Yugioh Arc-V: The Spirit King

By SpectrePhantomForce

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Shiryu Busujima was a young boy who was oblivious to the dangers of the world. All it took was one incident... More

Prologue: Into the Shadows
Chapter 1: Tragic Origins
Chapter 2: The Arrival of the King
Heads Up!
Chapter 4: Escaping the Clutches of Academia Part 1
Chapter 5: Escaping the Clutches of Academia Part 2
Chapter 6: Forces Align
Chapter 7: The Pendulum Swings
Chapter 8: Sister's United
Chapter 9: Once Broken Now Healed
Chapter 10: Requiem of the Phantom Duelist
Next Chapter On The Way.
Chapter 11: Conquerer of the Vanquished!
Guys, I need your help!: 👍
Chapter 12: Clash of the Ages: Reji VS Shiryu!
Chapter 13: ........
Announcement! New Chapter on the way!
Annoucement: Not Discontinuing this Story
Finally Conquered Highschool: New Chapter coming this Week.
Chapter 13: Revenge of the Forgotten

Chapter 3: Enter Duel Academy!

973 16 7
By SpectrePhantomForce

Disclaimer: I would recommend you to watch the Yugioh Arc V anime because if you haven't, then the next events in the story will be confusing to understand as the protagonist tries to prevent what happens in canon that would lead to the revival of the demon duelist ZARC.

After Shiryu was welcomed into the orphanage time went by. Everyone was very accepting of him, except the bullies of course. Shiryu spent time with the other kids and helped the Tenjouin family around the large home. 

Some adults came and asked to adopt him, but he refused since he couldn't be separated from Serena. Speaking of said girl, the two would duel occasionally with him winning sometimes while losing either on purpose or honestly. 

Shiryu taught her about respecting others and everything she didn't understand. He didn't want her to become what she was in canon, as that version was like that due to trying to prove herself to Leo but if she sees that she can confide in Shiryu then Serena wouldn't have to try so hard and become such a jerk. Shiryu also started working on the program to hijack the academy's systems, even if he could only do so much with so little tech. 

Not only that, but over the years Serena started getting closer to Shiryu as she began seeing him more then 'just a friend', at the age of 10 she confessed her feelings for him and the two became a couple, all the while Zarc teased him. Asuka was soon old enough to go to Duel Academy and had to live there due to the rules just like in GX Anime. 

Jerry and his cronies thought that with her gone they could do anything they wanted... too bad Shiryu wouldn't let them (Shiryu beating them in multiple duels without even trying). Luckily, they were adopted and didn't have to worry about them anymore. 

After a couple of years, Shiryu and Serena applied to the academy as well and were accepted, where Jerry and his cronies failed. Afterwards Shiryu and Serena packed up all their belongings and said their farewells to everyone in the orphanage then boarded the ship that would take them to Duel Academy. The couple snuggled up and enjoyed the calming ride. 

When they finally arrived at the island, Asuka was waiting for them. Having not seen her surrogate older sister for a long time, Serena was extremely happy as she jumped into her arms for a hug. While Shiryu was happy to see her as well, he gave her a normal hug. Asuka would go on to show them around the place and have the couple meet her friends.

 One of which was the girl that tried to get Asuka to run away with her and got carded, poor girl. Asuka's other friends were surprising to say the least. They were Syrus Truesdale, Blair Flannigan, and Jesse Anderson. 

While Rei and Johan seemed the same in the anime, Syrus was the one who was very different as he was way more confident. After getting acquainted with them, Asuka led them to their rooms while telling the two that thanks to her pulling some strings, she was able to get them next to each other in case they wanted some 'alone time' at night and not risk breaking the schools' rules. 

Serena covered her face with both her hands to hide her massive blush, while Shiryu turned his head the other way. Asuka left the two so they could get settled in. Stepping into his temporary room, Shiryu sees that it is very ordinary that contained a bed, desk with a laptop and an empty bookshelf.

"Not a bad place." Zarc admitted.

"True, but still pretty boring." Shiryu said as he put down his bags.

Looking at his bed he sees his new uniform.

"Oh right, got to wear a uniform. Whatever mine's better." Shiryu lamented.

During school hours he wears the usual Duel Academy Uniform as a Slifer Red. But when school's over, he wears a black coat with a brown and white tuxedo underneath. 

