Quad [MxWxWxM]

By InfinitiAkira

132K 11K 17.6K

For three years Kasim, Nala, and Zuri had been a throuple. They'd started off as close friends throughout hig... More

1. Be mine?
2. Happy Valentine's Day
3. I'll be good
4. Who calling?
5. He took everything
6. Nasty enough?
7. They both knew
8. Misunderstood
9. Just believe me
10. The choice is made
11. Beat him home
12. Y'all know my heart
13. I promise
14. Open up to us
15. Anything for them
16. Je tape |filler chapter|
17. Please let her be okay
18. Are we pa?
19. Bet
20. Enjoy your company
21. Just us
22. So fuçkin' demanding
23. Don't be a bitch
24. Always so logical
25. Promise pinky
26. Agreed
26. Agreed |filler chapter|
27. Are they mine? |pt. 1|
27. Are they mine? |pt. 2|
28. I'll show you a bitch
29. I don't know
30. My sweet girl

16. Je tape

3.2K 287 613
By InfinitiAkira

Be sure you've read last chapter, "15. Anything for them,"

March 13, 2017


"Who the fuçk keeps calling you sunshine? It's literally three in the morning,"

Nala peeled her eyes open and groaned, she untangled herself from Kasim's arms and reached over to grab her phone. With one eye shut and one squinted from the brightness of her screen she quickly jolted up and answered, having seven missed calls from the contact Kylan—her sixteen year old baby brother—her heart started to beat rapidly out of her chest, her panic alerted Kasim as he sat up and turned the light on.

"Is it Ky? Ori?"

Nala fingers trembled as she slid her finger across the screen, "what is it Ky? Is everything okay?"

The line was silent, other than the occasional sniffling on the other end of the phone.

"C—can you come get me Ka, please? I can't do this no more, grandma is having one of her episodes and I called mom but she told me that I can deal with it, because she survived and you did too, and you turned out fine," he told her, "I think she fractured my ribs this time, i—it was so bad,"

Nala quickly stood to her feet and made it to her room, she grabbed anything to slip on. Kasim and Zuri not too far behind her, not asking any questions. She figured they'd heard him because he was on speaker, and anytime he called she'd go to him no matter what. Her heart broke for him, she knew exactly what he as going through and she promised him as soon as he turned eighteen that she could legally take him in, he hadn't called her in months now pertaining any abuse. They'd talk but he hadn't been truthful about their grandmother's abusive ways, he never wanted to bother Nala for more that what she does for him. She literally took care of him.

"I'm on my way Ky, pack whatever it is of importance. You're not going back, we're going to the police and hospital, I'm sick of this shît."

She was shocked that this time he hadn't refused either option but simply told her, "okay," and to the best of his abilities got up to pack his things.


Arriving to the home Nala hadn't stepped foot in since she was kicked out on the streets as a teen, she felt her heart rate increase. She also hadn't faced Nancy since back then as well, this would be her first time seeing her being it' pained Kylan to walk and she would have to go in and get him, "come on sweetbaby, I ain't gonna let nothing happen to you or him, don't give her the satisfaction." Kasim grabbed her hand and coached her, she locked eyes with him, she felt like a small child again.

"I—I can't do this," she whispered.

Zuri held her other hand, "yes you can, your brother needs you and you promised him that if he ever reached out to you for help you'd be there, this is it. You've always wanted to show him what you wish you had—show him that you're strong, and you're the only family that his back."

She kissed her lips and wiped her tears, "besides if that old bitch try you, you know I'm beating her ass right?"

Nala let out a chuckle at that, "yeah—I know,"

"Alright then, so let's go get Ky and get him help."

It took a few minutes before Nala had made her way to the door, she lifted the mailbox and grabbed the key that was taped there. Taking a deep breath she unlocked the door and went in, the smell made her visibly sick to her stomach.

Cigarettes, beer, and incense.

A smell she hated, "who the fuçk is in my house?" Nancy slurred as she stood and stumbled to the hallway, a amused smirk on her face seeing Nala, "oh—it's just your pathetic ass,"

"Hello to you too grandma," Nala rolled her eyes.

"Bitch you're no grandchild of mine,"

Nala grabbed Zuri's hand as she tried to walk up on her, "Kylan—we're here, where are you?"

Nancy puffed her cigarette, "oh—I see, he called you? I've got news for you, he's not going."

"Yo bitch, we don't got time for the games, where the fuçk is he? I'm close to beating the fuçk' outta you," Zuri snapped, she wasn't a morning person and to be woke out of her sleep for this shit was already agitating her, and Nala knew that Zuri hated for anyone to disrespect her or Kasim. "Hello? You don't hear me talking to you?"

