The Ultimate Interdimensional...

By Fireking492

190 27 86

Pmurt Nedib is dead. We survived the Infinityverse. But our troubles are far from over. Yappa Yappa has retur... More

A Knight's Blood
Return of Number 96
Escape from the Infinite Labyrinth
Plot Twists & Geass
Shifting Tides: Death of Charles
Zero Requiem Take Two
Villains Invade Disney World
The Stakes Keep Getting Higher
Interdimensional Positive Energy Overload
Entering The Dreamverse
Becoming Real
The Multiverse's Destruction
"Happy" Birthday
Setting A Trap
Battle in Sanctuary: Saga's Vengeance
Thanatos and Hypnos
Sword Duel! Swiftdrawer Vs Hades
Chaos In Gotham City
Hopeless & Crushed
Villain Arc/Battle of Watchtower
Rise of the Imaginary Numbers
Chasing Sailor Galaxia
We Fight Back.
Domino City Yami No Game
Zorc, Trueman, and Mayhem
Reality Warping Limit Break
BRAINS Vs. Zarc: Long First Turn
Break Summoning
Serious Dimension Hopping

Making A Fake Kira

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By Fireking492

The Ultimate Interdimensional War

Chapter 14: Making A Fake Kira

Date: January 12th, 2024

Don Thousand just stares at Light: "You continue to try to defy me. However, what you don't realize is-" "Are you about to say you let me kill you so that you could return stronger than before to overpower and outsmart me before absorbing me and all of the Death Notes to further your plans of multiverse conquest?" "Mortal, you are proving to be more difficult than I expected." "Hahahaha! I dare you to try to kill me now now that you know I have anticipated your every move! In fact, I knew this exact situation would occur this entire time! That's why I agreed to work with you, Don Thousand! It was all in order to outplay you and kill you in the end! I won't allow you to revive yourself again!" Matsuda exclaims: "Hey, shouldn't we get involved in this too?" Tsunade shakes her head: "That's a bad idea. We need to wait for our other comrades to arrive as well as ensure more of us are brought back to life first." L nods: "That's the best plan at the moment. I don't possess superhuman abilities like you do but my deductive skills are something else. If we were to get involved in the fight now, our odds of winning would be much lower. If we let Don Thousand and his former subordinates fight it out, our chances of beating whoever remains standing in the end increases. It's really interesting. For now, let's stay over here. If we are attacked, none of us should engage unless that attack gets life threatening. We can't let the enemy bait us into an unfair situation. I am also interested in observing the behavioral patterns of our enemies in order to better learn their strengths and weaknesses. Now that Kira has more than just several Death Notes and subordinates, he has become a foe far too dangerous for even me to outsmart and catch at this point." Mello grits his teeth: "Damn it! I want to get in there and kill Light Yagami! He killed you, L!" Near replies: "That's enough, Mello. Now is not the time to be rash and compulsive. Right now, it's best to play the waiting game for as long as possible." I position myself in front of most of us: "In order to help achieve that goal, I will stand here as a shield to protect you all."

Watari nods in approval: "This is a solid plan. After all, the enemy has us outnumbered, outgunned, and is much stronger than our combined strength." Soichiro sighs: "Light.. Why did you have to turn out this way?" I speak again as the clash begins with Eggman's robots attacking Don Thousand along with a bunch of Cell Jrs and Saibamen: "His intentions started out good but as always when someone is suddenly given a lot of power but doesn't learn how to properly use it responsibly, it changed him. While it's true some of the people that are locked up in many universes deserve to die, not all do. Instead of giving criminals a chance to redeem themselves, he killed them. Eventually, it drove him mad. The fear, the power, the intent to destroy evil. All of it warped him. He kills evil people without seeing a chance for change within them. His killings reduced the crime rate substantially. However, it's worth mentioning that instead of uprooting the causes of crimes, he chose to instead kill those who commit them without really understanding why people commit crimes. To get what he wanted, he was willing to sacrifice innocent people/people who didn't really do anything too bad. Shoplifting is generally a crime that's far less severe than most other crimes. If he wanted to change things, he should have tried being an activist first as well as opposing the capitalist economic system which itself is tied to authoritarianism: especially fascism. He should have opposed misogyny, conservatism, and more as well. Many people who commit crimes do it out of desperation. Others are scumbags taught to be scum by the very society they were raised in. Or there's something really wrong with them on the inside like with pedos and zoophiles. People are rarely ever born monsters."

"You're saying society is that corrupt and the economic system is part of why? I find it hard to believe." L speaks up: "Swiftdrawer is not wrong. I've solved many difficult cases that even the police could not solve. I even figured out Light was Kira all along. The reason crimes like sexual assault happen is because societies worldwide do not treat women the same way as they do men nor do they effectively teach about compassion or consent. If it weren't for that, I doubt Light Yagami would have begun calling himself a god. He wouldn't have killed as many criminals." Near nods: "It's also noteworthy to bring up the fact a small minority of people dictate how our entire world operates. The president of the United States like a true coward gave into Kira not long after I first contacted Light. People are complex. That's true but as always, a few greedy people hold most of the power. It may not seem that way but Kira's cult proves my point. They want Light's word to become the law of the entire world. And I can't agree to just having one person dictate what's right and wrong for every single human being in this world. Some of what Light has said to others does make sense and I have to agree on some of his points. But his methods for changing society to becoming less cruel have gone too far." I nod: "It has gone into downright tyranny. Let me share how we do things or more specifically, how I do things. If someone is too dangerous to be kept alive and can't be reformed, I seek to kill them as soon as possible. I try to make it quick and silent. If there is room for an enemy to change or they aren't as dangerous, I send them off to a survival island from which there's virtually no escape. But again, how dangerous they are plays a role. I try to talk enemies out of being cruel sometimes but of course, not all are willing to change. That's the dilemma. Killing someone should only be done if there's really no other choice that will prevent harm. In BRAINS, we aim to only interfere in other universes when necessary."

