DERPY KIND! Gravity falls (re...

By DeadGhosy

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A derpy and nonchalant 12 year old goes on the adventures of this wacky town with the pine twins. Not knowing... More

Tourist trap
The Legend of the Gobblewonker
The Hand That Rocks the Mabel and Y/N
The Inconveniencing
Dipper vs. Manliness
Double Dipper
Irrational Treasure
The Time Traveler's Pig
Fight Fighters
Little Dipper
Boss Mabel
Bottomless Pit!
The Deep End
Carpet Diem
Boyz Crazy
Land Before Swine
Gideon Rises
Into the Bunker
The Golf War
Sock Opera
Soos and the Real Girl
Little Gift Shop of Horrors
Society of the Blind Eye
Blendin's Game
The Love God
Northwest Mansion Mystery
Not What He Seems
A Tale of Two Stans
Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
The Stanchurian Candidate
The Last Mabelcorn
Roadside Attraction
Dipper, Y/N, and Mabel vs. the Future
Weirdmageddon 1: Xpcveaoqfoxso
Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From Reality
Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls (Part 1)

Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls (Part 2)

194 8 1
By DeadGhosy


Bill: Ha ha ha ho! This is just too perfect! Didn't you brainiacs know the zodiac doesn't work if you don't all hold hands? And what's better, you've brought every threat to my power together in one easy-to-destroy CIRCLE! (Burns the circle)

Dipper: Oh no!
You: OMG!

Pacifica: (Notices that her hair is on fire and pats it) Ah! My hair!

Robbie: (Notices that his hair is on fire and pats it) Ah! My hair also!

Bill: (Grabs Stan and Ford) You guys wanna see what happens to your friends when you can't get along?

McGucket: Hey! You give them back!
Gideon: You've gone too far, Cipher!
Wendy: Yeah! We're not scared of you! (Grabs her ax)

You also nodded pulling out your axe that had a blue flame to it because of your touch.

McGucket: (Grabs his banjo)
Bill: Oh, but you should be.

Bill snaps his finger  and everyone except Dipper, you, Mabel, Ford, and Stan floats up beside him

Mabel: Ah!
Dipper: Oh no!
You: Hey!

Bill: You know, this castle could really use some decorATIONS!

The people who he was holding up are replaced by tapestries with pictures of them screaming in front of their symbols

Bill: Looks like it's too late for your friends, Stanford.

Dipper and Mabel scream as a cage encases them and you as you try to punch the cage open.

Stan: Ah! Kids!

Bill: But you can still save your family. Last chance: tell me how to take Weirdmageddon global and I'll spare the kids!

Dipper: No! Don't do it!
Mabel: Yeah! Bill makes bad deals!
You: (nods) You're better than this!

Bill: Don't you toy with me, Shooting Star and Brat. I see EVERYTHI--! (Eye shows a picture of a galaxy; as Mabel sprays paint in his eye) Ow! Not again! Why?! Every time!

Stan: Nice shot, pumpkin.
Ford and Stan are released from Bill's arms and fall to the ground.

Bill: I just regenerated that eye!

Mabel: I know that hurts because I've accidentally done it to myself! Multiple times!

You chuckle facepalming as you float.

Dipper pulls out the height-altering crystal flashlight and enlarges their cage. Dipper and Mabel jump out while you float through  as Bill continues to scream in pain.

Dipper: Save yourselves. Run! We'll take care of Bill!

Ford: What? That's a suicide mission!
Dipper: Trust us. We've beat him before...

Mabel and you: ...and we'll beat him again! (Fist bumps Dipper and you) Hey! Bill! Come and get us, you pointy jerk!

You: I would never call you my father even if I had to DIEEE!

Bill growls. Dipper and Mabel run off with you into the Fearamid. Before leaving, Mabel stretches her lips to blow a raspberry.

Ford: What? No! It's too dangerous!

Ford and Stan start to run after you, Dipper and Mabel, but Bill puts them in a cage.

Bill: (Opens eye) Not so fast. You two wait here! (Turns red and grows six arms) I've got some children I need to make into corpses. (Deep voice:) Seeya real soon. (Runs off)

Stan: No! Wait! No! No! Oh, what do we do? What do we do?!

Ford: (Bangs on bars) Kids!

Dipper and Mabel run through the Fearamid, with Bill chasing them.

You had a blue flame cover you as you transform into bill's form picking up the twins and moving fast.

The twins: (shocked/surprised) WOAHH!

