Be what they feared the most...

By Radiodemon865

24.4K 574 281

Long ago, in an attempt to dethrone her sister, Nightmare moon or Princess Luna wished to create something th... More

Authors note
Meeting the girls part 1
Meet the girls part 2
A sparkle in his eyes.
Rematch of the Millenia: Y/n vs Luna
Sisters once more
The moon is beautiful tonight (Very short)
Apple farm frenzy
If you catch my griffon
The Great and Powerful Trixie
Please vote and comment
Confrontation (Short)
Into the dragon's den
Authors note
Harem update
The rhyming Zebra
Omakes (13+) Part 1
Omakes part 2 (13+)
I'm sorry....(Really important)

Royal visit

366 15 1
By Radiodemon865

This chapter replaces "Swarm of the century" and "Winter wrap up". 

Authors note: Also I found a solution to my lemon problem. In my search for MLP fanfics and Naruto fanfics, I came upon a book in written by Sweetmiss2121. 

It's called "The Prince of Storms" and it's a really good book. Not the best vocabulary skills but it's still good. Highly recommend reading it.

Anyway, it turns out that Naruto Uzumaki is a native to Equestria and is a pony in human form. To avoid spoilers, Naruto stays a pony and has "intimete scenes" with Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

This isn't the only fanfic I've come across like that there's a fanfic called Equestrian desires.

My questionable taste in fanfics aside, my solution to the lemon is to simply go with the flow. If people are already writing fics like these then I won't stand out. This logic will only be used for the lemons in MLP.

It's been a few days since the Zecora incident as Y/n and the mares were finally having a break.

Y/n especially since he's been taking fights from dragons and has been turned into a mare that was so beautiful, the others started questoning their sexuality 

We open on Twilight and Spike tidying the tree house for the gazillionth time due to Twilight's OCD disorder that made her want every little thing perfect. EVERY. LITTLE. THING. PERFECT!!!!

As they were about ready to finish up, Spike suddenly let out a loud burp as it made the room shake and cause the books to start falling over.

This of course made Twilight incredibly mad.

Twilight: Spike.....

Spike: Please don't kill me. Look I got another letter from Celestia.

The unicorn sighs in annoyance and removed some of the books that were on her head.

Twilight: A letter from Celestia ? She probably wants something to do with me again....

The baby dragon opened the scroll to see what was inside. He read a few lines only to look on in confusion.

Spike: No actually, this isn't for you.

That was enough to make Twilight focus. She jolted to Spike with a bit of panic and curiosity

Twilight: Wait really ? If it's not for you then who ?

Spike: It's addressed for-


Y/n: For me ?!?!

Spike: Yup, Princess Celestia wants to see you in her very own castle.

The Alicorn was too stunned to speak. He has spoken to Celstia in their castle before when talking about the possibility of Nightmare Moon coming after him.

Being Princesses and an adventurer whose specialty is kicking ass, they didn't have enough time to bond with one another.

Rarity: My, my, canterlot..... I envy you Y/n.

Rainbow Dash: Can you bring us some souvenirs ? Huh ? can ya ? CAN YA ?! 


Applejack: Can it, Rainbow Dash. Y/n's top priority is the meetin' with the princess. He don't have time buying dang knick-knacks for ya.

Twilight: When do you think, you'll be back ?

Y/n: 2 days at max. I just hope whatever they want isn't dangerous and instead just want to hang out.

As he finished talking, he felt Pinkie Pie start crying large waterfalls of tears onto Y/n's head.

Rarity: Pinkie, darling, Y/n said he'll be back in a few days. It's not like he's leaving ponyville forever.

Pinkie: But that's just it. It's a few days without Y/n, it's not gonna be as fun as the few days with Y/n.

She rushes over to Y/n and started sobbing into his chest comedically as the others tried to pull her off much to little avail.

Applejack: How are you this strong ?

They finally got her off as she continued to cry like the toon she was.

As he was removing the tears from his mane, Rarity gave him a beautifully made scarf on his neck.

Rarity: I hear it can get quite chilly up in Canterlot, so I made you this scarf.

Y/n: It's quite beautiful. Thank you.

The British (sort of) unicorn blushed from the compliment of her work and percived it as if she was complimenting her own beauty.

Train conductor: All aboard, last call for Canterlot. Leaves in one minute.

Y/n: That's me, see ya girls.

He rushed into the train after getting his ticket stamped and looked out the window to wave one final time to his friends.

Y/n: Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold. BYE!


Y/n finally arrived in Canterlot after a day of traveling in the train. Ponies have been thanking hm for saving them left and right and even have given gifts of appreciation.

When Y/n stepped off, he was ready to get this over with as he was still not used to being in unfamiliar surroundings without his friends.

It was like when he came back to ponyville after 15 years. Back when he hasn't met the Mane 6, when his most hated pony was Nightmare Moon......

When Kabuhamaru was still alive.

Y/n eventually booked a motel overnight so he didn't have to sleep in the train once more and flew his way to Canterlot castle.

There he was greeted with two guards at either side of the castle entrance.

Guard: Guardian, we didn't expect you so soon. We will bring you to Princess Celestia.

(Not Shining Armour or Flash Sentrey)

Y/n walked within the castle, taking in the beautiful architecture never getting over how beautiful the place was.

The Canterlot guard knocked on the door of the throne room.

Guard: Your highness, Y/n L/n arrived.

The guardian stepped into the room and bowed to the sun princess. Even after meeting hr several times now, he still couldn't get over how beautiful Celestia were.

Y/n: Hello, your highness, it has been a long time since we last formerly met.

Celestia: It has, Y/n. It has.

She stepped down from her throne and started making her way to Y/n who trembled despite technically being royalty himself in all but name.

