Transformer & Clone Trooper l...

By Starlington6

1.1K 11 5

Craving some love stories, but can't decide if you want to read Clone troopers or Transformers romance fictio... More

Author's note
Tfp sick!Bumblebee x Raf's sister reader
Rip Queen Elizabeth II
Imagine you and Ms. Marvel meeting Team Prime
Flight of the Bumblebee [stockings]
Cw|| Commander Wolffe x princess reader
Cw| Thire x Riyo's cousin reader
RB headcannons: they get jealous
Father's day specials
Imagine the BV Maximals finding an abandoned baby reader
Tfa|| Prowl x reader
TBB|| Commander Mayday x witch reader
TBB Hcs|| repurposed wedding dress

Tfp || imagine Breakdown with a good samaritian reader

13 0 0
By Starlington6

(A what if scenario where Breakdown unexpectedly encounters a scarlet witch! mutant reader. Someone who once rescued saved his life in the past!)


• everything happened so quickly he could barely process what had happened!

• one minutes he was at the mercy of Arachnid then next thing he knew was the psycho spider had suddenly been engulfed by a cloud of (y/f/c) mist and flung far, far away from him.

• though he could see, Breakdown could clearly hear the sounds of an intense fight unfolding: tree branches snapping, and whooshing of webs until the air was pierced by Arachnid's screams followed by the shrill scrapping of metal before a dead silence filled the forest!

• apprehensive the ex wrecker waited for what felt like hours until you seemingly materialized out from the depths of the deep, dark woods. Emotionless eyes, hands encased in the same strange glowing (y/f/c) mist and flecks of energon splattered on your clothes, it didn't take Breakdown long to connect the dots.

• and while he'd never dare admit it out loud, the sight of you both thrilled and terrified him to the spark. Especially when you tossed down Arachnid's decapitated head by his feet, the manic femme's face frozen in one of pure shock and horror.

• he'd heard offhanded mentions about you, Prime's precious human charge who was rumoured to possess incredible powers, but had never actually met you face to face before. Until now. 'Wow! No wonder Lord Megatron is obsessed with wanting her switch over to our side! She's really strong and powerful!"

• when your gazes locked, Breakdown felt for sure that he was still going to die. Only it would ironically be at your hands.

• to his surprise however instead of killing like he anticipated, you merely waved a hand and ripped off the webbing like snare that held him captive.

• "are you okay?" Your once emotionless expression morphing into one of concern as you cautiously regarded him. "She didn't hurt you did she?"

• "uh— no I'm fine. Thank you."

• "you can thank me by getting out of here as quickly as you can before MECH finds us both!"

• "wait those scrappers are here too?!?!" At the mention of their name, Breakdown felt the all too familiar phantom burning in the side of his face where they savagely ripped out his optic.

• "yes; and their on the lookout for any helpless victims to forcibly use in their twisted science fair projects, so if I were you I'd return to the Nemesis."

• "what about you?" He blurted out, surprising himself that he should be concerned about you. "Don't worry about me Breakdown, just make sure those monsters never find you." And with that you summoned that strange mist and flew off into the bleak night sky until you were nothing more than a speck of (y/f/c) in the distance.

• not wanting to stick around any longer, Breakdown snatched up the fallen Arachnid's head and raced off towards the tree where he'd left Dreadwing all tangled up in a web."

• "Breakdown what happened? Where have you been? Wait it that the head of Arachnid?!?! But how did you manage to kill her on your own?"

• "long story!" Hurriedly spoke Breakdown tearing off the webbing, freeing the large blue and gold seeker. "I'll explain when we get back on the Nemesis, right now we need to get outta here!"

• afterwards once they were both safely back onboard the Decepticon warship, Breakdown presented Arachnid's head to Megatron and made up an solid enough sounding excuse regarding her demise to satisfy Megatron.

• "well done Breakdown, you have served me very  admirably indeed. Report to the med bay and have Knockout fix up those dents." "Thank you Lord Megatron."

• laying stiffly on the medical berth, half listening to his buddy Knockout frantically fuss over his well being, Breakdown begins to wonder why you—an autobot's human charge—would save the spark of a big, bad decepticon like him?

• "maybe you were the new kid in town and simply didn't know who he was? No; even if you hadn't been on the team for very long, you'd would have definitely recognized the decepticon insignia on his person!" "Maybe you were simply stupid then? No you somehow didn't strike him as the stupid type!"

puzzled as he was, Breakdown decides the moment he was cleared for active duty that he'd push all those questions aside and focus instead serving the decepticon cause.

• and for a long time he succeeded in doing exactly that! In fact between hunting down ancient cybertronian relics and overseeing the energon mining operations, Breakdown practically forgotten all about you.

• or at least he did until one fateful day brought both your paths at a crossroads again.

• while Breakdown was in the middle of giving Knockout a buffer massage Megatron stomped inside the medical bay. "Knockout! Breakdown!" He demanded ignoring their attempts at switching to a more professional facade. "I have a special patient in need of medical treatment."

• Sticking out his taloned servos, the blue wrecker could only look on in utter shock and horror as Megatron dumps your battered, unconscious form onto the huge cybertronian berth.

• mistaking Breakdown's dumbfounded expression, Megatron proudly boosts. "Yes; this is indeed Prime's precious human charge. I've captured her with the intention of using her as a weapon against the autobots which is why I want you both to make sure she stays alive for my future plans. Is that Understood?!?!"

• as Knockout is distracting Megatron with his sweet talk, Breakdown mutely starts conducting a medical scan while at the same time wondering for the life of him why the sight of you injured and helpless on the berth, hit him like a punch in the tanks!