Near nods: "That's very interesting. But I have to ask: what about the enemies you can change? How do you do that?" "I talk to them. And with the help of others, develop a way for them to get better if I can't do it on my own. In Mii World, we have established communal societies where things like authority are minimal and aren't tied to a state like entity. We now have volunteer based militias tied to the Miitopian People's Liberation Front who help watch over things and handle disputes that can't be resolved peacefully. We encourage non violent ways to resolve such disputes. That includes games that help all involved parties calm down or actually set who wins and who loses the dispute. It's not perfect but it's a lot better than what other places have. Social behavior is complex. I can't even tell you every little detail of how we make all of this work." "It's interesting to have this kind of conversation. I suppose it's a good way to kill time while we wait for the right moment to join the raging battle that's going on. "Yes it is, Near. These kinds of things aren't so simple or black and white. For example, 'my body my choice'. That phrase in its uses highlights the complex issue of bodily autonomy. Pro abortion and anti health precaution individuals are on opposite sides. They both use it in my universe. I'm personally pro abortion. How do I put this? It may seem counterintuitive to mandate masks and yet allow people to choose what to do when it comes to abortions and they're carrying a child or children. But the thing is that both things are in completely different categories."

deep breath* "Choice over abortion on an individual level only directly affects parent and unborn child. Choosing to not wear a mask affects more than just the individual and one or two others. Preventing disease spread is completely different from the issue of abortions. If the anti mask argument for 'my body my choice' were applied all over the place, people would die on moving vehicles a lot more. Bodily autonomy in their eyes should be stuff like deciding to do or not do something that's done for safety reasons. Wearing a mask is like wearing a seatbelt. While choosing to get an abortion is like taking on a long journey of self improvement all alone that is emotionally hard. So that means it's about a person's actual mental health and stuff. Abortions only truly affect parent and unborn child in the end. Masking affects anyone a person comes into contact with and the people they themselves come into contact with. Individual vs more communal. Back to Light, I agree with his desire to stop evil in society but killing every single criminal who is bad enough isn't how you truly stop evil in society. You have to pluck its roots, not just some of the people who immerse themselves in it. That means you have to focus on money, human greed, apathy, and other reasons why people do bad things."

The conversation continues on for some time. But then, it's interrupted. Aiber exclaims: "The battle is coming this way quickly!" L nods: "Very well. Then we must be ready to receive them very soon. But for now, we have to hold our positions until we can't anymore." I speak: "Hold on a second, all of you from Light's world can actually be made a lot more useful with upgrades to your gear. To tackle an opponent who has become stronger, you have to adapt to that in order to be able to still stand a chance against them. I think I should be able to help. I haven't completely used up Artist's Eye for today yet." So with that, I silently begin making enough BRAIN Blasters for L and the others. I hand them out: "These are called BRAIN Blasters. These ones are vastly different from the original prototypes. You can use them like a normal laser blaster. But you can also change modes to have them do other things such as shoot out ice bullets in a shotgun style. The laser blasts can disintegrate any foe who is below a specific power level but you can tone down or turn up the intensity of that and the other attacks it can do at any time." They all end up understanding what I'm saying. Yui then speaks up: "We should also get all of you in body armor strong enough to resist Light's powers." I nod: "Exactly. I assume none of you would be unable to get used to metal knight style armor very quickly. Good thing there's some spare armor we can pick up elsewhere very quickly that's designed to be of a more modern style. Be right back. I'll go with some of us to get some from our space station." A couple minutes later, those of us who went have now come back. We each grabbed a set to make things faster because it took some time to dig around in the armory for them. But now that we're back, we each hand a pair over to L and the others. They put them on.

Matsuda exclaims: "I feel so tough in this! This is awesome!" Aizawa replies: "Don't be reckless or cocky, Matsuda." Mello smirks: "This is going to help a lot." Aiber nods: "I don't enjoy using guns but if I have to, I will." I speak up: "Would a different kind of weapon work better for you?" "What do you have?" "Every kind you can think of." Some time later, Don Thousand falls to the ground and glares at Light: "You! You are ruining everything! HUMAN! If it weren't for you, I would have freed the dream version of myself trapped inside the Dreamverse! I would have used the power I'd have taken from you to force part of the edge of the Dreamverse to open wide for me! Then, we would have merged together. But you continue to stand in the way of everything I do. You have managed to become even stronger during this battle than before. If the Numeron Code were mine, I would have never have come up with this plan to begin with. By taking the Numeron Code to the neutral center of the Nexus and inserting it, I could have gained great power. But now, I need the power of death to combat the power of the Dreamverse to enter it. And the easiest way to get it would have been through using and then killing you." "Hahahaha! You have underestimated Kira! And because you have, you're going to die now!" Suddenly, a familiar face from Goha City appears. Otes. Otes is wearing his mask as usual. But something isn't right. Light grins: "There's no point in killing him, Don Thousand. He's already about to die! With the expanded powers of the Death Note further enhanced by my merging with it, I was able to make more abstract ways of dying possible with it!" Otes gives Light a card before allowing himself to be caught in between Don Thousand and Frieza's Death Beam. He is obliterated.

