Aero (a BNHA OC story)

By ineedtoshush

35.6K 1.2K 426

In which UA's former golden boy is recruited to join UA's teaching staff. After his debut as the hero Aero, K... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
UA days 1
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
UA days 2 (part 1)
UA days 2 (part 2)
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 *
Chapter 69 *
Chapter 70 *
Chapter 71

Chapter 28

383 16 7
By ineedtoshush


Inspired by the uplifting morning run, Kenzo decided to seize the day. Instead of returning home to relax, he felt a surge of energy, a desire to contribute to the city's safety. With newfound determination, he made his way to his apartment, swiftly changing into his hero gear.

As he fastened the straps and adjusted his mask, Kenzo felt the familiar weight of responsibility settle on his shoulders. The morning sun painted the city in golden hues as he leaped into the sky, soaring above the waking metropolis.

The air rushed past him as he navigated the cityscape, surveying the streets and alleys below. The early morning bustle was just beginning, with people heading to work and shops opening their doors. Kenzo's presence, like a vigilant guardian, added an extra layer of security to the city.

Patrolling the streets, Kenzo exchanged friendly nods with early risers and occasionally assisted citizens with minor concerns. The routine of his morning patrol provided a sense of normalcy, grounding him in the role he had chosen – that of a hero dedicated to protecting those in need.

As he glided above the city, Kenzo couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of the sunrise. The horizon painted in warm hues, the city's skyline gradually awakening – it was a stark contrast to the darkness that often consumed his thoughts.

With each passing moment, Kenzo felt a sense of fulfillment. The act of patrolling, of being present for the city, allowed him to channel his energy into something positive. The worries that had haunted him were momentarily pushed aside by the responsibilities of a hero.

As the morning progressed, Kenzo's patrol took him through various districts, ensuring that every corner of the city felt the comforting presence of a watchful hero. The encounters with citizens, the occasional greeting from fellow heroes, and the general hum of city life contributed to the uplifting atmosphere.

By the time the sun had fully risen, Kenzo's patrol had circled back to the starting point. Landing gracefully on a rooftop, he took a moment to catch his breath and soak in the view. The city, now fully awake, seemed to appreciate the silent vigilance of its heroes.

With a sense of accomplishment, Kenzo leaped into the sky once again, heading back to his apartment. The morning patrol had not only reassured the citizens but had also reaffirmed Kenzo's commitment to his hero duties. As he touched down on the familiar rooftop, he couldn't help but feel a subtle shift within himself – a renewed sense of purpose, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him at UA and in the city he called home.

Returning to UA after the morning patrol, Kenzo headed straight to the gym where Class 1-B awaited their training session. The students, still buzzing with excitement and curiosity, eyed him as he entered.

"Good morning, 1-B!" Kenzo greeted them with a cheerful smile. "Today, we're going to focus on developing your special moves. Each of you has unique quirks, and it's crucial to harness them effectively. Who wants to go first?"

Juzo Honenuki, one of the students with a Quirk related to softening and shaping objects, stepped forward. "I've been working on something, Aero-sensei."

Kenzo nodded, encouraging him to proceed. "Alright, Juzo, show me what you've got."

Juzo focused on his palms, and a stream of softening energy enveloped a nearby training dummy. The once sturdy material turned pliable, forming a sculpture with intricate details. The class watched in awe as Juzo showcased his control over his Quirk.

Kenzo clapped his hands. "Excellent control, Juzo! Now, let's see if you can apply this to a combat situation. Imagine facing an opponent, and they've launched an attack. How would you use your Quirk defensively?"

Juzo pondered for a moment before softening the floor beneath him, creating a cushion that absorbed the impact of an imaginary attack. Kenzo nodded approvingly. "Great adaptation. Remember, your Quirk is versatile, so think creatively in different scenarios."

Next up was Togaru Kamakiri, a student with insect-like blades for arms. Kenzo observed as Togaru demonstrated swift and precise strikes, utilizing his unique appendages. "Nice technique, Togaru! Now, let's work on incorporating your mobility. How can you use your Quirk to outmaneuver opponents?"

The gym buzzed with discussions and ideas as Kenzo moved from student to student. He offered guidance, suggested adjustments, and praised their efforts. The atmosphere was a blend of concentration and excitement.