A/N: (Check Bio for visual) 

Looking over to his laptop he powers it up to look it over.

"Much better than the one at the orphanage." Shiryu observed.

"Think you can finish the program?" Zarc asked.

"I think so." Shiryu said.

A knock came from Shiryu's door, making the two look at it.

"Yes?" Shiryu answered.

Serena then came inside.

"Hey, you done setting up?" Serena asked.

"Set up what? I only have clothes to unpack." Shiryu said. "Which I might not even need, considering we'll be wearing a uniform while we're here."

"Yeah, I saw mine on my bed too." Serena admitted before grabbing her boyfriend's arm and pulling him out of the room. "We can worry about that later, come on!"

"Wait! Where are we going?!" Shiryu asked closing the door as he passed by it.

"I want to see what else this place is like!" Serena answered excitedly. "I doubt Asunee-chan showed us everything!"

Shiryu could only smile at his girlfriend. It was strange to think that since, while he did have a crush on the bracelet girls when watching the anime and Mark bugging the hell out of him for it, he never actually tried to get her to fall for him as he was too focused on helping the girl. It just happened. Don't get him wrong, he's happy when she confessed, just surprised it happened is all. Another thing to think as strange was...

'Why hasn't Leo appeared yet?' Shiryu thought.

In canon it was said that Leo meets Serena at a young age and brought her to the academy, the same one they just got too but he never showed up. It also said she never saw anything outside the school either, but she lived at the Orphanage, so she saw plenty.

'Just what is going on?' Shiryu thought.

"Maybe you should stop basing this world off an anime you saw on the tv and start looking at this as a real one." an unknown voice said.

Looking to his left, Shiryu saw his Duel Spirit Fallen of Albaz or Albaz as Shiryu calls him. Said spirit was floating beside him. During the years growing up, Shiryu unlocked the same ability Zarc did and started hearing/speaking with Varias Duel Spirits including Mana and Mahad, much to Shiryu's relief and joy. A lot of the spirits talked with him, while the dragon ones, except a few, usually kept to themselves but do come to help him when they are called.

(A real world?) Shiryu asked. (What do you mean?)

"Exactly what it means." Albaz answered. "Already many things are different, aren't they? Asuka's three friends were never part of canon in Arc V, were they?"

(That is true.) Shiryu admitted.

"So that just proves while the "story line" is the same, doesn't mean everything will be." Albaz said.

Another spirit appeared beside Albaz, this one being Ecclestia.

"He's right Shiryu. Things might become different just with you being here entirely." Ecclestia said.

(Are you saying my very being caused a butterfly effect?) the duelist asked.

"That would make sense." Shiryu said as he rubbed his chin in thought. "The Nature Energy Cards created the four dimensions with my darkness in mind but not me. They never accounted for a fifth piece to appear."

(Great so we have no idea when Leo is going to appear.) Shiryu grunted.

"Not necessarily master Shiryu." a familiar voice said.

Appearing behind Albaz and Ecclestia came the fusion monster Mirrojade the Ice Blade Dragon.

"As Albaz said things will happen as you foresaw them in your world." Mirrojade said. "Therefore, since you have entered this academy, the clock until 'canon' begins has started."

"Meaning Leo will appear sometime soon!" Zarc realised. "And within four years time the dimensional war will start, as well as Z-Arc's return!"

"And like any war, you must do your best to prepare for it." Sovereign said before returning to the deck.

"He's right." Albaz agreed with the synchro monster. "You best get things ready as soon as you can Shiryu."

After that both Albaz and Ecclestia returned to the deck as well, leaving Shiryu to his thoughts. Until Serena asked him a question.

"You okay?" Serena asked.

"Yeah, just thinking about what our school life will be like." Shiryu lied.

"Guess that's understandable." Serena said while shrugging. "I'm sure everything will be fine."

"Right." Shiryu responded. 'Unfortunately, you'd be wrong sweetheart.'

They started going around the school grounds meeting other new year students like them, some being kids that were from the orphanage. Eventually they found Asuka and her group again who told them about an oration that was going to take place soon for all the new students. Upon arriving where it was taking place, Shiryu see's the damn psycho Doktor on the stage.

"Who's the creep?" Serena asked Asuka.

"That's Takayuki Miyamoto." Asuka answered. "But he prefers everyone to call him Doktor." 

