Wishper Of The Heart [COMPLE...

By Thank_you_Too

112K 4.2K 489

Sam(G!p)XMon (AU) When Khun Sam saw a little girl, that lead to unfold her past with a young girl, who she w... More

Chapter 1- Ghost From The Past
Chapter 2 - Some Memories Never Fade 1
Chapter 4 - Happy pills
Chapter 5 - I Am Really Sorry
Chapter 6 - We All Are Stubborn
Chapter 7 - She Is My Sister
Chapter 8 - I Will Be Anything You Want
Chapter 9 - My Daughter's Mother
Chapter 10 - You Own My Heart ❤️
Chapter 11- We Are Family
Chapter 12 - My Little Bunny
Chapter 13 - I Love You
Chapter 14 - Pronounce Wife and Wife
Chapter 15 - One Of A Kind
Chapter 16 - Yes, I Am Stupid
Chapter 17 - White Strawberries
Chapter 18 - I Am Always With You
Chapter 19 - Welcome To The Family
Chapter 20 - Da-Da, Ma-Ma
Chapter 21 - She Is My Life
Chapter 22 - I Missed You
Chapter 23 - I Am Only Yours
Chapter 24 - Special Chapter
Chapter 25 - Bonus Chapter

Chapter 3 - Some Memories Never Fade 2

3.9K 161 19
By Thank_you_Too

WARNING ⚠️ ⚠️ 🔞🔞🔞⚠️⚠️

5 years ago continued

One night, around mid night Mon's door knocked continously, she wake up and opened, Sam is on other side of door, she is drunk. But she can stand on her own, as soon as Mon opened the door, Sam looked at Mon from head to toes, after few seconds she bragged into the room and reach for Mon face and start kissing. 

Mon losses her track, she doesn’t know what to do, how to behave, should she pushed Sam or not.

But Sam didn't leave her, she move Mon towards the bed and she is on top of her.
Mon didn't reply the kiss, she doesn’t know is it because she never kissed someone before or she is in shocked state. Either way she didn't answered Sam kissing.

Sam murmuring between kisses
"Why are you not replying my kiss"
"Uhh Khun Sam ,, I.. I.. "
"Are you not a slut, why you are not replying, Is it because I am a women, but don't worry I have something every woman wants, I know how you looked at me, your eyes is all over me, don't deny"

Mon can feel something on her from Sam's crotch. Mon like Sam with all her heart, she fall for her from first moment she saw Sam.

How Sam stand for someone like her, where no one want to be her side, paying such huge amount for her. Make her live in her house. Buying her clothes to wear.

"Haa Khun Sam, I am not what you think"

Sam smile,
"Yeah everyone say that" Sam sigh
Then try to move away from Mon.

But Mon pulled towards her and locked the lip. She doesn't want to reject Sam.

"Oh you want this huhh"

Sam move her hand towards Mon's breast and squeeze there over the fabric, Mon moan on the touch.

Then her hand move towards Mon short waistband and pulled down, remove in one goes including her panties. That make Mon half naked under her.
Sam bite Mon's lower lip and shoved her tongue inside Mon's mouth.

She move her body then unzipped her pants then throw somewhere, she is on her boxer, that too she remove and throw somewhere and bring out her member, that erect for God sake.
Mon saw a Dick for first time in her life for real.

She gulped, Sam saw changed in Mon's eyes. Sam just rolled her eyes, thinking Mon got scared by seeing what's in front of her.

Its always like this, her exes dumped her knowing she has her member. What can she do, if she born like this. People think she is despicable.

"Uhh I know, now you will think I am despicable " Sam said
"Ohh... No Khun Sam it's not like that, I ...I never been..."

Sam didn't let complete Mon words, she try to move from her but Mon grabbed her hand and pulled towards her.

Mon think atleast she can give what her Khun Sam want. Khun Sam's member need to get laid.

She hold Sam's Dick and caress with her hand then try to put inside her, but she couldn't how to do.
Sam just straddle over her, Mon body got goosebumps with their skin touch. Sam opened Mon's leg widely, she is in-between adjust her position. She just put tip of her member on Mon's entry and Mon is already wet by seeing Sam's big guy.