Kira laughs again: "Now, it's time! I activate Fusion to fuse myself with every single one of my subordinates!" Eggman, Misa, Goku Black, Frieza, Cooler, Baby, Takada, and the others all get merged together with Light. In moments, we feel the presence of a divinity laced with death. Light has completely lost it. He could have just enlisted the help of BRAINS but instead, he chose to support and then betray our current number one enemy and wipe out most of us before that even happened. The fusion is literally just Light but with a vastly different body and outfit. He laughs: "I have done it! I have become a god and none of them opposed it! I even managed to get Ryuk to let me take him in too for the fusion! Now Don Thousand, prepare to die! Oh, BRAINS Collective! Why don't you go ahead and help me destroy him? I'll let you live longer if you do unless you want to submit to me too!" I reply: "We won't bow to the likes of you! *fixes armor with Repair* We're just going to watch you two try to destroy each other and fight whoever survives." "Be my guest but you'll regret it!" Don Thousand stares at Light again: "Human, you are still too weak to destroy me. I will put an end to you here. Prepare to be removed from the picture permanently. I rescued you from the void. I can also return you there." I pull out my shield: "The coming shockwaves might destroy this entire planet in the blink of an eye. But if not, be prepared to hold your ground. This is going to be intense and we can't move from here very fast without teleportation. I just tried my Quantum Leap band quietly but nothing happened. I don't think any of us can teleport by any means right now. Instant Transmission didn't work either." Aeos tries teleporting to no avail. Hearts frowns and puts up a barrier around all of us. Tsunade summons Katsuya just as those Orochimaru managed to revive after her finally wake up and our reinforcements arrive though many are still not here yet after that.

Mello smirks again: "We're as good to go as we can be. I say we just attack now." Near shakes his head: "Patience, Mello. We have to see how this turns out. If we're lucky, they will destroy each other or at least completely drain each other." "Fine.." Light laughs: "Bring it on, Don Thousand! You are the ultimate evil and because of that, I must eliminate you! And then, I'll eliminate more evil by getting rid of BRAINS!" The two begin clashing at equal strength. Their attacks shake the ground below us. Hearts' barrier is holding but it won't last for much longer. As things continue to get more intense, the planet is quickly put on the brink of complete destruction. "I will kill you, Don Thousand! Your name is already in my new Ultimate Death Note! I'm just a few minutes, you will die because of it! Or if that isn't good enough, I will still find a way to kill you!" "Human, that will not work on me. You are nothing more than an ant. I now find use for you again. When I kill you, I will return you as a minor insect from Barian World. It will be easier to control the power of the Death Note inside of you that way now that I evaluate my plans further." "Me, an insect?! What kind of nonsense is that?!" They really begin throwing anything they can at each other. Meanwhile, we continue to watch in anticipation while slowly building up our strength quietly in the meanwhile. They just keep exchanging moves and words, the planet below us breaks apart but not before a revived Nagato uses his Rinnegan to create a smaller body of rock for us to stand on which gets enhanced by various means. "Hahaha! Look at me! You can't beat me, Don Thousand! You're just as weak as Ryuzaki!" "Insolent human. I will show you true power." And that just keeps going on until Don Thousand suddenly smirks as shadows begin to form around all of us as well as he and Light Yagami.

Light is confused: "What is this?! What's happening?!" "Human, this is a Yami No Game. The rules are simple. Whoever manages to bring the other to exhaustion will win. The loser forfeits everything to the winner. We can begin." "What?! Yami No Game?! I've never heard of this before! What are you doing?! What are you doing?!" The fight now continues in a Yami No Game. None of us know where Don Thousand gained the ability to initiate them but here we are. For another hour, the fight continues. Just when the winner is about to be decided, something changes everything. A dimensional leak of various universes seeps into the Yami No Game. We later learned it happened because of a lot of the dimensional problems we've previously resolved in the past. Because of the leaks, the shadows of the Shadow Realm begin stirring. They start acting ravenously and go after both Light and Don Thousand who are forced to team up to fight them while we stand in preparation to join in the fight whenever one of them loses for real. But when those two send out full powered attacks at the shadows, something happens in conjunction with the dimensional leaks. Whis reveals as that begins: "This universe was already unstable and set to be destroyed in the future. Now, that has been accelerated. Even I don't know what's going to happen next because it was never supposed to be accelerated to this degree." And that was the last thing I heard before the darkness consumed us or so I thought. I found myself standing around in Tokyo with Kira posters plastered everywhere. "I've been sent through dimensions. What the hell is going on now?"

L taps me on the shoulder: "I'm here too. This is a very interesting situation. It seems Light has really taken over our world, hasn't he? That's quite concerning." Then, a radio message or something gets televised all around us: "People of the world, this is Kira. I have now taken over, my word is law. Any enemy of Kira shall be destroyed. If you are an enemy of Kira, I suggest you give up now before I find and eliminate you. That is all for now." I sigh: "What did all of that we just see cause? I can't sense anything but the power of the Death Note. Why can't I sense anyone's Ki? This is strange. *tries contacting any member of BRAINS* Damn it, communications aren't working." "This is a predicament. What's the game here and how do we win?" "We cannot afford to split up right now. Let's investigate together." "I agree. But first, let's go over the facts of our situation. *we do so* And most importantly, Kira now controls the entire world. He has eyes and ears everywhere. It's not safe to be out here in such a public location. We need to move somewhere discreet." A mob surrounds us chanting: "Death to those who defy Kira!" I sigh: "Too late for that. Damn it. This is a huge problem. I have no interest in hurting these people. I could knock them out with injuring them but I need to get out something inflatable or something to pull that off." "Alright then. Do that. Doesn't matter how long it takes. I will be fine." "If you say so.. It would really help if we could find the others." And then, all the signs and ads and stuff around us change to the same message: "L, can you catch me? Find me if you dare." "I got the inflatable nearly in my grasp. Kira is trying to lure us into a trap. He thinks this whole thing really is just a giant sized game. Clearly, he and Don Thousand aren't fighting anymore." What makes avoiding harming the mob hard is my strength as well as actually using an inflatable as a weapon. I'm so strong that an inflatable is all I need to knock a normal person out. No, actually it's too much for a normal person.

