Our Ordinary Lives

By CoteEnjoyer

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A fanfiction that follows the basic story of ANHS from the light novels, but now Ai Hoshino is attending as a... More

Chapter 1 - Bus encounter
Chapter 2 - Hidden Systems
Chapter 3 - Social Interactions
Chapter 4 - Understanding Motives
Chapter 5 - Old Connections
Chapter 6 - Childish Expectations
Chapter 7 - Revelations
Chapter 8 - The Other Side of Horikita Suzune
Chapter 9 - Club Fair Encounters
Chapter 10 - A Meeting With the President
Chapter 11 - Saving Defects
Talking About Ai (Author)
Chapter 12 - Friendly Outing
Chapter 13 - A Regretful Idol
Chapter 14 - Moves on a Board
Chapter 15 - Collecting the Idiot Trio
Chapter 16 - Group Study
Chapter 17 - True Colors
Chapter 18 - Confrontation
Chapter 19 - Goals
Chapter 20 - Using Kushida
Chapter 21 - A Change in Name
Chapter 22.5 - Saving Sudo

Chapter 22 - Mid Term Exam

1.5K 89 15
By CoteEnjoyer


The day of the exam had arrived, and in just a few minutes, I would be immersed in the challenges of the test. Taking my seat, I observed my classmates, and saw the familiar expressions of nervousness and anticipation. Although I had some lingering nerves myself, I felt a sense of ease towards the upcoming test. The material Kiyotaka had provided for me over the past few days had been thoroughly reviewed, and I practically knew the answers by heart. Compared to some of the other things I've had to memorize in just the past few years, this exam felt like a breeze.

However, the same couldn't be said for the rest of my classmates. I observed Ike, Yamauchi, and a few others desperately reviewing their notes even in these final moments. It was exactly as Kiyotaka had predicted—many were scrambling to go through their materials, hoping to scrape through the exam.

Chabashira entered the room, and a collective sigh emanated from those still poring over their notes. The exam was about to begin.

Chabashira: "As many of you should know, today marks the first mid-term exam of the year." She paused as she looked around the room for a moment, "Failing to meet the average score will result in expulsion from the school. It is also improtant to remember that this is also an opportunity for you to boost your current class points."

A murmur rippled through the class as the mention of class points caught everyone's attention. Many of our classmates lived on the brink, managing their meager points meticulously. Some had depleted their class points entirely, resorting to begging or utilizing the limited free options the school provided. Even I was running a bit low, with only around 17,000 points left by mid-terms. I had lowered my budget, spending only on essential items such as food. Yet, I didn't feel the same discomfort that some of my other classmates did. My room might be a bit bare, but it had a bed. The food might not be amazing, but it was always available and edible. It was a far cry from the place I grew up in, and even when I had money as an idol, I never exactly spent a lot. As long as I had food and a bed, I could manage.

Chabshira: "The test will begin as soon as you recieve your papers. I will be handing out the papers shortly. As usual, cheating is strcitly forbidden and any usage of devices during the exam is also strictly forbidden."

I focused on my desk, glancing down at the test paper, as Chabashira-sensei walked around the classroom. It was a peculiar sensation—a few days ago, I was wrought with worry to the point of acting distracted, a behavior that still lingered in my actions. However, in the present moment, facing a test that could determine my fate at the school, I felt oddly composed. There was no palpable anxiety or fear.

Turning my gaze to the side, I saw Kiyotaka, gazing out of the window as usual. My eyes lingered on the person responsible for this newfound sense of calm and ease within me. For the first time in a while, I felt genuinely at peace. I smiled to myself, acknowledging the source of my contentment. Despite his unassuming appearance, Kiyotaka was remarkable—truly someone special. He wa-

A paper landed on my desk, and I looked up to see Chabashira-sensei smirking, having just handed me my exam paper. She must have caught me staring. Quickly breaking eye contact with her, I focused on the paper before me. As Kiyotaka had predicted, the questions were identical to those on the papers Kushida had distributed to the class. The smile that had adorned my face while looking at Kiyotaka persisted as I began the test. He was truly extraordinary. Despite feeling like a burden to him, I was willing to do anything to repay his kindness.