• although it took a bit of time to research proper human medical treatments for the situation at hand, Breakdown and Knockout were thankfully able to patch you up and keep you stabilized. (Breakdown was especially relieved that your injuries didn't call for surgery as he couldn't stomach the thought of using his beefy hands—even those of his holo avatar— to dig around your fleshy insides without accidentally tossing his energon.)

• (Not to mention the fact Megatron that had fitted a tiny power damping collar around your neck didn't exactly help either his already churning tanks as it reminded Breakdown of that all too familiar traumatic episode when he'd been held at MECH's mercy.)  

• Knockout eventually takes a notice of Breakdown's rising panic and instantly becomes concerned. "Breakdown what's the matter? Breakdown vent! You're safe!"

• the cherry red mech gently takes Breakdown aside and patiently stays beside him as he helps the wrecker through his panic attack.

• "You don't have anything to be afraid of Breakdown. That human can't harm you, Shockwave made sure of that!" "That's not it!"

• seeing his buddy's wild confusion, Breakdown then decides to come clean and so confessed everything to Knockout regarding the true events leading up to Arachnid's demise and how you'd saved his life.

• by the time he finished telling his story, Knockout's mouth dropped open and his ruby optics grew so big that they looked about ready to pop out of his helm. "Wow! Breakdown I— I had no idea. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever guessed that an autobot's pet would do something like that!"

• "I know, believe me it took me by surprise too. Don't ask me why she did it because I haven't the faintest clue. *sighs* but all I really know is that I can't let Megatron hurt her."

"what?!?! Breakdown have you lost your mind! You want to actually help a human?!?!"

• "if it wasn't for her Knockout I'd be rusting away in a scrapyard or worse wind up experimented on by MECH again!"

• "if Megatron ever finds out what your planning to do, he'll kill you! Plus how to do you plan on getting past Soundwave's radar huh? There's a reason he's called the eyes and ears of this ship! Nothing ever goes unnoticed by him!"

• "well— I'm not sure yet, but I have to try and figure it out. For her sake. Look Knockout I'm can't ask you to risk your spark for me, but—" before he could finish his sentence, his buddy cuts him off. "I'll help you."

• "you will?!?!?" "Yes, but only because she saved your life."

• after several earth hours of brainstorming it was decided that they would wait until all the cons were recharging to contact the autobots and arrange a
rendezvous to drop you off with them before Megatron even had a chance to do primus knows what to you.

• waiting for the right moment was long and agonizing, but was worth every second in the end when Megatron and Soundwave both retired for the evening. (It was no secret that Megatron favoured his TIC above all the other cons due to their history together and to which the silent con was privy to seeing Megatron's brotherly caring side. Such as making sure Soundwave was taking care of himself and not burning himself out.)

• the moment the coast was clear Knockout opened a direct communication line to the autobot base and hurriedly typed a message disclosing an urgent request for a meeting along with a set of coordinates for
said designated meeting.

• carefully tucking your fragile form into his chassis Breakdown stepped through the ground bridge and instantly reappearing seconds later at an empty car wash where he then proceeded to wait for the autobots to come and pick you up.

• thankfully he didn't have to wait very long before another ground bridge popped open to admit the whole autobot crew with their blasters already open and aimed to fire at a moments notice. "Alright we're here, now what do you want!"

• "hey ease up Bulk, for once I didn't come here to fight." Reaching into his chassis, Breakdown gently extracted your injured form out and carefully cradled you in his huge metal palm. "I'm here because of her."

• under better circumstances Breakdown would have laughed at the shell shocked expression on the face plates of his old rival, instead however he decided to best focus on the task at hand before Megatron— or primus forbid Starscream— discovered you were gone.

"what did you do to her?!?!?!" Cue the Prime's overprotective instinct and murderous glare as he levelled his blaster at Breakdown's head.

"First of all put those blasters away before you hurt some bot. Secondly the only thing I did was to help patch her up after Megatron decided to abduct her for his own nefarious plans. That's the sole reason I asked you for coming here."

• swiftly approaching Breakdown's side, Ratchet gingerly took you in his own arms and ran his own diagnostic scan. "Aside from a few internal damages, (Y/N)'s indeed alive and stable as they claim. But—" eyeing the wrecker suspiciously the medic continued warily. "What I can't figure out is why you two are conspiring to go behind Megatron's back in such a manner as this."

• not willing to divulge into his own personal reasons, Breakdown simply shrugged his hefty shoulders. "Let's just say I owed her a favour and leave it that."

• Prime stared long and hard at Breakdown as if wanting to challenge Breakdown's statement, but luckily decided against it. "Thank you both for returning our friend back to us."

• "you can thank us by keeping her safe from Megatron's radar!" Retorted Breakdown. "While you're at it try to keep the rest of your little human pets out of our way and we won't have any problems. Not unless you want them to wind up with a fate far worse than death."

• ignoring their burning glares at his broad back, Breakdown typed back to Knockout requesting for a pick up. No sooner had the blue and green portal popped up did his audio receptors pick up a low groan. "Breakdown?"

• startled he turned around to see you now regaining consciousness and weakly looking at him from the safely of Ratchet's hand, your eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you." 

• once again caught off guard of your kind nature Breakdown sheepishly stuttered out a 'your welcome' before leaving you in the care of your guardians and returning back aboard the Nemesis.

• after making sure all incriminating evidence has been erased from the databanks, Breakdown bade Knockout good night and departed to his own room for a good nights recharge.

now I think I'm just beginning to understand why Bulkhead's turned soft for those humans."

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