"Damn it. Just realized I can't even use an inflatable. I'll have to use something even softer to knock 'em out without hurting them." The mob begins wildly attacking both of us. Because of my armor, I attract the most attention from them and therefore, most of them try to hurt me instead of L who is probably known by now as Kira's ultimate nemesis. I end up pulling out one of the soft cloths I sometimes use to apply the special oil I mentioned some time ago as being incredibly good to my sword. "This will do nicely." And with it, I quickly knock out person after person. I would use the flat end of my sword to knock them out but that could go wrong in this situation. Once they're all knocked out, we retreat into the sewers underneath Tokyo. "It smells horrible down here. I'm going to need a visit to one of the decontamination chambers once this is over." L replies: "I suppose I will need to go there myself. I heard about such a thing earlier. In case you're wondering why we're down here, there's a 15% chance there's not a single building in Tokyo that's safe anymore due to Kira's influence." "Hmm, is it really a chance worth avoiding though? Now that I think about it, it is a good idea to avoid the risk. That way, we can be more free to think clear thoughts about this mess and find a way to bring down Kira. I can block out distractions but not 100% of the time." "You caught on quickly. Luckily for us, the underground levels of the building I purchased to continue the Kira Investigation in were sealed off and haven't been discovered by any of Kira's followers. Light still knows about the building but it seems he has chosen not to use it in any capacity or even unseal the underground floors to look in them. How do I know this? Call it intuition."

"I see. So that's where we're headed." "Yes. I'm under the impression the entire building has been stripped of the equipment that was used there before Light killed me." "Do you even know which way it is?" "Yes I do. I spent many hours studying the sewers of Tokyo some time ago. I figured that since Tokyo is the most populated city in the world that I might as well study all of its locations in case I ever needed to come to Tokyo for an investigation. My preparations paid off." "Why don't I just carry you to where the building is?" "What?" "I can move much faster than this and can easily carry you." "Very well. As long as it won't attract any unwanted attention." "You don't have to worry about unwanted attention. I know how to move much faster without being very loud." "I see." It doesn't take long for L to direct me to our destination. I carve a door for us using my sword. That's how we enter the building through one of the underground floors. Due to being unused for years, the building's security systems don't go off. L speaks: "Very good. This will do. We should be able to attempt to establish communications with anyone else who has also been sent to Tokyo from this location." "But what about there being no more equipment from back then?" "It appears I was wrong about that. Look around us." "I see. It looks like this is a room of spare equipment." "That's correct. In case the building was ever blown up, I wanted to be certain we still had the equipment we needed for the investigation." And so, we work together to set things up with some of the spare equipment. I even connect my Quantum Leap band to a large monitor. "There. Using the systems of BRAINS, no one will be able to trace us and we will be able to easily access all of Tokyo's systems." L nods: "That's very helpful. Let's begin, shall we?" "I'm glad that my stuff works as long as it's connected up with devices from this world. Wish they would work alone without needing that but oh well. We have to take what we get."

After some time, we manage to establish contact with everyone. We're scattered throughout the entire city. It seems trying to contact all of them was enough for their own electronics to start working again. I sigh: "Okay, Light has the whole world. What does he want now? Well, no more evil, the elimination of us and anyone else who still dares to stand against him, and a peaceful society." "Correct. He is most likely having the police search for all of us as we speak. But he must realize how pointless that is when you and your comrades have highly advanced gear. And we in the task force were given some gear by you as well that's far better than anything the Tokyo Police have. He could also kill me at any time with the power of the Death Note. What is he planning?" "So many theories. We shouldn't have to worry about Don Thousand at least. When something wild enough happens to him, he tends to back off for a while and let his subordinates handle things as his puppets. Or he just goes in even harder to crush whoever is currently actively standing in his way. He's probably seeking revenge on Light for all that he's done so far." "You're right. It's hard to figure out what Light is up to with the information we currently have." "I wish we could figure out if he's lost any of his power since the incident that somehow sent us here." "Yes but right now, we can't do that. Once the others arrive here, we can begin figuring out what's going on. Even just one piece of information will be enough for me to read what Light is doing and plans to do."

We talk for a while, just trying to figure out stuff about what's going on on our own with information that's no longer up to date. It's really tough to deal with a situation like this but we have no other choice at this time. When the others arrive, I breathe a sigh of relief: "Okay, everyone's here. That's good. We can now focus on exchanging intel and figuring out what's up with Light now." And so, the puzzle pieces begin to fit together through the exchange of information. Light does like to play games but if he's confident he can win against a specific opponent, he gets bolder. He isn't afraid of being exposed as Kira when all of his enemies know. If he were to reveal he's Kira and prove it in public, his followers would be over the moon about it. Now that he controls the world, he doesn't have to fear any authority either. We figured out from the fact that mobs of his followers and police are hunting down literally anyone even suspected as opposing Kira, that means he isn't confident he can get us yet or he's waiting for us to make a move he can counter. The second option is more likely. Mello complains: "Come on! This is boring! I want to face Kira myself! Let's just go out there and fight him already!" L replies: "Wait, Mello. Light and his subordinates all have Shinigami eyes. If we are to avoid the risk of being identified, we need to wear disguises that block our faces. They all need a face to kill. With those eyes, they can identify anyone whose face they can see. It's quite troublesome. Most of us here can't be hurt by the Death Note but for the rest of us, we need to be more careful and conceal our faces." Near speaks up: "Obviously, we can't just rush out there. That would not help us in the slightest. If we are to gather more information, we have to do so much more secretly. That wouldn't be a problem. Also, there's something else. It clear he's playing the waiting game."