A/N: (It was never said what his name was, so I just used the Japanese voice actors name)

"They really let someone like him work here?" Shiryu asked. "Dude looks like someone you should keep kids away from."

This got Zarc, Serena, Johan, Syrus, Rei and 'ms. Soon-to-be-carded' to laugh, while Asuka smacked Shiryu upside the back of his head.

"Mind your manners, Shiryu." Asuka scolded with a frown.

"What?" Shiryu asked. "Not my fault he looks like that. I just call it how I see it."

Before anything else could be said, Doktor turned on the microphone to address everyone.

"Welcome children, both new and returning to our wonderful academy!" Doktor said. "It brings me great pleasure to see so many of you here."

"Okay you got to give me that one!" Shiryu whispered to Asuka, who's only response was to shush him with another smack.

"Before we begin, there is some sad news I must share with you all." Doktor said getting the groups attention. "Our proud Chancellor Sheppard has chosen to step down from his position of leading this fine academy."

All the older students were surprised at this news and began talking amongst themselves.

"Chancellor Sheppard quit?" Rei gasped.

"But why?" Syrus asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Johan answered.

"Who's Sheppard Asunee-chan?" Serena asked Asuka.

"Chancellor Sheppard is a kind and helpful man, who always puts his students before himself in anyway shape or form." Asuka answered. "What I don't understand is why he stepped down as chancellor."

'I have a bad feeling about this.' Shiryu thought.

"Please children, I know this news is very heartbreaking for those who have been here longer." Doktor continued. "But have no fear, for Sheppard was hand picked his replacement before he left!"

This got everyone's attention again.

"Allow me to be the first to welcome our new chancellor..." Doktor said as he stepped to the side to allow someone else to step on the stage, someone that caused both Shiryu's and Zarc's eyes to widen. "Professor Leo Akaba!"

'NANI?!' Shiryu screamed in his head.

"He's already here?!" Zarc yelled. "I thought we would have had more time!"

(So did I!) Shiryu responded.

"Thank you Doktor." Leo said as he gave the psycho a nod. "Greetings student of Duel Academy. I am Leo Akaba, but you may refer to me as Professor. I know that this change in chancellor's may be sudden for those of you who have been here last year, but I promise you that I will do right by those that have come before me and make you all duelists to be reckoned with!"

All the students started to like what they were hearing from Leo, all except for Shiryu.

(He's starting to wrap them around his finger.) Shiryu said.

"Looks like Sovereign was right, the clocks begun." Zarc said.

"To start, I have personally made new duel disks for all students to use!" Leo announced.

Everyone got excited at that bit of news.

"New duel disks?!" Syrus cheered.

"Oh heck yeah!" Eri cheered.

(Which he no doubt did something to them.) Shiryu said with Zarc nodding in agreement.

"Therefore, all students must replace their old ones with these new ones." Leo commanded.

While most of the students didn't mind, the group found it strange.

"Why do we have to give up our old disks?" Asuka's friend asked.

"Not sure." Johan said.

"Maybe to recycle them?" Syrus suggested.

"Maybe." Rei said uncertain.

"This might be a good opportunity to get yourself, Serena and the other two a duel disk." Zarc said.

(We'll have to be careful about doing it.) Shiryu said.

"All students must deposit their current duel disks at the appropriate place that will be sent to you later on your new disks." Leo continued. "You must be rid of your old ones by the end of the day. Classes will begin tomorrow morning. That is all."

Leo and Doktor left the stage, showing that the oration was done. Although Shiryu was the only one to notice Leo's gaze linger on Serena for a moment longer before turning away. The students began walking to pick up the shield-based duel disks.

"Should we get our new disks?" Rei asked.

"The Professor did say they would tell us where to drop off our old ones at." Johan said.

"Plus, you could turn in the old ones by night." Shiryu pointed out for those how had ones.

They were all in agreement and went to pick up the school duel disks. Since Serena and Shiryu didn't have duel disks of their own, this would be their first time owning ones.

"This is so exciting!" Serena squealed. "We'll finally have duel disks of our own Shiryu!"

"Yup, pretty cool." Shiryu smiled.

Afterwards the group grabbed their new duel disks, with his being a white body and white blade. Shiryu said he wanted to go unpack his things and get set up. Parting ways, he returned to his room, grabbed a flash drive that had all his programs on it and uploaded it into the laptop. He then ran a search on the duel disk and found all sorts of things on it. 

