Wall to Wall

By shagurl01

21K 713 199

This is a black vampire love story. More

πŸ‘‹πŸΎHey my niggletsπŸ‘‹πŸΎ
Chatpter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
⚠️For The Nosy Readers⚠️
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chaper 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 29

381 13 7
By shagurl01

"MERRY CHRISTMAS" Coco yelled on FT with everybody else, except for Que because he was with her in the car on the way to the airport to pick up his mother.

"You loud as hell Co damn" Bryson said looking at the camera still looking sleep. And Rob didn't say anything because he was on the phone with her since last night.

"Well I'm sorry y'all need to be like Cam and Kenny. Get up niggas." Coco said rolling her eyes.

"We ain't got kids to be up early for, and if y'all didn't have to got to the airport y'all would be still sleeping too." Tokyo said pulling her bonnet back on her head.

"You right but you better enjoy it cause this your last Christmas sleeping baby girl." Que said snatching the phone from Coco and putting his face in the camera.

"Coco get your phone back cause he smoking crack" Tokyo said with a straight face.

"Stop playing with my brudda and give him a baby" Cam said coming into the camera on a lil kid bicycle.

"Shit the hell up and get off my nieces bike." Tokyo said while everyone laughed at him.

"I'm dead ass serious, after you meet my momma and she fall in love with you, that's the okay to knock you up." Que said looking over at Cocos phone pointing his finger at it.

"I'm about to hang up because nobody is trying to hear about that Cupid." Tokyo said just looking at the phone.

"Aye y'all look at my lil man" Kenny said holding up his son and showing his outfit.

"Aww look at teedy baby. You look like your daddy." Tokyo said smiling

"Look at him" Coco cooed at the phone showing Que.

"Lil nigga got more style than his ugly ass deddy." Que said. "Fuck u punk"
Kenny's son said holding up his middle finger and running away.

"Ayee boi" Kenny said getting up to run after him.

"Anyways what time y'all coming to our house?" Coco asking Tokyo and Rob.

"I mean we can come when yall get back so I can meet y'all momma and if she likes us she can come to Mae's house to eat dinner because I know yall not cooking." Tokyo said making sense to everyone else.

"That's a good idea she'll like y'all so save us a spot at the table." Coco said looking at everyone else and what they were doing.

"It's 8 in the morning shit Ma should've picked a different time or came yesterday I'm tired." Que said scratching his arms out yawning.

"Who you telling and it's cold outside we should've went to Florida tbh." Coco said wishing they did.

Que's phone started ringing announcing it was his mother calling. "Yes ma'am" Que said putting the phone on speaker. "Where the hell is you at it's cold out here?" She said loudly.

"I know them people looking at you like you crazy yelling at o phone, and we in the pick up line now. I'm behind the blue van." Que said looking to see if he saw her.

"Well skip the line or something cause I'm not about to freeze my ass off." She said looking for the blue van.

"Hold on I see you I'm coming" Que said hanging up the phone.

"She sounds like Coco lowkey" Cam said making Coco look at the screen again.

"They kinda look like each other too. It's weird ass hell if you ask me." Que said going into another line and skipping other cars going to his mother.

"Aww look at my auntie" Coco said smiling hard. " We'll talk to yall later because everybody is doing their own thing and Bryson is back sleep. Love yall" Coco said

"Love you too" "love sis" love yall too be safe" "love you too baby" everyone called out at once before hanging up.

Que stopped his car and put on his hazards as he saw his mother coming to the car smiling hard. Coco got out the car as well running to hug her first.

(A/N: MISS KELLY BABY🎶🤩 and ima keep her name the same)

"Move bitch she my momma" Que said mushing Cocos head. "See ma you see how he talks to me" Coco said hugging her other side.

"I do and boy don't talk to my baby like that" she said smacking his head. "Aww look at my big babies, yall really grown up on me" she said stepping back to look at them.

"Ima cry just looking at yall, Merry Christmas" she said pocking her lip out.

"Come on ma with that mushy shit—I mean stuff" Que said correcting himself and grabbing her bag.

"Shit up Cupid" she said walking to the car getting in the back seat. "I'm not sitting up there with him while he's driving this hellcat I'm too sexy to die." She added in making Coco laugh.

"I gotta tell y'all something." She said sounding serious. "Omg my momma got cancer" Que said slamming on the brakes and throwing his hands up being dramatic.

"No dummy, I swear yo daddy had to drop you on yo head cause why just why? She asked side eyeing him.

"I wanted to tell y'all I don't have to go back to work until January 10th and I wanted to stay down here with y'all like the old times. I miss seeing my babies everyday.

"Auntie you know we don't care. I miss you too and I miss having girl time with you. Coco said reminiscing on the old times.

"Yea ma you know we cool with you staying here. I wish you would move down here but you grown." Que said looking at his mother in the mirror.

"Well that's the verdict I'm staying. Coco you got one more semester left how you feel? And Cupid I'm I gonna get to meet this girlfriend of yours today?" She asked tapping their shoulders.

"I'm so excited i everything is going so fast." Coco said smiling. "My girl coming once you get settled in and she invited us to her family house for Christmas dinner if you wanna go" Que added in.

"Will see yall know I don't eat everybody's cooking" she sat back closing her eyes and putting her head on the window. "And miss Coco don't think I forgot about Robert either."

"He should be coming when she is too, you'll love them." Coco said hoping for the best.