Bill: When I get my hands on you kids, I'm gonna DISSASEMBLE YOUR MOLECULES! You've tricked me for the last time!

Bill tries  to grab you three, but you moved quicker.

‼️Cut to Ford and Stan.‼️

Stan: Oh, I can't believe this. The kids are gonna die and it's all my fault. Because I couldn't shake your stupid hand! Uh, dad was right about me. I am a screw-up.

Ford: Ah, don't blame yourself. I'm the one who made a deal with Bill in the first place. I fell for all his easy flattery. You would have seen him for the scam artist he is.

Stan: How did things get so messed up between us?

Ford: We used to be like Dipper and Mabel. The world's about to end and they still work together. How do they do it?

Stan: Easy. They're kids. They don't know any better. (As Ford stands up) Whoa, where you goin'?

Ford: I'm going to play the only card we have left. Let Bill into my mind. He'll be able to take over the galaxy and maybe even worse, but at least he might let the kids free.

Stan: What?! Are you kiddin' me?! Are you honestly telling me there's nothing else we can do?!

Ford: Bill's only weak in the mind space. If I didn't have this darn plate in my head we could just erase him with the memory gun when he steps inside my mind.

Stan: What if he goes into my mind? My brain isn't good for anything.

Ford: Heheh. There's nothing in your mind he wants. It has to be me. We need to take his deal. It's the only way he'll agree to save you and the kids.

Stan: Do you really think he's gonna make good on that deal?

Ford: What other choice do we have?

⚠️Cut to you running through the Fearamid with Dipper and Mabel in your hands.⚠️

They scream as you reach a dead end.

Dipper: You know, I'm starting to think there's no way out of here.

You transformed into your human form as a blue flame covers your body.

You: there's always a way out.

Mabel: Like Grunkle Stan always says, when one door closes, choose a nearby wall and bash it in with brute force! (Grows her hand with the flashlight and punches through the wall) AHHH! (Shrinks her hand back to normal)

You: awesome Mabel! I could've used my finger gun, but that's better.

Dipper: Ha! Now let's round up the townsfolk and together we can defeat...oh, no! (Sees the rest of the refugees tied on the ground, guarded by the demons)

Grenda: You'll never take us alive, monsters!

Teeth: That's fine with us! (Eats Shmebulock)

You: (eyes widen) No way....
Dipper: Oh, no.

Bill: Peeka-boo! (Catches them in a tractor beam)

Dipper and Mabel: Aaah!
You: AGH!

Bill: (Re-enters the main room with Dipper, you and Mabel in his hand) Alright, Ford. Time's up. I've got the kids. I think I'm gonna kill one of 'em now just for the heck of it! EENIE..MEENIE...MINEE

Eye switches between the pine tree, triangle and shooting star symbol with each word, then ends on the triangle.

Bill: ...YOU!! (He holds up his other hand and prepares to end you by snapping his fingers.)

Dipper and Mabel: NOOOO!

"Ford": Wait! I surrender.

Bill: Good choice. (Drops Dipper, you and Mabel)

The twins immediately hug you as you had a crazed face from the shock.

"Stan":Don't do it, Ford, it'll destroy the universe!!

'Ford': It's the only way.

Bill: HAHAHAHA! Oh, even when you're about to die, you Pines twins just can't get along. (Drops the cage and ties up Ford)

Ford: My only condition is that you let my brother and the kids go!

Bill: Fine.
Dipper: No, Grunkle Ford! Don't trust him!
You: Grandpa Six!

Bill: It's a...DEAL! (Holds Ford's hand, then enters the mental realm, petrifying his physical form) Ahaha! Hahaha!


Bill enters his mind.

Bill: Oh, I'm here. I'm finally here! Look at this place: a perfect, calm, orderly void. Gotta hand it to ya, Ford. You really know how to clear your m-- (Opens the door to see Stan on his chair in the Mystery Shack's living room with a paddleball)

Stan: (Makes a clicking sound and points a finger-gun at Bill)

Bill: WHAT?!

Stan: Heh heh! Do a pretty good impression of my brother, don't I? Switch clothes and no one can tell us apart. Welcome to my mind. Surprised you didn't recognize it.

Outside of Stan's mind, Ford takes off Stan's fez and pulls out the memory erasing gun. He enters "Stanley Pines" and hesitantly aims it at his brother.

⚠️Cut back to Stan's mind.‼️

Bill: WHAT?! The deal's off!! (Turns around but the door shuts) What the...No, no, no, no!

