Lost City of Atlantis πŸ’¦πŸŒŠ

By GothNebula

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Plagg did mentioned that he was the cause of Atlantis to sink to the bottom of the ocean but he never told th... More

Lost to the Sea
Previous Kittens from the Past
The Adventure Begins
Air Pocket
Dark Reflections
Fury of Gluttony
Fury of Pain
Fury of Envy
Visions of Past
Fury of Lust
Death Rock
Fury of Gossip
Fury of Jealousy
Fury of Panic
Nice Friends
Love and Support

Pet Control

50 4 2
By GothNebula

On the rooftops, the heroes and their adult hero friends were sightseeing, making sure that evil liar hadn't akumatized anyone again with her lies to make victims fall for it.

"She's a monster. It's like nothing can change her mind and heart. You once thought she would come around with redemption but instead, she got worse" Blu Tembo said, learning from these Paris heroes about the times Lila would do something so cruel.

"I tried giving her multiple chances to stop lying but she refused to hear my advice. I was trying to save her from becoming something far worse than inhuman but she never tries to be honest with herself" Cat Noir explained the times he was forced to co-model with her.

"Except she can't help herself that lying is the one thing she's very good at. Yet she is aware of her cruel actions but doesn't feel any regret at all. She's gonna end up as the Girl Who Cried Wolf" Ladybug said, knowing how Cerise doesn't take responsibility for herself.

"And that's what worries me, niños. The more she lies, the more she loses herself in hell. Like giving her soul straight to hell. She's gonna get her life ruined if she doesn't learn to have good deeds, compassion, and generosity. What she does and how she acts in her life" Panthera said, playing with her spear.

"Then it's her loss. Not even God will help her life" Blu Tembo said.

"Of course," Cat Noir said.

"Is there like a backstory to how she became like this?" Panthera asked.

"Apparently not much is known about Cerise. Aside from that she's my deceased father's daughter and my half-sister" Cat Noir said.

"Whatever made her like this, it obviously nothing like a disorder or diagnosis to mentally lie," Blu Tembo said.

"But a desire," Ladybug said.

"Too much desire leads to obsession and obsession leads to madness. I hope one day you two will defeat her. The future isn't set in stone yet" Panthera said.

"As long as we stay together," Ladybug said.

"If Sentinoir didn't stop her in time, she would have known who we were," Cat Noir said.

"Speaking of that sentibeing, I never seen one to care about anyone. I just thought sentimonsters are....well....monsters. Felix was right that they are just beings to be created with freedom, not do the peacock holder's bidding like Shadow Moth did" Blu Tembo said.

"The first time we faced one was a caged-like being. It took me so long to realize that these creatures were created to obey orders. That's why Felix cares so much about them because it reminds him of his father controlling his life the same way Shadow Moth controlled his sentimonsters. I can't believe I judged him without understanding his backstory" Panthera said, feeling guilty to think he was a monster to trade all the miraculous to a bigger monster when instead it was something but she doesn't know what.

"Nobody's perfect in any way," Blu Tembo said.

"The miraculized zombies and nightmare headaches we all went through, it was much worse for it to become World War 3" Panthera shuddered.

"Yeah, but we went through them like we did in the underworld and Atlantis" Cat Noir said.

"True. Lila tries to frame Marinette but fails and gets exposed, to Chloe's tyranny of being the worst mayor but it leads you both to unlocking your unlimited powers, and Mariquita takes the miraculous back from Monarch. You both are like Yin and Yang when fate decides to give you better chances" Panthera counting the list of incidents.

"Oh yes," Ladybug nodded.

"Your amigos are so nice. There was this tall guy I recognized from the zoo the first time I came to Paris. He was making fun of the jaguars and I got so upset. Is he always like that?" Panthera asked, not wanting to judge a person again.

"Yeah, Kim. He's King Monkey and he was the one who pulled that harmful prank on me over a year ago by Chloe's request. He did apologize for that" Ladybug said.

"What?!" Panthera exclaimed.

"Yeah, he thought it was just a practical prank but he wasn't seeing he was hurting my feelings, making me afraid of falling in love again until I met Adrien" Ladybug said.

"And I gave into my anger attacking him," Cat Noir said.

"All of this because of Chloe's doing? No wonder she hasn't learned about responsibility with herself. I'm so sorry you went through all that" Blu Tembo said.

