Shadow Part 1

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In the command center, Commander Cruger was sitting in his chair asleep, dreaming about what happened on his home planet.


Cruger was fighting an army of Krybots on a pile of rubble. Gruumm was standing on what seems to be a platform. "Victory is ours!" Gruumm shouted. "Take him down!"

"No!" growled Cruger as he fights off the Krybots. An alien can be heard laughing at Cruger.

A woman's voice can be heard in the distance. "Doggie! Doggie, help!" said the woman's voice.

"No!" he shouted.

[Dream ends]

Cruger wakes up from the dream, breathing heavily. "No..." he said to himself. He then turns around to face the sword that was hanging up on the wall. A hand is on his shoulder, belonging to Kat.

"You had the dream again." said Kat.

"Yes." said Cruger reluctantly. In the city, Jack and Syd were fighting an orange head robot. "Give up yet?" the robot asked.

"No way." Jack tells him.

"You think we should call for some backup?" asked Syd.

"Nah, we've got this one." he tells her. They go at the robot again. "How about now?" asked Syd.

"Nah. He's falling right into my trap." said Jack. They tried once again until Jack realizes that they needed backup. "Rangers, we could use some back up." said Syd.

"No can do, Syd. We have our hands full. As a matter of fact, we're gonna ask you for Syd's help." said Sky.

"No problem!" said Jack and sends Syd on her way to help the others while he fights the orange head alone. Everyone was gathered around the monster that was holding a bus full of people. "Pink reporting in!" said Syd. "Now, let's debug this city."

Soon after Jack had dealt with the orange head and the rangers defeated the monster, in space, Gruumm was angry. "No!" he screamed.

"You are evil and invincible! And monsters do not cry!" Gruumm shouted through the screen at the monster who was shedding its tears.

"I see someone's upset." said Mora, walking in.

"Silence!" said Gruumm.

"And didn't brush his teeth either." she said, smelling his breath.

"Your foolish monster lost to the power rangers."

"They...are...not...foolish!" said Mora, angrily. "They're creations from my imagination. They're horribly evil."

"Ha. Your horribly evil monster cried." he tells her.

"He's sensitive. Something you might take a lesson from."

"Huh? I am the emperor of the Troobian Military Force, which has conquered three galaxies, two-star systems, and over one hundred planets!"

"And apparently, a wee bit sensitive." Mora added.

"Huh?" he said, confused.

"Do you want to know how to defeat the power rangers?" she asked.


"First, you have to say please." she said, smugly.

"Listen, you pint-sized...whiny...intolerant little brat...either you tell me how to defeat the power rangers, or you will find yourself back exactly the way I found you." threatened Gruumm.

"Not fair. And also not fair." said Mora before giving in. "Okay, fine. If you want to defeat the power rangers, defeat their leader."

"Excellent, Mora. Excellent..." he said, turning away from her. As he was thinking how to defeat Cruger, she made faces behind his back before he returned to face her and smiled innocently when he did. In the command center, Leah stood next to Kat, studying from a Felisan culture book that was on cuisine while her fellow cadets were laughing.

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