Power Rangers S.P.D: Purple R...

By tanishatribe1118

3.9K 64 8

As she joins the academy, Leah doesn't know that she's related to SPD's head technician. Kat and Cruger are h... More

Beginnings Part 1
Beginnings, Part 2
Sam Part 1
Sam Part 2
Shadow Part 1
Shadow Part 2
Wired Part 1
Wired Part 2
Messenger Part 1
Messenger Part 2
Reflection Part 1
Reflection Part 2
S.W.A.T. Part 1
S.W.A.T. Part 2
Endings Part 1
Endings Part 2


177 3 1
By tanishatribe1118

"This car is as good as ours." an alien thug says and starts laughing to his accomplice.

Jack was hidden behind a corner, with his S.P.D. issued blasters in his hands. Leah was crouching down behind a car near Z, scratching behind her left ear, ready to be given the signal to scare the thugs out of their minds. "Squad leader, do we move in?" Sky's voice asked from the communication device on his morpher.

"Come on squad leader, answer." Jack sighed.

"Squad leader, come in. Do we move in?" Sky asked again.

"I think it's time that I get my flea bath today." muttered Leah as she finished scratching behind her ear. "I'm itchy more than usual."

Z looks over at her, knowing how much she hated having fleas. "When this is over, I'll give you one." she said, and Leah smiled at her.

"Good. I don't know how much longer I can deal with it." she replied, scratching her right arm.

Syd, Bridge, Z and Leah stood up from behind the parked car with their blasters aimed and ready. "Freeze! S.P.D!" exclaimed Syd. The two alien car thieves took off running, forcing B-squad to chase them. Sky and Jack ran into each other. "

What's going on?" Sky asks. Bridge and Z caught one of the car thieves while Syd and Leah went after the other. When the four of them came back with the thieves in two, Jack looked over at them with a frustrated look.

"Oh this is great!" Jack exclaimed. "I could have been in on the arrest, if Squad Leader would have done their job."

"For once...I agree with you." said Sky.

"Thank you." sighed Jack and he then looked over at the others. "Now who was squad leader?"

"Dude? Are you kidding me right now?" said Leah.

"What?" asked Jack, frowning at the youngest ranger and Sky patted his shoulder.

"That'd be you." Sky muttered and Jack's eyes widen. He gave an awkward but weak smile to everyone. She couldn't take it anymore. Leah pulled up her sleeves and was about to go at Jack when Z and Bridge had to hold her back.

"That's it! Let me at him! Let me at him!" said Leah, struggling against them.

On his ship, Gruumm was talking to his hologram globe. "Fly, my warriors! Victory is near." He said before sitting down. "If I know Cruger, he will send his best and brightest to stop the attack...leaving earth completely defenseless!"

The B-Squad rangers minus Jack were on their way to the command base when the alarms started sounding. "What's going on?" asked Z.

"It's a code 5." said Sky as A-Squad left in a hurry.

"What's a code 5?" asked Leah, with grim look on her face.

"Is it that bad?" asked Z.

"Let's put it this way, code 3 is bad." Bridge replies.

"Where's the A-squad..." Syd stated as they entered the command center.

"What's happening, commander?" Sky questions.

"A full-scale attack has been launched against our federation in the Helix Nebula." Cruger explained as Boom rushed over to the computers. The rangers and Cruger gathered around the middle, and a hologram appeared of a strange figure with glowing red eyes. He had horns but one of them which had been cut off almost completely. Just looking at him had just creeped out Brooke to the bone. "Emperor Gruumm, the leader of the Troobian Empire." said Cruger.

"Ew...a serious contender for one of those makeover shows." said Syd, scrunching up her face. Z grinned in amusement as Sky rolled his eyes.

"More like he needs a girlfriend from his own empire." said Leah. Bridge, Z and Syd started chuckling a bit before gaining some composure.

"He's merciless and will stop at nothing to conquer what he sets out to." Cruger warned.

"The Helix Nebula?" asked Sky.

"That is just the beginning. He's after this galaxy..." he sighed.

"You sound like you know him." Z frowned at the commander.

"Our paths have crossed before." Cruger admitted and the image faded. "I've sent A-Squad to the front line of the Helix Nebula."

"A-Squad's gone?" Sky asked and they all stared at him.

"But who's going to protect earth?" asked Z.

"You." answered Cruger. "With Cadet Landors as your leader. Where is he?" As if on cue Jack walks in, yawning, barefoot and wearing his pjs. "He is so going to be my new test subject for the next few weeks." said Leah, rubbing her hands together.

"What's with all the alarms?" he asked.