"But Paris no longer has to deal with her reign. She lost all power of that, Chico" Panthera said.

"Yeah. She only enjoyed my suffering" Ladybug said.

"Well, now it's her turn to suffer and see if that's how she likes that in her perspective," Blu Tembo said.

"I wouldn't go that far, Chico. I would call it a curse for her" Panthera said.

"Sorry," Blu Tembo replied.

"Well, so far from what you said about this Kim guy, I just hope he learns to never do that again. Especially learn that animals have feelings like everyone else" Panthera said.

"He did and I accepted his apology," Ladybug said.

"Good. Wait...do you hear something?" Panthera's cat ears flicked at what sounded like multiple dogs and cats barking and meowing in the distance.

"I hear it. It's just dogs and cats. Nothing to worry about" Cat Noir said.

"No. Their sounds are more distressed than regular" Panthera said.

"What?!" Blu Tembo looked down and saw one blue dog with a familiar hoodie on, "The Akuma's turning people into dogs and cats!"

"Look!" Cat Noir sees some of those familiar dogs and cats like their teammates.

"The blue dog must be Argos!" Ladybug figured.

"Purple Tigress?" Panthera recognizes the cat with stripes.

"MEOW!!!" Cat Purple tigress meowed.

The heroes jumped off the roof to get a look at them and indeed it was them.

"I'm a college student in animal studies. Ummm....can you talk?" Panthera asked.

"Of course, I can talk! That akuma turned everyone into dogs and cats because the victim got fired by the vet" Dog Argos growled.

"Okay! Okay! Calm down. You look like you want to bite on something out of anger" Panthera studied canines when they are angry they get this emotional need to chew angrily on their chew toy.

"Only you four can help us now" Rena Rouge appeared as an orange and white Pomeranian.

"That akuma feels angry that she lost her job! It was her dream!" Dog Pigella said.

"What happened?" Ladybug asked.

"She was being accused of doing her job horribly. When she tried to reason with her boss, he just straight up fired her" Dog Pigella explained.

"Ay, puñeta" Panthera groaned.

"And her boss is on the run to get away from her. We hid him so we can face against her but whenever someone looks into her eyes of a dog or cat, they get transformed" Dog Argos explained.

"Got it. We'll find her and find out where her akuma is" Cat Noir said.

"Panthera?" Blu Tembo noticed his partner enjoying this too much by scratching Dog Argos' ears.

"Aww.....I told you dogs loved to get their ears scratched. Who's a good perrito bird?" Panthera giggled.

"This is....not....funny" Dog Argos tried to resist the urge to lay down and roll on his back, "Damn it!" He couldn't resist this as he panted happily.

"Panthera, focus," Blu Tembo said.

"Right, lo siento. In the meantime, Perrito Bird, leads the team of pets. Like a cute puppy you are if you wanna be a good boy" Panthera snickered at how adorable he was as a mixed peacock-themed dog.

"Okay, panther. You heard her, team. Let's go" Dog Argos said.

"Heh, that was kinda funny and cute" Cat Noir snickered.

"Not as cute as you, Kitty" Ladybug chuckled.

"Oh, how I love your humor, Bugaboo" Cat Noir said.

"Dr. Wolferd! Where are you?! No one fires me! I worked so hard in college to have this dream!" The akuma shouting everywhere.

"Hey! Over here!" Blu Tembo shouted.

"How pathetic! I hate elephants that destroy cars!" The akuma-like doctor animal tried her gaze to turn him but he looked away.

"Not today!" Cat Noir extends his staff to hit her.

"Kitty! Don't look at her eyes!" Blu Tembo warned.

"Got it!" Cat Noir closed his eyes.

"You animals are so filthy! That's why I hate the zoo! I prefer house pets! I am Pet Control!" The akuma yelled angrily to get them to look.

"Pets and zoo animals are the same in the animal kingdom, doc. Being a vet doctor also requires to aid every type of animal than just pets" Cat Noir said.

"Yeah! From small to big!" Blu Tembo said.

"And I happen to love animals too! But for an akuma villain, that's not harmony to turn innocent people into cats or dogs! Whatever Chrysalis told you about, it's just her way of ruining everyone's life and yours like you're doing now! It's not too late for your boss to see what a great vet doctor you are!" Panthera said.

The akumatized woman paused for a moment, "Don't hesitate, get them!" Chrysalis spoke through her mask.

