White Clouds

By OceanRiver3721

8.2K 196 355

The story starts in the place where Luffy's journey starts, and Luffy's past will be revealed slowly. - WARNI... More

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Authors note;
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 10
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364 13 5
By OceanRiver3721

*different attempt with the picture (hope it works)

For the first time in a while, Luffy felt the thrill of a fight. The windmill attack that Buggy shot at him was inching closer and closer, he jumped over it at the last second. Floating in the air, he already knew Buggy's next move.

Buggy, who took advantage of the fact that Luffy was in the air, flung 10 knives at him from different directions. His actions held the thought that, 'Moving around in the air would be near impossible!'

Luffy didn't even spare him a glance. He twisted around midair, avoiding the blades with dexterity. Upon landing, the young pirate showed no hesitation and darted right out of Buggy's field of vision. The realisation hit Buggy to late, and he turned around to a fist colliding into his face.

With a cry, Buggy was sent flying into a building, destroying it in the process.

'I can't believe my eyes... to think he could hold- no, overpower Buggy...' Nami, who've just finished her treasure hunting, could not help but feel shocked as she hid behind a building, observing silently.

"He's real strong right? Can't believe your eyes?" Another voice, belonging to Zoro, spoke up from behind.

"When did you get here!?" Asked Nami, shocked.

"Hm, what do you mean? I was watching the battle too." The two exchanged some words before focussing back onto the battle.

"cough guess those attacks don't work on you, huh... TAKE THIS!" Holding 3 knives in each hand, Buggy shot them out on the command, "BARA BARA CANNON!"

As expected, Luffy dodged them with no issue, but was surprised when they turned around only to dash right back. He caught one hand with ease, and used it to defend against the other. 'These are quite annoying...' he turned his eyes on Buggy. 'I'll just aim for the main body.'

Tossing the hands aside, Luffy rushed at Buggy instead.

"Hey-! Wait! Why are you coming for me!?" He raised his hand less arms, waving them around frantically. It was no use and Luffy landed a jump kick right into his chest, sending him crashing into the same building.

Now having flown into a building twice now, Buggy got out, frustrated, 'how is this kid stronger than me..! I will not be defeated by someone wearing the same hat as him! Damn it how can I beat- wait...' Upon looking around, he finds his 2 friends watching from afar.

A plan edged its way into his brain. Following that thought, Buggy changed his target to Nami and Zoro. If the brat was anything like his old friend Shanks, then he'd certainly be willing to save them.

Luffy noticed Buggy's slanted gaze, he followed it and just as he realised-

"BARA BARA SPLIT SPLIT CANNON!" His hands came off at impressive speeds, wielding a knife each.

"AH- He saw us!!" Nami tried darting out the way, only for the hand to follow her.

Meanwhile, Zoro stood his ground, defending himself with his sword at the approaching hand with an uneasy expression. "So you're playing some annoying tricks now huh.?"

"Hey! Your opponent is me!" Luffy shouted, trying to get his attention. "Why are you targeting them?"

"Hm? I certainly don't remember a rule saying that you can't? Gyaahaha!" Buggy just laughed him off.

"Damn you-" Luffy lashed out at him, fuelled with anger, and successfully knocked him off his feet and yet again into another building. The fight seemed to have a sudden turn in intensity as Luffy pinned him down before throwing a barrage of punches into his face.

The hand was persistent in its chase of Nami, she tried various ways of countering or outrunning it, but it was no use. She had never encountered a knife which moved around at will, it was quiet a shock. She did however, eventually get it stuck in a wall using her bo staff. She was not going to let her well earned treasure stolen away today. Her thought was cut short when she heard Zoro yell.

"Nami! Watch out!"

"Eh-?" The hand which was chasing Zoro was now aimed for Nami. She turned round too late, it was mere inches away. She didn't even have a chance to blink when the back of Luffy's body came into view.

Her eyes widen. Her treasure fell out of her hands, long forgotten. Her brain froze and for a second she forgot where she was. 'Did he just-.. take a knife for me..?'

"Luffy! You idiot-!" Zoro also rushed over to check on his captain's wound, only to find no blood. Surprisingly, the part the knife stabbed was now no more than a block of cloud.

