Mechanical love

Per Knightshadowbarnes

1.8K 80 0

The story is about a girl who is the bad girl type, and she is smart. and she was good with vehicles and mach... Més

Chapter One
Chapter two;
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four.

Chapter Twenty-six

24 1 0
Per Knightshadowbarnes

It had been two and a half weeks since her date with Optimus, and to her confusion; she had seen very little of him since then.

It wasn't that they didn't speak, but she'd noticed that any conversation they seemed to have was kept brief, professional, and with a slight distance in between them.

He would avoid physical contact with her, and she'd also noticed that he only ever seemed to approach her when there were other people (or Autobots) around them.

While she was confused by his actions, if she were being honest with herself it actually made her a little angry.

She didn't understand what she'd done wrong, but she wanted to know what it was.

However she'd not been able to keep him around long enough to try and ask him; there was always something he needed to do; a mission he needed to plan for or a person he needed to inform of something. It was downright driving her crazy.

She had spent a fair amount of time dwelling on this, trying to understand. She knew that Optimus had a lot of things under his wings, a myriad of duties that required his address; but she felt so...ditched.

He'd never acted like this before, almost avoiding her in a way; and that fact in and of itself bothered her.

"You're doing it again, Squishy." Ironhide's voice cut into her thoughts with his brash, abrupt tone.

The little mechanic blinked rapidly, moistening her eyes which had dried from lack of doing so. "Wh-what? Doing what?" she asked, looking up from the forgotten notebook in her hands to catch gaze with the stocky mech., "What...did I do?"

He rumbled a laugh and shook his head, "You were staring off into space again. Any longer and you probably would've found Cybertron." He snorted mockingly at her.

This remark made Carolina laugh. "Yeah...sorry, I was just thinking about something." Suddenly she perked up and pointed at him with her pencil.

"Hey, weren't you supposed to be showing me that perfect aim of yours on those training dummies over there?"

He looked over at the firing range and gave what resembled a shrug, "I was...but your lack of attention made it boring, Squishy; so I gave up."

A grin slipped through her expression as she scratched the back of her neck with the pencil before answering, "Aw, I bet you just can't do it. You're just a senile old man who needs glasses."

In response, the massive Autobot gave what resembled a snarl and pointed the cannon of his right arm at the female, the weapon making a whirring noise in an almost threatening manner.

His face looked angry, but Carolina was well aware of this game; it had become one of their favorite banters.
He was only playing with her, waiting for her to call his bluff.

Instead of reacting, she languidly stretched her arms above her head and yawned before slapping his hand with her book.

"Now, now Grandpa; you keep snarling at me like that and your false teeth will fall out!" she laughed, "Hurry up and show me what those things can do!"

With what could only be described as the Cybertronian equivalent of a smirk, he uncurled his fist and used one finger to tap her shortly on the head.

The gesture was only quick, and to anyone else, it would have looked like he'd poked her; but she knew the meaning behind the notion.

Ironhide was gruff and abrupt; not generally comfortable with sappy shows of tenderness, so she knew what small, seemingly insulting jests meant coming from him.

The cranky old veteran could easily be described as one of the best friends she'd had in a very, very long while, and his companionship was something she enjoyed; especially the last fortnight with her mind weighing down about Optimus' aloof attitude.

She watched for the next half an hour as Ironhide fired the hell out of a set of clearly reinforced training dummies.

His sheer, raw power astounded her beyond belief because although she had worked on his weapons many times over, she'd never really sat down and watched their ferocity before.

She was currently mulling over the designs for her own weapon that she planned to build; having decided that a gun would be her best option.

She didn't plan to be able to kill a Decepticon, she just wanted to be able to hurt them, or use something effective enough to give them pause so that there would be time to react; escape even.

She wasn't expecting to be a hero, because it wasn't her role. The Autobots and the soldiers were the heroes.

Little grease monkey Carolina was just there to make sure that the robots stayed alive long enough for them to do so.

Even though she had a basic idea of what she wanted, Carolina still had yet to find something effective for the gun to shoot.

