Forced ✔️

By arshi_fan_204

52.8K 4.6K 1K

She was Excited to come back home after several years but she didn't know that what is waiting for her at h... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 07

2.4K 220 58
By arshi_fan_204

Happy reading.

Getting slap from  her is big thing for him . He can't believe ,she can raise hand on him like one ever dared to  slap him in his whole life . Not even his mother. but this girl, from no where got the guts and  hit him on his face without thinking for once. how could she ?? These thoughts run my head like a marathon  making my  anger reach on peak. At this time , whoever gonna would try to  come infront of me. He gonna be killed by my hand .  But as soon as my eyes fell on her , my eyes soften and heart pained seeing tears rolling down from her eyes like a river. I forgot my own  pain. And landed in hers , who is crying  non stop giving me disgusting look.  I raise my hand to touch her  ,but she jerk it away  and crawl back looking at me with pure hate. 

Don't touch me. Just don't.  What you think of your self ha. Since we got married , I don't think so a day , leave a day.  A minute ,I've spent in peace.   I've been crying all the time.    I never cried that much my whole life the way I did since I've met you.   I agreed,  we got married in bad circumstances. We shouldn't had. But I didn't have any choice But you had chance  to say no.  You could had denied it. But no 'you itself said , you wanna marry me.  And then behaved like ,I've been pushed in your life without your will. All the time.... All the time , you are blaming me for everything. If you hate me so much. You didn't want me in your life Then why the hell did you marry me. Why the hell you just  didn't left our house. At least I would had been in peace. and you would had been as well with your so called friend.  Today do  you know how big trauma I , faced because of you .  I never been felt that much fear the way i did today.  I was literally walking scared on the road.  Literally I was few feet away to get in men clutches , who would had ripped me off and would had feast over me.   But why do you care.  Why the hell would you careeee.  I'm nothing to you right. You don't give shit about my existence. All you care about yourself and your girlfriend. You don't care,  if I die or stay Alive . That's why in the  mid night ,you left me alone in the hotel without caring  about anything. If you didn't want to stay in the party with me. Then why the hell you took me there. You could had told me that you wanna be your girlfriend. Atleast I didn't have to face all this. But no you just wanted to humiliate me  that's why you took me there. And guess what you succeeded. Whatever I've faced today. I don't think so I'll forget in my whole life. It will stay in the corner of my head all the time. And all thanks to mr arnav Singh raizada .. who's caused all this. You know what , I don't have any hope from you or from this baseless marriage. As per as you had decided  on the first marriage that we will get divorce after the deal. Fine let's do it. Let's do it before the deal itself.  I don't wanna be in that relationship ,which suffocate me and  hurt me beyond repair.  Let's end this shit and move on on our ways without colliding. I don't wanna live with you.  I justtttt don'tttttt she screams and  shoved  me away,   when I try to comfort her.  Seeing her behaving like this and crying nonstop broke my heart.  I didn't want to see her like that.  On top that whatever she  told about incident it sent shiver down to my spin. I felt like to kill those men  ,who tried to lay their hands on my wife.  How could they do it. How dare theyyy. But on the same time,  I'm feeling hate for myself as well , as I know,  it's all because of me. I shouldn't  had left her alone like that. I should had take care of her. If  I'd taken her .. then it was my responsibility to keep her safe. But in mid night my action Pursued her to go on the road.  which caused her to face all this...

Tell me their name.  I will make sure that they don't even think to touch any other woman .  I want those people to learn their life time lesson. Tell me khushi please. I scoot towards her  again trying to touch her , but she didn't let me and pushed me back.

Why do you care! Who were they who not.  Things have been done. Damage have been hit my soul already. Now finding them and hurting is not necessary. Moreover  why would you punish other people. When you itself  is on the fault. You are the one who left me Alone not anyone else.  So for trying to get clear yourself don't,  put blame on others.    She sobs... but anyways why I'm blaming you. When you itself had told le to not trust you. You are not trust worthy  raizada. You are not even one %. For you I've been nothing to you ,since we got married. So expecting anything from you is baseless.   Better I don't do it.  Just leave me alone. Just  go away. I don't wanna see your face. She hiccups letting her face get wet with tears.

Khusbi don't say this I just ... I try to make her understand but instead listening to me ,she stood up   Whicn made her stumble and she fell down.

Khushi I scream and immediately  crawl towards her to hold but bht I was too later and she already have been fallen down . 

Khushi you are fine. Are you ok.  I try to touch  her. But she just look away and showed me hand glaring me. 

I can  take care of myself.  The way I did last night.  You don't need to be so caring towards me. As I'm here to look after me.   Saying this she took help of the bed and set there without taking a single help from me.

Leave me alone. Just go away. Seeing your face making me remind again and again  that dreadful scenario. She sniffles wiping her tears which are continuously felling breaking my heart.

Khushi i ..... I try to say something but she glare me and shout.

I said leave mr raizada. Didn't you understand. Seeing her stubbornness , I  defeated and left from there decided to give her time little with herself. As I know , if I stayed more  here then she will be hurt. which I don't want at all. So silently I left from  there and closed the door. But through the window glass , I can see how she curled up on the bed and cry silently resting her hand under her temple.

I'll make everything fine. I promise.  I caresses the glass and left from there giving her own time. I hope  after few hours she will be fine.