Shiryu searched for anything that could be related to anything spying, which thankfully he didn't. After the diagnosis Shiryu downloaded the full duel disk programing and stored a copy on the flash drive for later use and began to work on his own program that he decided to call "Chamaeleon". It would hide in the systems programing and blend into the coding, hiding in plain sight. 

Once activated, it would take control of the systems firewalls and use them to protect itself by changing the algorithm to make it harder to get to it. It would also give Shiryu full access to the system, the only downside it was easy to get rid of once you got to it but designed to self-destruct once tampered with and cause the system to shut down. 

Honestly that was fine for Shiryu, as he just needed time to get the soon-to-be prisoners and to use the dimensional gate. Now all he needed to do was wait for the message for the location so students can drop off their old disks and get four of them. 

Luckily, he didn't need to wait for long as he just got it. He turned off his laptop and unpacked his clothes into the drawers so he could use the empty bag to carry the disks. Making his way there, Shiryu waited around the corner until everyone was gone to make his move.

 Once he was the only one there, he quickly made his way into the room. Shiryu easily found a white, light blue, violet and light green duel disk, put them in his bag and left after making sure the coast was clear. 

When he returned to his room, Shiryu placed his bag and the duel disks under his bed just as a knock came from his door.

"Talk about timing." Zarc commented.

"It's open!" Shiryu called out. (No kidding.)

Upon opening, Serena came inside but she looked a little exhausted.

"You okay sweetie?" Shiryu asked worried.

"Yeah I'm okay." Serena answered as she closed the door than flopped on Shiryu's bed. "The Professor is a weird guy is all."

That threw up some red flags for them.

"You don't think Leo already tried scanning her brain for any memories of Ray, do you?" Zarc asked his partner.

(I noticed before leaving the stage his gaze lingered on her, so it's possible.) Shiryu said before addressing his girlfriend. "He didn't seem so bad on the stage. What gave you that impression?"

"Oh right, you left." Serena said as she sat up. "Well just right after you left, the Professor walked up to us and asked me to follow him for something. He led me to some private area that he called his personal laboratory. He put this head set on me and had me lie down on some table/bed thing."

"Yup! Definitely looked at her memories." Zarc said.

"What happened next?" Shiryu asked. "Did he say what he was even doing?"

"*shakes head* No he didn't. He did have this sour look on his face though. Don't know what about." Serena answered. "He then took me to meet this weird kid."

"Weird how?" Shiryu asked. 'Please tell me it's not who I think it is.'

"It seemed like he didn't care about anything, and he was bored." Serena said. "Professor said his name was Yuri."

(God damnit.) Shiryu swore.

"Hey Shiryu... who's Yuri? Oh wait don't tell me that he's- " Zarc said. 

(Yup he is that Yuri from the anime. Basically, Yuri would be the closest out of the four to embody Z-Arc's Will with his cruel, brutal dueling and not caring about his opponents. Even looking down on them thinking himself superior due to Leo not curb stomping his ego and letting him do whatever he hell he wanted. The man practically made a second Z-Arc but was too obsessed with bringing Ray back he didn't see it or cared. He also enjoys carding people that he beats.) Shiryu explained.

"Kami sakes Leo." Zarc swore. "Ray would've never wanted any of this."

"What's more is that he wants us to 'hang out more'." Serena said. "It's like he's trying to pair us up or something!"

"I doubt its anything close to that." Shiryu said trying to ease her as he sat beside her. "And even if he did, I wouldn't give you up without a fight."

Serena looks to Shiryu, not needing to see his eyes to know it's true. She smiles, gives him a kiss and hugs her boyfriend.

"I know you would. Thanks Shiryu." Serena says.

"I will always be there for you, my dancer." Shiryu says as he hugs his girlfriend back.

They stay like this for a couple of minutes before Serena stands up.

"I'm heading to bed now." she says. "It's going to be strange not sleeping in the same room as you."

"Well, we are neighbors." Shiryu reminded her. "So, if you wanted to you could come and sleep here whenever you want."

"*giggles* That is true, goodnight." Serena said before leaving.

"Awww! That's sweet!" Zarc cooed.

"Shut up dude." Shiryu said with an eyeroll while rebooting his laptop back up. "I've got work to do."

"You sure you should be working?" Zarc asked. "It is a school night."

