Side by side || Emily Prentis...

By bullspace

23.4K 589 32

«me and the devil walking side by side» _ A life for a life. This is the pact that Daisy Johnson has made an... More



1.4K 30 0
By bullspace

«And she did not have to ask
if this was right,
no one had to tell her,
because this could not have been
more right or perfect.»

When Daisy recovered from her laughter she instinctively turned towards the glass window of Emily's office that looked out into the bullpen and realized that no one was there anymore. Evidently everyone had already gone out to drink.

"Where is everyone? Work shift just ended." - asked Emily who had followed Daisy's gaze

"I think they all went drinking together, I heard them talking about it."

Emily's gaze suddenly became a fusion of sadness and resentment. Daisy hadn't clear the reason, she could only guess, but seeing her boss like that inexplicably broke her heart.

"Did they invite you?" - her boss asked her

"No, I left before they could, I only overheard them talking about it. They didn't invite you either?"

Emily lowered her eyes to her desk, remaining silent for a while, as if deciding what words to use or whether she could really trust Daisy to talk to her openly about what she thought was happening.

"Since I became unit chief, things have become much more complicated. I have little time to spend with the others and I'm always too nervous when I address them." - she said, finally, after a while

"I'm sure the story is very different. I know we worked for a short time together, but I'm sure you're an excellent boss and also an excellent friend, with the people you like. They surely thought we were busy. It was definitely my fault if we haven't been invited."

Daisy was convinced that this was exactly how things had happened. She was convinced that Rossi had seen them laughing together and he had thought about giving them some time to start fraternizing, but she could not explain to Emily that she was convinced of that based on a conversation she had previously had with Rossi.

She only hoped those words of hers had convinced the older agent and made her go home with a slightly lighter heart. Emily, fortunately, gave her a grateful look, accompanied, perhaps, by the imperceptible hint of a smile; Daisy couldn't quite identify it well.

"I'm sorry I was hard on you Johnson, you have talent, a solid background and you seem like a good person, it's a pleasure to have you on this team." - said Emily, who meanwhile was looking Daisy up and down not missing a piece of her body

"Don't worry, it's a thing of the past. Do you want to join the others? I really need an espresso martini."

"I would be very pleased." - Emily said with a real smile

Daisy smiled back. A shiver ran down her spine when she realized that her smile had come from seeing Emily's. The brunette had to completely change her mind about what she had thought the first time she saw her; Emily Prentiss was beautiful.

Daisy had never been with a woman this much older than her, but Emily could easily have been an exception. Every feature of her face and every curve of her body were perfectly balanced and Daisy couldn't explain how it was possible; whoever had made her that perfect body knew how to do it.

"Do you mind if I make a quick stop at the bathroom first and then join you? See you at the exit or directly at the bar?" - Daisy said, trying to distract herself from that vision

"I'll wait for you downstairs, take your time." - said Emily

Daisy was washing her hands in the bathroom sink when the sound of the door opening behind her distracted her from her thoughts and automatically forced her to turn around to see who had entered, even though she could have easily looked from the mirror above the sink.

"Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you were waiting for me downstairs." - Daisy said, recognizing the familiar figure of Emily who had joined her

"Hey, have you changed?" - asked Emily noticing Daisy's change of outfit

"I always have a dress in my go bag. Two-centimeter heels and a long dress will always be my comfort clothing."

Emily spent far too much time looking her up and down once again. Daisy's body was perfect. Daisy was perfect. Emily had never seen such a beautiful girl. That brown hair, almost black, curly and long that framed her face perfectly.

Those brown eyes of hers, not dark like those of the older agent, hers were clear, warm, comfortable. She was tall, almost as tall as Emily, a few inches shorter. She had full, thick lips, with a very pronounced heart shape, which seemed to make them even plumper.

She had a perfect, toned body. Every angle of her body was perfect. Emily noticed that the younger agent, among other things, must have loved taking care of herself because she was always taken care of down to the smallest detail.

There wasn't once that Emily was able to see her without perfect, but not excessive makeup, short and natural nails, but perfectly filed, shiny and smooth skin and a perfume that enveloped everyone around her.

