Flower Husbands and Desert Du...

By microwave_shark

5.5K 98 667

This book is all about flower husbands and Desert duo one shots! I'll take suggestions :D I'll take ship sug... More

🏜 Heroes and Villains
Kingdoms part 1
Kingdoms part 3
Second best
Send Me No Flowers Part 1
Send Me No Flowers Part 2
Dear Soulmate
You Won Scar...
Execution Part 1
Execution Part 2
The Flower Shop Part 1
The Flower Shop Part 2
Eyes Part 1
Eyes part 2

Kingdoms part 2

221 8 46
By microwave_shark

If you see this bold font is it MEE your writer speaking :P

Hello again ^-^ This is part 2 of Kingdoms I hope you like this one as much as the first one. I think this is gonna be more than two part💀(before finishing) If you see the name Cleopatra please ignore that its auto corrected 

As the years have passed, Jimmy and Lizzie have both grown up and are now teenagers. They still live in the castle with Clare and her kids Grian and Pearl, and they all seem pretty happy and content now. Grian and Jimmy will be celebrating their 16th birthdays soon, while Pearl and Elizabeth are already 19 years old. Though they all miss their father Theo, they have learned to cope and are moving on with their lives, grateful for the support of the queen and their new family. Even as the years have passed, some townsfolk still haven't let go of their animosity towards the former watchers. Whenever Jimmy and Lizzy go into town to get some food, people give them looks of suspicion and contempt. Some people even go so far as to call the children "Killers" and ask them to leave the town. It seems despite the fact that the queen has chosen to keep the family around, the townspeople don't exactly welcome them with open arms. 

Over the years, despite having to deal with comments and stares from townspeople, the four children have managed to make some friends. Lizzie kept in contact with Joel, even though his family didn't approve of he and her being friends. Pearl and Grian were still friends with the children of the castle workers, Gem Impulse and Mumbo, since their parents also work in the castle. Jimmy also made friends with a boy named Tango, who seemed much friendlier to the former watchers than the rest of the townspeople were. 

Sadly, even though everyone grew up and played together and made friends, Prince Scar didn't quite get the same treatment. Queen Cleo, who was still afraid of something happening to him, restricted him from leaving the castle grounds. He still had scars on his face from the attack on his birthday and he hated them, which only made him feel more isolated and alone. Despite this, Scar did his best to not show any resentment towards the queen as he felt grateful to be alive and felt she was only trying to protect him. 

Prince Scar looked out the window, watching kids his age playing in the garden. It made him wish he could join them and join their carefree and innocent fun. The only person he felt like he could talk to was his younger brother Bdubs, but he was in a different kingdom and away for now. The fact that his younger 14-year-old brother Bdubs could go outside like a normal person and go to town, unlike him, was heartbreaking and frustrating to deal with. As Prince Scar watched the four kids play in the garden, he suddenly locked eyes with one of them. The boy was someone close to his age with light brown fluffy hair and dark brown eyes. When he felt his heart fluttering and his cheeks warming up, he ducked away quickly. But he was probably too late as the boy had already seen him, and now Scar was trying his best to avoid the boy's gaze. 

As Grian and Jimmy were chasing each other around, Grian suddenly stopped and locked eyes with a boy inside the castle staring back at them from a window. The boy had brown hair and emerald green eyes that made Grian feel like they were just shining a magical glow. But before he could even smile and wave back at him to get his attention, the boy suddenly disappeared like he hadn't even been there in the first place. "Grian what are you staring at?" Jimmy asked his friend with a puzzled look on his face. Grian seemed distracted and didn't respond immediately, as he was focused on the memory of the boy he might have seen from the window. "I think I just saw someone looking at us from the window." Grian replied. Jimmy then dismissed the idea without even giving it a second thought, "Well you must be seeing things anyways I'm hungry. Wanna go to town and get something to eat?" He said. "Let us come with you guys as well!" Lizzy demanded, not wanting to miss out on anything that her friends had going on. Grian was eager to accept the offer but knew he first had to clear it with his Mum. He went towards his Mum and noticed that she was sleeping while seated at the table. He shook her awake and told her, "Hey Mum we're just going to town for a bit. You should go get some rest." Clare seemed like she was already tired, but she gave a slight nod and let them go. 

