Karaoke - ArthurTV

By slushyboobz

8.3K 313 266

'Oh, I love her because she moves in her own way' When a night out at a bar introduces Maeve to someone new... More



766 28 16
By slushyboobz

Maeve had had to bury her head in the her knees as soon as her dreaded duet with Arthur came around. She could practically feel everyone's eyes on her when the clip played and she certainly didn't have to check to know that they'd all be wearing the same smug expression. Surprisingly, the boy's didn't tease her too much. Well all of them except Alex, though his attempts at taking the piss were mainly directed towards Arthur. Flossie would give the occasional 'aww' but everyone else just gagged which was to be expected. Arthur wasn't exactly helping their case either as he smiled like an idiot the whole time the video played, his eyes never leaving the screen to acknowledge his friends childish comments.

"Well that was repulsive!" Chris announced once their singing had finished and the camera had cut to a different pov of Maeve helping him to pick a song on the sofa. 

"You're repulsive!" Maeve argued like a child, giving into Chris' obvious attempt to taunt her and Arthur.

"I know you are but what am I?" He replied, sticking out his tongue at her from across the room.


"I know you are but what am I?"

"You're single Chris after your girlfriend broke up with you, get over it." Arthur Hill interjected in the most nonchalant way possible.

"I broke up with her!"

"So you keep telling us, but I'm not buying it." Cam added with a shrug before shooting Maeve a wink when he wasn't looking. 

"Come on guys give Chris a break, can't you see that the shared custody's clearly still getting to him." Alex sighed with a shake of his head like a disappointed dad. Everyone held back their laugher as Chris spluttered his excuses, his hands waving around in the air as he got even more frustrated with everyone. But they ignored his stupid antics and left him sulking in the corner, muttering to himself about how they were all bullying him.

When the video finally drew to an end Arthur, George and Alex rose to their feet and made their way into the kitchen to get drinks. Maeve and Cam quickly followed, shooting sorry looks at Flossie and Arthur H who they'd left stuck with a very moody Chris. 

"Sorry about earlier." Cam apologised as they walked into the kitchen in pursuit of the booze. 

"Don't worry!" Maeve smiled, "I used to love your videos by the way, would watch them all the time."

"Used to?" He replied with raised eyebrows, nearly choking on the drink that Alex had handed him. 

"No, not in like a rude way." Maeve quickly clarified and though it may have came out wrong she really didn't mean to offend him.

"Its okay." He managed to splutter out between coughs, "Gone down the wrong hole."

"Woah, chill out Cam. We don't want to hear about you putting it in the wrong hole." George complained, patting an annoyed looking Cam on the back. Arthur came up behind her, handing her a glass of wine silently and listening in as the boys talked. He leant on the counter next to her with his little finger barely grazing against hers, but the mere contact sent sparks up her arm and made her head feel fuzzy. 

"The videos doing well." He whispered in her ear almost inaudibly.  She leant back and looked at him with a nod and a smile as he took a sip from his glass carefully, savouring every mouthful after George had poured the majority of the bottle into his own glass. He got out his phone, scrolling through the replies to his Instagram story where he'd advertised the new video before clicking through to discord and checking people opinions there. 

"I'm not going to comment on the fact that you use discord." Maeve stated with a giggle causing Arthur to roll his eyes.

"You just did." He sighed in reply, pouting at the laughing girl. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, holding the phone in front of the pair so they could both read the comments from his viewers at the same time. She quickly eased into his touch and began leaning back against his chest as he scrolled, both not really paying attention to what was on the screen. 

"Maybe I should post like a 'thank you' for all the love people are showing?" Maeve asked to which Arthur hummed in response, his head resting in the crook of her neck making his warm breath tickle her skin. 

"I can do it if you like? I'll post and you can leave a comment under it?" He mumbled as she pulled herself away from him to go and find her own phone. 

"Sounds good to me!" 

arthurtv. ; Wasn't our typical video so thank you everyone for the support! We are all so happy you enjoyed it, hope you enjoy this picture of Lola just as much

tagged ; maeverobber , arthurnfhill , georgeclarkeey , chrismd10 

6,889 likes | 73 comments

@ florencerobertson : this is so awesome ( save me from chris )

↳ @ chrismd10 : Wtf flo I thought we were friends

  ↳ @ florencerobertson : sure!!! 😁

@ maeverobber : thanks everyone! 

↳ @ georgeclarkeey : go fuck yourself

  ↳ @ arthurtv : Don't be rude to Maeve

@ italianbach : Wait, why was I not invited? 

↳ @ imalexx : tell me about it

@ arthurnfhill : click this link for some more awesome content! https://www.youtube.com/@arthurhill69

↳ @ camkirkham : the shameless plug is not okay

  ↳ @ arthurnfhill : ur right, im sorry 😞

@ theburntchip : MAEVE WHAT ARE YU DOING HERE?!?!?

↳ @ maeverobber : JOSH????

"You know Chip?" Chris asked whilst walking into the room with Flossie who looked equally as confused as him. To be frank, everyone in the room seemed lost as they all looked at her with puzzled expressions. 