Matsuda asks: "What are you saying?" Aizawa stares at him. Near continues: "As we have discussed, he won't come after us directly unless he thinks he can win. We need to find a way to draw him out in the open in order to overwhelm and defeat him. By doing so, we'll be able to capture him and go from there if he isn't killed in the fight." I nod: "The problem is we don't know if he's still fused with the others. He might also be well aware about how each and every one of us fights. He is as detailed and meticulous as both you and L are. So we'll have to not just surprise attack him with all we got. We'll have to prepare and anticipate whatever he tries throwing at us." Suddenly, we begin hearing loud angry chants: "Kill Kira's enemies! Kill Kira's enemies." I sigh: "That is the same energy insurrections had on January 6th, 2021 in my universe as well as the energy found in the rhetoric of the Republican Party now. Not to mention apartheid Israel." Some of us get tense. Hearts smirks: "How sad. Does Light really think an angry mob will be enough to bring us down?" Marceline shakes her head: "I don't think so. I've hung around with Finn and Jake long enough to figure that that's just a distraction." Barla who was among those revived before Orochimaru nearly ran out of chakra nods: "It is. When I was a general years ago, I once had that same strategy implemented in a battle. It was one hell of a play. Like hell we'll fall for this!" Fu laughs: "If they try to break in, they will only find tricks and hardships." L nods: "This building is very sturdy. I spared no expense in buying it as well as having it set up to be a base of operations. Now that I have restored power to the entire building, the security system will hold them back for a while. We must not take his bait."

Tsunade speaks up: "With such a distraction, he must be planning to ambush us when we aren't looking and kill anyone he is able to with the power of the Death Note." Aizawa adds: "If he's going to try to trick us, we need to not fall for it and trick him instead. Let's catch Kira." Bray who was also revived is currently resurrecting more comrades while also erecting magical barriers: "We shall not let Light outplay us. Near and Mello alone were enough to beat him. Now, there are many formidable minds in one place. He won't outplay all of us so easily." I add: "Light made a big mistake killing most of our comrades. He has now strayed even further from his original ambitions and path from the day he picked up his first Death Note. Today is my birthday. Just a little side note. More importantly, we will get him. If we beat him, we can free this world. But we may face the likes of Eggman and Goku Black again so we have to be careful." Matsuda suddenly speaks up again: "Hey, why don't we make another fake Kira to draw him out?!" L hums: "He'll expect that. Unless.. It could work but it will be somewhat risky. Some of the strongest fighters in the known multiverse are here. With that in mind, we should be able to invent a convincing fake Kira with an even more powerful Death Note than Light's original Death Note." I reply: "That would require quite a bit of storytelling. I'm a writer so I can help with that. We need to make a convincing fake Kira who emerges as a threat to Kira as if say, the other shinigami really dislike Kira and have thus chosen to hand a Death Note to a highly intelligent human from Tokyo. Only one because they'd be confident that the human alone would be good enough to bring Light down. One completely unafraid of the supernatural and impossible odds. With so many shinigami looking around for the right one, it wouldn't have taken long to track the right person down."

Naruto chuckles: "I love it! So who is this fake Kira going to be exactly anyway?" "A brilliant professor who spent years debating philosophy and other things in a remote location as part of a cultural exchange experience in America. A professor who lost their best friend due to a violent crime. Someone with a lot of reason to use a Death Note and a scary fast writer and researcher. Obviously, to pull this off, we need serious speed and stealth. Individuals who can kill quickly without being seen. We'll also need to make a fake Death Note and pick specific people to eliminate. Particularly those in any remaining criminal undergrounds inaccessible to the public. I'll write their names in the fake Death Note. And then, we could stage an incident where our fake Kira is exposed in public or we could have our fake Kira reach out to Light through a professional collegiate style email." L smirks: "You know what you're talking about." "I've been actually giving it some thought as of late. If we want this to really work, we could set up a meeting at a university or rather, a brand new university that just so happened to open so Light wouldn't have known about it up to now. Someone will dress up as our fake Kira. They'd have a nice conversation until the perfect moment to ambush Light came. Can't forget to bring the fake Death Note." Ignoring the mob outside, we get to work on inventing a new Kira. A 5th Kira if you will. For the fake Death Note, we choose to give it a unique design in order to tell Light that it really is a real Death Note instead of a fake. Unless he has super mind powers now, Light has no clue of what we're planning. He knows we're planning something so we end up deciding as well to sort of play along with his trap in order to avert suspicion. That will require some acting featuring feigned killing intent. Oh and some physical altercations with the mob.

Once the first stage of the plan is set, some of us are dispatched outside with faces fully concealed to get Kira's attention. I watch it play out on the monitor with the others. Our team of actors exit the building and into the angry mob. Every time someone attacks them, they attack right back while saying things like: "Screw off!" "Kira is going to pay for everything he's done!" L takes a sip of a drink: "Things are going well. The mob is getting angrier. Soon enough, Light will order the crowd to reveal their faces before jumping in to kill them. However, that won't happen because our actors will prove to be too fast and slip away in an instant." We keep watching. Everything unfolds as L predicted. Light is seen in the background angrily reacting before walking away: "Those bastards! I'm going to kill them for trying to get in my way! When this is over, all that will be left of my enemies are piles of bodies! They can run as much as they hide but I will kill them!" We manage to even hear that as our actors pretend to be on an assassination/intel mission, trying to find Light's base and kill him there. Now, Light will watch this situation play out while plotting his next move now that his ambush has failed. With his anger ignited, his reasoning has decreased. He hates losing. Meanwhile, Aiber and Wedy, having been previously dead for some time find and infiltrate a criminal underground. It was obvious the criminal underground has long known that they were killed by Kira. We listened in on the action as they lied and said that they had faked their deaths to secretly train amongst other things in order to kill Kira themselves. Add their previous reputations in the mix and the underground bought it. Not even an hour passed when they came back with a list of every single member of the underground. Kira's judgments continue to be done but not a single member of the underground is killed by him though Sakura TV will play it off like Kira is killing those we're killing.

