Aero (a BNHA OC story)

By ineedtoshush

36.4K 1.2K 422

In which UA's former golden boy is recruited to join UA's teaching staff. After his debut as the hero Aero, K... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
UA days 1
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
UA days 2 (part 1)
UA days 2 (part 2)
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 *
Chapter 69 *
Chapter 70 *
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73

Chapter 27

367 17 0
By ineedtoshush


Kenzo followed Shin into the bathroom, the prospect of dying his best friend's hair offering a bizarre yet necessary distraction from the chaos surrounding them. The room was filled with the scent of chemicals as Shin spread an old towel around his shoulders, a makeshift cape to protect his clothes.

"Alright, dude. This is going to be weird," Shin remarked, handing Kenzo a pair of gloves. "But we gotta make this believable."

Kenzo nodded, his mind still clouded with the remnants of the emotional storm. He put on the gloves and held the hair dye in his hands, feeling an odd mix of absurdity and camaraderie. As he started applying the dye, Shin winced at the cold sensation, prompting Kenzo to stifle a chuckle.

"Man, you're really doing this," Kenzo remarked, the surreal nature of the situation sinking in.

Shin shot him a mock glare. "Yeah, yeah. It better be worth it. I've been growing my hair for months."

As they continued the impromptu hair-dying session, the camaraderie between them began to overshadow the earlier tension. Laughter and banter filled the small bathroom, a temporary escape from the weight of the scandal waiting beyond the walls.

Once the dye was applied, they waited in silence, the air thick with anticipation. Kenzo couldn't help but appreciate Shin's willingness to go to such lengths for him. It was a testament to the strength of their friendship.

After what felt like an eternity, they rinsed out the dye, revealing Shin's newly darkened hair. It was a stark contrast to his usual appearance, but strangely fitting for the role they were playing. He looked like a hot emo artist, something Kenzo couldn't help but tease him about.

After drying it, Shin examined himself in the mirror, a mix of amusement and disbelief on his face. "Well, this is different."

Kenzo couldn't help but grin. "You're a real one, Shin. Seriously, thanks."

"Don't mention it. We need to get our stories straight, though. You're good with the press, not me," Shin said, his tone shifting to a more serious note as he pulled his coat on.

Kenzo nodded, pulling his shoes on and protesting when Shin pounced on him with a hairbrush, skillfully wrestling the knots out of his tangled hair.

"I've been wanting to do this for a while," Shin remarked, his tone lightening, "You looked homeless."

"Gee, thanks, dude," Kenzo stood, pulling his jacket on, "I wonder what my colleagues at UA think about all this."

"That you're a whore."

"Wow, thanks, Shin. You always know what to say," Kenzo replied dryly, scanning the room for any of his belongings.

Shin swung the door open, and the duo swiftly made their way to the lifts, grateful that the paparazzi hadn't infiltrated the building yet.

As the elevator descended to the ground floor, Kenzo mentally prepared himself, pulling his hood up, and Shin secured a mask over the lower half of his face.

"This better work," Shin muttered, partially pulling up his hood to reveal a few tufts of black hair at the front.

Exiting the elevator, they nodded at the reception staff who paused to stare. Pushing through the large front doors, Kenzo was met with blinding camera flashes from the crowd outside. The reporters clamored for a glimpse of the mysterious black-haired companion accompanying their beloved hero.

Holding onto Shin's sleeve, Kenzo guided him through the swarm of reporters, attempting to drown out the intrusive questions bombarding them.

"Aero, is that the villain Dabi?" shouted one persistent reporter, thrusting a microphone toward Kenzo.

Just as Kenzo opened his mouth to answer, another reporter lunged for Shin, revealing his face by pulling down the mask, and another exposed his identity further by yanking his hood down.

"No, it's Shin Nakamura!" gasped another reporter, capturing the moment through a flurry of pictures.

"Hey, get off him!" Kenzo yelled, slinging his arm over Shin's shoulders, shielding him from the prying paparazzi.

"Are you two romantically involved?" came another question from a different direction.

"Shin! What's with the hair change?" asked a reporter from behind him.

The questions were relentless, and they found themselves surrounded. As the paparazzi closed in, shoving microphones into their faces, Kenzo hatched an idea.

"Yo, Shin, hold onto my arm."

With a firm grip on Shin's arm, Kenzo propelled them vertically into the air, leaving the astonished group of reporters below. Shin dangled in the air, Kenzo gripping his forearm tightly.