Zuri walked up to her, Nala went to grab her again but Kasim stopped Nala.

"Who the fuçk do you think—" Nancy gasped when Zuri wrapped her hand around her neck and pushed her forcefully against the wall, the lady eyes nearly popped out of her sockets.

Kasim grabbed Nala's face and made her look at him, "go find Ky, aight? Let Zuri handle it,"


"It wasn't a question,"

Nala nodded, he kissed her lips.

She took another look at Zuri before making her way through the house—she searched every room he could be and her heart sank as she stood in front of the door that lead to the attic. She froze in her spot as she heard Nancy's screams and pleas, tears cascaded down her face as she touched the handle. Memories flooded her mind and she let the handle go, the many beatings she endured in the attic came to her hard. The many days she spent locked up there with no food, water, clothes, or bathroom.

It all made her clutch her chest and fall back into the table that fell over with a thud, she pulled her knees to her chest as she rocked back and forth.

She couldn't do it.

She was that broken little girl all over again, she wasn't strong.

She was weak.

Even in old age and as frail as her grandmother now was, Nancy still had a hold over her. She still could control her mind and body.

Her brother was up there possibly fighting for his life and she couldn't do something as simple as open the door and go up to get him, how could she be the one he called on?

Feeling arms around her she flinched hard, "it's just me sweet baby, I ain't mean to scare you. You're bleeding," he grabbed her hands that scratched and dug through her arms.

"I—I can't go up there, please don't make me. I'm sorry, I'll—I'll do better," her eyes was locked on the door, she had a far away look in them.

She felt her body being lifted and soon was headed back down the stairs, "you're the reason he's up there like this! You let him think being with a boy is okay' I disciplined you for it and I even had Joe show you why—"

Nala had jumped from Kasim's arms and before they could register what was happening she had took the the metal bat that sat by the front door and swung it, Nancy's teeth flew out of her mouth from the powerful hit, her head had turned before her body and once her body caught up she had fell to the floor, "you shut your fuçking mouth," she snapped, "don't you fuçking dare say that name to me! You didn't discipline shît, you abused and beat me! You sick twisted mothafucka, you locked me in the attic with that man knowing what he was—" she paused, "fûck you Nancy! I hope you rot in fuçking prison,"

She then stormed back up the stairs, she was more than what happened to her. She was stronger than what went on behind closed doors, she was going to be her brother's protector, like she had wished she had growing up. She would no longer let fear stop her from standing up for him, when he couldn't do it for himself.

Opening the door to the attic, she let out a deep breath before walking up the stairs.

Kylan laid there clutching his side, his breathing slow and steady. "I'm here Ky," she crouched next to him, "I'm sorry that it took me sixteen years to build enough courage, I'm here. I swear I'm here, don't check out on me," she cried.

Zuri moved her back and let Kasim lift Kylan, Nala grabbed his bag that rested next to him and they headed out of the home. Nala took one last look at Nancy, "you know—I forgive you, I forgive Joe, and I forgive your daughter," she spoke, "I can promise you though, you'll never get the chance to hurt me or him again, I'm no longer afraid of you. I'm no longer falling victim to your sick deranged ass,"

Nancy smiled up at her as she smoke her cigarette, blood leaking from her forehead, lips, and mouth.

She held a gun in her hand, Nala watched her put it underneath her chin. She turned away, and as they made it to the car they heard the shot go off.

She felt nothing, she didn't look back.


"This shit hurts so bad," Kylan groaned as he held an ice pack on his right side, "how long does it take to heal?"

Nala rubbed her fingers over his swollen lip and shook her head at his bruised up face, "maybe a month or two, depending on your body."

They had made it to the hospital and after what felt like hours Kylan was okay to be seen.

He suffered from fractured ribs, dehydration, and a mild concussion.

He could only have one overnight visitor—which is why Kasim and Zuri headed home around a hour or two ago.

The police had came, took statements, pictures, and even asked if they had consent to dig up Nala's old hospital records. Although Nancy killed herself they still wanted proof and evidence to rule out any foul play, Nala admitted that she had hit her with a bat but they looked over that and after they both shared their stories they truly sympathized with them and let them know that they wouldn't be needing anything further from them.

Nancy's death was ruled strictly as a suicide.

Surprisingly to them both, Nala was Kylan's next of kin and with their mother being no where to be found they would place Kylan in Nala's care temporarily until they could contact Nakita, if they failed to find her then they were told that it was up to Nala to take guardianship over him.

The process wouldn't be easy but Nala assured them that rather they found Nakita or not she would still like to do what was necessary for Kylan to be with her, she wouldn't dare send him with their mother.