"With both yours and my knowledge mixed together, I don't have to worry about classes. Any homework they give us will be a cinch to do."

"That is true." Zarc admitted.

With that being said, Shiryu continued his work on Chamaeleon. True to his word the work was easy to do, leaving him open to do more personal work. Though that wasn't all he did, as he made sure to also have a personal life as well with Serena and their friends. He even met Zarc's fusion counterpart and his 'brother', Yuri. 

He tried being friends with him and change his way of thinking but due to Leo's influence everything Shiryu did ended in failure, so he stopped trying and focused on more important things. Like for example, completing Chamaeleon and putting it into the Duel Academy's or its now new name 'Academia's' system, just waiting to be activated. 

He also made sure not to use his best skills in dueling to not attract Leo's eye. Serena asked him about this, and he responded with not wanting to draw the other "students" attention, especially Yuri's. After that explanation she dropped the matter entirely, knowing what kind of duelist Yuri was. Serena knew if Shiryu beat him, and he would beat him, the wacko would never leave him alone until he beat Shiryu.

 A year has past now, and Shiryu heard something specific the one thing he's been keeping an ear out for: the rumors about the invasion of the Xyz dimension. Leo had told everyone about the existence of the four dimensions and his whole bullshit 'utopia' about joining them together. 

Not saying that he plans to rip them apart and fuse the pieces to make his old home again while leaving the remains and their denizens for dead as well as try and bring his daughter back to life. Of course, everyone was thrilled about the idea, it also didn't help that Leo put the idea that fusion was better in their heads. 

Anyways, he knew that sooner or later, 'Leo jr.' was going to make his appearance and have a run in with Serena. To make a plausible excuse, Shiryu told her that Leo wanted to see him about something. Just like in canon, Serena looks up to Leo, just not as much due to Shiryu thankfully but enough that she sees him as a 'fatherly' figure. 

Poetic irony right there, since Leo doesn't even see her as a real person, let alone his daughter. Just like in the anime, Serena wanted to leave the island and prove herself to Leo. The staff was ordered to keep her on it, so he doesn't lose a piece of his daughter. 

Shiryu watched from the shadows as it all unfolded like in the anime. 

Leo's son who he finds out later is named Reji arrives in the Fusion Dimension. But before Reji leaves and eventually runs into Serena, Shiryu wanted to have a quick few words with him.

"Wait, don't go I have something important to tell you!" Shiryu calls out to Reji as he stops and turns around startled. 

"W-who are you!? I won't let you and my father Leo Akaba destroy the 4 dimensions!" Reji states as he readies his duel disk.

"W-wait I'm not your enemy! I'm also planning on stopping the professor as well!" Shiryu assures Reji that they are on the same side. 

"......If what your saying is true, how can you prove to me what you're saying is genuine?" Reji asks Shiryu; being cautious about this unexpected surprise that someone from the Academia else plans to stop his father.

"Take this USB hard drive, it contains all of Leo Akaba's latest plans to conquer the dimenssions, however I haven't managed to copy any more files because his fire walls are annoying to bypass. By the way you mentioned your father...would he happen to be Leo Akaba?" Shiryu gives the USB hard drive to Reji as he sighs. 

"Yes, that disgraceful man is my father but I assure you I am nothing like him." Reji states.

"Well Reji, I believe an alliance between us will definitely increase and strengthen our chances of crushes the Professor's ambitions. What do you say Reji?" Shiryu reaches his hand out as Reji contemplates his decision for a few moments.

".....Alright....I do believe this alliance will be beneficial to us. I plan to gather duelists from Standard to form an elite group called "The Lancers." Reji shares as he accepts Shiryu's handshake to seal the deal.

"Well Reji, I'll form a group of my own as well. It will be a small group to not garner attention and form rumors but we will share whatever information we can find from the inside and help crush Academia when the time comes." 

Reji smiles,"I'll hold you too it then."

Reji runs off to confront his father while Shiryu observes from the sidelines. 

Everything else went according to cannon. Serena gets cornered and enters the battle royal duel, Reiji saves her, both run to the docks and get caught, Leo orders Serena to be taken to her room and sends Reiji back to Standard. Upon hearing Leo talk about having someone keep an eye on her, Shiryu made his move.

"Excuse me, Professor." Shiryu said coming out of hiding.

"Yes, who are you?" Leo asked.