Ladybug's lucky charm was the biker helmet she used on Psychomedian. But someone has to be the sacrifice to get turned or distract the akuma.

"Hey Panthera? Care to do the honor?" She hands the helmet to her.

"Si, mariquita" Panthera knew what to do and it was to distract Pet Control long enough for the heroes to get close enough for the akumatized glasses.

"Okay, doc. I do go to college to study animals but I'm sure you and I have something in common!" Panthera puts the helmet on to not get directly gazed at.

"We have nothing in common, brat! All I ever wanted was to save dogs and cats from being abused! Neglected! Tortured! Abandoned!" Pet Control fights her.

"Get as close as possible, Blu Tembo. Give her a memory of happiness. Whatever memory made her remember the times she wanted to be a vet doctor" Ladybug instructed.

"Got it, Nyckelpiga!" Blu Tembo jumps up. He can't miss the target or he'll hit Panthera.

"Enough! You think you can be so clever! You never had a job life to get yourself fired!" Pet Control tried to beat her.

"Of course I do! I worked with my family in a job! I loved my family! They loved me for me as well as supporting each other! Just like I supported animals because I can read their feelings!" Panthera caught her wrist and made a wrestling move.

"Let go of me!!!" Pet Control screamed.

"NOW!!" Panthera said to Blu Tembo.

"Recall!" He shouted and blew his horn to create a memory orb on Pet Control to remember from her childhood to today her dream to become a vet doctor.

"No! Resist it!" Chrysalis said through telepathy but Pet Control was already living her memories she had long forgotten about.

Panthera grabs the akumatized glasses, "Gatito!" She threw it towards him to destroy it.

"CATACLYSM!!!" He destroyed it to unleash the akuma.

"No more evil doings for you!" Ladybug caught it with her yo-yo to purify it, "Bye bye little butterfly"

"One thing left to do, mariquita" Panthera hands her the lucky charm she used.

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!!!" She tossed it to restore everyone to human form.

"We're back to normal!" Rena Rouge looks at herself.

Argos coughed his dog hair out, "Gross!"

"Gross!" Carapace gasps.

"Finally! At last, I don't have to carry my fan with my mouth" Argos said, knowing that animals with paws can't grab things without opposable thumbs.

"And I'm no longer a cat," Purple Tigress said.

"You seem to like getting your ears scratched, Flairmidable" Rena Rouge laughed.

"Shut up" Argos blushed.


Later at the houseboat, Adrien was helping Felix find an interest in life. Even the young adult heroes too learn to develop and grow like every child would do.

"Scrapbooking or journals is like creating happy memories to remember as you grow," Adrien said as he already made his, despite how childish it can be but a way to develop his own happiness to cherish every memory of those who helped him.

"Hmmmm. That might be something" Felix said, holding a journal.

"Heh, the photos of you and Kagami. Definitely the definition of your true happiness, chico malo" Luna looks at the pictures of him and Kagami.

"She's my true queen. She's the only girl I love that makes me truly happy" Felix said.

"And you two will someday have your happiness unbreakable. Don't let anyone else ruin what you two have" Pelle said.

"Thanks, Pelle" Felix smiled.

"Art is like any other beauty people see through life, Felix. Like Marc's writing is words to express what everyone feels in poetry" Nathaniel explained.

"I see. Well, I've heard that some artists do give their emotions into their artworks as well" Felix said.

"Exactly. Every art throughout history passes through generations to inspire. Like heroes to inspire future generations to come and protect the world before then" Adrien hands glue and tape to him to place photos of Felix's life with Kagami in his journal.

Alix held photos of every time era from the past she's been in, especially the one she made in Disney's Alice In Wonderland movie from 1951 which had the creator inspired by her to create a Rabbit character with a time watch.

"Wow, you met him?" Felix was surprised.

"Yeah, I did," Alix said.

"That explains how he made a character rabbit based on you," Marinette said.

"Yes but Alice in Wonderland is far older than the movie," Alix said.

"Indeed. But I'm sure something else occurred through time" Adrien said.

"Done. Neat, my queen" Felix showed his design in scrapbooking style in his journal.

"Lovely" Kagami said.

"Heh, London sure inspired you about kings and queens," Luna said, knowing that her home country doesn't have kings or queens.

"Hai. It does. My country has an emperor" Kagami said.

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