He rolled his eyes, "what are you crying Ka?"

"I failed you," she sniffled, "and—why didn't you tell me you liked boys? How'd she find out? Do you have a boyfriend? I can definitely see you're way more feminine now, you're so pretty. Are you having sex?"

Kylan laughed and then groaned in pain, "you didn't fail me Ka, you've had it worse than I ever have, I don't blame you for not coming to that house. Even when you tried I begged you not to," he grabbed her hand and kissed it, "you still take care of me and let' me know that I'm loved, we had a whole plan for when I turned eighteen, and everything. Don't be so hard on yourself Ka, you promised me that whenever it was too much and I called, you'll come to me no questions asked and you did just that, you faced your trauma and fears for me. For me, you're my hero,"

Nala couldn't help the sob that left her mouth hearing him speak so highly of her, "I didn't even tell her that I was gay—she saw this lame nigga and I kissing or whatever and lost her shît, I don't have a boyfriend—not anymore atleast, and calling me feminine is your way of assuming I'm a bottom? Calling me pretty is very..."

Her eyes widened, "I didn't mean to offend you,"

Kylan laughed, "I'm kidding, relax some. I know that I'm pretty, of course. Yes, I've had sex with one person, and yes I get bent. I don't do no bending,"

They shared a laugh, "well—congratulations for living in your truth then, and I'm happy for you. You can be yourself with me,"

He smiled at her, "I know I can Ka, thank you for coming to get me—and always looking out for me,"

"Now, tell me about this boy who seemed to have broke your heart?"

Kylan chuckled, "long story short, I have a type—downlow niggas—and we would be perfect behind closed doors, he became a little clingy after we decided to have sex, and he started to be on me way more even around his boys. One day his boys asked what was up, and I guess instead of telling them he was embarrassed or some shit, and started to call me all types of slurs, and all that. I was cool with him being closeted and stuff, so how you gone take it out on me because you blew your own cover? It wasn't like I was on him, hell, he was all on me. I broke things off with him,"

Nala frowned, "he's lame for that, you did right. Also, never be okay with being put back into a closet that you're out of, no matter how cute a boy is, if someone can't love you outloud then they're not worth what you give to them in private," 

"You're right, I guess I just attach easily to anyone who shows interest in me—trynna fill a void," he whispered, "looking for love in anyone who shows me interest, good or bad. I've been working on it,"

Silence filled the room, "how would you feel about therapy Ky? I have this really good therapist,"

"Does it help?"

"As much as you want it to, if you put in the work then yes." She assured him, "I fell off a little bit' but soon I'll start back, never tackled Nancy and Nikita, I think I'm ready to,"

Kylan sighed, "I'll try,"

His phone soon went off, he flipped the screen so Nala could see. He mouthed that it was his ex and she chuckled at how flustered he looked, he answered it and they both only looked into the camera, "I seen yo' crib roped off and a body bag—I'm glad that you answered," it was panic laced in the boys voice.

"As you can see I'm alive—barely—but I am Kilo,"

"Can I come see you? You wanna talk about it?"

Kylan let out a breath, "I think it's best if you don't come see me, or contact me again. I hope one day you love yourself enough to be happy with who you are truly, and I wish you nothing but the the best. I meant it when I ended things,"

"I—I, Ky, baby, please," his voice cracked, "I'm sorry for saying those things about you..."

Nala could see tears flowing down Kylan's face, she gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "Goodbye Kilo,"

"But I love you Kylan, don't do this to me forreal. I'll do what it takes, I'll come out, I'll—I'll," he couldn't finish his sentence due to choking up and trying to find the right words, "don't leave me forreal,"

Kylan dropped his head, "I wish you the best Kilo, and I, um, I love you too."

With that he hung up, Nala stood to hug him while he broke down in her arms.


Nala stood nervously in her leather bodysuit with red bottoms to match as she paced back and forth waiting patiently on Zuri, she was working herself up.

"Don't let her see you so nervous, she'll use it against you," Kasim told her, "she'll play on your weakness, in order to arouse herself,"

It was now later that night and Nala had finally summoned Zuri to the dungeon—shocking them both considering the day Nala had. However, Zuri made sure she was sure and once Nala was—she had no choice but to oblige.

Kylan was still in the hospital but he begged of Nala to go get some rest—she was smothering him, and he'd be sure to call her if he needed her, with him being released tomorrow he wanted a second alone before his life changed drastically. He'd be going to a new school, living in a new neighborhood, having to make new friends, and everything. He was overwhelmed with that and Nala not letting him breathe wasn't making it any better. He nearly drove her home himself.

