Endings Part 1

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Cruger was now finally captured and on Gruumm's ship. "Well, Cruger, how does it feel to be betrayed by your own rangers?" asked Gruumm as Cruger stood in front of him.

"These are not rangers." said Cruger, motioning his head at the 'A' squad. "A real power ranger must be true of heart. All those years of training, and you have learned nothing."

"Grow up, Doggie." said Charlie, not really in the mood to deal with him. "Everyone wants to be on a winning team."

"And when the earth falls, you shall be ruling alongside me as promised." Gruumm said to the 'A' squad.

"There are still people willing to do anything it takes to protect the earth." said Cruger.

"Who? That pathetic bunch of losers? Your 'B' squad?" she asked. "Please."

"Don't underestimate them." said Gruumm. "They've been a great annoyance to me."

"That's because they've never faced the best of the best." said Charlie, glancing at Cruger. "Let us take care of them."

"No!" said Cruger.

"Do it." said Gruumm as he and Charlie looked at Cruger, causing him to growl.

"Guys, we're a great team. Cruger said so himself." said Sky.

"I, for one, don't want to go back to sweeping up after those guys." said Syd.

"No, listen, Ally...Ally..." Jack said as he looks over at the others. "I can't go into detail, but..."

"Is it too late to hurt him yet?" asked Leah.

"Not yet but getting there." said Z.

"...trust me, I can't make it over there today." said Jack.

"Jack, this is the third time you've bailed on me." said Ally as someone hands her a clipboard for her to sign. "I was really counting on your help today."

"You know I would if I could. I'm sorry." Jack tells her.

"I know." she replied. "But, you know, sooner or later, you're gonna have to make up your mind about what you really want."

Suddenly the alarms sounded. "I gotta go." said Jack.

"Let's go, everyone." said Sky as everyone but Jack leaves the room.

"Rangers, we need your help." said Kat once most of 'B' squad was in the command center.

"Why? We're just the lowly 'B' squad." said Syd just as Jack joins them without them noticing. "Why don't you ask the amazing 'A' squad to help?"

"The 'A' squad has gone, and they've taken Commander Cruger with them." Kat replied.

"You want us 'B' squad? Come and get us." said Charlie as she appeared on the screen. "Sector 'A', zone 4. We're waiting."

"Rangers, you can't go. It's a trap." said Kat.

"Of course, it is." said Jack then looks at the others. "And we're going."

"Just so you know..." Kat said just as they were about to leave. "Commander Cruger told me you're the best he has ever had." Kat looks down at her daughter with a pleading look on her face. "Mimi ahadi kwamba nitarudi." said Leah.

"Kuwa salama." said Kat as they left the command center.

Out in the city, both squads walked towards each other on the field of battle. "Didn't think you'd show." said Charlie. "'A' squad...let's do this."


"Ready! S.P.D. EMERGENCY!"

'A' squad starts shooting at the rangers as they morphed, and the fight began. "Generals and soldiers, our day has come at last." said Broodwing as he stood before his army. "With Cruger gone and the rangers occupied, the time to strike S.P.D. is now!"

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