"Oh nothing much, just an alien invasion of galactic proportion." answered Syd.

"Oh." said Jack, yawning.

"As much I like seeing Jack in his night attire, may I please be excused?" asked Leah.

"A couple more minutes, then head to Kat's lab for one of your lessons." said Cruger. Leah looks up at Z, who nods at her.

"Yes sir." said Leah. Cruger then turned to Jack. "Now that A-Squad is on a mission, you're going to take responsibility of leading B-Squad, very seriously." Cruger states. "Do you understand?" Silence was met for a few seconds. "Yeah, okay, I get it." said Jack.

"Carry on." instructed Cruger and dismissed them. Everyone left, giving Jack an irritated look.

"Later guys." said Boom, walking up to Jack.

"This is not what I signed up for." complained Jack.

"Why are you bummed out?" asked Boom. "I would be excited to be the red ranger.

"You would be excited if you were the pink ranger." Jack retorts. Boom laughs before relenting, "True. But red is the big cheese, the head honcho, large and in charge. You get to tell the others what to do then they do it." Jack crossed his arms. "Really?"

Syd came to realize that Z was her new roommate, by opening the door and seeing her on one side. "My bad, wrong room." said Syd. She walks back out and then comes back in. "This is my room." Then out of nowhere, a purple cloud of smoke appeared to reveal Leah.

"Hey Z, you think I can...oh...am I interrupting something?" she asked as the two older girls looked at each other.

"No, you're good Leah. What do you need?" Z said to the preteen. Just then, Jack walks up behind Leah and asks, "What's going on here?"

"Just a discussion between roomies." said Z.

"I'm not your roomy." Syd states.

"Oh boy." said Leah, slapping her forehead.

"You two can work out your little spat while you clean up this mess." Jack informs them.

"I'm glad that this isn't my room. You're messier that I am on the days that I work on my projects." said Leah and Jack rounded on her.

"Now that you mention it, since you're here, Leah, you might as well help them clean up their mess and settle their spat." All three of them looked at each other and then at Jack. "Very funny Jack." smiled Z.

"He's not smiling." stated Syd.

"But I didn't make this mess. Why should I help them?" said Leah, motioning around the room.

"According to the ranger academy handbook, section five article three point four. The red ranger gives a command, that command shall be unquestioned and obeyed by all other rangers." said Jack, quoting the handbook.

"That is what the hand book says." said Syd and Leah frowns at the sight.

"Come on, you're not buying into this whole red ranger's the boss of all of us thing, are you?" asked Z.

"I want it done before training." answered Jack. "Have a nice day."

"What a jerk." stated Z.

Leah and Syd looked over at Z and the three of them started giggling. "I guess I can wait until tomorrow for that bath." said Leah and starts scratching her back.

Back at Gruumm's ship, he seemed to be talking to himself. "The power rangers have fallen into my trap! Cruger is now alone, and earth is ours...for the taking!" he said, laughing evilly as he looks up.

Suddenly, his eyes glowed red as he sees something coming towards him. "Who disturbs me?" he asked and a little girl wearing pigtails enters. "Mora, I thought I told you to never enter my private chamber."

"Sor-ry. I forgot." she said. "Gruumm, I don't understand. Why are we attacking earth? Its puny and the people are ugly."

"Heh, heh, heh, heh." said Gruumm as he gets up from his chair.

"Gruumm, answer my question." said Mora.

"I've told you; I have my reasons." he tells her.

"But why?" asked Mora.


"Because why?"

"Because I said so!" Gruumm said in frustration. "Now...leave me alone."

"Someone's little shorts are on too tight." said Mora as she looks down at her doll while Gruumm walks away from her.

Commander Cruger walked down the hall, and glanced into the rec room. He noticed Jack was sitting on the couch reading a comic. He walked in. "Cadet." said the commander. Jack looked up and closed the comic than sat up. "I may be wrong but isn't there a training exercise with B-Squad right now?" Cruger asked.

"Yes sir." answered Jack. "I sent them on a five-mile run through the mud swamp, thought it would get them into shape."

"Hmm, the mud swamp's a tough course." Cruger agreed, then pointed to Jack. "And you getting in shape by reading a comic book?" Jack reaches underneath the pillow and got the comic.

"Well...uh...as red ranger, I made the executive decision that I needed some me time." he replied. A cadet walked in with Jack's laundry. "Thank you, cadet." said Jack, getting his clean uniforms. "Uh...Cadet, next time could you wash them in cold water, please. It keeps the red nice and bright."

"Yes sir." the cadet replies.

"I see, you have discovered being a leader has its privileges." Cruger comments, as another cadet walked in with a tray.

