do i wanna know? [ERENxF.READ...

By ianhecoxluvsu

51.5K 1.6K 3.6K

You're a comfortable girl. You like your solitude and enjoy your own company very much. You became close over... More

Character Descriptions/Visuals
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one

twenty six

1.1K 46 102
By ianhecoxluvsu

A/N: Happy New Year you guys! It's insane that I hit 8K reads on xmas and for the new year, you guys gave me 9K reads...Thank you so much for following this story! I see your comments and I always laugh at them but anyhow!

CW: smut!


 I wore a black dress with the red heels that Eren got me and wore makeup to match the shoes.

Red and black were my theme tonight. Dark red and black.

I looked in the mirror and observed my makeup carefully. I covered the bruise well enough that I don't think Eren would notice.

I walked out of my room and went into Mikasa's. She stood by her mirror, finishing her makeup. She puckered her lips on the mirror before smiling at herself, observing her look. She turned and looked at me up and down before smiling.

"Eren's shoes?" She asks. I nod before looking down at them.

"They're so cute that I might die. I love them," I tell her. She chuckles.

"He will too, trust me," She replies.

"I'm bringing comfy shoes in case though," I informed her. She hums, nodding.

"Oh, true," She responds as she picks up some things she left around in her room before putting her heels on.

"Oh shit, did I tell you about how Eren and I ran into Jean and Connie in the pharmacy?" I asked Mikasa as I walked back into her room at the reminder. She looks at me before shaking her head.

"No. What happened?" She asks. I chuckle.

"Eren and I were buying...Stuff. And Connie noticed us. I had a huge hickey and lied about it. Then Jean came and he was all weird like always and then Eren and I left but..." I trail off. Mikasa watches me.

"You're thinking about Jean," She concludes. I nod.

"Yeah. Things are just super weird. I wanted to be his friend but..." I told her. She nods.

"He feels like shit. Constantly beating himself up for it. He wants to give you your space. And whenever you're ready, you can talk to him," She tells me. I nodded before looking at her with slightly creased eyebrows.

"How do you make that sound like a fact? You talk to him?" I ask her. She looks at me before scoffing.

"I've known Jean forever now. I'm just guessing," She replies. I nod.


Mikasa and I arrived at Eren's house and parked up the driveway since he told people not to park there. He said it was my spot. He's stupid.

We got out of our cars and quickly approached the door as it was left open with the music blasting out of it. Mikasa and I held hands as we walked in and looked around. The loud music blaring through the living room like always.

I could smell the weed and the alcohol throughout the house as I heard the cheering and endless conversations. I go into the kitchen with Mikasa, where everyone usually is. I pour myself a drink and look at Mikasa as she speaks to Sasha.

I look around and see Jean, who was watching me from afar with a somberness to his expression. Behind him was Eren, who was approaching me. I gave him a smile as he hugged me.

"You look so good. I wish I could kiss you," He told me in my ear as he hugged me. I chuckled as he kissed my cheek quickly, pulling away.

He observed my outfit before seeing the shoes and smiling at me.

"They look good on you. I knew they would. Let me see them," He teases me. I chuckled before kicking my foot up for him to see them on me. He nodded with a smirk.

"I like them. You came with Mikasa?" He asks. I nod.

"Yeah. She's talking to Sasha. Why?" I ask. He shook his head.

"Just asking. Enjoy yourself. You doing okay?" He asks. I nodded as I watched his face. He looked down at me with a small smile. He bit on his bottom lip casually.

"Come dance with me," He tells me. I chuckled.

"I thought you didn't dance."

"I don't. I just want an excuse to touch you. No one's really looking when you're dancing," He tells me. I huffed before nodding, following him to the living room where the source of music was coming from.

Crowds of people danced to the music. Eren and I found a corner of the room where people danced but it wasn't looked at by others. Tucked away but not hidden.

He put his hand on the small of my back before taking his other hand and lifting my chin, facing him. He leaned down and kissed me as the loud music blared even louder at the chorus.

He fell into me and I melted onto him as he now held the back of my head, kissing me tenderly.

We made out passionately in the corner of the dancefloor before Eren leaned against the wall behind us, letting me lean onto him in return. I had my hands on his chest and wrapped around his torso as he held onto my head.