The room starts to burn with blue fire.

Stan: Oh yeah. You're going down, Bill. You're gettin' erased. Memory gun. Pretty clever, huh?

Bill: Y-you idiot! Don't you realize you're destroying your own mind, too?!

Stan: Eh. It's not like I was using this space for much, anyway.

Bill: Let me outta here! Let me OUT! (grunts) Why isn't this working?!

Stan: Hey, look at me. Turn around and look at me, you one-eyed demon! You're a real wise-guy, but you made one fatal mistake: you messed with my family.

Bill: You're making a mistake! I'll give you anything! (Eye shows a picture of a dollar sign, a star, a pot of gold and a galaxy) Money! Fame! Riches! Infinite power! Your own galaxy! Please! (Bends and melts) No! What's happening to me?!

Bill flashes between several distorted forms and starts speaking backwards

Bill: Nruter yam I taht rewop tneicna eht ekovni i! Nrub ot emoc sah emit ym! L-T-O-L-O-X-A! (Speaking normally:) STAAANNLLEEEEY!

Stan punches Bill in the eye and Bill disintegrates with a fading scream. Stan pants, then picks up a picture of him with Dipper, you, Mabel and Waddles.

Stan: Heh. Guess I was good for something after all.

The flames engulf him.

‼️Cut to outside of Stan's mind.‼️

Once Ford finishes erasing Stan's memory he drops the memory erasing gun.

The others from the wheel return to normal and drop to the floor.

Outside of the Fearamid, the rift sucks all of the demons back into the Nightmare Realm through the portal. Teeth spits out Shmebulock as he gets pulled away.

The Horrifying Sweaty One-Armed Monstrosity: Hey! Hey!

The Fearamid is deconstructed and pulled into the rift. Once it is gone, a wave washes over the town, restoring it to its pre-Weirdmageddon state.

The townsfolk look around, and Xyler, Craz and Rumble McSkirmish all fade away. The forest is shown with a bird landing on a statue of Bill, covered in moss and vegetation.

💸Cut to another part of the forest with Stan still collapsed on the ground.💸

He opens his eyes.

Mabel: (Runs up to Stan and puts his fez on him) Oh, my gosh! Grunkle Stan, you did it!

Stan: Oh, uh, hey there...kiddo. What's your name?

Mabel: Eheh. Grunkle Stan?
Stan: Heh. (Looks around) Who you talkin' to?

Mabel: C-cmon. It's me. It's me, Grunkle Stan. (As Dipper and you pull her back) Grunkle Stan, it's me!

You: Mabel...Mabel.. his memories...

Ford: We had to erase his mind to defeat Bill. It's all gone. Stan has no idea, but he did it. He saved the world. He saved me. (Kneels down next to Stan) You're our hero, Stanley. (Hugs him)

Mabel sits down and cries. Dipper puts his hand on her shoulder and cries as well. You sigh hugging the twins and they hug you tightly.

‼️Cut to everyone in front of the Mystery Shack, which is laying in a heap in the woods.‼️

They walk up to the door. Ford and Stan have changed back into their regular outfits. Dipper tackles the door until it comes down. Everyone walks into the living room, Dipper and Mabel holding Stan's hands with you on his back.

Stan: Hey, this is a real nice place you got here.

Dipper: It's your place, Grunkle Stan.
Mabel: Don't you remember? Even a little?
You: y'know, scamming tourists?

Stan: (Sitting down in the recliner) Nope. But this chair hugs my butt like it remembers. Ah. (Looks at everyone else, who are looking at him sadly) Hey, why the long faces? You guys look like it's someone's funeral. (Whispering:) Who's that big guy crying in the corner?

Soos: (Sobs and turns away)

Dipper: We saved the world, but what's the point? Grunkle Stan's not himself anymore.

You looked down sadly

Mabel: There's gotta be something we can do to jog his memory.

Ford: There isn't. I'm sorry. Stan's gone.
You sighed crossing your arms

Mabel: I know my Grunkle is in there somewhere. There's gotta be something around here that can help bring him back. (Grabs her scrapbook, sits next to Stan in the recliner and opens it) This'll work! This has to work! Here's the first day we came to Gravity Falls, Grunkle Stan. And here's a macaroni interpretation of my emotions. (Flips through the pages)

Dipper: That time we went fishing? That Summerween we spent together? Don't you remember anything?

You: Or when waddles got kidnapped by a dinosaur and you punched it?!

