
By varzanic

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Raja's people are cursed. They struggle to fight off the demons that emerge from the Devil's Lair and drag vi... More

Beloved (boyxboy)
Chapter one No
Chapter two: Predator becomes the Prey
Chapter three: Drag me to Hell
Chapter four: The Devil's Lair
Chapter five: Bite Me
Chapter six The General
Chapter seven Satan's Collar
Chapter eight: A Long Day
Chapter ten: A Heart of Diamonds
Chapter eleven: Friends With God
Chapter twelve: Expectations of a Pet
Chapter thirteen Hair Cut
Chapter fourteen: Helix
Chapter fifteen A Little Man in a Big Man's World
Chapter sixteen: Man of my Word
Chapter seventeen Just Like Him
Chapter eighteen Nina to the Rescue
Chapter nineteen An Old Friend
Chapter 20: No Bitting
Chapter 21: Giving In
Chapter 22 Replaced
Chapter 23: I Love the Devil
Chapter 24: My Beloved
Chapter 25: Middle of the Lake
Chapter 26 By MySelf
Chapter twenty-seven Archery Practise
Chapter 28 Pushed Over the Edge
Chapter 29 To Make Matters Worse
Chapter 30 Bear Trap
Chapter 31 Your Mine
Chapter 32: Warrior Ceremony
Chapter 33: Bang
Chapter 34: Infectious Good Bye

Chapter nine Good Morning

28.1K 1.5K 290
By varzanic

Chapter nine

Good Morning


“Shhh…” hissed the general. “You’re going to wake him up.”

I kept my eyes and pretend to still be asleep. As much as I hate the general, I was comfortable and warm. Two things that I had grown to crave over the last month. It wasn’t like he was violating me either, just playing with my hair as I laid curled by his side, so I was content to just stay put. 

“The members of the counsel will be here soon, so when ever you two decided to get up tell me so I can get Raja ready.”

“I’m sure you have plenty of time,” he said in a hushed voice. “Now go.”

“Fine, I’ll have some bring up breakfast later.”

“Just go Nina,” he muttered.

I heard the door close and shifted a little. Opening my eyes, I peeked up at the general. He was staring at a thick object on his lap.

“What are you doing?” I yawned, scooting up the bed so my head was more on a pillow. 

“Going through some of the books my father gave me. Military strategy. You won’t understand it.”

I sat up and glanced at the page. “You use the same words.”

“Really?” he chuckled. “Took you this long to figure that out.”

“No,” I muttered, slapping my hand down on the book. “Those are the same words my father taught me. Well the same letters. I’m not very good at reading.”

“Hmm…” he said, raised an eyebrow. “So you’re more indoctrinated then I thought,” he sighed, shutting the book and putting it to the side.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I glared at him. This wasn’t exactly how I liked to wake up. 

“You never wondered why we can understand each other.”

“No,” I muttered. “You’re Satan. I figure you could speak all languages.”

The general laughed. “I do know a couple, but that beside the point.” He turned himself to me and gave me a smirk. “When we discovered your little world, we sent people to pretty much brain wash you and make you think your language was a demonic tongue and ours was that spoken by the gods,” he said in a mocking tone. “That’s what I’m guessing at least. But don’t worry, you’re not the only ones we did this too.” He sunk down in the bed and open the book again. “They say that once the seed is planted in your little savage mind that in time your language will die out and ours will become the prominent dialect. Seemed to work well enough with your people, and if it doesn’t we just go in and mess with your brain waves a little.”

“That a lie!” I snapped. “You’re making all of that up.”

“Believe what you want.” 

I felt like punching him in the face but decided to just move over to the far side of the bed instead. I hated him. The general just like to make fun of me because I didn’t know much about his stupid world. We remained like that in silence for awhile, until my morning routine decided to intervene. I had to go and the feeling was only building. It finally got to the point that I could stand it anymore.

“I need to use the bathroom,” I muttered.

“Then go. I presuming you know how.”

I shot a scowl over my shoulder. “Of course I know! But you said I’d get shocked, and I need to go.”

“Oh that. I was just kidding with you. It’s safe for you to go.” He turned the page without even looking up. “But if I wanted to shock you I could, just keep that in mind.”