As Grian Jimmy, Pearl, and Lizzie walked in town and some people were giving them the odd look and whispering to each other, they all just ignored it. They were all used to the negative attention, so they just brushed it off and tried to focus on something more positive. They then came across a cafe and were greeted by a girl with long brown hair and orange-yellow eyes, who seemed surprised to see them. She smiled and asked, "Hello and welcome to the flower cafe, can I get you all something?" Lizzie was the one who stepped forward to place the order for their group and she was the first to talk to the girl serving them. She asked, "Hello, can we get two muffins, two ham sandwiches, and four cups of tea to go please? Thank you." As the girl was talking to Lizzie, someone shouted from behind. It was an older woman who seemed to be furious and yelled at the girl, "Shrub berry you better not take their order!" Lizzie and the girl were shocked but didn't respond and just kept waiting for the order to be ready. "Mother that's their customer! That's not how we treat people!" Shrub, the girl behind the counter, replied angrily. The older woman continued to shout and yell, "Shrub you don't know who you're talking to, they kill people! Leave this cafe!" Pearl then stepped forward and apologised on behalf of their group, "I'm sorry miss, we'll leave right away." Shrub looked apologetic and looked back at the angry woman in disbelief as the entire group of four children began to exit the cafe, only wishing they had been treated like normal customers.

  As the four children were outside the cafe in the midst of figuring out where to go next, they were suddenly approached by Shrub who ran out with their orders. She looked apologetic and ashamed of her mother's hurtful words and actions and explained, "Hey! Stop! I'm sorry about my mother, she's just afraid I might get killed by The Watchers like my uncle. Anyways, here are your orders, don't worry about paying, it's on me." The children were surprised by the girl's kindness and gratefulness despite the fact that she had been shamed by her own mother. "It's fine, no worries. My name is Lizzie. This is my little brother Jimmy and these are our friends, Pearl and Grian." Lizzie introduced the group and offered her thanks. Shrub smiled and replied in a friendly way, "You're welcome, I just want to treat everyone equally. My name is Shrub but you can call me Shelby!" It was refreshing to meet someone who didn't share the same views as the other town residents. 