After a series of demonstrations, discussions, and hands-on adjustments, the class began to showcase their improved special moves. Kenzo watched with pride as each student applied the feedback and honed their abilities.

During a break, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu approached Kenzo with a determined expression. "Aero-sensei, I've been trying to come up with a new move that maximizes my steel Quirk's offensive power. Any ideas?"

Kenzo grinned. "Let's brainstorm together, Tetsutetsu. How about incorporating a spinning motion into your attacks? It could increase the impact of your steel strikes. Try it out, and we'll refine it as needed."

The gym echoed with the sounds of students practicing and experimenting with their special moves. Kenzo, fully immersed in the collaborative atmosphere, provided individual attention and encouragement.

As the training session progressed, the students of Class 1-B not only refined their special moves but also gained confidence in their abilities. Kenzo, pleased with their progress, couldn't help but appreciate the unique talents each student brought to the table.

The gym became a lively workshop of quirks and creativity, a testament to the growth and potential within Class 1-B. The bonds formed during this session would undoubtedly contribute to their success in future challenges. With a sense of accomplishment, Kenzo continued to guide and inspire his students, eager to see how their individual journeys would unfold at UA.

During the ongoing training session, Monoma sauntered up to Kenzo with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Ikari-sensei, mind if I borrow your Quirk for a quick spin? I've got an idea!"

Kenzo chuckled, finding Monoma's enthusiasm infectious. "Sure, Monoma. Give it a whirl, but make it snappy."

Monoma activated his Copy Quirk, adopting Kenzo's ability to manipulate air currents. A mini whirlwind materialized around him, and he wasted no time showcasing a flurry of impressive moves. The rest of the class observed with curiosity as Monoma mimicked Aero's distinctive techniques.

"Nicely done, Monoma! Now, let's see how you can make it uniquely yours," Kenzo suggested, offering guidance on integrating the borrowed Quirk into Monoma's personal style.

As the training session continued, Monoma delved into experimenting and adapting the copied ability. Kenzo watched with interest, appreciating the inventive ways each student approached their special moves. The gym echoed with the sounds of students honing their skills and exchanging ideas.

As the session reached its conclusion, Kenzo addressed the class. "Exceptional work today, Class 1-B! Your progress is palpable, and I'm eager to witness these special moves in action during the upcoming exams. Always remember, innovation and adaptability are your greatest assets!"

After dismissing the class, Kenzo made his way back to his office, a sense of fulfillment accompanying him. The morning had proven to be both productive and inspiring, from the city patrol to the training session with Class 1-B.


Kenzo settled comfortably into his office chair, the smooth surface of his new phone gliding under his fingertips as he leisurely scrolled through Instagram DMs. Among the usual fan messages and interactions, a distinctive message from the pro hero Hawks caught his attention.


Yo dude, my homie Jackson Wang is in Japan and he's throwing a party.

Would be a good chance for you to network ;)

Lmk if u wanna come

Delivered 2:07

Surprised by the unexpected invite, Kenzo paused, recognizing the potential benefits of expanding his hero network. Grateful for the opportunity, he swiftly replied.


Dude, I'll be there.

Time and place?

Sent 11:54

A content smile adorned Kenzo's lips as he leaned back, contemplating the turns his life had taken at the age of 18. Teaching at the prestigious UA, about to network with top heroes—his journey felt surreal. Immersed in a life surrounded by genuine care and support, he marveled at the positive transformation.

A knock disrupted his reverie, and he looked up to find Aizawa entering.

"Hey Aizawa, what's up?"

"You seem happier lately. The nightmares have stopped?"

Kenzo nodded. "Yeah, they've stopped."

"That's good. Also, get here early tomorrow. My students want you to come to their provisional exams. They really like you," Aizawa remarked, and Kenzo felt a surge of happiness.

"Does Ms. Joke still bring her class there?" Kenzo teased.

"Unfortunately," Aizawa deadpanned, rubbing his tired eyes.

"That'll be fun."

"Not for me," Aizawa responded with a hint of resignation, and the two shared a knowing chuckle.


The following morning, Kenzo arrived promptly at UA, prepared to accompany his students to their provisional hero license exams. The energetic buzz of the first-year students resonated in the air as they assembled near the school buses. Excitement erupted when they caught sight of Kenzo.