"Kenzo, if you drop me, I'm gonna kill you," Shin groaned, squeezing his eyes shut against the disorienting ascent.

Soaring through the sky, Kenzo carried Shin with a mix of speed and grace, leaving the clamor of the paparazzi far below. The city stretched out beneath them, its lights blending into a vibrant mosaic as they approached Kenzo's apartment.

As they descended onto the balcony, Kenzo released his grip on Shin, allowing him to land with a thud. The two friends caught their breath, the rush of adrenaline still coursing through their veins.

"Nice landing, hero," Shin remarked, straightening himself out.

Kenzo chuckled, glancing at the clock on his wall. The realisation hit him like a ton of bricks. "Oh, shit. I'm late for work."

Shin raised an eyebrow. "You're worried about work now?"

Kenzo grimaced. "I have a morning class. I can't just skip it. My students are already dealing with enough chaos."

Shin watched with a bemused expression as Kenzo frantically changed into his hero costume, a blur of motion in his haste.

"Well, good luck with that. I'll stick around here and make sure the paparazzi don't come knocking," Shin offered, leaning against the doorway.

"Thanks, Shin. I owe you one," Kenzo said, flashing a quick smile before rushing out the door.

The morning air rushed past Kenzo as he soared toward UA, the looming responsibilities and the recent scandal creating a turbulent mix of emotions within him. As he approached the campus, he braced himself for the inevitable questions and scrutiny that awaited him.

The UA building came into view, and Kenzo touched down on the grounds, determined to face the consequences of his actions. The entrance loomed ahead, and he took a deep breath before stepping through the doors, preparing to confront the fallout of a night that had spiralled out of control.

"I might as well start flying to work. It's way faster," Kenzo muttered to himself, quickening his pace as he entered the building. He was already five minutes late for his class with 1-A in the gym, where he was supposed to assist them in developing their special moves for the upcoming hero licensing exams.

Pushing the door to the gym open, Kenzo entered. Some of his students sat alone, while the majority huddled in conversation in the corner of the room. Kenzo had a hunch about the topic of their discussion.

"Alright, everyone! Your provisional exams are next week, and I'm sure none of you want to fail!" Kenzo declared, setting down his jacket to grab the class's attention.

The room fell silent, the students still somewhat wary of their teacher. Last week, during his depressive state, Kenzo had been stern, giving detentions to Ashido, Kaminari, Sero, and Bakugo. He had also sent Iida out for "asking too many questions." The memory lingered in the air as the students eyed him cautiously.

Kenzo sighed, recognizing the tension in the room. "Look, I know things have been a bit... off lately. I owe you all an apology. I shouldn't have let my personal issues affect our class dynamic."

Ashido, ever the cheerful spirit, piped up, "We were starting to think you had a permanent stick up your—"

"Alright, Ashido, let's keep it civil," Kenzo interrupted with a raised eyebrow. The class erupted in suppressed laughter.

"I mean, seriously, Ikari-sensei, you should try some yoga or something," Kaminari added with a mischievous grin.

Kenzo chuckled, "Maybe I should. Now, let's focus. Your special moves need polishing, and I'm here to help."

Uraraka couldn't resist teasing, ""So, Mr Ikari, any more late-night escapades with mysterious strangers?"

Kenzo shot her a look, a mix of irritation and amusement. "We're here to work on your moves, not gossip about my personal life."

Kaminari chimed in, grinning, "Come on, sensei, you're like our celebrity. We gotta know these things!"

Sero added with a smirk, "Yeah, it's not every day we see a pro hero getting caught up in a scandal."

"Seems like some people are asking for a detention-"

"NO SENSEI!" The 3 students protested and Kenzo cracked a smile.

"Very funny. Now, who needs assistance with their moves?"

Bakugo, never one to hold back, muttered, "I don't need help. My moves are already perfect."

"Perfect for creating chaos, maybe," Kirishima teased.

"Shut up, Red Riot! You're just jealous because you can't match my explosive style," Bakugo shot back.

Kenzo stepped in before the banter escalated, "Alright, Bakugo, let's channel that energy into refining your moves. And Kirishima, keep the competitiveness in check. We're a team, remember?"

As the class dove into their training, the atmosphere lightened. Kenzo's apology seemed to have lifted a weight off his students' shoulders, and the gym echoed with a mix of laughter, camaraderie, and the occasional explosion courtesy of Bakugo.