Kiyotaka POV

I glanced at my phone, noting that it was 10 minutes before classes would begin their sessions, and took off the hoodie I had worn for the morning exercise. As I made my way towards the classrooms, the hallways buzzed with excitement and anticipation. Students discussed the test results, creating an atmosphere filled with suspense. Entering the classroom, I could see the impact on the Class D students. Many were sitting on their desks, nervously checking the clock and fidgeting. The usual carefree demeanor of many had vanished, replaced by an anxious anticipation, especially for those who had exhausted all their points. This exam could be their chance to accumulate some class points. Living off the school scraps was undoubtedly an unpleasant experience, I thought.

While having some form of monthly point intake for my classmates would make their lives more convenient, it would also benefit me. I could eat something other than the same food every day without raising suspicion as a Class D student. However, I found myself content with the current situation; it was a minor inconvenience rather than a significant concern for me.

I settled into my seat, observing Ai and Sakura engaged in their usual conversation beside me. While I doubted some of my other classmates' scores on this exam, I was confident that both Ai and Sakura would at least achieve passing marks. I believed Ai could potentially secure full marks if she chose to, given her familiarity with memorization tasks. However, for some reason, I doubted she would aim for perfection.

On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if certain classmates barely managed to pass, even with access to the entire set of test answers. In fact, I knew for a fact that one of our classmates wouldn't be fortunate enough to pass. Glancing at Horikita, I found her once again absorbed in something that didn't pique my interest. Isolated as always, she remained a loner, and at this rate, she would spend the rest of her time at ANHS completely alone. I thought about Manabu and the deal I had arranged with him. It might be time for me to act upon my promise.

Just then, Chabashira walked into the classroom, and silence enveloped the room. Sakura quietly returned to her desk after conversing with Ai, and everyone fixated their gaze on Chabashira with a mix of anticipation and anxiety.

Chabashira: "As you know, yesterday, the mid-term exams were taken by the entirety of the first years." She turned around, pulling out a piece of paper, her back facing us as she likely attached the results onto the large board. "Today, the results will be displayed, and anyone who failed to meet the requirements will be expelled from the school."

With that, she turned away from the board, allowing us all to see the exam results. Most people in the class had passed, and celebratory cheers filled the air, especially from students like Ike, who likely would have faced expulsion without my intervention. Glancing to my side, I saw that Ai was beaming—not only had she passed, but her name, previously Ai Hoshino, was now Mae Hoshino.

However, not everyone was as fortunate. A few names were marked in red, however only one was from class D—Sudo's. He had missed the passing grade by just a single point.

Sudo: "WHAT." A loud noise erupted behind me as Sudo shot up from his desk, his face contorted with pure anger. "THIS CAN'T BE." Well, it very well could be.

Chabashira: "I can assure you that this is not a mistake."


Chabashira: "The passing requirement is an average, meaning that it will fluctuate. It also means there will always be a few individuals below the average. In this case, that was you."

Sudo: "B-"

Chabashira: "Sudo, you will be shortly escorted out of the building. I suggest you pack your belongings." Her voice remained cold as she spoke.

Sudo: "T-THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING." The classroom echoed with the loud noise of Sudo slamming his hands onto his desk.

Chabashira ignored his outburst and simply exited the classroom, making her way to what I assumed was the teachers' quarters. Sudo slumped back into his seat, defeated.

Now is better than ever, I suppose.

I look towards Horikita and tap her shoulder. She turns to look at me with a cold expression.

Horikita: "What do you want?" she asks.

Kiyotaka: "What do you think of Sudo's expulsion?"

Horikita: "It is unfortunate, and I imagine it might impact our class points. However, what is done is done." This was the response I was expecting from her, however it would be a lie if I didn't say I was rather disappointed in Horikita here; she had failed to understand the basic principles of the school.

Kiyotaka: "Are you sure that is the case?" I ask, trying to get her to think.

Horikita: "You heard sensei, the decision is final. He will be expelled from the school. It's most likely for the best anyway. Sudo was a burden; he wouldn't accept our—"

Kiyotaka: "That may be what it appears on the surface."

Horikita: "What is that supposed to mean?" Her voice is as sharp as always. This is going to be a long process.

Kiyotaka: "How do you think Sudo is feeling right now?"

Horikita: "Most likely as if his world is falling apart, which it is. However, I don't see how that is relevant to the current situation."

Kiyotaka: "How do you think he would feel if someone were to go help him in this scenario? Indebted perhaps?"

Horikita: "Yes b—" Interrupting her words, I stand and make my way to the door of the classroom where Chabashira had just recently left. I give no notion that I even talked to Horikita in the first place and continue to walk towards the door. I know exactly what Horikita would do.

