
By RiKaOt70608

983 134 8

6 Murders 1 Savior 1 Suspect The story of 8 friends who fall apart due to misunderstandings!! But after many... More

First Day .1
Stabbed Again.2
War Of Hormones.7
Adult Thing.12
Moive Night.15
Why so loving?.16
She is Back!.17
Dance Studio.18
Dance Competition.21
Things Changed.22
This is End.23
4 Years Later.25
3 Dead Body.26
Embracing Death.27
Last Death.28
I'm Back.29
Kiss Me Please.30
Feel It.31
Sleeping Pills.33
Viba Club.38
Its Me!.40


26 4 0
By RiKaOt70608

Luna Pov

We three was walking towards the restaurant while my mind was busy thinking about Namjoon did I really said something like that to him yesterday?

Ahhh......I don't know but I just hope it's all a lie ahh.....Kim Namjoon why you annoys me that much why are you not like Kim Seokjin or Kim Taehyung

But wait he is Kim Namjoon that's why I enjoy arguing with him or else I barely argues with any of them its only him I smiled thinking this

We entered inside the restaurant and I saw my reflection on a mirror then I remembered his words so....he thinks I am beautiful

Jimin:done staring yourself Miss.Ruiz? *sarcastic tone*

Luna:nah.....few more minutes *smirk*

Hoseok:come on guys if manager will see us like that he will scold us *serious tone*

Hearing his words we started cleaning the tables me and Hoseok serves food in tables and Jimin washes dirty dishes in the kitchen

Soon the restaurant opened and customers started entering inside we started taking the order slowly slowly time was passing

I was passing the order to Hoseok he was going to serve on a table but by mistakenly the plate slipped a little from his hands hopefully food was safe

Customer:are you fool?don't you know how to serve *yelled*

Hoseok:I am sorry Sir please forgive me *bows*

Customer:I can't understand how they select people's like you for job *rolls eyes*

Hoseok:I am sorry Sir-

Luna:Sir he said sorry now please let it go *forced smile*

Customer:hmm.....if beautiful girl like you will say then I will surely let it go *checks her out*

Luna:I see Hoseok you go I will serve him *smirk*

Hoseok:Luna please control your anger *whispered*

Luna:I said go Hoseok *glares*

He walked away and I served him at last he slide a chit towards me I checked it and saw his phone number with a address I looked at him

Customer;if you want to earn some money then visit me *wink*

I smiled and walked back to my friends we all three was working hard just to collect the money for our younger I just hope he will enjoy his time

Jimin:what's this *looks at chit*

Luna:phone number and address *calm tone*

Hoseok:yaaa......Luna why are keeping this in your pocket *raised eyebrow*

Luna:umm.....I will tell everything after work ok *smile*


Namjoon Pov

I was sleeping sitting on the chair suddenly I heard a car honk I yawned and walked towards the petrol pump I started filling the petrol

In car when I was done in return they just throwed garbage on me from inside the car and moved away I chuckled on myself

It's not a new thing for me I collected the garbage and threw it in dustbin then I again started waiting for car they didn't even gave me money


Jin Pov

I was cleaning car with full passion they are also giving me money ahhh...my hands are paining but ok Jin you can do it don't forget it's for Jk


Yoongi Pov

I was moving towards the address with the order doing delivery boy job is not that hard unless they disrespect us I stopped my scooter

And walked inside the house they took the order from me and gave me money but also a garbage bag ewww....it stinks
I threw it in dustbin

And smiled at myself it's ok for our younger I again sat on my scooty and moved towards my next order on my way I was humming a song Jimin also likes it


Taehyung Pov

I was arranging the items in supermarket I saw few customers are here for billing I walked towards the cash counter

And did there billing they gave me money in a rude manner but I need it right now I just smiled at them and they walked away

Ahhh......my self respect is gone a long time ago I kept the money and keep it in cash box I started waiting for next customer I smiled at myself


Jungkook Pov

I was acting as a teddy mascot in amusement park kids are coming to me and there parents was clicking pictures of them

Seeing this I remembered how my family never did these things to me and at last they both leaved me Luna noona and my story is similar

They walked away giving me money and I removed my teddy mask ahhh.....its really very hard but ok I can do it for myself I smiled

And I again keep my mask I have a broken family and at last they leaved me thinking it will be good for me hopefully I met my brothers

Or else I really don't know what will I do without them I was jumping and entertaining the kids they are really enjoying this there smile is so good