While the four of them were talking about their encounter with Shrub, someone suddenly plowed into them from behind, knocking them hard and sending Lizzie and Jimmy crashing on the ground. It was their old friend Joel, who had suddenly rushed in and was shouting at them to run. "Guys! Run! My parents would not be happy if they see me with you guys!" Joel yelled as he helped Jimmy and Lizzie back on their feet and started running before saying, "Oh hi Shelby anyway... Run!" As the five of them ran along, Joel suddenly stopped and sat down on the sand, to the confusion of the others. Jimmy was unable to stop in time and crashed into Joel, causing both of them to fall. Joel had the awkward task of explaining the situation to Jimmy, "Jimmy! Oh my lord. Anyway, hey guys! Sorry about making you run, it's my Mum, she would punish me severely if she found out I was hanging out with you guys!" Shelby showed her curiosity and asked Joel, "Oh Joel, you know them?" Joel responded with a hint of pride in his voice, "Yep, known them since I was five!" Lizzie, who had been staring at the beach for a long time, suddenly realised what the place was to her. She laughed and pointed to it, "Joel! This is the beach where we all first met!" Joel got back up onto his feet and remembered the good old days, "Oh yeah! I was standing around here, and you were playing in the water! And I was making my giant castle!" The childhood memories were making him nostalgic, as he recalled those happy days. It was a shame that everything had changed so dramatically in recent years. Pearl, looking back on a funny memory from long ago, suddenly laughed and said, "Hey Lizzie, remember when your Dad said we were going to the castle and we had to leave and Joel attacked him?" Joel immediately blushed in embarrassment and couldn't help but laugh along. He felt a little ashamed that he had caused such a stir and embarrassed himself from his childhood antics. Jimmy, who was not aware of the events that took place, asked with genuine curiosity, "Wait, when was this?" Pearl smiled and explained, "Sorry Jim, you and Grian were always sleeping, but you were both there!" Jimmy smirked and let out an exasperated sigh, "Darn!" He then shifted his attention to Joel and asked, "Wait, how do you know Shelby?" Joel replied in a teasing way, "Jim, remember Katherine, my younger cousin, the one you had a crush on Jim? That's her girlfriend." "Wait, where is Katherine anyway? I haven't seen her in ages!" Lizzie asked, curious as to where their long-lost friend might have been. Joel let out a hearty laugh and elaborated further on her situation, telling the group, "Well, she's meeting this rich gay guy named Joey and my aunt is making them get married, even though they're both gay!" This piece of news came as a shock to Lizzie and the others, since they didn't know that Kat was being forced into marriage by her mother and with a man that she does not even love. The group seemed relieved to hear that Kat and Joey were fine and were at least trying to convince their parents to avoid marriage altogether. Shelby nodded her head in approval and said, "Yes, that's definitely a good sign." Then the question remained of why Joel brought the group to this specific location. Pearl turned towards Joel and asked, "Also, why did you lead us here? Was there a specific reason or were you simply just showing us the place where we first met?" Joel was finally feeling confident enough to say something very important to Lizzie. His body language shifted slightly to face her directly, and he looked at her with an intent and sincere expression. "Elizabeth Shadow, you have been my best friend for over 14 years, and for that time I liked you." Those were the words that the young boy had wanted to say for so long to the girl that he felt such a deep attachment towards. Joel's question sparked an instant and unexpected reaction from Lizzie, who immediately ran up to him and embraced him in a tight hug. The young boy's eyes widened in surprise and he could feel his face burning up from the shock. When Lizzie finally let the hug go, she was smiling, and the genuine happiness resonated from inside her. "Of course, you idiot!" She exclaimed with a bit of light teasing. "I like you too!" Jimmy cheered from the sidelines, "I KNEW IT!" The group felt joyful during the moment of celebration. Pearl also came to Lizzie and gave her a big hug, congratulating her on finally taking the bold step. "Damn after 14 years you finally did it!" Pearl teased her friend and laughed. 

The group was walking back home, ready to call it a night. It was already quite late and the darkness was starting to kick in, making the four children worry more than usual. Suddenly, a group of drunk adults approached them. "Hello little Watchers. You shouldn't be here, you should be dead." One adult made a distasteful joke, causing the four children to become uneasy and nervous about what the outcome of this encounter could potentially be. "Please leave us alone, sir." Pearl spoke up, firmly but politely asking the adult to back off. He just snickered and mocked her. "Aww, little princess is getting brave. How pathetic." Pearl's eyes widened in fear and she froze in shock. She could only stare helplessly. In a flash, Grian stood in between her and the adult and held her tightly. He looked furious at the sight and angrily yelled, "HEY! Stop that!" "Shut up, Watcher, you don't belong here." The adult yelled as he attempted to take another swing at Grian. However, Jimmy suddenly stepped in front of him and caught the punch himself, protecting his friend. He then coughed up some blood, raising the stakes of the situation. "YOU MONSTER!" Liz yelled with tears of pure rage in her eyes. She tried to attack the adult herself but was quickly restrained, leaving her no choice but to watch helplessly as her friend, Jimmy, was getting beaten up. Out of nowhere, someone else came rushing into the scene and began attacking the adults, knocking one out. The other adult who was holding Lizzie had no choice but to let her go and run away. The girl rushed towards Jimmy, who was now bleeding, and was worried sick about his condition. Grian also took care of Pearl, who might have been injured in the scuffle as well. As Lizzie said "Thank you so much!", she was suddenly stopped dead in her tracks and her breath caught as she recognised the boy in front of her. He was a Watcher, with fluffy teal hair and piercing blue eyes. His eyes were the same as Jimmy's best friend, Scott. "Sc-Scot?!" She cried, her heart now filled with a mix of emotions, including confusion, relief, fear, and gratitude. When Scott began to hug Lizzie and Jimmy, he cried out, "Lizzie, you're alive!" He looked relieved and embraced them fondly. Grian, however, was not so keen on this reunion and immediately stepped in to get them all back on track. "Guys, enough! We need to get home to Ms. Moon!" He yelled as he picked himself up and helped Pearl walk away from the scene. 

