, seriously, Mr. Khan, I tried talking to Maa Begum, but she never listened. She kept insisting that I was pregnant without even hearing me out. I thought about calling you, but you never picked up. I tried, I really did, but you know how she is."

Murtasim, still processing the absurdity of the situation, nodded in agreement. "Well, we need to go to the doctor and get a medical notice for my mother's satisfaction," he finally said, breaking the awkward tension that had settled in the car.

"God this is so embarrassing!" Meerab murmured under her breath as Murtasim agreed, "it surely is."


Meerab's head throbbed painfully as they stepped into the doctor's office, the sterile smell of antiseptic hitting them. Dr. Rahman, a no-nonsense woman in her late forties, listened attentively to Meerab's symptoms and promptly diagnosed food poisoning due to the expired cocoa powder. She handed over a prescription and strictly advised Meerab to rest and eat healthy.

By the time they reached home, Meerab felt the fever intensify. She leaned against the car, closing her eyes, craving nothing more than escaping the chaos around her. Murtasim noticed her exhaustion and helped her into the house. They retreated to their room, medicines in hand.

Murtasim handed Meerab the prescribed pills and urged her to rest. As she lay down, the throbbing headache persisted, and she wished for a break from the drama that seemed to follow her. Just when she began to drift into a restless sleep, Maa Begum entered the room.

"What did the doctor say?" Maa Begum asked, her eyes narrowing with concern.

Murtasim sighed, "It's just food poisoning, Maa. Meerab needs rest and the medicines the doctor prescribed."

The visible disappointment and dejection on Maa Begum's face made Meerab feel a twinge of sadness. Maa begum had been genuinely excited about the possibility of a new chapter in their lives. Poor Maa begum didn't know that the possibility of her guess would need to defy all laws of biology to be fulfilled.

Maa Begum's face wrinkled in disbelief, "Are you sure that was the right doctor?"

Meerab sympathized with Maa Begum's skepticism as Murtasim reassured her, "Maa, trust me, this isn't possible, please."

"But why isn't it possible?" Maa Begum exclaimed again, her worry turning into frustration.

Murtasim eyes widened at his mother's stubbornness as he held her, gently guiding her out of the room. "Maa, come on, we should let Meerab rest now."

As the door closed, Meerab couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions – relief that the truth was out, sad because of Maa begum's disappointment, and exhaustion from the day's events. She closed her eyes, hoping that a good rest would help her recover physically but sleep was nowhere near her eyes.


Murtasim walked back to his room after spending an hour consoling his mother. He couldn't help but be surprised at the absurdity of Maa Begum's disappointment over the potential of a future grandchild. The conditions under which Meerab and he had married were far from conventional, and the fact that his mother could entertain such thoughts amused him.

Returning to their room, Murtasim entered quietly, attempting not to disturb Meerab. However, a muffled sob caught his attention. The sound of Meerab crying struck a chord in him. He had never seen her shed tears, and the realization that she was suffering in pain left him sympathize towards her.

Contemplating whether to disturb her or not, Murtasim slowly approached Meerab. Another sob escaped as he debated whether to pull the quilt off. When he finally did, he revealed Meerab with glossy eyes and a red nose. In an attempt to hide her face, Meerab quickly pulled the quilt back over herself.

"No, go away. Why are you invading my privacy?" Meerab protested, but Murtasim held the quilt firmly.

"Meerab, why are you crying? Is it really that bad?" he asked, genuine concern etched on his face. Meerab only sobbed harder.

"What happened? Tell me. Do you need something?" Murtasim inquired again.

"I—I miss my dad," Meerab admitted with hiccups.

"Your dad? Why?" Murtasim asked, his confusion evident.

"Whenever I used to get sick, he used to take care of me," Meerab confessed, her voice breaking.

As Meerab's voice trembled with emotion, she began to share the cherished memories of her father's care.

"He would make me the warmest cup of ginger tea, just the way I liked it, and sit by my bedside, telling me stories to distract me from the illness," Meerab whispered, her eyes distant with nostalgia. "He had this knack for making me forget about the pain and discomfort. And when I couldn't sleep, he would stay up with me, singing lullabies until I drifted off."

Murtasim listened attentively, his heart warming to the tender recollections. He could see the love and comfort her father had provided, creating a safe haven during moments of vulnerability.

"He used to bring me my favorite comfort food, insisting that it had magical healing powers," Meerab continued with a soft smile. "Even though I knew it was just a bowl of soup or a simple dish, his belief made it taste like the most potent medicine in the world. And the way he cared, it made being sick a little less daunting."

Murtasim's eyes softened as he observed Meerab's expression. He realized the depth of the connection she shared with her father and the void his absence had left.

"But now," Meerab sighed, her voice tinged with sadness, "it's different. I miss his presence, the reassurance of his soothing words, the warmth of his care. Today, when I was unwell, it felt like a piece of that comfort was missing."

Murtasim nodded, his eyes reflecting empathy for Meerab's yearning. He gently placed a hand on Meerab's head, offering silent support as they navigated the complexities of emotions together. Sensing her need for comfort, he hesitantly asked her, "Do you— do you want me to lay down with you?"

Meerab, wiping away her tears, shook her head, "No, you don't have to. It's just stupid, I know." Despite her attempt to dismiss it, her vulnerability was evident. Murtasim recognizing the hesitation in her words and with a subtle shift, he settled beside her, gently massaging her head.

As Meerab's heart raced, she looked at Murtasim, finding an unexpected warmth in his actions. His touch was soothing, a balm to her emotional turmoil. Inhaling deeply, Meerab relaxed, allowing herself to be vulnerable in that moment. Snuggling closer to Murtasim, she felt a connection that transcended words.

Murtasim continued to massage her head, his touch tender and caring. There was a hesitancy in his actions, an uncertainty about how to navigate the delicate intricacies of their relationship. Yet, driven by an instinct to comfort, he decided to do what he believed was best for her.

As Meerab laid over Murtasim's chest, she could hear the slight beat of his heart, a rhythmic lullaby that gradually eased her into a sense of security. In that intimate moment, as he continued to cradle her head, Meerab felt herself drifting into a peaceful slumber.

Unbeknownst to Murtasim, Meerab's heart rapidly thumped against her chest not only from the physical discomfort but also from the subtle, unspoken emotions that lingered in her. As she succumbed to sleep, she unknowingly acknowledged the uniqueness of the connection she shared with Murtasim. In the quiet of the room, with the gentle touch and warmth of Murtasim's care, a new chapter unfolded, bringing with it a serenity that lingered in the air.


This was one hell is a chaotic scene from the drama and i really wanted to add it in here😂
Please drop your feedbacks and apologizes for any typos or errors.

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