Wedy speaks: "We have our portion of the plan fulfilled. We made an excuse that we needed to cover our tracks for a crime against Kira we committed earlier today." I end up assisting in writing the email to Light. Aeos ends up playing the part of the professor. We also had to have a shinigami.. Death says: "So let me get this straight. You blokes want me to play the part of fake Kira's shinigami? I can do that as long as somebody gives me a way to be invisible temporarily. After all, shinigami can only be seen through the Death Notes they're connected to when someone touches the pages of said notebooks." Almost everything is ready. Light wants to meet our fake Kira in an attempt to sort things out peacefully without any fighting, the "new university" has been created just outside of Tokyo, and Hit, Hearts, Fu, and Sasori are amongst those killing the people I'm "killing" with the fake Death Note. The operation has been very difficult but we needed to go big in order to outplay Light at his own game. All that's left now is to create a fake ambush to throw him off guard. Using clones made through various means and strengthened by different things in order to be more realistic and convincing as real living people, we would make that ambush a reality. All we had to do was pick a location frequented by Light to have it done at. Thankfully, through surveillance footage, we pinpointed a coffee shop Light seems to have started frequenting recently. Our fake ambush worked like a charm. He was utterly convinced it was a real ambush. The clones didn't last long but they did surprise him enough to make him forget to use the Shinigami Eyes to try to identify them. We learned right then and there that the fusion he had undergone earlier has been undone. We have been looking for the other villains as well but so far, not a single one has been spotted.

We hear Kira get angry again: "Why is everything so annoying?! That mob still hasn't broken through into THAT building! L, I know you're in there! Damn it! They won't try anything again today after having that ambush of theirs fail. But where the hell did those damn masked agents of L's go?! RYUZAKI!" His mind is clearly not thinking of there being anymore surprises for the rest of the day now. He calms down: "Oh yeah, the other Kira. I'll see her soon at that new university as planned. I'm going to make her mine or kill her and take her Death Note! Hahahahaha!" I stop writing down names in the fake Death Note and hand it to Aeos: "The meeting will start in 2 minutes. As you can see, Kira is almost there already thanks to the enhanced powers of the Death Note. We determined that ability of his while watching him earlier. You better get there ASAP. Can't leave him waiting on you. That would look suspicious. I wrote down a few names in this thing of people who haven't been killed yet. That criminal underground sure is a haven for the lowest of scumbags including corrupt politicians and businessmen. Hopefully, if you time it right, you can convince Light you have already written the name of the person you wanted dead the moment you meet up to settle things." She smirks: "Don't worry, I know the plan." And with that, she's off after suppressing her Ki and disguising her appearance to be similar to Wedy's. Finally, the meeting begins and all of us get in position throughout the fake university. Once we're all clear, we'll attack Kira at once. I'm used to this kind of thing at this point. I wear my Akatsuki cloak and Swiftdrawer mask over my armor and wait patiently. Light glares at Aeos: "So you're the new Kira, correct?" "Yes. It's a pleasure, Light Yagami. Or that's what I'd say if it weren't for the fact you have taken your use of the Death Note too far!"

"Hahahaha! Enlighten me! Just how have I done that?! And here I thought we could settle things peacefully!" "Sit back down and let's talk. Sorry for being so blunt. I had to make sure I really was talking to you, the original Kira. If you still doubt my power, touch this Death Note and look inside of it." He does so. Death is released from the invisibility. Kira is shocked: "So it's true!" "Hello there chap. My name is Death. It's nice to meet you." "A pleasure. Now then, do you really kill with your Death Note?" "Yes, I do! Just look inside!" "*does so* I've never heard of these people. Some of them haven't ever been arrested for being criminals." "You're right but I have reliable sources of information. There's a secret criminal underground opposed to you. I have taken the liberty of identifying and kill each and every single one of their members. And you're next depending on how this goes. Do you want more proof? There's a TV over there. Let's turn on the news." Huh, I guess being around humans so much has made Aeos a great actor. (Side note: I see no point in distinguishing stuff in a way so that there's actor and actress instead of just actor. But that's just me.) She turns on the TV and flips through the channels until she reaches Sakura TV. On there, Kiyoma Takada is reporting: "And in the latest case of Kira's justice, this grocery store owner was discovered to have been part of a criminal underground who oppose Kira and must be completely destroyed. He is now dead." Light smiles: "You're legit. But now, why don't we play a game? Win and you kill me. Lose and I kill you. Deal?" "Very well." Aeos loses on purpose. When she does, Light smirks: "Now, you will die! Thanks for playing! Better luck next life!" Aeos pretends to be frightened and unwilling to be killed. That's when we all attack at once. "Continuous Great Infernal Tornado Slash: 50!" "Rasenshuriken!" "Striking Shadow Snake!" "Ultimate Tower Of Flame!"

"Arr! Octuple Pirate's Plunder! That's right! I'm back!" "Hell yeah! Let's do this! No holding back! Taste my guns and my explosives, Kira!" "Almighty Push!" "CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Light is unable to even react as our attacks all come at him quickly after Aeos briefly stops time with ease in order to attack herself. In the aftermath of the attack, the area is destroyed but Light is severely injured. He screams: "WHHHHYYYYYY?!" Aeos reveals her true form as the rest of us emerge as well. Death laughs: "Well, that sure was amusing. But now, I'm afraid I'm going to have to take your soul, Light Yagami." Ryuk laughs: "Not interfering in all of this was the best decision I've made in a long time. This has been so interesting. I have to admit, I wasn't expecting for you to completely outdo Light in such a way!" Light screams: "TAKADA! MISA! MIKAMI! HELP ME! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" He goes bananas and just starts attacking recklessly while also struggling to move thanks to all of his injuries. If he hadn't been ambushed but still hit us with all of that, he would have easily avoided the damage. Ryuk laughs again: "This must be what you mortals call karma. I think I like it." "DAMN YOU, RYUK! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" "Hahahahaha! You know well by now that I'll only help you if it's in my own self interest! It's why I offered to make the eye deal with you again. I'm only here to watch the show. It is really quite something else right now. "TRAITOR!" "You're the one who worked with a god of chaos only to kill him off later, remember? And not just once mind you but possibly another time too. I haven't seen Don Thousand since we were suddenly sent back here out of nowhere."