She needed something powerful; quick, something that would stop the enemy in its tracks even if only for a short while. But she had yet to learn what their weakness was.

She needed her attack to be able to count, and from what she'd heard about Decepticons that meant it would have to be perfect; she'd get one shot if she was lucky.

While she mulled thoughtfully for a moment over her notebook, her attention was ripped from her project by the sound of familiar hydraulics ringing through the training hangar; leaving her staring at an Autobot she knew well.

"Prime!" Ironhide called happily, lifting an arm to his leader in a gesture that was half-wave/half-salute, "Come to watch me blow the metal off these things?"

The black mech laughed in jest, the obvious respect and friendship between the two, centuries-old robots clear in his tone.

Optimus observed the surroundings before he responded, his eyes landing on Carolina; noticing the surprise in her eyes as she regarded him.

He felt a pang of guilt shoot through his chest plating at her obvious shock in seeing him. He knew he had been avoiding her the last few weeks, and he hated that he had; but as he felt his Spark writhe within its chamber, he was reminded of why.

He stayed aloof from her because of the commanding pull that his essence demanded of him; it wanted to be near her, a part of her.

Optimus stayed away not because he wanted to, but because he doubted his capability to control his actions. He wanted to keep things as human for Carolina as he could, but Spark's selfish yearning was making it difficult.

He didn't like being away from her, but if it was the only way to give her the time she needed to develop her desire to continue their relationship, he would do what was needed.

"I have seen you destroy far worse things than a training tool, Ironhide." Optimus said with a smile, partially directing some of his gaze to Carolina, to which she did return; despite her obvious wariness of his contact.

She was clearly bothered by his lack of presence of late, and he didn't blame her... Ironhide gave a sinister chuckle and addressed his leader once more.

"Well then, I have a better idea, Prime. Let me test out my new weapon...against you." Optimus opened his mouth to refuse but paused to think it over. Ironhide had yet to actually fight with the new weapon Carolina had installed for him.

Certainly, he'd trained with it against the dummies, but it was not the same as a real target that moved, predicted, and retaliated; it would be much more of a challenge.

Not to mention that Optimus had not forgotten that the little mechanic was still there watching them, and although he wouldn't admit it; he was curious to see her opinion of his own fighting techniques.

Despite him being a Cybertronian and a great leader to a noble alien freedom faction; he was still, for all intents and purposes, a male.

And every boy likes to show off for a pretty girl.

"You're on, Ironhide." He rumbled deeply, making his way over to the training area before turning to Tessa, "you might...want to stay somewhere out of the way."

Still trying to sift through her genuine surprise at him openly speaking to her, and her slight annoyance at his recent avoidance of her; she gave him a smirk and crossed her arms over her chest, not moving from the large metal table in the corner she was sitting on before responding.

"I can see quite well from here, Chief." She said firmly, giving him a serious, non-debatable expression.

He gave her a nod, a slight dip of his head before turning back to his comrade who was waiting. "I will not go easy on you, old friend." He said warningly, "Are you sure you wish to do this?"

Ironhide gave a scoff before clenching his fist and releasing the massive machete from his inside of his right forearm; the massive spring-loaded blade appearing quite formidable on the mech. "Bring it, Prime." He growled playfully.

Carolina had to fight to hold back a frightened scream when she saw Optimus shoot forward with an astounding amount of force toward his weapons specialist.

Ironhide hardly had time to lift his arm and block before the two of them locked in an intense, almost rehearsed battle.

She had never seen anything like it before; it was both a little frightening, and awe-inspiring at the same time. While she'd often seen the results of their fights with Decepticons, Carolina had never actually seen them battle.

Optimus and Ironhide had clearly different techniques, but they moved so well together that she honestly couldn't have picked a winner.

The Prime, with his dual Energon blades clanging harshly against the metal, swung with the grace of a panther; backed up by the strength of goliath.

Ironhide; using her custom machete and his own fists, packed pure, raw power in his blows and he threw his entire weight behind the punches.

They were almost evenly matched for a long while, but finally, Optimus used his height to his advantage; striking his subordinate from above at an angle he couldn't block.