"My name is Shiryu Busujima." Shiryu said introducing himself. "I overheard you saying that you need someone to keep an eye on Serena and I think I'm the most qualified."

"And why is that?" Leo questioned.

"Simple, I'm her boyfriend sir." Shiryu said.

Leo raised an eyebrow at this bit of news.

"If you have some random adults do it, she'll keep trying to escape." Shiryu pointed out. "But if you have me do it, not only will she stop but be more.. controlled."

Shiryu really hated to say that, but he had to so Leo would better consider it, plus if he was watching Serena then Leo wouldn't order him to attack the people of the Xyz dimension. And judging by the look on his face, he was.

"How strong of a duelist are you?" Leo asked.

"Stronger than Serena, sir." Shiryu answered. "I don't show my true skills because I don't want Yuri to keep pestering me to duel him."

The man looked at him for a couple of seconds then nodded his head.

"Very well then." Leo agreed. "You are to keep guard of Serena and not let anything happen to her, understand."

"Yes sir." Shiryu nodded.

"Good, you are dismissed." Leo said.

As Shiryu left, Leo was stuck in his own thoughts, "Why was that boy familiar? I feel like I've seen his eyes before somewhere...but where?"

Afterwards Shiryu went to Serena's room to tell her what happened. He made up a lie about how he heard there was a commotion down at the docks and went to investigate, upon arriving he heard the Professor saying about having someone to 'guard' her. 

Serena was angry about that bit, but after Shiryu told her about sweet talking Leo into letting him watch her, Serena jumped on him and started making out with Shiryu. Not long after that the East and West towers were built, meaning time was almost up. 

By now Shiryu had everything he needed to do. He already had the four duel disks for himself and the girls updated and done, he was ready to copy everything from the Doktor's research and Leo's plans, and already figured out the fastest route to reach the towers. All he needed now was to wait until Ray's synchro and xyz counterparts were brought here.

(3 Years Later)

It's been two years since then and like in canon they opened a portal to the Xyz dimension and attacked. 

Shiryu true to his word to Reji, founded The Knights without Serena somehow finding out. The group consists of 6 duelists including Shiryu.

Shiryu sent the duelists to the XYZ dimension to help the resistance fight against the Academia.

Shiryu and Serena are now at the age of 16. Shiryu kept a close eye on Yuri in case he goes out on a "secret mission" for Leo. A few months into the war Asuka's friend that gets carded was the only one out of us that got sent first and told us except Serena about what's been happening on the other side and begs us to leave with her.

"Come on, let's run away!" she begged.

"Run away?" Asuka asked confused.

"Us too?" Rei asked confused.

Syrus and Johan were shocked about what they heard.

"I don't want them to make you all do something so awful." she said with tears in her eyes.

"I can't leave." Shiryu said. "Not without Serena."

"But-" she tried to say until he raised a hand to stop her.

"I trust what you're saying is true and you all need to leave." Shiryu said, surprising the others. "I'm gonna be honest, I've always had a bad feeling about the Professor. For some reason he needs Serena for something and has always kept her close. 

Whatever it is can't be good if that's what's been happening on the other side. Unfortunately, Serena won't leave without proof, so I'll get it and we'll leave. You all go on ahead okay."

Afterwards Asuka, Rei, Syrus and Johan agreed to leave Academia. Shiryu knew he wouldn't see them for a while, but he had other things to focus on. He had his Duel Spirits watch over the Dimensional Gate for when Yuri uses it. 

Soon he eventually goes through it and comes back a few days later with Ray's xyz piece, now he just had to wait for the synchro piece. Near the end of the second year is when Yuri once again entered the gate, and Shiryu got ready. He went through his deck and extra deck, making sure everything was prepared for what was going to happen soon. 

Eventually Yuri came back with the light green haired girl over his shoulder. It was finally time to bring this act to a close. Shiryu waited until night to begin and once it hit, he activated Chameleon. Immediately it started gathering data and filed it away in the flash drive. 

While the program was working it's magic Shiryu opened up files about Doktor's parasite research and how far along he was until implanting them into their heads, which was not as far as he hoped.

"He was going to put them in tomorrow?!" Zarc exclaimed.

"This is too close." Shiryu said.

He then brought up Leo's plan for the Revival Zero project but...

"Damn it! There's too much encrypted." Shiryu grunted.