With help of her left hand Sam insert her Dick into Mon's center, first it couldn't penetrate, but second time it succeed.

Mon wince, it's like her muscle is tearing by penetration, but didn't complain about it, she just bear the pain. This pain is nothing compared to her actual pain of her life.

After, Sam start to thrust her, move her body Mon shiver under her, her whole body explode, she never experienced in her life like this before.
Sam speed up her movement and start to bite Mon's neck and chest area.

"Khun Saam.. ahh" Mon is whimpering under Sam body.
"Don't you like it, your father told me that you please men, is that true"

In back of her mind, Sam know what she is doing is not right but, now there is no going back from here.

Sam faster her thrust, she can sense Mon muscle is tighter around her member, the room is full of their moaning and skin slapping sound.

"Ahhh khunnn Saam... I couldn't take it anymore ahhh"

They cum together, Mon cum when her spot hit again and again and as her wall got tighten around Sam member, Sam cum but she didn't pulled out, she is too tired to pull out her Dick from Mon, she just put her seed inside Mon, that mixed with Mon's liquid.

After few minutes they calm down a little, She move away from Mon and lay next to her, then closed her eyes.

On morning, Sam opened her eyes, she came to know she is in guest room. She looked around, saw Mon is sleeping next to her, both are cover by duvet from their waist down. She sneak inside duvet and came to know both are half naked.

Sam sigh, put her hand on her face. She remembered last night event in sequence.

After she came from office she went to bar for drink, after two shot, she saw her ex with some guys moving their hand all over each other. She though how people are just like that they move that fast.

She is only heart broken. She came home after that, and doesn't know from where the thouht came to her, she just knock the Mon's door. When she saw Mon's in her short, she turn on.

As they live together, she know how Mon looked at her secretly, sometimes she caught Mon staring towards her. She won't lie, Mon is young, beautiful but she never thought that way. But last night, was pure lust.

As with alcohol toxication, she just go for it. She never plan for that.
She remembered how she took Mon, she was drunk but not totally waste. Still she know what she was doing but couldn't control when she saw Mon half naked.

She sigh again, that time Mon's move her body, Sam just closed her eyes and pretend to sleep.
Then after a few minutes, Mon went towards bathroom. Sam looked around for her pants, she want to be out from room as soon as possible but she saw a blood stain on the bed sheet.

She regret everything about the previous night, how she took a Virgin girl, even she is Virgin she doesn't care.

She never had sex, when her exes know about her condition they left her, and she doesn't want to do with someone in brothel, mostly doesn’t want to scare other girls, but she doesn't know what kind of thoughts came when she saw Mon.

Her heart beat faster, she doesn’t know how old Mon is, if she is minor, sure she will be in trouble. She just move from the bed and picked up her pants and went out of the room, she thought she need a talk with Mon.

After taking bath, Mon came out of bathroom and came to know Sam is not there. She sit on the bed, then trace her lip with her fingers, smile came on her face by remembering last night.

She has things for Sam, loosing herself to Sam is not bad things she thought, she just go with her feeling. She has sour vagina but doesn’t care. She put shirt and pants then went towards kitchen, to make breakfast for them.

Sam clear her throat, they were having breakfast. Mon looked up, there is awkwardness around them.

"How old are you Mon?" Sam asked
"Turn 20, last month" Sam just nod
"I am sorry about last night, what I did to you, what I said to you"
"Uhh Khun Sam it's OK, you give me the opportunity for me to stop it but I didn't,  and I didn't regret about it, even it's my first time"

Sam did try two time to move from Mon, but Mon pulled her back.

Sam can breathe a little as she didn't force herself to a Virgin girl but still regret, it all start with her.

After that event, they were more closed, not like they act like a lover or something, but Sam can see Mon simplicity.

Mon doesn’t see her in hateful way, like other people even knowing her condition.
Sam can be herself with Mon, she is comfortable with her, even she is 8 year older than Mon.

They did have sex few time, after the first encounter. Most time Sam initiate, but Mon never resist her, she happily give her body for Sam to fuck. Its like both are enjoying their time together, but never talk about it in morning. Mon try to show that she like her but everytime, Sam ignored.

It's been four months, Mon is staying with Sam. Sam gave her money to buys thing like dress and all, but she never buy, just put the money together. But most time, Sam is at her office. Went in morning, came back at night.