"Sensei! You're here!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"Are you geared up for some fantastic moves, Ikari-sensei?" Ashido playfully threw a few punches in the air.

Kenzo grinned, basking in the infectious enthusiasm. "Absolutely! Impress me with your skills, first years!"

As the school buses arrived at the exam venue, the 1-A students disembarked, their excitement palpable. Amidst the hustle and bustle, they encountered some students from Shiketsu High, including Inasa Yoarashi. Inasa, with his exuberant personality, immediately approached the UA students.

"Hey there! UA, right?" Inasa bellowed, a wide smile on his face. "I saw you all in the sports festival! I'm Inasa Yoarashi, and I've been looking forward to meeting you all!"

The 1-A students exchanged greetings, and Kenzo couldn't help but notice some animosity between Shoto Todoroki and the enigmatic Shiketsu high student. Had they met before?

As he was pondering this, Inasa's eyes lit up when he spotted Kenzo. "Aero!" he exclaimed, extending a hand for a handshake. "It's an honour to meet you! Our quirks are quite similar, and you're my inspiration!"

Inasa continued to shower Kenzo with praise. "Your control over air currents is amazing! I've studied all your moves, especially that one where you created a vortex to deflect attacks. Pure genius, Aero!"

Kenzo, while appreciative of the admiration, started to feel a bit uneasy under the intense spotlight of Inasa's enthusiasm. "Thanks, Inasa. I'm glad you enjoy my work. I'm sure you're a great hero too."

Inasa's eyes lit up even more. "To be complimented by you is an honour, sensei! I've always dreamed of meeting you and maybe even working together someday."

Kenzo chuckled nervously, feeling the weight of Inasa's expectations. "Well, you never know what the future holds. Let's focus on the exams for now. It's a pleasure to meet you, Inasa."

As the students mingled and exchanged pleasantries, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement and friendly competition. Kenzo skillfully extricated himself from the intense conversation with Inasa and made his way back to Aizawa's side.

"Geez, that guy was intense," Kenzo shivered, relieved to have escaped.

"Yeah. Now you know how I feel around Ms. Joke," Aizawa muttered, rubbing his temples.

"Are we forgetting what happened with Pixie Bob?" Kenzo deadpanned, and Aizawa let out a chuckle.

"Noted. It's crazy to think some of these students are only a year younger than you."

Kenzo looked up and smiled. "Well, almost two. I'm nineteen next month. But yeah, it's crazy."

"October 17th, right? Are you doing anything?"

Kenzo shook his head. "Not sure. Although I'm not really a big fan of birthdays—"

"Eraser?! I'd know that scowl anywhere!"

Kenzo's attempt to continue his conversation with Aizawa was abruptly cut short by the unmistakable, piercing voice of Ms. Joke. Ketsubutsu Academy had arrived, ushering in a wave of boisterous energy.

"I saw you on TV during the sports festival, but it's been a while since we were this close in person!" Ms. Joke's voice rang through the air as she approached. Aizawa groaned in annoyance, and Kenzo had to stifle a laugh.

Ms. Joke enthusiastically led her students toward the UA group. Midoriya, always animated, began rambling to himself about the energetic hero's quirk, while Aizawa, wearing an expression of mild irritation, greeted her with a curt nod.

"Let's get married!" Ms. Joke exclaimed loudly, prompting laughter from a few students.

"No," Aizawa deadpanned.

"Imagine it! If I was your wife, you'd have a future filled with constant laughter!" Ms. Joke grinned, undeterred by his stoic demeanor.

"That sounds like an actual nightmare," Aizawa replied blankly before leading his class into the arena.

Meanwhile, Kenzo had a mischievous plan in mind. Trailing behind his class, he fell into step with Ms. Joke. "Hey, Ms. Joke, how have you been?"

The pro looked pleasantly surprised before flashing a smile. "Ikari! I haven't seen you in a long time!"

"You know, you didn't hear this from me, but I think Aizawa is secretly into you. You just need to try to get it out of him."

Ms. Joke stopped walking for a few seconds, processing the information, before a mischievous smile took over her face. "You're right! Thanks, Ikari! I'll just have to try and make it even more obvious!"

Kenzo smiled before speeding up to catch his students, satisfied with his small act of revenge for what happened with Pixie-bob.

(2145 words)

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