"Don't forget sir, you promised to go over close contact defensive drills with me later." the cadet reminded. Cruger looked at the female cadet and Jack. "A promise is a promise." said Jack. "Tough being the boss, eh, D.C.?" Commander Cruger only growls at Jack.

In her room, Mora was playing with her toys. "Don't worry, Cindy Sunshine. When we take over earth, I'm gonna buy you a new dress and shoes and maybe another hair." Mora said to her doll as she combs the doll's hair. Suddenly, Broodwing appears and Mora screams.

"Hello Mora." said Broodwing.

"Broodwing, you're not nice." said Mora.

"Silence, child!" he tells her. "I'm here to see Gruumm."

Just then, Gruumm walks into her room behind Broodwing. "Emperor Gruumm!" he said, correcting him.

"My apologies, sire." said Broodwing. "And how is the emperor of the entire galaxy?"

"Not the entire galaxy quite yet. I may need your help." said Gruumm.

"Like you need another horn on your head." said Mora.

"Go to your room, Mora."

"But this is my room." whined Mora.

"Then go to my room." said Gruumm, pointing her out.

"But you told me to never go in your..." Mora started to say.

"Go!" shouted Gruumm. Mora sticks out her tongue at him and steps on Broodwing's foot as she leaves the room.

"She's so..." started Broodwing as he was hopping on one foot. "So cute. I could have her relocated on an abandoned meteor if you'd like."

"As tempting as that sounds, I need her services as I need yours!" said Gruumm.

"Of course, sire." said Broodwing, bowing. "I can provide everything you need. Foot soldiers, robots weapons...for a price, of course."

"Your reputation as a self-serving, greedy mercenary...ha, ha, ha...is well deserved." said Gruumm.

Back at the base, "B" squad was underneath a wire laser grid. "This...is...not...fun." said Z as she reached the end. Leah was caked in mud when she finished the laser wire grid before everyone else.

True, she was the youngest out of 'B' squad and a little faster than them, but she panted heavily on the ground, sore from doing the five-mile course. The five rangers stood up and looked up to see Jack was sitting on a chair under an umbrella.

"I can't believe that I missed my flea bath for this. But on the plus side, I'm gonna sleep very good tonight, that's for sure." muttered Leah, rubbing the mud off her shirt.

"Hey, welcome back." said Jack. "I didn't think you would be done so soon. How did it go?"

"How does it look like it went?" Syd retorts.

"A little mud never hurt anyone." said Jack.

"A little mud? I think it made me want that bath even more than I usually do." said Leah.

"Actually that's not true; my Uncle Bernie got a serious infection by sticking mud clumps up his nose." replied Bridge, making everyone look strangely at him.

"That's disgusting." said Leah, making a face. "I would rather jump the fence than do that to myself."

"He stuck mud up his...nevermind." said Z, changing her mind. "I thought you were going to meet us out there?"

"Hello, red ranger here." said Jack. "Think I was laying around reading comic books all day?"

"Knowing you, probably did anyway." muttered Leah, scratching her arm.

"What was that cadet?" asked Jack, stopping in front of her.

"Nothing sir. I didn't say anything." said Leah.

"Wouldn't surprise me." replied Sky, shaking the mud off his hands. "You have already missed weapons class, surveillance seminar."

Jack stood up. "I didn't realize that it was Blue Ranger's job to keep tabs on my whereabouts." Sky just look at Jack and said nothing.

"Okay I get that the mud run wasn't very fun, and as expected you guys are a little edgy. Tell you what; take five minutes to clean up before martial arts class." said Jack. The others just shook their heads and scoffed. "What?" Jack asks. "Go, hey I'm trying to cut you some slack. Fine, we'll do it the other way, I'm red ranger and that's an order."

The others began walking up. "Ok, I need more than just five minutes to get the mud off of me." Leah said, scratching the side of her face.

"I'll get the shampoo you like so much." said Z, smiling at her.

"What shampoo does she use?" asked Syd.

"It's a special kind of shampoo that helps keep me from scratching." said Leah.

"He's got no business being the red ranger." stated Sky.

"I heard that." replied Jack. "Think you could do a better job?"

Sky turns back to face Jack. "Yeah, but Cruger picked you. You may be wearing red but you're not a leader."

"I'm waiting." Gruumm said to Mora.

"Will you chill?" she asked as she was drawing something. "Art cannot be rushed."

"Unbelievable." said Broodwing as he paced in the background.

"I do not want "Art". I want a..." Gruumm said and before he finished his sentence, she was done.