"I have no dominant bone in my body," she complained, "I can't do this, she's going to laugh at me."

Kasim chuckled through the discreet ear piece she had on, he sat in the camera room and she asked of him to coach her through it until he felt she had it under control, "I believe in you baby—you can do it' if you fold you'll end up in here yourself from me. We don't want that right?"

Nala shivered, "n—no, I don't,"

"Okay then, relax and listen to me, when I stop talking I want you to take charge,"

Nala nodded, as a knock sounded out throughout the room. She walked to the door and took a deep breath, she opened it and looked over Zuri's appearance—satisfied with what she told her to wear she stepped to the side and let her into the room. She watched her ass jiggle in the thong she had on—her only requirement—she wanted the rest of her nude.

"Tell her to wipe the smirk off her face, she's already seeing you're nervous,"

Zuri turned to face her and she indeed had a cocky smirk on her face, "did I say something for you to smirk about?" Nala cocked her neck to the side and asked.

"She's about to challenge you, shut her up before she tries. Set boundaries,"

"Don't speak. I didn't ask you to do that either," she cut her off seeing her lips part, "you're wasting time, you should have walked in, kneeled and presented me your box by now,"

Nala could see Zuri snap her mouth shut and for the first time she saw a look of concern flash in her eyes, that gave her a boost of confidence.

"Yes sunshine,"

"She can only address you as madam, correct that. With reinforcement,"

Walking to Zuri she grabbed her by the neck and applied pressure, "address me as madam—first and last time telling you,"

Zuri eyes widened and she nodded quickly the more pressure Nala applied, once she let go Zuri sucked in a breath to breathe and quickly dropped to her knees and grabbed any box, Nala was shocked to see her so nervous now, "you see that? You got her right where you want her sweetbaby—now, let me sit back and enjoy the show," Nala held her laugh in.

She knew his dick was more than likely out already, and he assured her that he'd leave the mic on so she could hear him getting off to them.

"I—I chose this one madam,"

Nala chuckled, "stuttering?"

She took the box, and opened it. She handed Zuri the paper and told her to read it off, "it says that I can't have any orgasms, I have to be hog tied, if I do have a orgasm I have to be spanked until I call the safe word, and—you have the option to use a secret weapon of your choice at any point,"

Nala watched her stand and she looked genuinely concerned, Nala however kept her face hard and didn't crack under pressure. Zuri grabbed the ties and handed them to her, "where would you like me madam?"

"On the bed,"

Zuri nodded and sat on the bed patiently, Nala took the ties and forcefully pushed her back. "Legs in the air," she told her, Zuri did as told. "Hands too,"

She then took the ties and combined her ankles and wrist, as they were held straight up in the air. Zuri hissed when Nala swiped her fingers over her bare pussy after she moved her thong to the side, "look at the mess you've made already,"

She was super wet and sticky, "the choke did it—call her a bitch, whore, or a slut,"

Nala wasn't one to use such words on her but Zuri had been testing her and calling her weak, "I'm turning you on more than you planned on it? Hm bitch?"

She watched Zuri's back arch off the bed when she plunged two fingers inside of her with no warning, "look at you—being such a slut, pulling me in—gripping my fingers so needy,"

"Damn..." Kasim muttered, followed by a moan.

Zuri had become wetter at that, Nala smirked and pulled her thongs up by her ankles and then placed a sweet kiss to Zuri's clit, her wet folds was soon spread apart by Nala's thick tongue, she sucked in a breath and let out a whimper, "oh my," she moaned. Her eyes closing as she bit her lip to not give Nala the satisfaction of hearing her.

Kasim went to say something but Nala had beat him, "you got your eyes closed Zuriena? Hm?" She looked up to her, sucking her clit into her mouth, "untuck your lip too—let me hear you," she spoke enough for Zuri to hear her. Starting back to eat her.

Zuri however didn't listen, she whimpered when Nala pulled away. She wasn't prepared for Nala to walk to her and grab her face roughy making her look at her, "you speak when spoken too,"

Zuri smirked and looked away, she didn't think Nala had it in her to make her fully submit to her.

"You gone take that?" Kasim chuckled, he however stopped at that, he wanted Nala to take over now.

Zuri went to taunt her by calling her weak but her eyes widened when Nala only smirked at her and slapped her face, not too hard but not too soft either.

"I'm done with your games," she told her, and then stepped away—grabbed her secret weapon and headed back to the bed.

Nala then untied her and flipped her around so she could tie her wrist behind her back, and feet to the bed posts—Zuri tried to turn her head to see what she was doing but Nala had clamped the choker that hung from the ceiling around her neck and pulled it tight, "Nala—"

She hissed when a stinging sensation spread across her ass, making her arch deepen. "I—I meant Madam," she choked out, "what are you doing? Why are you so quiet? What'd you get?"