The blow would have been fatal, but true to his nature, Optimus simply tapped the Energon playfully to the back of Ironhide's neck.

"I hate to have to inform you, Ironhide...," he rumbled deeply, "...but you just died."

Carolina smiled at his jibe, not being able to help herself in the wake of his playful, life-sparing jest. She'd expected no less from the Prime.

As she watched the two of them banter and discuss their training session, she felt a small bubble of repressed hurt and annoyance swell in her chest; reminded of the fact that Optimus had been all but avoiding her the last few weeks.

Seeing his freely comfortable banter with Ironhide had made her decision for her. She wanted some answers.

Closing her notebook, she tossed it carelessly onto the table next to her and slid off; her boots thumping the ground solidly.

She made her way over to where the two mechs stood before clearing her throat loudly to make her presence known. Ironhide looked down at her with a smug expression on his metal face.

"What did you think, Squishy? I was pretty fragging amazing, wasn't I?" he said gruffly with a superior smile. Despite her current intention, she couldn't help but mock her friend.

"What are you talking about, Grandpa? You lost!" she laughed, kicking his foot playfully with her boot before her tone turned serious, "Anyway, you don't mind if I borrow him for a while, do you?"

She looked up at Ironhide, pointing her thumb casually at Optimus; who seemed a little surprised by her question.

However, the black metalled mech just shook his head in response, "Not at all. I'll leave you two to...catch up."

He waved a hand carelessly as he chuckled deeply before turning and walking out of the hangar; not even bothering to wait for Optimus' reaction.

The tall Autobot leader looked down at Carolina, feeling that familiar buzz within his chest plates.

His Spark was pleased to have visual confirmation of her presence; and although he wanted to try and place distance between them to numb its demands, he wanted to listen to whatever it was she had to say to him.


"-Save it, Chief," she said, turning to him with a stern, apprehensive look on her face, "You. Me. Drive. Right now."

He felt the ball of energy within his chest hum contentedly at the suggestion; and he worried a little bit in this regard. It was difficult enough already trying not to kiss her, he didn't know how well a private drive with her would end; however he could not refuse her.

He would not.

Anything she asked of him that was within his power to give; he would give. A drive, he could do for her, no matter how difficult it would be to resist her.

Nodding to her, he quickly transformed into the Peterbilt before opening the driver side door to let her in. He decided that as long as he did not activate the Holoform, there would be much less temptation to kiss her.

He felt her climb in to the driver's seat before her clipped the seatbelt around her and close the door after her.

"Where would you like me to take you?" he asked her, his voice rumbling through the radio. He could feel the sense of frustration coming from her; not angry, just confused...and perhaps a little hurt.

He hated himself for making her feel this way, but until she requested him to kiss her; he could not tempt fate.

"Anywhere quiet." She said simply, her hand rested on the seat in a relaxed fist, "I just...want to talk to you...."

"Alright." He said simply, hearing the flicker of hurt in her voice. So he had been right in assuming that separation was difficult on her too. He shifted the truck into gear and it rumbled out of the hangar.

They drove at an unhurried pace, and before long the late afternoon sun had started to turn the world around them a fierce orange color.

Carolina sat in the driver's seat just stewing on her thoughts for most of the drive; however, her silence was deafening to him.

It was unlike her to be so quiet; especially when alone with him, she usually unabashedly expressed whatever was on her mind to him.

He could not deny that in the last few weeks, he had missed her; and not just because his Spark yearned for her to be close.

"Carol..." he tried tentatively, still not fully knowing whether she was angry with him or just...cautious, " wanted to talk to me, didn't you?"

She started to fiddle with the leather on the seats, avoiding looking at the rear-view mirror as she spoke, "Yeah...can we just...park somewhere first?"

There was a moment of silence before he pondered what it was that she asked. Then finally he responded to her with a gentle, comforting tone, "I know of a place..."

They drove a little while longer before they actually reached their destination, and Carolina didn't really speak again other than the occasional small talk question such as 'Where are we going' or something of the like.