Stan: I'm sorry. I don't know what this is or who you are or-

Waddles: (Jumps up on Stan)

Stan: Gah! Quit it, Waddles! I'm trying to remember my life story!

Dipper, you, and Mabel: (Gasp)

Dipper: What did you say?
You: (smiles)
Stan: I said get Waddles off of me.

Ford: (Gasps) It's working. Keep reading.
Soos: Skip to my page! He needs to remember our boss-employee relationship.

Stan: Hey, just cuz I have amnesia, don't go tryin' to give yourself a raise, Soos. (Sits in the chair)

Dipper: It's happening! Keep going!
You: you got this Mabel! (Smiles)

Mabel: Okay. Okay. "Day two. Grunkle Stan smells weird but we're starting to bond. He told us a lot about being a business man in the '80s and seemed happy when we pretended to listen. He also gave me a grappling hook which everyone is impressed by. And in more important news, I met some neighborhood hotties." (Laughs)

Everyone else laughs with her.

⭐️Cut to a woodpecker landing on the Welcome to Gravity Falls sign.⭐️

A gnome pops up and eats the bird.

Shandra: (in background) Good morning, Gravity Falls. It's another beautiful day, but every day is beautiful now that the...unpleasantness is over.

Lazy Susan: (Wipes a drawing of Bill off of her window)

Sprott: (Chasing some Eye Bats out of his barn) Git outta here, you ornery critters!

⭐️Cut to a zombie popping out of the ground. Greg Valentino pushes it back into the ground with his foot.⭐️

Greg: Ah, good as new. (To Janice, who pushes one in the ground with a shovel as another grabs her leg:) Oh! Looks like you've got a friend.

Janice: Robbie, would you be a dear and get us the sawed-off shotgun?

Robbie: Ugh. Fine! Whatever!

Mayor Befufftlefumpter: (Pops out of the ground as a zombie) Brains, and so forth.

Janice: Nope. None of that, thank you. (Pushes him back into the ground and she and Greg laugh)

Cut to Tyler Cutebiker standing on a podium in front of a crowd.

Tyler: None of us really understand what just happened and none of us want to. That's why I'm passing the Never Mind All That Act. If anyone goes asking around about the "events" of the last few days, what do we say?

A banner saying "NEVER MIND ALL THAT" drops

Crowd: Never mind all that!
Sheriff Blubs: And if you break the rules, we're gonna zap you.

Deputy Durland starts waving tasers

"Zap! Zap! We're mad with power!"

Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland: (Drop their tasers and grab each others' faces) And love.

Shandra Jimenez: (in background:) In other news, the Northwest family has gone broke. After pledging his allegiance to Bill and then placing all his savings in weirdness bonds, Preston Northwest had to sell his mansion to preserve his family fortune.

💸Cut to Preston and Priscilla crying as the some workers hand a "FOR SALE" banner on the gate.💸

Priscilla: (To Pacifica) You're only going to have one pony now.

Shot closes in on Pacifica's horrified face accompanied by dramatic music.

Shandra But, fortunes have also turned for local maniac, Fiddleford McGucket, who, after regaining his sanity, has made millions overnight submitting his patents to the US government.

McGucket: I'm gonna buy me a bigger shed! (Pointing to the Northwest Manor) Hey, that one's for sale!

Shandra: In other good news, town hero, Stanley Pines, has fully recovered his memory and will be throwing a party to celebrate his niece and nephew's thirteenth birthday and final day in town. But other than that, I can safely say our beloved Gravity Falls is back to normal. And now, Bodacious T, with sports.

Toby Determined: (Holding a skull and bat) It's called, "death ball."

⭐️Cut to Dipper and Mabel standing in front of a cake with many townsfolk.⭐️

Crowd: (Singing:) you. (Cheers)

Mabel: I can't believe you all got together just to throw a party for us. Especially you Y/N!

You: (puts thumbs up with party shades)

Tyler: After all the Pines family has done for the town, it's the least we could do. You've helped everyone here.

Gideon: Thanks to y'all savin' us, I learned to open my heart to kindness. No more evil-doin'. From now on, I'm gonna try to be Li'l Gideon, regular ol' kid.

Cut to Gideon at a park on a skateboard.

Gideon Wa--oh! Woo! I'm bustin' a move on this skatin' board.

Boy: (Walking past Gideon) More like busting your pants, loser. (Laughs)

Gideon looks over at Ghost-Eyes and Killbone on the teeter-totter. He snaps his fingers and the two go after the boy, they beat him up and the boy screams. Gideon giggles.