I wanted to scream at him. This man truly was the devil! “I hate you so much,” I muttered as I climbed off the bed and marched to the bathroom. To think I sleep beside that jerk because I actually believed him. I hate him. The general was a horrible person and if we weren’t already in hell, I would have sent him there myself. 

They had explained the magical “toilet” the day before so I quickly used it and returned to the room. I didn’t go back to the bed, but flopped down on the couch. 

“Reggy,” called Tobias.

“Raja!” I snapped. “And leave me a lone.” 

“Come here, Raja,” he mimicked. 

“No.” I stared at the fireplace and slumped down in my seat. “I’m tried of you touching me.”

“Don’t be difficult,” he said, not looking up from his book. “It’s best you just do as you’re told.”

It was my turn to give him a cocky smirk, because I was not moving. He could go screw himself, like the other slave in wear house would always said when they didn’t like some. 

Tobias snapped his book shut and stared me down. “Raja, don’t make me ask again.”

I was starting to get nervous. He was using that tone again. The one that made me obey long enough for him to lock my collar on. I tugged on the band around my neck and stared at the floor. 

“If you make me get up-”

“Coming.” I stood and slipped over to the bed. I sat in the middle and pulled me knees to my chest.

He just shook his head and went back to reading. 

I really hoped I wouldn’t have to sit there all day. I glanced over at the general. “I’m hungry.”

“I bet,” he replied, not looking up. “I need to get some meat on your bones, so I don’t accidentally break you.” His hand slipped over and touched my leg. 

I slapped it away and scouted over a couple inches. “Don’t. I hate when you touch me like that.”

“You do belong to me.” He reached behind his head and pressed a button on the magic box. “Send someone with breakfast.”

“Yes, general,” the box replied. 

“This house is cursed,” I whispered. 

A small smile appeared on the general’s lips. “If anything you keep me entertained, Reggy.”

“Raja,” I muttered. 

I waited quietly until someone knocked on the door.

“Enter,” said Tobias.

A girl that for once looked normal entered. “Where would you like it Sir?”

“On the bed by Raja is fine.”

She did as he asked and left the room without another word. 

“Eggs!” I announced excited, knowing for once what I was eating.

The general bursted into laughter. “What the hell?” He was practically crying he was laughing so hard. “What in the hell was that?”

Bowing my head, I hugged my arms around my chest. To say I felt stupid would be an understatement. 

“Well Reggy?”

“Go away,” I muttered before falling on my side and staring at the wall.

“Oh come on, stop acting like a child. Eat your breakfast before it gets cold.”

“I’m not hungry anymore,” I muttered. “You have it.”

“Stubborn little thing.” He grabbed me and yanked me over to him. “Eat. I’m serious, you’re too skinny and if people don’t start seeing a difference soon, it’ll be all over in the papers that I’m neglecting you.”

“I don’t understand.” I squirmed in his grip.

“You don’t need to, just do as you’re told.” He nodded toward the tray. “Eat as much as you want. I can always order more.”

I nodded and did as I was told. I quietly ate while Tobias continued to go over different papers. “I was just excited,” I stated. “It finally something I’ve had before.” I shrugged. “My brothers used to take me when I was little to look for eggs.”

“You have brothers?”

I nodded and glanced over my shoulder at him. “Two.”

“Hmmm… Tell me about them.”

“Azuka is the oldest. He’s married. He can be a jerk though so I feel bad for his wife.”

The general started to chuckle. “Good to know I’m not the only one that gets to enjoy this lovely side of you.”

“It’s not the same. I hate you, Azuka is just annoying. Cavan nicer to me.”

“I’m presuming he older than you as well.”

I nodded. “How’d you know?”

“You act like a spoil brat, so I figured you were the youngest.”

“I do not,” I muttered. “They’re just stronger and bigger so they use it to their advantage. My brothers are great warrior.” I peeked back him, watching for a reaction. “A lot better than you.”

“You really think so,” he said with a smile. “Give me time, and I’ll change your mind.”

I couldn’t help but think the general was an idiot. Nothing would change my mind. “You could never be as great as my brother or my father. They’re going to bring honor back to my tribe.”

“Honor?” The general put his book down. “I know a thing or two about honor.” He stretched out on the bed. “So tell me how many war or neighborhood battles have they won?”