"I know Sabina, she's like basically my best friend." Maeve explained, "And Josh unfortunately comes as part of the deal with her." 

"How long have you known Sabina?" Alex asked and everyone listened intently.

"Around 4 years now."

"That's awesome, she's gorgeous." Flossie gushed with a wide smile.

"I know, genuinely beautiful and so kind too." Maeve replied and they all nodded in response. Suddenly Arthur H came charging into the room, out of breath and with a shocked expression across his face. 

"You know Chip?!" 


Alex had had to go home soon after because Alice needed him to take her to get a new sofa after their new kitten called bear had kindly decided to tear a hole in their current one. Next to go was Chris, Arthur H and George who had to go since they were planning on filming a video that night, but Chris insisted it was actually just because they were all insufferable. Then Cam had left to walk his dog, who Maeve thought was  positively adorable, leaving Maeve snuggled up with Flossie on the sofa and Arthur upstairs in his room recording. Oh and Lola of course who had been stretched out across her lap but had wandered up to Arthurs room, god knows why since she was much more interesting. But she had to admit it was cute hearing him call to her to come in when he had heard the jingle of the bell on her collar outside his door. And her and Flossie couldn't help but sneer at his sheer stupidity when they began to hear him muttering praise to the cat for picking him over them.

Josh had messaged her after their interaction, asking how she got on with the boys and if she'd realised that they were his friends. He'd then asked about a party that they were throwing for George's birthday once he'd got back from his holiday, wondering if she wanted to come. 'Arthur wants you there let's be honest, he just doesn't want to ask' he'd written, making her wonder if it was true. 

"Flossie?" Maeve asked in a quiet tone, breaking the comfortable silence in the room. Flossie turned to look at her with a smile, urging her to continue. 

"Josh has invited me to this party." She paused and Flossie nodded, "It's for Georges birthday." 

"Yeah I know the one, why what's wrong?" 

"Should I go?" Maeve asked tentatively and she let out a giggle, patting her thigh.


"Are you going?" 

"Yes, it was basically my idea but Arthur stole the credit from me and then Chip stole the credit from him."

"Serves him right the thieving bastard!"

"I can hear you, you know!" Arthur shouted, his voice travelling down the stairs and into the room making the pair chuckle. 

"Well, we aren't apologising for the truth!" Flossie shouted back and the girls heard his groan of annoyance as she spoke which only made them laugh more. 

"I'll go if you are, I was just worried I wouldn't fit in there." Maeve spoke, returning to their previous conversation once their laughter had died down.

"Honestly don't be, they're all lovely." She replied before pulling a face and adding, "Maybe not all but certainly most." Maeve hit her arm, cursing her for making her feel at ease before putting her right on edge again. 

"Don't get your knickers in a twist, I'm sure Arthur won't be leaving your side." Flossie sighed with a roll of her eyes, "I'll have to drag you away from him though or you'll never end up meeting anyone new." 

"Why? Doesn't he get on with everyone there?"

"No, he does, he'd probably just end up locking the two of you in a room somewhere and going on and on to you about useless information like he does when he's nervous." 

"What if I like that though, I do love nerdy guys." Maeve replied, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively whilst holding back a laugh. 

"Chris was right you're both repulsive."

"Oh, don't even!" 

"What was Chris right about?" Arthur asked, walking into the room with Lola lying fast asleep in his arms.

"Nothing!" Flossie teased.

"Yeah, he's never right about anything to be fair." He sighed as he lay back next to Maeve, shooting Flossie a look that soon made her get up and leave the room. They sat there for a moment, the only noise in the room being the quiet purr of Lola. Maeve's head slowly moved so that it sat on Arthur shoulder and he glanced at her with a smile. 

"You're coming to Georges birthday then?" He asked, his fingers playing with a strand of her hair delicately. 

"Josh reckons you want me there." Maeve joked as she scrolled on her phone desperately trying to take her mind off of just how close they really were. How his hand gently brushed against her cheek every once in a while and his fingers would linger just a second longer than if he had done it by accident. 

"Very presumptuous of him." Arthur complained with a roll of his eyes, "I mean, I wouldn't mind having you there though." 

"Wouldn't mind?" 

"Let me play it cool okay." He laughed. The silence then returned, so thick that it hung in the air around them. It wasn't a weird silence, just a knowing silence. Knowing that they didn't need to say anything else because it was clear exactly how they were feeling.

"You're really beautiful by the way Maeve." Arthur was the one to break the silence again, and as soon as he had Maeve's heart was in her throat. 

"You're so soft." She giggled in an attempt to hide how his words really made her feel. 

"I'm always hard around you." He joked, making her bury her head in her hands and crawl up into a ball out of embarrassment. Upon seeing this, he sat up and tried to pry her hands away to get a peek at her flushed face. 

"Stop!" She squealed as Arthur climbed on top of her, his legs wrapped around hers and clamped them shut whilst he tried pulling her hands as hard as he could. They wrestled around for a moment but he eventually stopped and so Maeve peaked out of a slit between her fingers at his face. In the dim light she could see that he was flushed and a little bit sweaty, but none the less he still wore his stupid grin across his face. He really did drive her wild and she hated how much she loved it. Carefully, he took her hands and pulled them. But this time she let him take them away, no longer fighting as he placed them down at her sides. 