"Maybe not all of it is." Zarc said, trying to be helpful. "Try looking for something to use as evidence."

Shiryu began to scroll through, and speed read the pages, until he found something he can use.

"Here! This is perfect!" Shiryu said happily.

He quickly and quietly exited his room and over to Serena's. 

A few moments later Shiryu knocks rapidly on the door until she opened it.

"...Shiryu? What is it?" Serena asked grumpily. "Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"I know and I'm sorry, but this is important." Shiryu said. "You need to get dressed and grab your deck, then come to my room."

"What? Why?" Serena asked.

"I'll explain later." Shiryu said. "Just please trust me on this."

Serena looks at her boyfriend and nods her head.

"Okay, but if this is some stupid prank, I'm going to kick your ass." Serena vowed before re-entering her room.

Shiryu went back to his room and started working through all the information he's gotten. Shortly after Serena entered, closed the door and walked up to him.

"Alright, I'm here." Serena said. "What's so important that you had to wake me up close to midnight for?"

"Who are you going to explain all of this?" Zarc asked.

Shiryu turned to her and took a deep breath.

"I hacked into the Professor's and Doktor's systems." Shiryu said.

"Oh, so we're going with the direct approach huh?" Zarc said.

Serena looked at him in shock.

"You... what?!" Serena yelled.

"Shhh!" Shiryu shushed her. "Keep your voice down!"

"Shiryu, I love you." Serena said with narrow eyes. "But you have better give me a very good reason for this."

"*sigh* Since day one, I've always had a bad feeling about the Professor." Shiryu began. "And with everything that's been going on, that feeling became worse and worse. Especially with turning people into cards."

"This is war Shiryu." Serena said. "There are going to be duelists that-"

"I'm not just talking about the Xyz dimension duelists Serena." Shiryu said cutting her off. "Their carding everyone. Both duelists and non-duelists."

Serena looked at him in shock.

"W-What?" she asked.

"They were given orders to card every Xyz resident in sight." Shiryu said. "Infant, child, teenager, adult and elderly. Men and women alike."

Serena couldn't say anything, so Shiryu continued.

"So, I hacked into the Professor's systems and found something." Shiryu said as he pulled up a rough summary about his plans for her and her sisters.

"I haven't been able to decipher it all, but I got enough to paint some sort of picture." Shiryu said. "And I can say for certainty that this whole war and "utopia" is a bunch of bullshit."

"What do you mean?" Serena asked nervously.

"Well for starters, the Professor had a daughter." Shiryu said.

"Really?" Serena asked surprised.

"Yeah, but some sort of accident happened and apparently she got split into four separate people." Shiryu explained. "One in each dimension. Now he's trying to find them."

"That's crazy." Serena said. "But what's that got to do with the war?"

"Everything actually." Shiryu responded. "He knows Ray's, the name of his daughter, "pieces" are somewhere in the other dimensions, and they all have the same face as her. So far, he has 3/4 gathered, except..."

"Except what?" Serena asked, not liking the way Shiryu stopped.

"Serena... he doesn't see these girls as people." Shiryu said. "Just "things" that stole the life of his real daughter. He built a machine, not sure what it's called but the energy source is what makes me think this guy is insane."

"Why?" Serena asked.

"It's the reason he ordered all the Xyz dimension people to be carded Serena." Shiryu said slowly.

"You mean..." Serena said as her eyes widened.

"The carded people ARE the fuel source for his machine." Shiryu said.

Serena couldn't stay standing, so she sat on Shiryu's bed.

"That's not the worst of it." Shiryu informed his girlfriend.

"What could be worst then using PEOPLE as fuel?!" Serena demanded.

"How about what the machine is used for?" Shiryu asked.

Her only response was to gulp.

"Remember how I said he doesn't see these girls as people." Shiryu stated. "The machine is going to fuse the four back into his daughter. Bringing Ray back to life."

"Fuse... them?" Serena asked.

"Serena... he's going to kill you and not even give a fuck." Shiryu revealed.

"Oh Kami..." Serena whispered.

She then realized something about what Shiryu just said.

"Shiryu... why did you say "you"... as in me?" Serena asked.

Shiryu tapped a key on his laptop and brought up a picture of her.

"It's because Serena... you are Ray's fusion counter part." he answered.

-to be continued

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you all in chapter 4: Escaping the Clutches of Academia!

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