Daisy enveloped everyone around her and Emily had tried to hate her and reject her but she felt the first of everyone to be attracted to that divinity look that the younger agent had and that she didn't seem to notice.

But Daisy insisted had been inexplicably kind, understanding and accommodating. Emily couldn't explain the source of all that kindness in front of the coldness that she had shown her instead, but she didn't care, she didn't want to care.

"You look great" - Emily said a little later, taking a few steps forward towards Daisy

"Can I help you somehow?" - said Daisy

The younger agent understood perfectly what was happening. She had realized from the first moment they met that Emily was attracted to her, she was just looking for the right way to exploit that situation to her advantage.

She never would have thought that Emily would serve her the occasion so quickly and on a silver platter. Daisy looked intently into her eyes. She had perfectly understood Emily and the type of person she was, it wouldn't have taken much to make her give in.

Her plan was finally coming together.

"I'll say it anyway, even though I'll probably regret it tomorrow morning. I really need to kiss you" - Emily said, moving a little closer and significantly reducing the distance between them

"Chief, isn't this inappropriate?" - Daisy said, innocently, but also taking a step towards Emily, completely eliminating the distance between them.

"Yes it is." - replied Emily, whose eyes had become terribly dark, but also incredibly shy

"I wouldn't mind though."

The younger agent raised a hand to caress the older agent's face. She ran a finger over her thin, but perfectly soft lips. Daisy decided that at that moment all she had to do was turn her head off; she was doing it just for her Rose.

"Are you sure?" -Emily said, looking at the hand that was caressing her

"Yes." - said Daisy, who with that same hand
had lifted Emily's chin, forcing the older woman to look her in the eyes

She knew Emily would never act, so she was the first to place her lips on the gray-haired woman's. First gently, to get her used to that sensation, then more forcefully. The brunette wrapped her hands around her hips and forced themselves backwards until her back hit the sink.

Daisy was in control, there was no doubt about it. Emily may have been her boss at her job, but right in that moment Daisy was in charge. Continuing to hold Emily's hip and kiss her, she made sure to reverse their positions, so that Emily was the one hitting the sink.

Daisy continued to kiss her relentlessly, gently stroking her back, but still keeping her pinned down to remind her that there was absolutely nothing she could do to change her condition.

Daisy didn't know how long she had spent kissing Emily when she broke their kiss, but from the smile that triumphed on her boss's lips it had certainly been enough to satisfy her. Daisy no, she wasn't satisfied.

She promised herself to speed up her time and she would. She caressed Emily's face silently and gently, looking at her with lust and desire.

"Do you still want to go drinking?" - she asked Emily with a mocking smile

"No" - said her boss, who had now surrendered all of herself to Daisy's hands.

The real story was that Emily had been eyeing Daisy since the first day she saw her enter the buildings of Quantico, just a bit less than four years ago. Emily hadn't had the opportunity to talk with Daisy Johnson before she applied for her old team.

Emily only just missed her, Daisy joined the academy mere weeks before Emily's return. Daisy reputation preceded her. The team was overly fond of her, even without knowing her fully. Emily had seen a picture here or there, but nothing could live up to the Daisy Johnson who she met ten days ago in her office.

She grow even more beautiful.

The day she stepped foot in the bullpen, Emily knew she was in trouble. In that moment Emily was in so much trouble. She could ignore the heat rushing to her face and her hands getting clammy. She could ignore the knowing glances JJ gave her.

Emily could even ignore the digs Luke sent her way once he'd figured out something was going on. What she couldn't ignore, however, was Daisy hands on her body in that moment and the urge of kissing her passionately.

"How about we go to your office, chief?"

Emily replied with a nod of her head.

Daisy made Emily irrational feelings rational. The older woman tried to not let her feelings get in the way of their job. The work the BAU did was too important to let that happen, but it didn't last long, she didn't last long.

It had only taken ten days for Daisy to melt the ice around Emily. The older agent didn't understand how this could have happened and agonised about it as Daisy led her into her own office. The younger woman gestured to the chair across from hers, on her usual side of Emily's desk.