"Finished." said Mora and held up her artwork for him. Suddenly it popped right off the page and came to life. "Your orders, emperor." said the monster.

"Excellent, Mora." said Gruumm. "Total destruction...of Newtech City."

"I have the perfect machine for the job, sire." said Broodwing. "A little pricey, but worth every dime."

As soon as the five rangers were cleaned up and presentable, they were summoned into delta command, Commander Cruger and Dr. Manx were waiting for them. "I feel so much better after that bath." Leah whispered to Z.

"Rangers, you must use the delta runners." said Cruger. "It's time you moved to active zords."

"Zords? Like actual zords?" Bridge asked.

"Okay, I'm a little freaked." said Z.

"I'm not." said Leah, grinning.

"You've been trained, you can do it." Kat said.

"No sweat guys. Just follow me." Jack agrees.

"Yeah.... about that." muttered Leah, looking down to the side.

"Wait!" said Cruger. "Before you go, do you have full confidence in Jack Landors as your leader? If you have reservations, speak now."

Sky raised his hand. "Sir."

"Figures, he's just jealous that he's not the red ranger." said Jack, rolling his eyes.

"Nothing personal, Jack." replied Syd.

Bridge hesitated. "I like you as a friend and all, but as a leader; did I ever tell you that I really like your dreads?"

"Dude, you're like my brother and all, but you're abusing your status. I don't know whether I should make you a target or not." said Leah.

"This is unreal." said Jack. "I can be a good leader, tell them, Z."

"It's the truth." said Z, agreeing with the others. "Sorry."

"The team has spoken." stated Cruger. "You are relieved of command and ranger status."

The others were shocked and voiced their objections. "Don't you think...?" Kat began to say but Cruger interrupted her.

"I've made my decision." he tells her. Jack hands over his morpher. "Cadet Manx will stay behind." ordered Cruger as the alarm sounded. "Rangers, go!"

"Sir, why can't I go with them?" asked Leah.

"Delta Runner 6 will have to be reconfigured to match your height and you need a crash course in driving." Kat explained.

"I'm not going to let you drive out there and crash it." said Cruger.

"Ok. I'm looking forward to my crash course." said Leah, then teleported away. The other four rangers morphed and exited through the zord bay tubes. "He's heading towards the northern district." Cruger informed them. "You have to stop him."

Cruger and Jack watched what was happening; Syd had ordered the monster to stop. Each Zord wasn't enough to stop the giant robot. "They're getting schooled." said Jack, chaffing at the fact that he couldn't help out. Leah teleported back in as she listened to Cruger. "Without someone to lead them, they're at a strategical disadvantage." replied Cruger.

"But I was their leader." protested Jack.

"No, you weren't." said Leah and they all looked at her.

"What do you mean, kid." said Jack.

"A leader is supposed to inspire those around him, not just motivate them. You were abusing your status as red ranger. I had to go through that course with fleas still in my hair." said Leah.

"You got rid of those fleas, right?" asked Kat, frowning as she stepped back.

"Yeah. You see, I have this special shampoo that helps keep them away for about four months." said Leah.

"She's right about being a leader. A true leader earns respect by example." stated Cruger, "Did you set an example?" Jack looks over at Leah and realizes his mistake. He knew that Leah looked up to him and Z. "No." Jack answers, coming to his senses. "No I was too busy taking advantage of my position." He watched for a few more seconds. "No offense, sir but I don't belong here with you." Leah and Kat were grinning.

"Where is it that you belong, cadet?" asked Cruger.

"With my team, sir." replied Jack. "I'm their leader and I should be leading them."

"Well, you can't lead them from here." said Cruger.

"Yes, sir." Jack agrees then starts to leave.

"Cadet Landors." Cruger called. "You might be needing this." He tossed the morpher to Jack.

Jack caught the morpher and raise it. "S.P.D.! EMERGENCEY!" He morphed and left through the remaining Zord bay tube.

"Delta runner is online." Kat smiled.

"So...I'm guessing that my crash course in driver's Ed will be next week, right?" Leah asked.

"I was thinking tomorrow." said Kat, then started controlling the last runner by remote.

"Awesome!" said Leah.

"We need to move in." Sky insisted.

"It's not working. We need a plan." Bridge pointed out.

"I do!" They jolted in surprise as another zord swerved into view. Two arms emerged from the back of the Zord, moving towards them. "What is he doing?" groaned Syd.

"Leading!" Jack called confidently. He caught hold of the pink and yellow rangers' Zords.

"Come on!" said Z. "Let's get in there." Bridge nodded.

"All over it." said Sky and blasted the robot, but they bounced off again.