One morning, Mon felt nausea, her whole body get sour, she already missed her peroid last month, she just calm herself and bought pregnancy test, then it show positive. She closed her eyes.

She swallowed hard, she thought what she should do, but she want to hear from Sam about the situation, then she will take the next step.

When Sam came back, they had dinner together. Now Sam is eating more at home, she like Mon's cooking.

"Uhh Khun Sam"
"What Mon?"
"Uhh.. I..." Mon couldn't complete her sentence, Sam worried.

"Just tell me, do you need money?" Sam asked
"No, not money"
"I ...I am pregnant "

Sam just put her spoon down, her plate is still with half of her food.
"Ok, we will discuss tomorrow about the situation "

Then Sam went towards her room, not waiting Mon's answered.
Mon cursed herself why she can't wait till they finished eating.

In morning, Sam came towards kitchen, where Mon is making breakfast. Kitchen is the place where they normally meet to talk.

"Uh Mon" Mon turned her face
"Yes Khun Sam"
"Uh,, I can't have a baby right now, I mean we are not even together and I am waiting for my ex to come around, can you do something about it"

Sam lied, she know her ex won't come back to her, she is scared if her parents found out of the situation, what if they know how her daughter play dirty to some innocent girl.

She continues
"You are still young, you will meet someone who can have a baby with you"

Mon nod, she can't say that she like Sam. She think very highly of Sam. She already expect that from Sam and already prepared her mind about it.

"Ok Khun Sam, I will go and meet doctor about it"
"I will come with you, lets go together"
"No, no, what if people see you, they will badmouth about you, I can do myself"

Sam think about what Mon said and nod.
"Don't take me wrong Mon"
"I understand, Khun Sam"

Before she head out of office she give an envelope to Mon.
Mon opened it and there is money. Mon just took and she had plan too.

At night, Sam asked about the pregnancy,  Mon said everything is settled but she need more money for abortion, Sam gave whatever money she want, she doesn’t questions about it. Mon said abortion will be done in two days.

Next day when Sam returns home, the house is so quite, all light are turn off. She called for Mon, but didn't got an answered.
So, she went to guest room, then switch on the light, Mon is not there but she saw a folded paper on the bed.

She pick up the paper and open it, it addressed to her.

'Respected Khun Sam,

First of all, thank you for everything what you have done for me, I couldn't thank you properly before.

I lied to you, that I am going to give up our baby, I can't do that. I want to kept the baby but don't worry we won't come in your way, or disturb your life in any way. You can have you life with someone you love, we will go away from your life.

Sorry for asking huge amount of money, I will not waste it, its for the baby.
And I thank to God too, for giving me opportunity to meet you in my life and I want to kept the gift you gave to me.

You gave me opportunity to live when no one wants me and again you give me the reason to live. 
Please you also live your life fully and happily.


Sam eyes are welling up tears, she thought why she was so heartless, how she asked Mon for abortion, even she know it's her blood and flesh. Its because of her carelessness, her craziness.

She ran out of her house immediately, drive her car to every bus stand, train station but couldn't find Mon. Mon doesn’t have phone too.

Sam hands is on her head, after few day she came to know about Mon's step father whereabouts, but he doesn't know about Mon either.
He even doesn’t know Mon's full name.

Without a complete name it's hard to find a person. There is not a single person that claim that they know Mon whereabouts. She even doesn’t have Mon photo too. Nothing come up in social media too because Mon doesn’t have any.

After Mon left, it felt so empty in the house. They are not lover, but she definitely know she is attracted to Mon, vice versa. But she never want to admit it before that she like Mon, now she know, but it's too late.

She remembered how Mon smile widely when she came home, always making food, waiting for her, taking care when she was sick, giving her young body to please her need.
But what she gave to young girl, her bloody money.

From that day, Sam is eating up with regret for her action. Whenever she saw children her heart hurt, she think if her child with Mon was born she or he must be around 4 years old.
Whenever she saw kids, her wound always open up. So most of time she try to avoid when someone talk about children. It hurt her heart.

Memories of living with Mon never fade, even if she try. They were not lover but she had special connection with Mon that she can't explain.

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