"Is that panic I hear in your voice?" Nala chuckled, she grabbed the lube and lubed the strap on she had put on, "don't ask me anymore questions,"

Nala crawled onto the bed—positioned herself behind Zuri and slid the nine inch, life-like, dick up and down her dripping slit, "oh fuck," Zuri wiggled her hands in the restraints.

She sucked in a breath when Nala slid into her with no warning and slid the entire legnth in her, her eyes closed tightly, while she lost her arch. That only caused Nala to punch her lower back forcing her to arch again, "deeper," Nala told her. Zuri nodded and deepened her arch, "so—you can listen?"

If Nala knew one thing it was that Zuri loved to be strapped by her—she loved the way Nala was always so passionate and slow with her. When Nala did strap her it was for them two to make love, Nala had never fucked her roughly with it before but the way Zuri had been taunting her, Kasim watching/listening, and her wanting to prove to not only them but herself as well—that she could sometimes be what they both needed as far as being a rough/nasty lover—she was going to step out of her comfort zones and do her how she knew Zuri loved to be treated.

Getting out of her head she eased the toy out of her slowly and roughly slid back into her, Zuri let out a dragged out moan.

Nala then repeated the step, over and over.

Zuri only got louder and louder, Kasim had even let out a few groans and moans himself through the ear piece.

Nala watched Zuri's ass jiggle as she bounced back on the strap with her back perfectly arched—even better than when she had started. She smacked her ass making her scream, "Oh! Smack it again baby!" Zuri moaned and gripped Nala's hands that was now holding onto the restraints so she could dig deeper with the powerful blows she was delivering her.

She did as told before grabbing her hips and fuçking her harder making Zuri's eyes roll.

"Fuck," Zuri moaned when Nala grabbed a fist full of her hair yanking her head back.

"I'm gonna cum," Zuri cried out.

Nala smirked to herself and reached down to play with her clit.

"You gone break the rules?" Nala whispered in her ear and went harder, moving her fingers faster as well. "You're not supposed to cum, am I fuçking you that good belle?"

Zuri whimpered, tears formed in her eyes. Nala wasn't as fluent in French as her and Kasim but she could speak it some, and she knew exactly how to get Zuri to come undone.

"No," Zuri moaned and choked on her words when Nala grabbed her by the neck. "Y-yes!" She changed it feeling her fuck her harder.

"Cum for me baby! lâche-moi pour moi," Nala kissed her neck and felt Zuri squirt wetting them both up.

"Shit sweet baby! I let got for you too," Kasim's heavy breathing was heard through her ear.

She smirked at that.

Zuri fell forward out of breath, Nala pulled the strap out of her and smirked down at the cream that coated it and how wet Zuri was. Taking it off she untied her and flipped her around pushing her on her back, she got in the scissoring position on top of her—Zuri's eyes closed as Nala's clit rubbed against hers. The wetness from them both made it easier as Nala slowly did it knowing that Zuri loved it slow.

"Let me hear you," Nala bent down and kissed on her neck.

"Madam," Zuri felt herself about to cum again, "I—I'm going to cum again," she whimpered.

Nala wrapped her hand around her neck, causing a gasp to leave from Zuri, her eyes rolled to the back of her head as her airway was restricted. She held on for a second until Zuri's body shook and she came again, once she let go Zuri sucked in a breath of air, "why are you doing me like this?" Tears rolled down Zuri's face.

Her legs shook violently—Nala got from off of her and it wasn't long before she had her cumming twice in her mouth, the second time she held it in her mouth and slapped Zuri's cheek to make her open her eyes, they slowly fluttered open and Nala grabbed her cheeks making her mouth open as well.

Zuri's eyes widened seeing Nala lean over her mouth and let her cream drip into her mouth before spitting in it, that alone triggered another orgasm out of Zuri.

Nala hated spit, she'd never let them do it to her or do it to them so it caught them all off guard, "fuckkkkkk," Kasim hissed and she knew that he had nutted to the sight himself.

"Okay, you win! I'm sorry—I—I submit to you Madam, you got it," Zuri pushed Nala away from her, "you're going to kill me," she cried real tears.

Nala ignored her and grabbed the paddle, "you do know you have to get spanked until you call the safe word right? You've been broke the rules love,"

She had five or maybe six orgasms when she wasn't even supposed to have one.

Nala, Kasim, and Zuri all were shocked when Nala hadn't had the chance to spank her once before she said, "je tape,"


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