"Wasn't so hard now was it?" He whispered and in that moment it felt like all the air had left the room. There faces were insanely close as he hovered over her, his hands either side of her head holding him upright. 

"Did you know that even though dragonflies have six legs, they cannot walk?" Maeve asked, making him laugh and snapping them out of the moment they were having. Arthur cautiously climbed off her and she sat upright, looking up at him as she stood in front of her.

"I was going to say you wouldn't be able to walk either when I'm done with you but I'll refrain."

"Arthur you're disgusting." Maeve groaned, "But if the offers on the table..." 

"Oh really?" He smirked, looking down into her eyes. 

"Can you two stop, I do live here too you know!" Flossie yelled with exasperation evident in her tone.

"We're only kidding!" Arthur called back whilst winking at Maeve. 

"I really hope you were, but I doubt it." Flossie replied as she walked into the room, "Do you want a cuppa?"

"No, I should probably get going soon." Maeve stated, checking the time on her phone to see that it was 22:48. She'd have to get an uber home at this point since it was pitch black and freezing outside due to it being winter. 

"Don't be silly!" 

"Yeah Maeve, you're spending the night don't stress about getting back." Arthur nodded with a warm smile. 

"If you insist." 

"I do insist, you can take my room and I'll stay on the sofa." Flossie offered making Arthur elbow her side. 

"No, you'll take my bed." He argued. 

"Okay, you'll take Arthurs bed." Flossie replied enthusiastically and skipped off towards her room. 

"After you m'lady." Arthur teased, holding open the living room door for her to leave. 

"Such a gentleman."

"You know me." 

As it turns out the whole of their house was beautifully decorated. The hallway upstairs was empty except from a basket full of dirty clothes on top of a box full of bed linen, with a few plants beside it. The walls were bare apart from a mirror that stretched out across the wall between the two rooms belonging to Flossie and Arthur, and the hanging lights from the ceiling had gorgeous lampshades with little beads that hung down and brushed against Arthurs head as he walked under them. Even the bathroom was painted a deep blue and all the taps and fixtures were a muted gold colour, not yellow but more classy Maeve thought. 

Well almost the whole of their house. 

It was clear as day that Flossie had been given no say in the appearance of Arthurs room. His overhead light was bright and sharp, making Maeve squint as soon as they walked into the room. There were a few movie posters on his walls and one on the evolution of mankind, with little drawings illustrating how we evolved to what we are today. He had a double bed towards the left of his room facing the door, and a wardrobe to the left of it and a bedside table with a lamp and a book on top of it to the right. In the corner of the room was his desk with his monitor and set up which was impressive to say the least. Behind the desk as his backdrop sat a keyboard, a stool and a shelf full of trophies and ornaments. 

"It's cute!" Maeve announced, as it genuinely was. It was a very 'boy' room, that was the way she'd describe it if asked. 

"Thanks, I like it." Arthur smiled at her compliment, "Flossie's left some clothes there for you to wear and you can take my jumper if you like cause its a little chilly." 

"Sounds like a plan." Maeve replied, leaving the room and changing in the bathroom for a bit of privacy. Flossie had leant her a pair of black shorts and a black vest which didn't exactly provide much warmth, so she slipped into the hoodie Arthur had handed her and walked back to his room. 

When she walked in, Arthur was already lying on his bed in shorts whilst scrolling on his phone. Maeve felt her face redden as she tried to advert her gaze from his torso, acting as calm as possible as she stood frozen in the doorway.

"You're sleeping in the bed too?" She asked and he looked up at her realising she was in the room.

"You don't mind do you?" Arthur asked politely, turning off his phone and putting it down next to him. He took a second to glance over her frame as she hovered nervously at the foot of his bed, she looked nice in his clothes. 

"No, it's alright!" Maeve smiled, wandering carefully to the other side of the bed and climbing in. Arthur turned off his lamp and got under the covers, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the darkness before turning to face her.

"Maeve." He whispered and she tossed over to face him too. 

"Arthur." She replied, her lips lazily curving into a smile and her eyes barely open. Her hair was strewn across the pillow and her hands under her head as she stared at him, never breaking eye contact. He looked at her for a moment, his heart beating faster than it had ever beat before.

"Nothing, goodnight." 


hiii, little late but i wasnt sure what to write. thinking about making them go on a trip somewhere together for someones youtube channel, but since the sri lanka trip was before this im not sure if i should do that or not. i thought it was quite a good idea since the videos with chip, arthur hill, arthur tv and george, yet ive put about georges birthday in his which is december 30th so after the video was made. might still do it anyways. want them to go somewhere else like skiing later on in the book too. hope u enjoyed and if u did then vote and comment pls! 

also this chapter was a bit weird for me to write w all the lovey-dovey stuff in it, if you didnt enjoy then lmk and ill cut down on it 

thank u for reading as ever

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