They made it back to the house and let their mother/aunt freshen up. Coco and her aunt were sitting on the couch, Coco had her head in her aunts lap. Que was in his room playing the game

"Ohh Co let me show my Halloween pictures, you didn't pick up the phone that night and I didn't post them because, you know who thinks his my father" Kelly said pointing her towards the steps whispering the last part.

"Ahh shit now my auntie look good, where did I you go too. Giving body in the cat suit." Coco said snapping her fingers in a z

"I tried it was last minute but Bey and Michelle made me go out to a get together and I had so much fun. They made me realize I need to stop working as much and have fun I'm not getting any younger." Kelly said closing her phone and rolling Coco's head.

"Well you look like you're still in your 30s so you definitely have plenty of time left. I'm happy you got them to pull you to have fun. I have that in Tokyo so I want have to hang with you and your friends now." Coco said smiling.

"I'm happy for the both of us. You just like me in so many ways. We struggle to stay involved in friendships and relationships. Mine comes working all the time and yours comes from how your parents treated you. And it's not your fault. You just needed the right friend group to make you wanna stay around." Kelly said looking into Coco's eyes.

"Yeah I know they really messed me up and traumatized me when it comes to people but, You and Que helped me a lot." Coco said hugging her aunt.

"Y'all my everything honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way chocolate drop" Kelly said squeezing Coco closer.

"Y'all in here acting like y'all don't be texting each other everyday, i should be one getting some love." Que said walking from upstairs.

"Jealousy is what I smell" Coco said putting her finger under her nose, making a stank face.

"Immature is what I see" Que said covering his eyes. "But Tokyo and rob outside" he said going to open the door.

Coco and Kelly stood up waiting to see the others come in. Rob walked in first with gifts in his arms and said Merry Christmas. He put them down and approached Coco and Kelly.

"Hey mama—how you doin my name is Robert but you can call me Rob. He said holding his hand out." Rob said going to hug Kelly.

"Hi I'm Kelly you can call me Miss Kelly or Kelly anything is fine. And you are a handsome one I see" she admired his big smile look at her then Coco.

"Hey pookie" Coco said kissing him quick.

"I know we just meet but me Tokyo didn't want you to feel left out." Rob said pulling an envelope out his hoodie pocket.

"Aww yall didn't have too" she said almost snatching the card. "sorry I love gifts." She apologized making Coco and Rob laugh.

"Mmhhhmm that's a good man savannah" Kelly said showing off the gift card. "Girl it's a 5000 dollars on this hoe Coco" she said looking closer at it, i ain't know they made them that high." She said smiling hard. "Ok I'm sorry but thank y'all so much."

"You welcome" Rob said looking at the door watching Que walk through the door holding pink and blue wrapped gifts. "So you in here mixing and mingling while I'm outside fighting for my life?" Que said sitting the gifts down and plotting on the couch.

"No tell the truth you was trying to be nasty and I'm trying to come meet your mother." Tokyo said coming in and closing the door.

"Momma she lying on me" Que said breathing heavy.

"Anyways I'm Tokyo, I've heard so much about you. Merry Christmas." Tokyo said walking over to get a hug.

"Omg I'm Kelly and you are so beautiful and your cheeks are so chubby and cute." Kelly said hugging Tokyo back.

"I see good looks runs in family with you and Coco" Tokyo says rolling her eyes at Que. "Not to much we all look alike. Que said bucking at Tokyo.

"Cut it out Cupid, also thank you for the gift card. I'm got to buy everything for my girls trip with it" Kelly said smiling.

"I know that's right" Tokyo said going to hug Coco. "Hey sissy Pooh, Merry Christmas" Tokyo said "Merry Christmas sissy." Coco said hugging back.

"Our family is having a dinner today you can come if you want to, I know it's weird because you just met us but they expected Coco and Que the same day they met them." Tokyo said going to sit beside Que.

"From what I see I can tell y'all were raised right so I guess I can come. What the attire." Kelly said sitting next Tokyo.

"Well the little kids dress up because they take pictures with the Santa my grandma hires. And the house is decorated, so you can dress how ever just Christmasy but comfortable." Tokyo said "I'm wearing now because I'm playing the family games and I don't wanna mess up something cute." She added in

"Ok I think I got some cute comfortable outfits back there"Kelly said pointing to the guests room.

"I hope you like shopping because that's who me and Coco bonding so fast" Tokyo asked

"Do I? That's where Coco gets it from. I when we go let's steal his wallet." Kelly says looking at Que who was in his phone

"Owe I know we gone be close now miss Kelly." Tokyo said slapping hands with her and laughing

"Y'all laughing to hard now it's not that funny." Que said putting his attention back on the two.

"Shut up Cupid" Coco, Tokyo and Kelly said at once.

"Well excuse me then can we open gifts now so we can go eat I'm hongry" Que said leaning over to get his gifts from under the tree.

"Just a big ass hungry kid." Kelly said shaking her head.

They spent the next three hours opening presents and talking about random life stories. Kelly understood why her two kids loved these two people sitting in front of her. They radiated love and family. And that is how she raised Que and Coco to always be there for each other and family. She liked how they understood so much as young adults but still had time to have fun and be their ages. She enjoyed them so far and she couldn't wait to meet the whole family.


LOL I know I'm late as hell Christmas wise but y'all will be ok.
I didn't check for mistakes so sorry, if you have any questions just ask 😘 

Love y'all ... see you later ✌🏾


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