⭐️Cut back to the party.⭐️

Soos: Dude! Make a wish, dawg.
You: (chants) Make a wish! Make a wish!

Dipper: You know, on my first day here, if you had asked me what I wanted, I would have said, "adventure, mystery, true friends." But looking here at all of you I realize that every wish came true. (Chuckles) I have everything I wanted. (Grabs your hand)

Mabel: If I had only one wish it would be to shrink all of you with a shrink ray and bring you home with us in my pocket. But since that's impossible... (To Ford:) Is that impossible?

Ford: (Waves his hand up and down and shrugs)

You: (chuckles)

Mabel: Since that's probably impossible, my only wish is for everyone to sign my scrapbook. I'll never forget you guys. Wait. (Sets the memory gun on the floor and smashes it) Now I'll never forget you guys.

She and Dipper blow out the candles

Wendy: (Hugs them) I now officially declare you technically teenagers. Welcome to angst and acne forever.

Wendy, Tambry, Robbie, Lee, Nate and Thompson: One of us! One of us!

You: I'm so glad I have 1 more year left. (Chuckles)

Blubs and Durland: WOOPEE! (Fire a cannon)

Soos: So how do you feel?
Mabel: Same-y, but different-y.

Pacifica: Hey, you two. When are you gonna open your presents already? I broke a nail wrapping them.

Mabel: (She and Dipper laugh) Pacifica.
Dipper and Mabel each grab a present. Stan claps.

Ford: Stanley, I need to talk to you. (Leads him behind the shack) I didn't wanna say anything with everyone listening, but we've got a problem. Weirdmageddon has been contained but I'm detecting some strange new anomalies near the Arctic Ocean.

He shows a holographic map of the world on his watch

Ford: I want to go investigate it but I think I might be too old to go it alone.

Stan: Are you sayin' you need someone to help you sail around the world in the adventure of a lifetime?

Ford: I don't just want someone to come with me Stanley, I want it to be you. (Gives him a photo of them as kids posing on the Stan-o-War) Will you give me a second chance?

Stan: You think we'll find treasure? And babes?

Ford: Heh! I'd say there's a high probability. But, what should we do with the Mystery Shack?

Stan: I think the town's had enough mystery for one lifetime. Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?

Stan and Ford start talking unintelligibly.

Soos walks up behind them, eating cake, and gasps when he overhears their conversation.

⭐️Cut to Stan and Ford on the porch with you, Dipper, and Mabel.⭐️

Stan: (Tapping a Pitt cola bottle) Everyone, I have an announcement to make. Me and my...heh!... nerdy bro over here have some catchin' up to do. We're gonna be away for a while. That's why I'm shutting down the Mystery Shack for good.

Crowd: (Gasp and murmur)

You: WHAT?! Where would I live then!?

Wendy: you can live with m- (Soos interrupts her)

Soos: You shut down your mouth for good! (beat) I'm sorry, Mr. Pineses. It's just that this shack is the most magical place on Earth. Sure, the attractions are all fake, but dreams aren't fake! (Holds up a Fiji mermaid taxidermy) Like, this mermaid. It's not just a dead fish butt sewn to a monkey carcass. It's a marvelous creature that makes us believe that anything is possible. You shut down this shack, and you shut down our dreams! (takes off his hat) At dreams.

Crowd: Aww.

Stan: (Sighs) I'm sorry, Soos, Y/Nx It's just, there's no one around to run it. At least, there wouldn't be if I hadn't just found the perfect replacement. (Puts his fez on Soos) Ladies and gentleman, the Mystery Shack is under new management.

Crowd: (Cheers)
You clap for Soos with a smile.

Soos: mean it, Mr. Mystery?
Stan: You're Mr. Mystery now, Soos. Try not to burn the place down.

Abuelita: (Carrying luggage and assorted items, with a 'Movers' truck in tow) I'll move in immediately.

The partygoers keep cheering. But Dipper looks down in thought and grabs your arm bringing you away from the other.

"Huh?" You said confused as dipper sighs looking at you

"Listen....i want to make a deal with you." Dipper says having a serious face.

"A deal? What like a bill cipher type of deal or just-" you got cut off as dipper puts his hands on your shoulders.

"A bill cipher deal."

Your eyes widen as you were didn't even know if you could make a deal like your creator.

"O-oh....but why?" You asked confused....

