Chapter 11

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Making to Que and Coco's apartment and parking to wait on Coco to come out. Tokyo huffed popping a plan b into her mouth. She didn't want to take any chances.

She then shot a text to Coco saying she was outside.

Coco came out the house smiling. She was happy to be getting out the house with someone else other than Que or Dee.

"Hey cousin in law" Coco said jokingly to Tokyo. 😜

"Not to much on me Coco, but hey girl" Tokyo said

"ok so you wanna do food-nails-shopping-movies- food or nails-shopping-arcade-movies-food?" Coco asked before they started driving.

"Well I don't want nothing heavy to eat right now but I could go for a frappe from Starbucks. And the first option was good. We can end the day with food." Tokyo said head out the parking lot.

"Ohh a Carmel frappe dose sound good right now it's not early in the morning either."

"Right but how you been doing? We got our fall break coming up too I'm so ready." Tokyo said going to Starbucks.

"I've been ok I'm just trying to get out the house more because if i don't I think I would be thinking of Dee. And I'm not no bitch so that's why I wanted to have a girls honestly. And I ready too those two weeks are gonna be heaven."

"I understand I'm happy I can be here for you. I need more girl friends. I get tired being around my male cousins all the time"

"Same here Que is good company but I can't always go to him for my girl needs even though he loves stealing my bonnet and robe every night."

"Lol he does entirely to much."

They were now never in line at Starbucks. They ordered and pulled up. Tokyo pulled out the money Que gave her and Coco couldn't do nothing but snickers to herself.

Tokyo got the drinks and looked at Coco with a straight face. "It ain't that funny now"

"I'm sorry but you can't lie you like him too. Because if you didn't you wouldn't hang with me." Coco said sipping from her drink.

"Uuhhmm I would I would just act like i don't know that man and continue our friendship. Simple as that." She said shrugging her shoulders.

All Coco could do was shake her head.

"But I think I could see me and him getting cool with each other. I can tell he cares a lot and we just met" Tokyo opened up a little.

"Yea I can tell he wants to treat you different than the others. It's like he's in a trance of something. That man has never been in love before but he swears your his babies mother already."

Laughing lightly Tokyo heard the word trance it was funny because he was but it wasn't a bad one. Just a lil more lust added to what he already had for her.

"You know him better than I do. He is so unserious most of the time so idk. But anyways, how did you get the name Coco? Hopefully it's not as bad and his?

"Girl it's extremely better than his meaning. My mom's name was Courtney and my dad's name was Corey. So they just took the first two letters of their names and made it and it was a plus I was actually a chocolate complexion so yea."

"Aww that's really cute they did their big one with that."

"Yea that was the only good thing they did." Coco said in a sad tone.

"Oh shit did I say something wrong, I'm sorry"

"Oh no you didn't I just don't fuck with them people like that. They literally had me and gave me to my aunt Que's mom hence why his like my brother."

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