"SHUT UP, RYUK!" "You can be no fun sometimes." "AAAAAAA! I'LL KILL YOU ALL!" Several of us say: "We figured you'd try to kill us all at this point." "What?!" Several newly revived scientists from BRAINS unveil a new device. Dominic explains while yawning as usual: "This here device is based on the energy accumulators. It basically just drains someone of any physical or magical power, thus rendering them without it for the time being. It's already draining you of your powers, Light Yagami. Soon enough, you will be left unable to fight back at all. You may have the Ultimate Death Note but even its powers are being drained too because it is on your person and it's too late for the draining process to be stopped." We watch as Light wallows in despair while the rest of his powers are drained right out of him. He slumps to the ground, too hurt and defeated to stay upright any longer. L speaks: "It's over, Light." Near adds: "This is where Kira ends, Light Yagami. Cooperate and we will let you live." And just like that, we capture Light and quickly go back to base with him. He screams: "NOOOO! Let me go! Let me go!" I walk to him calmly. He's bound in place by a magical barrier. I speak as my armor very softly clinks: "Light, I respect you for your goals. But at the same time, I loathe you for your methods and the harm you've done by hurting so many good people. You killed nearly all of my friends. You had to be stopped. Do you understand what you did wrong?" "Wrong? I didn't do anything wrong!" Abstractoa speaks: "Light's mental health has reached critically unstable points. This is what happens when a mortal is given too much power, abuses it, tries to hide it, and becomes isolated because of it. What you have done is grave, Light. You have even gone as far as to destroy Guardians sent to trap you within the Citadel for committing a cosmic crime."

"DON'T YOU LECTURE ME!" Light's father speaks: "Light, it's okay. You're not going to be hurt any further. You are even being healed at the moment. Lease just listen to us and try to do better." "Dad! I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY! THE POLICE ARE USELESS IN CHANGING THINGS!" "You know, he has a pretty valid point. I understand this is a father and son moment but more importantly, things do need to change in this world without anymore needless bloodshed if at all possible." Before anyone could say anything, we hear an explosion. Watari speaks: "Someone has evaded security and blown their way into somewhere in this building." Eggman appears above us: "Hehehehe! Hello enemies! It's so nice to see you all before my robots kill all of you in a senseless massacre!" A swarm of robots appear behind the mad scientist. They start attacking everyone and everything while focusing on Light as a target specifically. Before we could do anything, Light was killed off. Just like that. Eggman laughs: "I've been looking forward to getting rid of that pest ever since he beat me and the others somehow! But now, I'm truly free to do what I want! No more threat of having my name written in a Death Note! That's right! I win and you lose, Light Yagami! I got you! I killed you! No more Kira! As for the rest of you.. My robots will be able to grind you all up without my help. Go, my robots! Kill and disassemble each and every one of them until there's no one left to fight!" I speak: "Hit, Hearts, Fu, and the others who are amongst the strongest should focus on Eggman. I have a feeling his body is far more powerful than it's ever been. I'll focus on helping destroy all of the robots for now." They just keep getting in and even sometimes replacing any robots who end up destroyed. "Ha! Ha! Damn it! I can't fight at my fullest in this tower! Not unless we decide this tower should now be a tumble tower." I destroy robot after robot but more just keep coming. Meanwhile, Eggman laughs as no one is able to land a hit on him.

L sighs: "I knew something like this may happen someday. Computer, activate true defense mode." With that said, the defense system seriously amps up and starts destroying some robots. A new layer of walls come in just like that. Eggman is having a field day watching all of us try to handle him or the robots. There must be thousands if not millions of Eggman robots in this area, the more we destroy, the more robots come to replace the fallen. Meanwhile, Eggman proves to be even tougher than I feared. "Damn it! This isn't going anywhere! We might have to make a tactical retreat to get more allies as well as plan what to do next in this war." Our foe just continues to laugh more and more until myself and others start getting more serious. Just like that, all of the robots start getting destroyed at a rate faster than other robots could even replace them. Boom. Boom. Robot after robot is destroyed. Due to this, not much time passes when we have finally eliminated all but a few of the robots. The last few go down after a couple minutes though they were incredibly tough to beat in the end. With that done, Eggman stops fighting those of us fighting him to react to what just happened to his robots: "NOOOO! MY ROBOTS! They've all been destroyed! I'll make all of you pay for this right now. Prepare to be destroyed by my full power!" Each and every one of us at that moment attacks him with something. Not seeing this in time, he's knocked to the ground and paralyzed temporarily. Eggman cries: "NOOOOO! What are you going to do with me now?" Near replies: "You have 2 options. Join with us and try to change. Or die because we can't allow you to live any longer the way you are." "I'LL NEVER JOIN THE LIKES OF YOU! *laughs* Hehe, I may have failed but my attack was only just a part of a diversion to distract all of you from the real plan! We have been trying to eliminate Light this entire time. And knowing that you've helped with accomplishing that makes this even better! I can see how weary all of you really are! Surprise! Now it's time for our real plan to crush Kira and become more loyal to Don Thousand too to really begin!"