"Because, I don't like the fact we will be apart after summer. After all this summer we got close and closer. And we're finally together. I don't want to lose you and you don't want to lose me. So please...." He puts his hand out.

You sigh rubbing your eyes but nod with a glowing blue flame hand

⭐️Cut to the Mystery Shack later that evening.⭐️

The attic is shown to be empty

⭐️Cut to the Pines, you, Soos, Wendy, Candy, Grenda and Waddles at the bus stop.⭐️

Candy: Do you really have to go? There's still so much we haven't done together.

Mabel: Summer's over, Candy. It's time for us to grow up.

Dipper: But not too much.

You nodded chuckling

Grenda: Aaah! I hate my dumb heart for making me feel things. (Punches herself) Cut. It. Out. Heart!

Soos: Hey, can you punch my heart, too?
Candy: No, mine! Punch my feelings away.

Mabel: (Hugs Candy and Grenda) Candy and Grenda, thank you for being my people. You'll always be my best friends. (Hugs you) and you too. Grunkle Stan, thanks for wearing my goodbye sweater.

Stan: Ah, it's cold out. I had to.

Soos: What? But it's like eighty-something degrees out today.

Stan and Ford: Can it, Soos!

Dipper, Mabel, you, Candy and Grenda laugh.

Wendy: (Kneels next to Dipper) Hey, you mean a lot to me, man. And mostly to Y/N. (Snickers)

Dipper: (Fist-bumps Wendy) You, too.

Wendy: (Switches hats with Dipper) Something to remember me by. (Handing Dipper a letter) Oh, and this. Read it the next time you miss Gravity Falls.

A bus pulls up.

Bus Driver: Last bus leaving Gravity Falls. All aboard.

Mabel: Guess we've said goodbye to everyone except...Waddles. I...I don't know how to explain this but... (sighs) Mom and Dad won't let me bring a pig home to California so... you have to stay here!

Waddle: (Pulls Mabel's skirt)

Mabel: (Trying to push Waddles off of her; starts to cry) Come on. Come on. I have to go. I'm...I'm sorry, Waddles.

You almost teared up as you rub your eyes.

Stan: Agh! You know what? Forget it! I lived with this pig all summer, now your parents are gonna have to. (Puts Waddles on the bus) Hey, bus guy! This pig is comin' with the kids.

Bus Driver: Now, hold on a second. Bringing animals aboard a moving vehicle is strictly prohibited by--

Stan pulls out his brass knuckles, you show your triangle form, and Ford shows his gun.

Bus Driver: Wah...w-w-welcome aboard. You can sit in the front row, pig.

Stan: Kids, you knuckleheads were nothin' but a nuisance and I'm glad to be rid of ya.

Mabel: (She and Dipper hug him) We'll miss you too, Grunkle Stan.

The twins hug you as well, but dipper held his hand to you. You grabbed his hand and poofed as dipper closed his eyes and open them.

Ford: (whispering to Stan) I didn't know they could do that...

Dipper: (to Mabel) Ready to head into the unknown?

Mabel: Nope. Let's do it.
They get on the bus and it drives away. Everyone runs after the bus shouting their farewells.

Mabel: Bye! Bye, everybody! We'll miss you.
Dipper: Bye! I'll miss you guys, too!
Ford puts his hand on Stan's shoulder.

Dipper: (Narrating) If you've ever taken a road trip through the Pacific Northwest, you've probably seen a bumper sticker for a place called Gravity Falls.

‼️Cut to McGucket walking into the Northwest Manor. He drops his sack and banjo on the ground.‼️

McGucket: Well, I've moved in.

Dipper: It's not on any maps, and most people have never heard of it. Some people think it's a myth. But if you're curious, don't wait.

At the Mystery Shack, Soos unveils a statue of Stan. The kids run away screaming.

💸Cut to Ford and Stan on a boat.💸

A giant squid attacks them and Stan punches it.

❤️Cut to Dipper and Mabel on the bus and Mabel is asleep.❤️

Dipper: Take a trip. Find it. It's out there somewhere in the woods. Waiting. (His eyes flash a yellow)

Dipper opens the letter, which has signatures from various people and says "See you next summer." Dipper smiles

Dipper (Thoughts): At least I'll always have you by my side...Y/N...


Dipper and Mabel with Waddles sleeping in the bus seat as they reach their hometown of Piedmont, California. A triangle shadow is above dippers head as dipper's eyes open to show a soft yellow glow and smile.


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