I bowered my head and rang my hands in my lap. “None.” I turned to face him. “But one day they will! And we can moved off the cursed land and not have to worry about your kind.”

“So you’re telling me, your tribes gotten their asses kicked so many times that you have to live right by the portal.” He laughed to himself. “Reggy, I think you’re right. I’ll never be able to compare to that.” He propped his book back up. “My little sister won my fights than your brothers in middle school.”

“Don’t talk bad about them!” I yelled. “One day my tribe will reclaim our honor and gain new land. Zev said so and he would never lie to me.”

“Oh Zev.” The general sat up straight and faked that he was impressed. “It definitely going to have because you have a Zev. What a stupid name, your’s is just slightly above his.” He shook his head. “Who the hell is this all knowing Zev anyways?”

“He’s amazing. He ten times better a man than you. You would take advantage of anyone like you do. He strong and brave.” I leaned toward him. “Zev even killed a demon who tried to take me when I was younger. And one day, he is going to led my tribe in taking back the land that is rightfully ours, and the other tribe warrior won’t dare go up against him, because he’s a demon slayer.” I turned back around and sat up straight. “He would kill you if he knew what you do to me.”

“You have a man crush on him don’t you?”

“What!” I spun around. “What does that even mean?”

The general gave me a smirk. “Well I’m just getting the feeling that you like him more than normal.”

“I don’t like him,” I snapped. “I love him, idiot. I pledge myself to him when I was sixteen.”

The general threw back his head and blared with laughter. “Oh my god, that was the last thing I though would come out of your mouth. You got to be shitty me.” He wiped his eyes. “You pledged yourself. So what are you too secret gay lovers.”

I glared at him. This was not funny. “It’s not a secret. After Zev is married and has a child, the elder will let us be together. He’s my beloved, and he loves me. No one could ever love you.”

“Beloved,” chuckled Tobias. “That what you call each other. What a stupid name. Well guess what sweetheart, beloved little Zev can’t get you here. It’s hell remember.”

“He’ll find away!” I sat up on my knees and clenched my fists. “And when he saves me, he’ll kill you, and I’ll be able to be with a man that actually love me and respects me, unlike some filthy demon like you.”

The general put his hands behind his head. “I get it now. This Zev person wouldn’t do you and now you’re pissed at the world that you never have sex with the almighty Zev.”

My anger had reached it’s limit. “That’s not true! You’re just a disgusting man that only thinks about violating people.” I grabbed a pillow and started swinging it at his head. 

If he would have stayed still, I would have smothered him with it. Tobias was not helping the situation at all because he was laughing though the whole thing as he tried to wrestle the pillow away from me. 

He ripped it out of my hands and pinned me to the bed. I thrashed under him and tried to get a good shot at either his face or crotch. 

“Is that why your so pissy?” He putted his face right in front of mine. “Zev never had the chance to pound you ass before you got dragged to hell,” he mocked. 

“Shut up! You don't know anything. Zev’s a man of honor. He was waiting until the elder said we could.”

“So I’m right, you never got to be with your beloved. I bet you beg for it like a bitch and honorable Zev refused to give into someone as pathetic as you.”

“Go to hell!” I screamed in his face.

“To late. You’re in it, and I’m Satan.”

I was nearly crying by this point. I felt stupid but he had gotten me so worked up at my emotion were out of control. “I hate you! I hate you so much.”

He rolled off me and sat on the edge of the bed. “God, you had to start crying so now I feel like a jackass. Thanks Raja.” He stood and walked to the bathroom.

“I’m not crying!” I yelled at him. 

“Then clean your face because those look like tears to me.” He slammed the door behind him. 

Hot tears started to fall. I grabbed all the pillows and hurled them at the door. As soon as I ran out, I grabbed the general’s books and throw them as well. But the end, I was a emotional mess and simply curled up in a ball by the top of the bed. Tobias didn’t know anything. He didn’t understand what it was like to have someone that was perfect love them. He was a wicked man that deserved to be miserable for the rest of his life. 


I felt a hand on my shoulder and knocked it away. “Leave me alone.” I clambered off the bed as the general looked on and ran to my room. I slammed the door behind me and threw myself on the bed. I could keep living like this, not with a monster like him. He’d never understand how much I love Zev; how much he loved me. 

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