Bray revives Light: "Light, we shall need you on our side for the time being. *quickly explains* That's what has happened. You can change to become better. This shall be your chance to begin undergoing that path." "I don't need to become better! I'm Kira!" I point out: "You literally just died." Eggman laughs again: "They're coming, coming to kill all of you! Say hello to my friends and their weapons! You won't stand a chance." Something causes the whole majority of the building above us to mysteriously vanish forever. This reveals something bad. "Damn it. It's a whole menagerie of bad!" Goku Black smirks: "None of us are finished just yet. Eggman, you have served your purpose. Begone, foolish mortal." With a single attack, Eggman is killed. Light reluctantly reveals after seeing that: "I destroyed that doctor's laboratory. I never fully trusted his supposed loyalty to me." And after that, he fell silent. It's clear all of this is a lot for him to take in. Frieza grins: "I just can't wait to kill all of these individuals here! As soon as our leader gives the order! Oh, forget that! I AM LORD FRIEZA! I DO WHAT I WANT!" Pandor speaks: "Considering all factors. Calculating. Adjusting for unlikely consequences. I see. There is no way we can win at the moment. Circumstances must be changed to make this much more fair. Tactical retreat is suggested." Orochimaru speaks: "Or we can still just fight as long as we can until Bray can no longer bring anyone back." Mello looks shocked: "Even I know that's a bad idea! Come on, think of something better." I speak up: "Twisted Land. We're going there to-" That's when we see the portals open. Duel monsters, spirits of Twisted Land's history and future events/attractions, and some more all appear at once. Dark Magician speaks: "We apologize for being so late." Light exclaims: "What's happening?! Nooo! I must be seeing things!"

His dad hugs him: "It will be okay, Light." "STOP THAT!" "No, I will not. You're my son and I love you very much." Frieza laughs: "You foolish weaklings! You think you stand a chance against us now? Think again! Hahahaha! With Barian power and Dark Factor coursing through our veins, you won't be able to defeat any of us! Eggman has served his purposes for OSW. His research is all ours now. So now that he's dead, you're all next! Starting with you, Light Yagami! Did you really think we were actually loyal to you after you beat us? Think again! Honestly, humans like you are amongst the weakest and least intelligent life forms I have ever faced. I agreed to join OSW of my own free will. I'm only interested in helping Don Thousand so long as I'm able to get my revenge against Goku and the others as well as rule over Universe 7 after it is absorbed into our domain! I only agreed to work with you because you killed Don Thousand and beat us and so I could end up betraying you anyway! Hahahahaha!" Light glares at the tyrant: "Why you?! FREIZA!" "Oh, did I hurt your feelings, little human? Sorry but I'm not sorry!" The 3 knights of Atlantis step up in front of the rest of us in the face of our foes. Timaeus speaks: "You shall not have your way, villains. We will bring you down with the true power of justice." Goku Black mocks him: "So says a knight who was trapped for thousands of years as a dragon!" Timaeus isn't fazed.

Baby laughs: "This entire situation is very amusing to me. I feel so confident that I'm not even going to try to turn anyone into a Tuffle! So this is what war is like? Complex emotions, complicated plans, destruction, anger, loss, and more! All in one large neat package!" I end up replying before anyone else could: "You're right. This is war. War, a conflict of conflicting interests that results in 2 or more groups committing violence against each other in order to win. War is a destructive and evil thing caused by the greed of many who hold power in the multiverse. Sometimes, war has one side actually fighting for what's right against the other side who seeks to continue committing evil. Other times, wars are fought by groups who are all horrible and innocent people get caught up in their struggle for power. No matter how it plays out, war is cruel. In my world in Gaza, the war isn't just a war. It's a genocide. By claiming all the people of Gaza are terrorists, the IDF is getting away with killing thousands of innocent people who were just trying to survive and be happy. In war, innocent people and kind hearted soldiers suffer the most. They didn't ask for war. The war came on their doorstep and now, they pay the price their leaders should instead be paying. But like cowards, those in power tend to use innocent people as their pawns who fight for them, suffer, and get killed while they just sit around, away from most if not all danger." All For One replies: "Yes, war takes away much from the innocent. But that's a price I'm willing to pay to get what I want. I don't care how many fall in order for me to achieve my goals. All sacrifices are a part of my plan and I am not saddened over losing anyone."

Shigaraki indicates an emotion he's feeling but doesn't say anything. Chrysalis laughs: "While these talks are amusing, why don't we get down to the real fun? I'll drain the love from as many of you as possible and leave you wallowing in your own despair! When this is over, Equestria will be mine!" Before anyone could launch an attack, Don Thousand suddenly appears in the sky. He speaks: "My subordinates, you are doing everything according to plan. Light Yagami was only a disposable pawn in the end. I will grant you the whims you have long desired when this is over but I will still take control of Light Yagami for myself. I will observe this battle and only join it if it proves necessary for me to do so." It doesn't take long for Frieza to unleash the first attack. It's easily blocked but then, Shigaraki starts disintegrating everything, forcing those of us who aren't spirits or already in the air to move. Goku Black comes after us: "Mortals and foolish gods, where do you think you're going?" The other villains quickly come after us too. I draw my sword: "Damn it! This is going to be really tough! Haaaaaaaaa!" I also draw my BRAIN Blaster to blast at our foes from a distance as they close in on us and buildings, roads, and more turn to dust. Tirek starts draining away a lot of magic and grows in size. At this point, he's getting close to the same size as Godzilla. I shout: "Bray! Can you revive anyone else?" "No, I had to stop a few minutes ago. I must preserve the rest of what I have in order to fight. I was able to revive 39 of our comrades. Orochimaru revived 32 himself." "We still don't have nearly the amount of available comrades we did before Light killed off most of us."

Light hears this. I see him look lost and unsure of what to think anymore. "Light must be regretting a lot of things. I hope he's willing to try to redeem himself. This world has now been through so much chaos that its future has been altered. We'll have to play a role in helping guide it along." Now, I keep blasting away while waiting for our foes to come closer to the large building myself and some of the others are on the roof of. This battle will require a lot of building jumping and running. At any rate, we're in for a serious challenge now. I'm unsure of how we'll get out of this one but there has to be a way to win and force our foes to retreat for now. To be continued..

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