The five children burst into Clare's room and announced the dire situation. Grian shouted, "Mum! Mum! It's Jimmy! He's bleeding!" Clare instantly woke up and took the lead, quickly going to get a medical kit. She was very worried and wanted to help Jimmy as much as possible. Clare also gave Grian a very important task, "Grian my dear, go to Queen Cleo and go get a doctor and inform her what happened!" Grian immediately ran inside the castle to seek out Queen Cleo to relay the urgent message. Grian, in his search for the Queen, accidentally bumped into a person and immediately said, "I am so sorry!" However, when he looked up at the person who he had bumped into, he locked eyes with a very familiar-seeming pair of bright emerald eyes. At the sight of this new boy, whose eyes were so familiar, Grian's face flushed with heat in an instant. His eyes wandered to the boy's mother as she stepped in front of him, asking, "Good evening Grian, what brings you here?" Grian responded quickly and explained the seriousness of everything that had happened. He mentioned how Jimmy had been injured very badly and that they needed to get a doctor to him immediately. Cleo was shocked to hear this and gave the order to send the guards right away. She was also concerned about Grian's well-being and asked, "Thanks Grian. Are you okay? Did anything else happen?" "A watcher saved us! Lizzie was talking to him and I heard her say his name was Scott, I don't know anything else but I assume they were close friends." Grian responded, not offering many other information than that. Queen Cleo immediately requested to meet this Scott person that Lizzie had been speaking to. But before Grian could even respond, Scar called out across the room. He yelled, "Queen Cleo, do you think I can come too?" The Queen immediately told him to retreat back to his room and quickly got up and followed Grian to meet this Watcher. 

Grian and Queen Cleo quickly entered the house, and they were greeted with the sight of a doctor bandaging Jimmy and Clare and Lizzie talking to Scott. The queen noticed Pearl in the background and immediately walked over to check on her. She asked, "Hello Pearlescent, are you okay, my dear?" Pearl nodded and replied, "Yes, my Queen, I'm fine. I just got punched, as you already know, but I otherwise feel okay." Cleo smiled and said, "I hope you feel better, dear." She then walked back towards Clare and Lizzie. "Hello, my Queen." Lizzie said with a bow of her head out of respect. Cleo told her to sit next to Pearl and Grian, which she did. The Queen turned to Clare and asked if they could go somewhere private to talk with Scott. Clare quickly agreed and led the way to the kitchen, where the two settled down to speak. Cleo greeted Scott with a warm welcome, "Hello Scott, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am the Ruler of this kingdom, my name is Queen Cleo. What would you like to talk about?" She was clearly interested in hearing what he had to say to her. Scott responded and explained his reasoning for coming to the kingdom, saying, "I came here with my own will. I came here because I was sick of working as a slave for my ruler, it's becoming more difficult to work and to eat. There were rumours that the Shadows and the Moons family were still alive so I wanted to see that for myself." Cleo now asked Scott the direct question of "Why did you really come here?" He reiterated that he simply wanted a better life, which Cleo was willing to offer him. She was forgiving of her past encounters with Watchers and told him he could stay with Ms. Moon and work in the castle if he wanted. She gave him her permission to settle down in this new place and make himself at home. Cleo followed the doctor, leaving the house and Scott behind. 

