Endings Part 2

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"Jack, your genetic powers have been neutralized. You can't break out." said Cruger as Jack tries to phase through the cage.

"You can't blame a guy for trying." said Jack.

"Well...there goes my plan." murmured Leah, once the tape was off her mouth.


"Yah!" Jack shouted in pain.

"...we need to talk." said Cruger. "It's come to my attention that you'll leave S.P.D."

"What?" asked Jack, looking up at the commander. "Hey, I didn't say anything. I...(sighs) You know, why are we talking about this now?" He then looks around to find a way out. "It doesn't look like we'll get out of here anytime soon."

"Whether we leave here or not, it is important to follow your own path." said Cruger.

"You're wrong, sir. I love S.P.D." said Jack and Cruger places a hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, I know that. And you give it 100%." Cruger tells him. "But you and I both know where your heart lies."

"Who'd have thought Piggy would have sent us into a trap?" asked Z.

"I know I didn't." said Leah. "He's nothing but a no good traitor."

"It just goes to show you." said Bridge as he stands up from a handstand. "You can't trust reptiles. He's a reptile, right?"

"He's history...if I ever get out of here." said Sky. "He's probably laughing at us right now."

"Sky, you're gonna get your wish." said Leah.

"I thought you were out of everything." said Z.

"I was...but now I'm stocked up again." said Leah.

Back on earth, Piggy was feeling his guilt. "What have I done?" he asked himself. "I'm a filthy, slime-ridden, low-life, worm-eating vermin! Okay, so I was that before I betrayed the rangers. But I had to. Gruumm would have vaporized me. Anyone else would have done the same thing."

Piggy looks up at the sky with his arms stretched out. "Tell me...have I done the right thing?" he asked. "Show me a sign that I've done the right thing."

Suddenly, lightning strikes and his van starts rolling down the hill. "Oh, my café!" he exclaimed and runs after it. "Oh, no!"

His café reaches the bottom of the hill and explodes, causing him to whimper. Back at the base, Kat addresses the cadets and Sam. "Commander Cruger and the 'B' squad have been captured by Emperor Gruumm." she said. "There is not one left to protect earth but us. Omega ranger will lead those of you who are willing to fight against the inevitable Troobian invasion. The odds of coming out of this are slim."

"What?" asked a cadet as the others murmured.

"If any of you want to leave...please do so now." she tells them and they start to leave.

"Hey, wait. Before you go, I just want to tell you...well, I get it, you know? I...I understand outnumbered, outpowered. Kat's probably exaggerating when she said the odds were slim. 'Hopeless' would be more like it." said Boom and they stopped in their tracks. "But even if all of you leave...I'm staying. I'm staying for Commander Cruger. I'm staying for Jack...for Sky, Bridge, Z, Syd, Leah. I'm staying because they would stay for me. They'd stay for you, too. Now, we will probably lose this fight, but I am not giving up without a fight. So Gruumm...bring...it...on. Those of you who want to go...go. I'm staying."

The cadets murmured and cheered for Boom's speech. Back in space, Gruumm's ship was in orbit around earth. "Finally..." said Gruumm, laughing with Mora by his side. "...we begin."

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