Celestia: Follow me.

As he followed the taller Alicorn, Y/n could only stare at the mare as she walked to another room.

All the while he felt like there was a certain sway to the priness's hips. It was enticing and Y/n felt like the snake being called by a flute.

He couldn't resist but stare only to be met by the smirking face of Celestia herself.

Y/n: Uh-uh-uh-uh.

Celestia: See something......enticing~

Y/n's mind:

The sun princess giggled at the effect her teasing had on her fellow Alicorn.

She opened the door to reveal a room with a circular table in it. On one of the seats was Luna waiting for her crush, I mean, fellow Alicorn, I mean, crush I mean.............. crush.

The moon princess looked at Y/n with a mixture of guilt and smitten. Just like how Y/n can't completely get over Ka's death, Luna can't get over the pain she caused to him.

What Y/n was to Luna was a series of mistakes and misdeeds that she had caused on the poor stallion due to her immaturity and jealousy.

Y/n stared at her with indifference but his eyes softened upon looking at her making her blush at how caring and adorable he looked like.

Celestia: Now, Y/n, you are probably wondering why we have called you. Am I correct ?

Y/n: Yes, Princess Celestia.

Luna: You see we originally wanted to.... (blushes) sp-spend so-me time with you. (Shakes the blush away) But we must discuss something very important.....

Celestia: Y/n...... have you seen another Alicorn ?

The guardian's eyes widened in shock. They knew, they knew .

Y/n: How did you know.....

Celestia: We sensed the amount of magic from them a few days ago. Y/n, why didn't you tell us ?

Y/n: I-I'm so sorry, Princess, but I was dealing with a lot of things such as the dragon and I was turned mare.

The sister's eyebrows shifted and their heads tilted.

Luna: Wait, what ?

Y/n: Long story, but if I didn't have those problems I swear I would've told you.

Luna: We're getting off topic, Tia. Our top priority is the Alicorn. If they're what I think they are, they are definetly a giant threat.

Y/n: She's right, one of them visted me a few nights ago and attack me.

The sun princess put her hooves on the table, intrigued by his story.

Celestia: Please, tell me what you know.

Y/n: Apparently, eight other Alicorns were made by Luna when she was still Nightmare Moon. They see me as "the perfected brother" and Moon as their "mother." They want to kill all 3 of us and turn Equestria into their kingdom stating "like Moon wanted them to do."

He noticed the Moon Princess looking down at the table as if she was ready to cry.

Y/n: Princess Luna, if I may, this isn't your fault. This is Nightmare Moon's fault, she made them and you were just the host who was never in control.

Celestia: So these Alicorns want to end us and rule Equestria for themselves and with what you stated, I highly doubt that they want anything good with it. Y/n are you sure you can't win against them.

Y/n: Dealing with 8 other Alicorns my level with no background information ? No offense Celestia but I'd have better luck asking them for a quill to sign my death certificate.

Luna: He's right sister. And it's not like we all can just go and fight them. They're too strong and would definitely kill us.

Y/n: So what's our plan on how to deal with these guys ?

As they continued to brainstorm, Luna got an idea.

She rushed to another room to gain what she knew would be a valuable weapon on finishing off Y/n's brothers. Celestia and Y/n looked at her strangely.

The moon princess came into the room with a sword in her mouth and she placed it onto the table before them.

Celestia's eyes widened and Y/n's shifted in confusion on what this sword was.

Y/n: Uh, what is that ?

Luna: This is the eclipse blade. It was forged when me and Tia were still learning how to perfect our magic. It is a powerful blade that nullifies evil. Our father weilded it when he faced a rebellion of other Alicorns.

Celestia: Luna, do you think this is a necessary action. Even if Y/n is as pure as gold, not even he could escape the grasps of this weapon.

The Equestria guardian jumped at that statement and moved away from the sword.

Y/n: I'm sorry what ?!

Celestia: Yes, this is a very powerful blade that has vanquished evil for more than a millenia. However the sword absorbs that very evil and turns it against the user.

Luna: Our father fell victim to this evil and had to stab himself with his own sword to escape it.

Celestia: Which is why I think, that Y/n shouldn't wield it. You know the fate of the wielders Luna, they'll turn evil. It happened to father and I shall not let it happen to anyone else.

Y/n's eyes shifted at how caring Celestia was to him. She was truly scared of this thing and even terrified to lose him to it.

He looked at the blade as  the sisters bickered with each other. Y/n looked determined at it and grabbed it with his magic.

Y/n: I'll do it.

Celestia and Luna: WHAT ?!?!

Y/n: Your highness, when I pledged to become the equestrian guardian, I promised to protect this land as best I can in any way possible. If my death is inevitable then so be it.

Celestia: But Y/n......

She tried to argue back but knew it would be pointless. If Y/n was one thing, it was determined. No one, not even her, will get in his way of protecting these lands.

Celestia: If you really think this is the best way to get rid of the other Alicorns, then so be it. I salute you Y/n. You are a true hero.


We cut to Y/n walking out of the castle with his new sword at his side. He stared at it longingly as he couldn't help but smile.

He wouldn't have thought about it but his days are really numbered now.

Soon he'll have to end his own life to prevent coming into the darkness and destroying Equestria with his "brothers".

Did he like the idea ? No, but it was for Equestria and for his friends.

If he had to. He would choose it a million times.

Y/n: Well that was tension inducing. Even if I do have the sword, it's still up to me to deal the final blow. If Celestia and Luna's claims are true, I just hope I don't end up possessed by a demon or some shit. 

???: (In Y/n's mind) I wouldn't worry about that just yet, Y/n.

Y/n: Oh Okay........... Wait a minute.

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Stay tuned

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