Since they had grown closer, Clare was now speaking very fondly to Scott. She said, "Scott, my dear, how have you been? Jimmy's going to be thrilled seeing you when he wakes up." Scott responded with a shy smile and said that the kingdom is much better than the Watchers in his opinion. "It is indeed late," Clare said as the two continued to talk. She finally asked with a kind smile, "Do you mind sharing a room with Jimmy? We do not have any other rooms available at this point." Scott expressed his desire to chat with Jimmy, who he hadn't seen in a long time. Clare smiled softly and replied that it would be fine for him to stay up and talk to him as he wanted. She would wake up Jimmy from the couch and get the others to bed, but she also told Scott not to stay up too late. Clare then led Scott back to the living room, where Grian Liz, and Pearl were talking. Jimmy was still resting on the couch and Clare was hoping to wake him up soon so he could talk to his friend. Lizzie waved urgently to get Scott's attention and told him to come over. "Here! Let me introduce you to Pearl and Grian." He responded with a welcoming smile, saying, "Hello, my name is Scott. I am Jimmy's friend." "Is this the guy that Jimmy keeps bringing up?" Pearl asked with a chuckle. Scott was now blushing, which immediately caused the others to chuckle and smile at his reaction. "Yep, the one and only," Liz said with a grin. 

Clare now stepped in to usher all the children to their beds. She told them firmly but lovingly, "Kids, it is time to go to bed now." Pearl, Grian, and Liz all waved and left their room while Clare turned her attention to the others. "James, James, wake up now," Clare said with concern. She was now shaking Jim up in an attempt to awaken him from his slumber. Jimmy finally stirred and opened his eyes, but his body still felt sore. He groaned and rubbed his eyes, then said, "My body hurts." Clare was now smiling and explained to Jimmy what had occurred in his absence. 

Before exiting the room, she said that someone had saved him and that he should thank them for that. Jimmy looked up and found himself looking at a boy with teal hair. He couldn't recognise him at first, but as their eyes locked, they both felt sparks of recognition, and Jimmy's heart suddenly skipped a beat. "Sc-Scott?" Jimmy asked in a timid voice as he rubbed his eyes. He was still confused by the entire situation. He looked up and was startled to see Scott suddenly running towards him. Jimmy's eyes widened as Scott embraced him tightly and held him close. Jimmy reciprocated the hug, burying his face in his neck. He felt a familiar comfort at the touch of his close friend. Scott pulled away from the hug and looked at Jimmy with a bright and kind smile. Jimmy was still taken aback by the whole situation, and his mind was flooded with questions and thoughts, but the major one was how his friend was even here at all. Jimmy blurted out as many words as he could express at once. "How are you here?! What are you doing here? I missed you so much!" Scott smiled warmly at Jimmy's outpouring of joy, but suddenly realised that in the midst of it, he had been sitting on his lap. Upon noticing this fact, his face immediately turned red from blushing. He quickly sat down by his side instead, which caused them to be closer to one another and their bodies slightly touching.  "How have you been, Scott?" Jimmy asked with genuine interest in the answer Scott would provide. Scott turned his attention towards Jimmy and began to answer. "Better than ever seeing you again," Scott replied with a huge grin. Scott then added, "You look so different!" He noticed how cute Jimmy looked, the way his eyes stared at his, and the way he smiled so warmly. Scott realised his thoughts were getting too personal and blushed even further. Scott was now teasing Jimmy, asking if he had a girlfriend yet. Jimmy laughed and explained that his life had improved drastically now that he was back in his life. He also revealed that several girls had attempted to ask him out when he was younger, but he was so nervous so he just ended up running away. Scott laughed at this and teased him saying, "Damn, Mr. Jimmy, getting all the girls." It was now Jimmy's turn to tease Scott, asking if he had a partner. "Well, I have a few exes. Remember Martyn, the guy you were jealous of when I hung out with him and not you? I dated him at one point." Scott continued to mention other ex-boyfriends he had had at one point and said that they were ultimately better off remaining as friends. Jimmy laughed at this and said, "Look at you, Scott, getting all the guys!" Following hours of chatting and laughing with one another, Jimmy and Scott finally decided to call it a night. Jimmy led Scott to his room, got into bed, and pulled Scott closer. Scott was initially flustered by the sudden action but soon found comfort in the closeness of Jimmy's body and laid his head on his chest. The two were now cuddling together in bed. 