Jin Pov

Finally my work hour was completed I walked towards Namjoon area and he was counting the money I hugged him and he smiled

Jin:so how much money you earned? *raised eyebrow*

Namjoon:its very less but ok it was our first day *smile*

Jin:yes....now let's go to Yoongi house *hands on his shoulder*

Nmajoon:Luna will come there or she will go straight to her caravan? *looks at him*

Jin:I don't know but probably she will come there cuz Jimin and Hoseok is with her so *smile*

Namjoon:ok....then let's go *smile*

His smile is telling how happy he is after knowing about Luna then what's stopping them to confess there love to eachother ahh....I will get crazy

I just hope one day they will confess to eachother and stood beside eachother as partners I smiled thinking about then and walked towards Yoongi house

In our way we get accompanied by Yoongi and Tae we all was smiling but tired at the same time it's ok we shouldn't forget our motive

Yoongi:ok.....we are not going to tell Jk about it ok? *raised eyebrow*

Tae;don't worry we are not fool *chuckles*

Yoongi:where is Jimin? *raised eyebrow*

Tae;he, Hoseok hyung and Luna is doing some extra hours don't worry they will come soon *smile*

Jin:yeah.....for now we should go *hold his hand*


Luna Pov

Finally our extra hours were done and manager gave us our money ok it is a good pay we smiled and walked outside the restaurant

I was walking between Hoseok and Jimin we are going to Yoongi house me, Jimin and Hoseok almost work regularly in this restaurant

But most of the time we take leaves manager thinks we are students that's why he also give us leave very easily my eyes were stuck on that chit

Jimin:don't look at the chit like that *glared*

Luna:but why not I really want to go there *looks at him*

Hoseok:are you even in your right mind he literally invited you for one night stand *widen eyes*

Luna:I know *looks down*

Jimin;what's going on your mind tell us *looks at her*

We three stopped near a alley and they were looking at me waiting for me to say something I sighed and looked at them

Luna:I am fucking 21 and I am really sexually frustrated *rolls eyes*

Hoseok:explain a little more *curiously*

Luna:basically from the day I get adult I never had sex with anyone and nowadays this is making me frustrated like-

Jimin:you want someone to touch you sensually and make you feel good? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:yes......I really want someone to touch me in sexual way pleasure me fuck I want all this *angrily*

Hoseok:wow.....I never thought that someone can crave for all this that much *amazed*

Jimin:I can understand cuz when I was 18 I was feeling the same thing *lost somewhere*

Hoseok:ok..I understood but Luna you want to be police officer and doing night stands will not be good for you *concern tone*

Jimin:I also agree with him *calm tone*

Luna:so what should I do sometimes I feel like I will die I don't know why I am feeling all this but I think I really need someone *frustrating tone*

Jimin:hmm.....I can understand Luna but we will never allow you to do night stand cuz it can be hurdle for your future *concern tone*

Hoseok:you can choose one of us for this and I am serious like if you're feeling like this then we 7 can help you *concern tone*

Luna:choose one from 7 of you?really?Jk is like my younger brother, Jin is also like my brother, Yoongi is just a stone with feelings, Jimin is my best friend, Tae cares about me like I am very precious and you're like my crime partner *glared*

Jimin:we know that you never saw us with those eyes even we also never saw you with those eyes but he is right if you want then we can help you *concern tone*

Hoseok:you gave all of us titles but what about Namjoon you didn't gave any title to him *smirk*

And fuck here we go yes I can't say anything cuz I don't have any words I sighed and started walking away they both followed me

Hoseok:so......does that mean Namjoon can help you in this situation *hands on her shoulder*

Luna:no he is a bee and how can a human and bee fuck eachother *rolls eyes*

Hoseok:don't worry I will make that bee a human for you *smirk*

Luna:shut up you both and don't dare to tell this to anyone *calm tone*

Jimin:obviously girl this is our secret *laughs*

Luna:*smile* now let's go they might be waiting for us

Hoseok:yeah *smile*

I really don't know what to do that's true that I am getting sexually frustrated and when I am near Namjoon I feel frustration on its peak

Ahhh.....maybe it's his aura or maybe I am just a bitch who want a dog wait what so does that mean I want him ahhh.....why I am so crazy

But yes why I didn't gave him any title its ok Luna stop thinking about him Jimin grabbed my waist and whispered in my ear

Jimin:you want Namjoon and I know this better then you both *smirk+whispered*


Author=so this is for today I hope you all will like it well I will see you all in the next one bye for now by the way what you think about her sexual frustration bye for now.....

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