The older woman sat, unsure of what to expect next. Daisy stood there looking at her, for a time that seemed absolutely interminable to both of them. The younger agent stood there wondering if she should really do what she was about to do or if she should run away from everything and everyone.

Daisy searched Emily face for answers. She noted the sheen covering the older agent skin and dilated pupils. Emily felt scrutinized under her gaze. Daisy squinted, slowly leaning back and crossing her arms.

Emily eyes dropped to Daisy's cleavage, only for a second. Her mouth went dry as they quickly snapped back up to meet Daisy's now amused ones. A coy smile crept onto her face and she took a deep breath.

Emily didn't speak as Daisy rose from her chair. She placed a hand on Emily's shoulder, standing behind her and leaning over the other. Goosebumps raised on Emily's arms as she felt Daisy's warm breath against her collar.

"What do you want from me, chief?" - she whispered in her ear.

Emily unconsciously craned her neck, allowing Daisy more access. The older woman's heart beat rapidly. The hand on her shoulder slowly trailed down her arm, rubbing up and down. The rising temperature of the room was quickly becoming unbearable.

Daisy free hand reached for Emily chin, turning her head to face her own. She cupped her cheek gently, admiring the sight of her desperation. She'd barely even touched Emily. The grey haired woman bit her lip, not saying a word. Daisy clicked her tongue, getting annoyed at her lack of response.

"Is this not what you want?" - Daisy walked around the chair, standing in front of Emily.

She couldn't give in. She wouldn't be able to stop. Not if Daisy gave her a taste. The brunette put her hands on Emily shoulders and draped her legs over hers, straddling the older woman. The grey haired woman eyes closed at the sensation of having her so close.

The weight of Daisy ass on Emily thighs was delectable. She leaned forward, and the older agent had to suppress a groan at the feeling of her chest pushing against her own. Daisy took Emily's hands and brought them around herself, planting them firmly on her bottom.

Emily entire body was on fire.

"Look at me" - Daisy's voice was sultry.

She opened her eyes tentatively, immediately dropping them to Daisy lips, which were  dangerously close to hers. The younger agent didn't hesitate, kissing her roughly. Her hands came up to cup Emily's face.

She finally gave in, properly holding Daisy on her lap as she fervidly kissed her. Emily moved her mouth away from hers, kissing down her jaw and sucking harshly at the skin of her neck. A timid moan came from Daisy lips.

Emily had never heard a more beautiful sound. The brunette fingers started unbuttoning Emily's blouse as she continued her attack, creating blemishes that contrasted with Daisy pale skin. Once she got the blouse off, Daisy's hands fondled Emily's breasts roughly.

"Shit, Johnson"- she sighed.

Emily leaned back against the chair, admiring Daisy in all her glory.

"You look so fucking good in black, you don't even know" - Daisy groaned, tugging at the bottom of Emily shirt.

"I do know. That's why I wear it."

"You drive me crazy, Prentiss" - she finally admitted.

"I think I know the feeling" - Emily moaned, taking her hand and crudely stuffing it down Daisy's pants.

Luckily the waistband was elastic, allowing her to feel the dampness of her underwear as she moved her wrist to cup the younger agent's pussy.

Emily groaned as Daisy pushed her panties to the side, feeling the wetness against her fingers. The positioning of her hand might've been awkward, but Emily didn't care. Daisy opted to go for another kiss as she started rubbing Emily clit.

The soft noises she made while her tongue was in Emily mouth were otherworldly. Her hips ground against Emily hand, desperate for more friction.

Daisy hooked her fingers into the cups of the older agent bra, not bothering to unclasp it, simply tugging them down to free her tits. She left a trail of open-mouthed kisses down Emily neck and chest before taking a nipple between her teeth.

"Fuck Daisy" - she whined

She brought her hand up to the chief other breast, pinching and biting Emily nipples in tandem. Emily retaliated by finally circling her fingers over her entrance, pushing two inside. Daisy's skirt had made the transition easier for her.

"Oh! Fuck" - Daisy exclaimed, throwing her head back.

Daisy reached behind her, placing her hands on the edge of the desk, creating more space for Emily to do what she had to. Daisy was becoming less coherent with every pump of Emily's fingers. Her thumb hit her clit harshly with every thrust inside Daisy pussy.