It had been several weeks since Scott had returned, and he had grown much closer to Jimmy during this time. Their friendship was at an all-time high. Lizzie and Joel were spending the day together in secrecy, whilst Pearl was busy hanging out with her friends. Grian was sitting in the garden alone, thinking about something intensely. Grian was thinking back to that mysterious boy with the emerald eyes that he had seen that one day. The boy seemed to look around the same age as he was and had a calming presence to him. He wondered who he was and why he was there. His curiosity grew more and more intense as the thought continued to consume him. While Grian was lost in thought, Queen Cleo suddenly came to sit next to him. "Good morning, Grian, how are you?" Cleo asked with a gentle smile. Grian replied cheerfully and said he was doing alright. But his face remained blank and distant as she noticed how he was pondering about something. Cleopatra asked him, "You seem to be thinking about something deeply? May I ask what it is?" Grian had answered the question honestly without thinking about the consequences of such a reply. "Oh, I'm just thinking about this boy," he had said and then quickly realised the mistake he had made. Queen Cleo chuckled as she saw him blush. "Wait, not like that!" He quickly attempted to correct his words, which only made the queen laugh harder. She looked at his face with amusement and then asked, "Who was the boy?" Grian continued, "Remember when I came running back to tell you about Jimmy?" Cleo confirmed that she did remember the event. Grian then asked whether she knew the identity of the other boy. Cleo took a while to think but was not entirely sure who he could be until a sudden realisation hit her. Cleo looked down to the ground and let out a heavy sigh. "Oh... That boy. I was hoping everyone would forget about him so that we could keep him safe." Grian looked surprised by this revelation, and his expression turned to one of concern. "Queen Cleo, what do you mean? That boy is your son..." His voice trailed off slightly to indicate that he had heard her, but he wanted her to explain further. Cleo continued, explaining the tragic details of that night that had nearly cost her son his life. "The night of Scar's 2nd birthday was the night that a Watcher attacked him in his room. Theo... Jimmy and Elizabeth's father, sacrificed himself for him that night." Her voice was heavy with the weight of grief and guilt that she still carried with her about that night. Her voice had now taken on a solemn tone, reflecting the deep sadness and trauma that she had experienced on that night. "We couldn't save Theo, and that's why I care so deeply about you and your family and friends. Your friend's father saved my son at the cost of his own, and for that, I am forever grateful to him and your mother, Clare." Cleo's words were filled with sorrow and gratitude for the selfless act that was performed to save her son. Cleo's tone changed from sad to hopeful, seemingly wanting to change the subject and lift the mood. "I believe it is time for Scar to meet someone other than his brother. Would you like to meet him again?" She said enthusiastically. It seemed that Cleo was eager for Grian to get to know her son once again. Cleo's words seemed to take Grian by surprise. He seemed utterly unaware that the Prince would speak about him so much. "M-Me?" He asked again, seeming both bewildered and intrigued. Cleo then let out a chuckle and shared more information about the Prince with Grian. "Of course, Grian," she said happily. "He would love to meet you all, and he can't stop talking about you and your friends hanging out in the garden. He even wishes he could join you sometimes." The queen's words made Grian feel a bit embarrassed. 