"Rangers, you must work as a team. Combine the delta runners to form the Delta Squad Megazord." said Cruger.

"Ready team?" Jack called.

"Ready sir!" the others nodded. Jack's Zord lifted Z's and Syd's zords into the air, trying to join with them. "Are you sure this will work?" asked Syd.

"Knowing Jack, he'll make it work." said Z, confident in her best friend. The three zords then combined together. "Let's show him how it's done." Sky called to Bridge as he landed his runner on the ground. Their Zords changed as well, allowing the others to connect to them and stand. The last runner that belongs to Leah, was then placed in the chest of the megazord.

"Delta Squad Megazord!"

"Well done, rangers." praised Cruger.

"Come on!" challenged Jack as they faced the robot. It fired more shots at them, but easily dodged the shots and blasted back. They then managed to get up behind the robot, only for it to throw rubble at them, knocking them to the ground. Their blaster landed on the back of the robot. "Okay, let's try the sword!" suggested Bridge. They called on the sword, hidden in the leg and slashed the robot. They flipped it over, grabbing their blaster.

Cruger turned to Leah and nodded. She then teleported out of the command center after shouting, "S.P.D.! EMERGENCY!"

"Let's get him!" called Jack.

"Right!" the others said. The lights flashed and they aimed the blaster at their opponent.







"Fire!" the rangers blasted the robot several times, destroying it. "Shutdown!" they cheered, returning their weapons to their holsters.

"There he is." said Bridge, spotting the pilot on the ground, getting to his feet. They leaped down, blocking his path. Leah ran up to join them and said, "You're not going anywhere."

"Who's going to stop me?" the monster challenged with a growl.

"One! S.P.D. Red!"

"Two! S.P.D. Blue!"

"Three! S.P.D. Green!"

"Four! S.P.D. Yellow!"

"Five! S.P.D. Pink!"

"Six! S.P.D. Purple!"

"Rangers ready!"

"Space Patrol Delta! Defenders of Earth!"

"You don't scare me." the monster scoffed. Jack took a step towards the monster. "Let me do this guys!" he said. "I owe you!" The red ranger grabbed his Delta blasters and ran towards the monster. "He might owe us but we're a team. We're not gonna let him do this alone." said Bridge.

"Let's give him a hand!" Syd cheered.

"I think he's learned his lesson." said Z.

"Good. If he doesn't, then he's still next on my list of prank victims." said Leah.

"I hope so." Sky muttered, following them. The rangers ran towards the monster, who blasted at them. They dodged easily and Jack jumped up into the air. He blasted the monster, making the monster cry out and stun him long enough for Sky to get in and strike him in the chest hard. Bridge and Leah then spun through the air on either side of the monster, slashing across his front. Z and Syd struck next, making him stumble backwards.

"Alright, listen up." Jack yelled as he holstered his weapons and the rangers regrouped.

"He's gonna have to go through us." The red ranger told him firmly. "S.P.D. Morpher, Judgement Mode!" Jack held up his morpher. It flashed, alternating between Guilty and Innocent, before finally flashing in a red X.

"Guilty." said Jack.

"Ready!" The rangers called.

"Ready!" Jack combined his blasters. "Fire!" he blasted the monster and it flew through the air. "We're taking you in! Containment Mode!" he blasted the monster with his morpher, trapping it in a containment card.

"So..." Cruger said as he faced the rangers, led in by Jack. "You all trust Cadet Landors to lead your team then?"

"I admit, his ego a little outta control," Z smiled as she steps forward. "But deep down, Jack's a good guy."

"Plus, we couldn't have formed the Megazord without him." said Syd as she stood by Z.

"That's true." Bridge agreed as he stepped up. "Or we'd be walking around without a head." The others shot him a weird look.

"I believe that Jack will be a great leader." stated Leah. Cruger nodded and looked at Sky. "And what about you?" he asked in a low voice. Sky was looking at the ground silently, before his blue eyes darted up to look up at the commander.

It was late evening and if someone had been looking out the window towards the training grounds, they would see Jack running the Mud Swamp course. Sky stood there silently with his arms crossed, watching Jack. Sky nods to himself before he hears a soft 'poof' behind him.

He turns around to see Leah standing behind him. "What are you doing here?" he asked. Leah walks up to him and says, "I know that you don't like having Jack as the red ranger but you have to give him a chance. You can't always get what you want, when you want it."

"Why do you say that, Cadet?"

"Because someone once told me something that I will never forget and I want to share what they said unto you. You get what you get and you don't throw a fit." said Leah and 'poof' away in her purple cloud before Sky could ask what she meant.

"She's so weird." Sky muttered to himself.

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