As I exit the classroom, I see that Chabshira has approached her.

Kiyotaka: "Sensei." She turns around to look at me with a raised eyebrow, which turns to a smirk when she sees who I am.

Chabahsira: "Ah, Ayanokoji. What could you be needing that you would come to me?" She feigned ignorance.

Kiyotaka: "I'm sure we both know what I am about to request. Though I do feel that the conversation would be more prudent if we were in a more private area. The roof, perhaps?" She seemed confused at my words before she noticed something behind me, and her smirk widened.

Chabshira: "What an excellent suggestion, Ayanokoji. Let us make our way there immediately." With that, we both walked towards the roof.

After arriving, Chabashira pulled out a cigarette and lit it before turning to me.

Chabshira: "I assume this is regarding the expulsion of Sudo."

Kiyotaka: "What else?"

Chabshira: "What a waste, is it not? I'm sure that Sudo could have been a great asset in any physical-based events." The corner of her mouth curled into a small smile. She knew exactly what I was doing.

Kiyotaka: "I tend to agree with that sentiment."

Chabshira: "How unfortunate that he had to be expelled. If only he could change the outcome somehow."

Kiyotaka: "If only."

We both stood there in silence as the person we were playing this game of charades for simply continued to watch.

Kiyotaka: "I was wondering if I could purchase a point for Sudo's exam. It is only a singular point, and I recall you saying that anything could be bought at this school." She lowered her cigarette as she stared intensely.

Chabshira: "That's a big request, you know? You are saying that results can be manipulated through points."

Kiyotaka: "I'm saying that this test is able to be manipulated with points, and I would appreciate an answer."

Chabashira: "It is possible, though it is a hefty sum of points." She took a puff from her cigarette. "I'm not sure someone from class D alone would be able to supply that sort of sum."

Kiyotaka: "How much?"

Chabahsira: "100,000 private points." She said with a hint of amusement in her voice.

I could pay the points right now and save Sudo; I could do that. But that would defeat the purpose of this entire exercise.

Kiyotaka: "How unfortunate, I only have 50,000."

Chabashira: "Well, I guess that's that then. Sudo will be exp—"

Horikita: "Wait!" Just then our not-so-hidden eavesdropper emerged. "I will be willing to pay the remaining 50,000 points."

Chabshira: "Ah, Horikita, I didn't expect you to be an eavesdropper." Chabashira looked at her with a wide smile now. "Are you sure you want to spend your own points on someone else?"

Horikita: "Yes." She reaffirmed. "I am willing."

Chabshira: "Very well then. The transaction will be made. " Me and Horikita both transfer the needed points to Chabashira. "Congratulations, you have successfully prevented the expulsion of Sudo."

With that, she leaves the roof, leaving only me and Horikita standing there.

Horikita: "You set this up, didn't you?"

Kiyotaka: "I have no idea what you mean."

Horikita: "Do I look like someone so easily deceived?" You don't look it but you are.

Kiyotaka: "I shall not respond to that question."

Horikita: "You knew I would do this, and knew I would be forced to pay." She narrowed her eyes at me, "But why?"

Kiyotaka: "It's simple really. You lack the basic understanding of how to win and how the school operates."

Horikita: "I do—" She began to interrupt.

Kiyotaka: "With this experience, you now know that anything can be bought to a certain extent in this school."

Horikita: "Yes..." She remained silent before responding.

Kiyotaka: "And you now actively spent your own points to save a classmate. You can't win on your own; you need allies."

Horikita: "I don't need anyone."

Kiyotaka: "Sure." I shrug. "But allies wouldn't hurt." I turned to look at the door that Chabashira left through. "You should go tell Sudo that you saved him. It'll make him feel indebted to you, no?"

Horikita: "..."

Kiyotaka: "You aren't perfect, Horikita." I say as I too begin to walk away. "No one is." Not even me.

??? POV

Unknown #1: "How interesting."

Unknown #2: "What is it boss?"

Unknown #1: "You still have the pervious list of scores on the previous exam right?"

Unknown #2: "Yes I do."

Unknown #1: "Could you please pull it up for me?"

The unknown figure shows the image to the other. The first figure turns to look at the newest list of scores.

Unknown #1: "Just as I thought. There was no Mae Hoshino."

Unknown #2: "Hoshino? Like the last name of the famous idol Ai Hoshino?"

Unknown #1: "Oh an idol you say? Kuku. How interesting."

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