Nami rushed around after seeing Zoro's flabbergasted face. "We need to treat the wound immediate- Huh?" The same confusion welled up in her.

Luffy breathed a sigh and pulled the blade out without so much as a wince. Buggy also got out of the rumble, bewildered that his attack did no damage.

Luffy glared daggers into him, "attacking my comrades when your in a fight with me?" Luffy took a step forward, "your no different than them."

Buggy took a step back. 'What is this.. this feeling of helplessness... it's like he's a different person from before!?'

Luffy marched towards Buggy with no hesitation. He stopped, just close enough for an attack.

The clown didn't dare move under the crimson gaze of the boy in front of him. It felt he might actually die if he were to take even a single step.

Luffy raised the blade Buggy had impaled him with over his head.

"H-Hey, wait a minute... we can tal-" the blade was brought down before he could finish. He flinched. 'Is this how I'm going to die..?'

To his shock, no pain was felt. He forced his eyes to open, the smoke coated blade was a centimetre away from puncturing his head. His senses was screaming at him to move away, but he couldn't do it.

The knife stayed where it was.

Luffy swallowed. He couldn't commit murder... he made a promise. There's no way he's breaking it now.

The blade, still coated with smoke, was thrown away to the left, it made a large dent in the ground, debris flying everywhere. Luffy eye fading back to his original colour. He closed it.

"I'll deal with you another way..." Luffy took a small step back, then suddenly, his arms stretched backwards. Buggy realised his ultimate doom, and he picked himself up and tried to flee.

But at the end of the day, running can't beat throwing in speed.

"GYAAAAAHHHH" He got sent to the sky like a rocket, and he wasnt stopping anytime soon.

Luffy's arms popped back in place, he glanced at the slowly shrinking image of Buggy the clown zooming through the sky to who knows where. Then, he suddenly remembered-

"Are you guys okay?" He turned to his friends.

"Are we okay- WHAT DO YOU MEAN "ARE WE OKAY"!? WE SHOULD BE THE ONE ASKING YOU THAT-!" Luffy was immediately bombarded by Nami's questioning and concern.

Zoro just signed and shoved the damaged straw hat back onto its rightful owner.

Luffy smiled. It indeed was nice having such a caring crew. "All concerns aside, at least we've won the battle."

Luffy looked over to Nami, "so.. since we're cooperating you'll be coming along with us now, right?"

Nami stopped worrying after seeing he was indeed fine, she sighed and said, "well yeah, guess so..."

Her gaze floated onto Luffy's straw hat. She couldn't help but remember the sadness and anger that had radiated off him when it got damaged.

Luffy seemed to understand her thoughts after following her gaze. He smiled and said, "Don't worry... it's just a little sacrifice..." although he didn't mention it, he was quite overwhelmed with sadness on the inside, but he forced those emotions back as he didn't want to appear weak in from of his subordinates.

"Anyways.. we've successfully defeated Buggy! So now this village will be free!" Just as Luffy spoke, the cloud, which carried the chief away, came floating back out from hiding. And as if on cue, the chief woke up.

"Ahh.. my head.. oh- you guys should really leave! This is my battle-"

"Don't worry chief! It's already over." Luffy stated happily.

"Yep." Agreed Zoro.

"What are you youngsters talking about?" He rubbed his head, then looked around. "Did some sort of fight occur..? Where did that clown run off to!?"

"I told you we dealt with it! He won't cause anymore harm to this village anymore." Luffy answered confidently. Just as he was about to continue, a new presence showed up.

Everyone turned their heads.

"We are the villagers of this place! Please state who you are and why you've got our chief hostage!" Demanded the guy, but the trio only looked at each other in confusion. Nami decided to step up and clear the misunderstanding.

"You've got it all wrong! It's not like that!"

"If you don't give us an answer, we'll attack!!" The villagers held their weapons high for all to see.

"I like their dedication to protecting their home.." Luffy murmured to himself.

"Now, now, everyone. These youngsters aren't here to cause harm and they certainly aren't here to kidnap me." The chief stood up, acting like the leader he is, "they are our saviours! They saved us from the Buggy pirate crew!"

Sounds of gasps and murmurs broke from the crowd of villagers. Some we happy and astonished, while some couldn't believe it.