Through the banter and training, Kenzo couldn't help but appreciate the resilience of his students. They had weathered the storm of his recent struggles and were now back to their cheeky, energetic selves. The road to redemption might be challenging, but with 1-A by his side, Kenzo was determined to make amends and guide them towards success in their upcoming exams.

After the intense training session with 1-A, Kenzo decided to make a detour to the teachers' lounge. It had been two weeks since he had stepped foot in there, and he felt a strange mix of nostalgia and hesitation.

Pushing open the door to the lounge, he was greeted by a mix of surprised and amused glances from his fellow teachers. Present Mic, who was in the midst of an animated conversation with Midnight, paused mid-sentence, his eyes widening at Kenzo's unexpected appearance.

"Well, well, look who decided to grace us with his presence," Present Mic exclaimed, grinning broadly. "What brings you here, Aero?"

Kenzo offered a wry smile, "I thought I'd check if the coffee in here still tastes as terrible as ever."

Midnight chuckled, "You've been avoiding this place like the plague. We were starting to think you were allergic to staff meetings, or you were related to Aizawa."

"Rude." Aizawa grumbled from his seat on the sofa.

Kenzo took a seat, the atmosphere still lighthearted despite the underlying curiosity about his recent absence. "I've just been busy with class and hero duties. You know how it is."

Snipe, the usually stoic marksman, raised an eyebrow. "Too busy to socialise with us? I didn't think that was possible."

Kenzo shrugged, "Life happens, Snipe. Anyway, whats up with everyone?"

The teachers exchanged glances, and Midnight couldn't resist adding, "Nothing much. We have pretty boring lives, unlike someone who was spotted with a mysterious stranger last night."

Kenzo groaned, realising the incident had become the latest gossip in the faculty. "Can't a guy have a private life without it becoming front-page news?"

Present Mic leaned in, a sly grin on his face. "Come on, Aero, spill the details. Who's the dude?"

Kenzo rolled his eyes, "Just a friend. Nothing scandalous. Plus it'll probably be on the news by now with how much paparazzi loves to pry"

The teachers erupted in laughter, teasing Kenzo about his newfound celebrity status. As the banter continued, Kenzo couldn't help but appreciate the camaraderie. It felt good to be back in the teachers' lounge, surrounded by colleagues who could bring a touch of humour to even the most awkward situations. 


The next morning, Kenzo woke up early, the lingering effects of the previous night's escapades evident in his tired eyes. As he lay in bed for a moment, the events of the scandal and the banter in the teachers' lounge replayed in his mind. Despite the teasing, he couldn't deny the warmth that had accompanied his return to the faculty circle.

Determined to shake off any remnants of fatigue, Kenzo threw on his running gear and headed out for a jog. The pre-dawn air was crisp, and the city still slept under the muted hues of the early morning sky.

With each stride, Kenzo felt the rhythm of his breath syncing with the cadence of his steps. The rhythmic thud of his sneakers against the pavement became a therapeutic mantra, helping him clear his mind. The city slowly came to life around him, but Kenzo remained in his own world, lost in the simplicity of the run.

As he raced along the quiet streets, a sense of liberation washed over him. It occurred to him that this was the first morning in a long time that he hadn't been haunted by nightmares of Hana's death. The weight that usually pressed on his chest during these early runs was noticeably absent, replaced by a newfound sense of tranquillity.

Kenzo took a moment to relish the feeling. The cityscape, still bathed in the soft glow of dawn, seemed to offer a fresh start. The rhythmic pulsing of his heart matched the steady beat of the awakening city.

As the sun began to peek over the horizon, casting warm hues across the skyline, Kenzo slowed his pace. He found himself standing at a familiar spot, a small park that overlooked the city. The view had always been a source of solace for him.

Breathing in deeply, Kenzo couldn't help but marvel at the resilience of the human spirit. The healing power of connection, whether with students, colleagues, or even a mysterious stranger, had woven a new thread into the tapestry of his life.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Kenzo continued his run, each step carrying him further away from the shadows of the past. The city, with its waking energy, embraced him, and as he returned home, he felt a subtle shift within himself. The echoes of laughter from the teachers' lounge, the banter with 1-A, and the quiet moments of his early morning run all contributed to a growing realisation – life at UA was starting to grow on him, and Kenzo was ready to embrace the changes that lay ahead.

(2312 words)

Yay! Everything's going well! It would be a shame if something bad happened soon...

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