The location they were headed to was a familiar one for him; it was the small overlook where his Autobots, Sam and his mate Mikaela, and himself, had sat and watched the sun slip under the horizon after their first ordeal with Megatron; not unlike the sunset that he could see now...

When they had arrived and he had parked the Peterbilt on the grass a few meters from the edge of the overlook, Carolina had wound down the window and slid herself out of it.

"What...are you doing?" he asked her, both curious and confused by her actions.

She paused briefly before answering him with a pink tint on her cheeks, realizing how stupid it sounded, "Sitting on the hood. Can you...activate the Holoform? I want to talk to you eye-to-eye..."

With that said she nodded to herself and slid the rest of the way out the window, clambering carefully onto the hood of his alt mode.

His Spark buzzed possessively at the idea of her reachable proximity, but Optimus did his best to ignore it.

Carolina was clearly hurt by his recent absence, and he was not going to deny her the comfort she sought; the comfort he wanted to offer her.

Allowing his mind to split from the Peterbilt and into the Holoform, he slid out the other side window and onto the hood of the truck.

Carolina was looking over at the sunset with a perturbed expression before she heard him shift behind her; turning to glance over her shoulder.

To her surprise, she saw one of Optimus's legs on either side of her before she felt two arms lock over her collarbone.

He was hugging her while they sat together, and just the gesture made her feel all the anger and hurt slide away, but she still wanted answers.

"Why...have you been avoiding me?" she asked quietly as she focused straight ahead, "When we talked after...that weekend... I thought we were okay...? Did I do something to upset you?"

She felt the arms around her tighten a fraction.

"Never." He rumbled against her ear, "I...have been maintaining distance because of my Spark. It has been....exceedingly difficult to control myself around you. My Spark does not listen to reason as a mind does, it wants only what it wants."

She felt her heart flutter at those words before she spoke, already knowing the answer; but secretly wanting to hear it from him. "And what does it want?"

Carolina felt him lean back, obviously taking in the orange sky above them as he answered her. "You. My Spark wants you."

The tiniest, playful little smile crossed her lips as she watched the sun, slowly starting to touch the tip of the horizon; causing the copper tones in her hair to light like fire under its light.

"And what about the Logical Optimus; what is it that he wants?" There was a brief pause before she felt his chest press against her spine as his interlocking arms squeezed her tightly, protectively. She felt his forehead lower itself against her shoulder before a deep, reverberating rumble shook her spine.


Her stomach jumped at the tone in his words; it was dark, and conflicted, and totally sexy. She relaxed her heart and gave a heavy sigh. "Then why are you fighting it...?" she asked.

Optimus gave a heavy sigh, the Holoform's breath warming her shirt as he did so. "Carol...I have promised to keep this as human for you as possible; you will not be denied of any human courtship traditions if I am capable of doing so."

She smiled gently before leaning back against his chest relaxedly, reaching for his hands to pull his arms around her waist instead.

"But're not human. Those 'traditions' don't mean anything to me. You don't have to do this to yourself."

"...I will not kiss you until you request it of me. This I have already sworn to you."

The little mechanic gave a sigh as she reached up her hand behind her to gently trace around to the nape of his neck; her head turning just slightly to rest her cheek on his chest.

"...I don't care about what you are or aren't..." she said quietly, "...I accept you for all of your forms."

A hand tenderly traced her jawline as he continued to watch the setting sun with her; trying desperately to ignore the way his Spark was aching at her proximity, warming both the chestand the hood of the Peterbilt.

He sighed heavily before he continued, "As I accept yours...But you are human, Carolina. I wish to do this the way that is normal for your-"

Carolina moved her hand from the nape of his neck and pressed her thumb to his lips, "Chief, shut up." she shifted sideways a little so that she could look up at him without hurting her neck before she traced her thumb gently over the skin of his mouth, eyeing him calmly, "I'm making...a request."

She gently dragged her thumb over his bottom lip as she leaned her face ever so slightly towards his, stopping halfway as she gazed up at him; the orange light from the sun mingling with the glowing, crystalline blue of his eyes before she lowered her voice into a gentle murmur.

"Kiss me."

Continua llegint

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