Just seeing her come undone like that, on her lap, by her hand, was enough for Emily to drench her own underwear. She brought her unoccupied hand to her naked waist, admiring her figure. Daisy eyes were closed as her chest heaved with heavy breaths.

"Fuck, don't stop" - Daisy moaned.

Her jaw was slack. Her knuckles turned white as her grip on the desk tightened. Emily felt her walls constrict around her own fingers. She curled them in a come hither motion as she circled Daisy clit with her thumb.

Daisy's arms shook as her moans turned into high-pitched whines, signalling she was getting close.

"Shit! Oh my god." - she exclaimed, followed by a loud moan.

It was like music to Emily's ears.

Daisy rode out her high as she gushed around Emily's fingers. The older agent free hand drew soothing patterns on her hip, working the brunette through her climax.

Emily carefully withdrew her hand from Daisy panties, bringing her fingers to her mouth and sucking them clean. Daisy let herself fall back forward, no longer having the strength to hold up her upper body with her arms.

She took Emily's fingers from her mouth, wrapping her own lips around them and sucking seductively. She released them and pushed herself off the older agent lap, tugging her up from her seat. She switched their positions, pushing Emily against the desk before getting on her knees.

Daisy tapped her ankle, signalling her to step out of her pants and spread her legs. Her fingers left a trail of goosebumps in their wind as she traced them up Emily's leg to her inner thigh.

Daisy followed the path she'd just drawn with her mouth, hooking her teeth in the waistband of Emily's underwear, laughing as she tugged them down. The older woman smiled at her antics.

Her mouth returned between Emily's legs, licking a hesitant stripe between her folds. The kitten licks to her clit drove the chief crazy.

"Fuck, please, Daisy." - she begged

Emily couldn't feel more lewd, tits out in her own  office, her agent between her legs eating her out. The scandal of it all only turned her on even more.

"Can't believe you put your whole job on the line just because you wanted some pussy. Such a horny little thing for your subordinate" - Daisy mumbled.

The vibrations of her words added to Emily's pleasure. Her grip on Daisy's dark locks tightened as she fucked her entrance with her tongue expertly. Emily had to put all her weight against the desk to stop her knees from buckling.

"Fuck. Oh my god" - she groaned as Daisy added her fingers to the mix.

Emily dared to look down, only to be met with the finest sight the world had to offer. Daisy gazed up at her boss through her lashes, dark eyes blown wide and amused. Emily could see her free hand was between her own legs, stroking herself at the same rhythm she had with her mouth on the older agent's cunt.

God, did Emily wish she had Reid's memory right about that moment.

Emily didn't know how much longer she could last. Having had the pleasure of feeling Daisy around her fingers, witnessing her expression as she came. It was enough to have the boss teetering on the edge.

"Ah, fuck. I'm close" - she whimpered.

Daisy moaned loudly, her pace increasing. Emily hips bucked against her mouth, chasing the pleasure. The brunette hands came up to her sides, holding her in place.

Emily had to withhold from forcefully pushing her head closer, desperate for more pressure, more friction, more, more, more .

The grey haired woman balled her fists, throwing her head back. The knot in her abdomen tightened, threatening to snap any second.

"Oh, shit, please. "

"Come for me." - it was like Daisy had pressed a magic button, Emily's climax immediately upon her as she spoke the words.

She came with a loud cry, grinding her hips against Daisy mouth. It was mindblowing. Daisy helped her ride out her high, careful to not overstimulate her.

She rose from her position on the floor, hands never leaving Emily's body as she got back on eye level. The chief was so grateful that she decided to close the curtains of her office before reaching Daisy in the bathroom.

Daisy leaned in, placing a tender kiss on her lips. Emily smiled, kissing her back passionately. She helped Emily redress her upper body, all while never breaking the kiss.

They separated to pick up their respective discarded pieces of clothing.  A mutual understanding had been created. Daisy grabbed her stuff and walked away, wishing Emily a goodnight.

She needed to go home.

Hey, I'm so happy because people are actually reading this story so fast, thank you so much. Furthermore I hope you like the first chapter of smut. What do you think about it?

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