Cleo led Grian up to the door of the Prince's room and knocked firmly. "Scar, sweetheart, it is me, your mother! Open up!" she yelled. "Coming Mum!" The voice inside replied, and soon the doors opened to reveal the Prince standing before Grian. He had a muscular body and had scars across his face and body, but his eyes still had a warm and loving look to them. Grian was taken aback by the sight of the Prince's physique, but he also felt a blush rising to his cheeks as he noticed how attractive he seemed to be. Cleo continued to yell a bit more, demanding that her son put a shirt on. She was obviously embarrassed by the situation and did not want Grian to see his son in such an intimate state. Grian was now blushing even more, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the situation. He could still feel a faint trace of attraction towards the Prince but was uncertain about it. Despite being muscular and intimidating, the Prince still seemed to have a genuine and kind personality. Scar had quickly put on a loose sweater and turned to face his mother once more. "Yes, Mum, why did you call me?" He asked calmly, expecting perhaps another lecture, but instead, Cleo shared the reason for her call with a huge grin. She pushed Grian into the room before closing the door behind them. "You two get along!" Cleo exclaimed happily. "I need to attend a meeting soon, so have fun!" She said, before she hurriedly left the room and shut it behind her. Now that they were left alone, Scar had also blushed when he saw the flush on Grian's cheeks. He took a deep breath to calm himself down and attempted to break the awkward silence. "I'm Scar, it's nice to meet you too..." he said somewhat awkwardly and with a hint of shyness. He was a bit unsure about what to say next, but he was still able to smile warmly at Grian while waiting for his reply. "I'm Grian," he had also responded, still a bit overwhelmed by the situation, but his curiosity was growing. He had noticed how beautiful the Prince's eyes were when he first saw him. His blushing had gotten worse in this situation, but he was trying to keep a clear mind. Scar let out a deep, relieved sigh as he now sat down on his bed. "I'm sorry for being so awkward, I'm not used to talking to people." he said, making an attempt to try and break the ice and share some common ground with Grian. "It's okay. All my friends were made with the help of my sister," Grian said, and this made Scar laugh and broke some of the ice between them. They both began to settle more into the conversation, and Grian was trying to be more relaxed. "What's it like out there, in town?" Scar asked and looked out the window from his bed. "Well, from my POV many people out there are so nice and welcoming, while some others still hate my kind." Grian replied nervously. Scar continued to ask some more questions to get to know Grian. "Oh... How about those people you hang out with in the garden? What are their names?" he asked. Grian explained the names of his friends one by one, starting with Jimmy. He described Jimmy's closeness with Scott, followed by Lizzie, and finally, Pearl, who he mentioned as his sister and who also happened to have a very pretty smile and a fun personality as well. The prince seemed to be quite sad and dejected, and this made Grian feel more sorry for him. "It must be nice having friends," the Prince said in a slightly sad voice, which seemed to be hinting at him not having any. Grian was then quick to assure him that things would be different now. "Well, I'm your friend now, ain't I?" he asked and added a playful tone to his voice in an attempt to cheer Scar up. Grian's reassuring tone must have worked, as Scar's eyes sparked when he heard the words. The situation between them seemed to have warmed up a bit, and it felt like they had made some genuine connection. However, Grian's own heart was also somewhat melting at the sight of these wonderful expressions on the Prince's face. Grian was happy that he was able to have this positive impression on the Prince. It felt like they were finally making genuine progress in their friendship. "Thanks G that means a lot." the Prince said, with a genuine smile on his face. This simple act filled Grian with happiness and he felt the warmth of his heart grow even clearer in his mind. He responded with a simple "No problem." His tone was more reassuring now that he knew that everything was alright between them. 

The two boys were just beginning their talk, but Cleo walked in, ending things prematurely. She told Grian that it was now getting late and that he should head home. Grian nodded his head and thanked the Queen for having him over. "Nice to meet you, Prince Scar." He smiled at the Prince as he made his exit. When the door was closed behind Grian, Scar found himself still thinking about the boy and his sweet words and actions. His heart's beat quickened at the thought of Grian's smile and he felt a stirring feeling in his stomach.

 After Grian left, Cleo sat down next to the Prince and smiled at him. Her tone was playful and teasing, as if she was curious about the time the two boys had spent together. "So how was your time with Grian?" she teased. Scar blushed and looked away from her. "It was nice..." he replied with a hint of shyness, still feeling the butterflies in his heart from their earlier interactions. The Prince was clearly enamoured by Grian after their short time together and was eager to see him again soon. He asked what the best time would be for another visit from Grian. Cleo returned the smile and replied with a few options. She suggested that the boys could meet up again either tomorrow or next week, since it was one of the days where they would be free from work or other commitments. Cleo then quickly told the prince it was time for him to go to sleep. She also reminded him that his brother, Bdubs, will return home after 3 days. With this, she left the room and left the Prince alone with his thoughts. He was still trying to process the events and emotions of the day. As well as that, he was eager for the upcoming days when he would get to have some more time with Grian.  

After finishing: Yep is gonna take more than 2 parts.......


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