Khushi PoV ;'

After few hours nap, I set on the bed looking nothing particular. Thankfully my headache  has little fed away.  and I'm quite feeling relax. But as my mind divert towards last night,  it made my throat forms lump and tears started trickling from my eyes. I'm feeling so helpless and weak. That girl , always being strong since her childhood. she is feeling weak today. I've always faced many hurdles in my life whether getting hate from my mother or sister. But still I always maintained my strength and never fallen weaken. But today it broke me. Might it was too much for me to handle. Feeling heavy in my heart I felt like to talk to my baba. I wanna talk to him and lighten my heartache. As these thoughts came in my brain, I started looking for phone and thankfully I've found near me on the drawer. I grabbed it and immediately Dailed his number. On second bell it's been picked up , but instead baba maa spoke from another side

Hello maa how are you ?? I kept my pain aside and try my best to hide my feelings inside me.

Why are you calling your dad at this time. you know that it's time for your father to take rest. Already you caused loads of problems and because it , he is staying sick most of the time. So why are you just calling him again and again. Hearing her , i got shocked. I mean I don't think so I've any fault in anything. She should blame for this to her daughter not me. But here she is doing cleanly on me. like I'm the one who ran away leaving them face humiliation not my sister.   But like always she is considering me on fault which is  so wrong.

I just wanted to talk to baba. That's all. Nothing more maa.  I just wanted to tell him that ....

How unhappy you are. That's what you wanna tell him. Ok fine go and tell. But later , if something happen to him. then you will he responsible for this. Remember it khushi.    She interrupted in between and immediately started emotionally blackmailing me. I just exhale the long breath looking around having tears in my eyes and cut the call instead listening to her further. As I know as much as I'm gonna talk to her. she gonna say me whatever gonna come in her mouth and then my heart will break yet again into many pieces seeing  everyone in my life so selfish and bad. I sniffles and throw the phone  aside closing my eyes.   

You up ,,,, hearing his voice I open my eyes and found him standing  yet again having tray in his hand which is full of food.  I rolls my eyes and preferred to stay silent instead answering him. Seeing me not  saying him anything  , he slowly March towards me and set on the side of the bed looking at me with guilt filled eyes. Which didn't melt me even 1 %.  In really not gonna come into his these antics. As I know , he will be same again afterwards.

Here have this food. You didn't eat it since  last night. You must be hungry right.  He says softly keeping tray in my lap.   

I need to use restroom. Before he stops me or say something , I just got up   Keeping hand on the headboard. He try to help me. But i showed him hand and  started walking towards bathroom.  I can feel , he is following me from behind. just in case ,I need his help. But I just didn't pay head to him and went inside closing the door on his face

After some minutes I comes out and got scared finding  him standing near the door leaning on the wall.

You scared me. I shakes my head keeping hand on my running heart.  

I'm sorry I didn't mean to. He mumbles forwarding his hand to help me. But I didn't take and itself went towards the bed.  I silently set there and started eating food keeping tray in my lap.  Seeing me eating he sighs in relief and set near me watching me while eating. 

Stop staring at me.   It's irritated.  I scoff looking at him plainly

I'm sorry I didn't mean to.  He again said sorry to me ...which shook me hell out 'seeing him apologising me again and again.  But before I try to believe on his genuineness , his phone started ringing gaining my attention . Seeing the id i sneers and  pushed the food in my mouth by spoon looking away.

I I need to take this. He stammers and immediately left from there leaving me alone. I just simply can't expect anything from him. This guy is spineless. Any Time,he get change in seconds. Anyways trusting on him is worthless. so better if I don't even try. I just take a long breath and bite the bread despite tears are coming out from my eyes.

After Couple of minutes He comes in and silently set besides me again holding the medicine.

You really don't need to stay here with me. You can go to her. I guess she needs you more than me. you just drop me to my friend's house. and afterwards you can go back to her.

She is ok on her place. You don't worry about anyone else. And About you , then you are not going anywhere... neither am I. Did you understand. Now be a good girl and here have your medicine. Don't need to run your brain on useless things. He answered me passing medicine towards me.

I don't wanna stay with you here. I want some alone time. I try to make him understand in my stern voice. But seems like nothing is going in his head and he just grab the jug and started filling the glass.

Sorry that's not available. Willingly or unwillingly ' you are staying here with me. And won't leave the bed till you don't get fine.

You can't order me like that i ... before I say something more. he put the medicines in my mouth and then made me drink the water.

Have a good sleep sweet heart. He pass me smile and caresses my face. I grit my teeth snd about shove his hand away but in none seconds , my eyes blur snd I fell on his chest and afterwards I don't know what happened and what he did with me.


Arnav's pov;'

Seeing her sleeping a relief I've got in my heart , at least few hours, she will be in peace and would able to take rest. Otherwise since she woke up .. she was in tensed mode. First because of that incident and then some phone call , which she done to someone and it made her condition worse. That's why I thought to give her some medicine and put her back into sleep. As if she kept awake then she will be more tensed and I really didn't want her health to be deteriorate more. I sighs and kiss her forehead determining to fix everything up as soon as possible. This ridhima matter has been dragged to much. I will talk to mom and will say her that I can't do anymore all this drama. Because of this one more life is getting affecting snd that's my wife. Who thinks her husband has girlfriend who is bloody pregnant with his child. I caresses her face again and then decided to leave to let her sleep in peace.

Precap ..... she went hospital without telling him

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Arshi _fan_204

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