"I apologise for our misunderstanding." The guy in front spoke up again. "Would you allow us to throw you a party for your kind achievement?"

Zoro's ears perked up at the mention of a party. Parties usually comes with alcohol, he was about to agree when Luffy declined it.

"Sorry, but we're in a rush." He said, "but thanks anyways. Come on guys let's go!"

Nami grabbed her large sacks of treasure that she stole, and turned to leave. Zoro sighed and followed along, quite sad that he didn't get a drink.

"Wait!" Said the chief, "I owe you lot a sincere thank you. Have a safe trip!"

"Thanks, we will!" Luffy waved them goodbye.

On their way back, they didn't expect to bump into non other than a dog.

"Huh?" It took a second, but Zoro immediately recognised the dog.

"Isn't that ShuShu!" Luffy's face brightened up.


Nami just observed as the young pirate patted the dog, 'he sure is a mysterious pirate...' Even though Nami absolutely despises pirates, she guess she could make an exception with this one.

• - •

"Woah.. is that your boat?" Asked Luffy as looked at the cool, large boat that was stationed next to his.

"Erm.. not exactly, I stole it from a couple of pirates." Nami replied, honestly for once.

"Huh?" 3 pirates, who everyone recognised, emerged from the ship.

"Hey! We have been waiting for you, theif!" They called out.

"Ah- you guys are..." Nami sweated.

"Hahah! We knew you would come back, you theif!"

"Eh.. do you know them, Nami?" Luffy scratched his head in thought, remembering the story the pirates told him.

"Ahaha.. sort of.." said Nami.

"Sort of-!?"

"Don't sort of us!"

"We will make sure to teach you a lesson!" They cracked their knuckles, ready for a fight.

"Oi." Zoro shot them a death glare.

It took a moment to register the green haired swordsman and the straw hat boy next to him. Upon realising, their face displayed shock on another level.

A moment of silence before..


• - •

Luffy, Zoro and Nami, has now safely departed from orange town. Everything was going smoothly, Zoro was sleeping, and Luffy was daydreaming.

All that peace ended when a scream split the silence in half.

"LUFFY! WHERE DID HALF MY TREASURE GO!?" A punch landed on Luffy's head before he could even comprehend what she just said.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"DON'T BE DUMB!! WHERE'S MY TREASURE!?" Nami looked as if she was about to turn into an angry, half starved, shark.

"Calm down! I left it behind for the villagers."

"You- WHAAAT." Nami clutched her head and started walking in circles. "That bag has 5 million beli inside it.. and yet you just threw it all away..."

"Well... since I did some damage to the buildings when fighting Buggy, I decided to leave them some cash as compensation." Said Luffy, a bit concerned for himself about how Nami was acting.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK ME FIRST! THAT WAS MY PRECIOUS TREASURE!" Strings of steam could be seen emitting off of Nami, and in her fit of rage, she grabbed Luffy and attempted to shove him overboard and into the water.

"H-Hey! Stop it! I can't swim!!"

"That's the point you idiot! Don't you dare do that again without my permission!!"

"Alright I'm sorry.. let me go!" A lone tear slipped out of Luffy's eye, which didn't go unnoticed my Nami. She pulled back and whispered a small apology. "It's fine.. I did leave your treasure without permission..."

"Ah.. uhm, how about I fix your hat for you? It's precious right?" Nami couldn't help but feel a bit bad for making the boy cry. It would make her no different than those pirates.

"You can do that!?" Luffy's eyes lit up like a kid's and he thanked Nami over and over again, even when she told him to stop.

Her eyes trailed to the left, where she found Zoro's sleeping form, resting without a hint as to what just happened. Her fists tighten and she thinks about giving him a beating but manages to restrain herself.

Luffy gave Nami the hat and she got straight to work.

After finishing it, she decided to rest a bit. Something tug on her mind about how everything seemed a bit quieter than usual. Luffy was starring at the sunset, and Zoro was somehow still sleeping.

She sighed. There really is going to be a long journey ahead of her...


Not much to say to be honest, but hope you enjoyed it and I will see you guys in 2 weeks time.

(I will try and upload earlier in the future and I thank you all for your patience) 👏😚

Have a great day! (Or night)

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