It wasn't until the end of the song when we pulled away from each other, finally. But a kiss like that felt so alluring.

"I keep thinking about my birthday night. You really blew my mind," He tells me in my ear as the music plays loudly. I chuckled.

"We fucked after that too though," I tell him. He shook his head.

"My birthday was crazy different. We should do shit like that more often," He suggests in my ear. I looked at him and nodded.

"You look so good tonight. Sleep over," He tells me. I huffed before shaking my head.

"No. I have school and I gotta study," I decline. He rolls his eyes before nudging me. I chuckled as we made our way back into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, I downed some shots with Armin, who I hadn't seen when I got here. We laughed about stupid shit as we drank. Eren occasionally stopping by our conversation, convincing me to sleep over.

Hours go by and I'm laughing with Eren and Armin about a story Armin was telling when they were younger.

I looked around as I held a drink in my hand, not spotting Mikasa anywhere. My eyebrows slightly creased. I looked back at the boys. Eren had noticed it immediately.

"Sorry. Where's Mika?" I ask them. Eren and Armin look around the kitchen before shrugging their shoulders.

"Want me to go find her?" Eren asks me. I shake my head.

"Nah. I will. I'll be back," I tell him before walking away and going into the living room. I looked around and scanned the area but still, I couldn't find her familiar face. I thought it was weird since I spotted Sasha and Connie in different areas of the house without Mikasa.

I hummed as I made my way upstairs and knocked on one of the bathrooms. Random people walked out, not Mikasa.

I walked into the guest rooms I knew were being used to smoke in but still, I couldn't find her. I was starting to get concerned since I hadn't found her yet.

I look down the hall into the final guest bedroom before approaching it and swinging the door open, hoping to find Mikasa.

And I did.

But she was fucking Jean.

My eyes widened at the sight of them. They immediately stopped what they were doing, scurrying off of the bed as I closed the door and looked ahead, confused.

What...I don't even...Wow.

I walked away and headed back downstairs and into the kitchen, back to Eren and Armin, who talked amongst themselves, this time with Connie. Eren watched my neutral expression.

"You found her?" He asked me. I nodded before swallowing.

"Yeah." I keep it short. Eren's eyebrows twitched before Connie nudged him. He blinked and turned back to Connie, paying attention.

A couple of moments later, Mikasa walks into the kitchen, casually approaching Sasha before she pours herself a drink and immediately downs it. I looked down into my cup and kept to myself.

"What about you, Y/n?" Connie includes me in the conversation I wasn't listening to. I blinked, looking up at the boys.

"What was the question?" I ask.

"Would you cut your own eye out if you were in a SAW trap?" Armin asks Connie's question for him. I huffed.

"Fuck no. If I was in any SAW trap, just kill me right then and there. I'm a quitter at heart," I half-joke. The boys laugh.

"I think I'd be able to stab my own eye out," Eren comments. I looked at him and chuckled.

"Yeah? You'd have a bandage over your eye like a pirate," I tell him. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I'd make it work," he replies. We laughed in response.

I glanced around and saw Jean make his way around. He laughed with his teammates as he drank from his cup, glancing at Mikasa and I in different areas of the room. It pissed me off.

I swallowed, looking away and taking a sip of my drink.

Was I upset that Mikasa and Jean were fucking? No, of course not. I don't like Jean at all. It was never like that. I think the fact that she lied to me about speaking to him after what he did made me angrier.

I was never the type to get mad at Mikasa. I thought she could do no wrong. And after tracing back today and hearing her put a good word in for him to try to convince me to speak to him, it made me even more upset because she could've just told me.

And things would've been different. I don't meddle in anyone's life or care about it that much for that matter. But because Mikasa is my best friend and Jean just happened to be a guy who made me uncomfortable as fuck one time, I think I deserve a small conversation from her.

At least a heads up. Something that didn't throw me off guard if I did catch them the way I did. It felt like a punch to the gut. Because Mikasa felt the need to lie to me. And not because I was hard to talk to. But because her harboring this was unreasonable and she knew it. Even more unreasonable to fuck a dude who made me feel gross.

It's not about Jean. It never was. Or is. It's about Mikasa and I. I couldn't care less about Jean. But it hurt more to know that she lied to me.

I swallowed before clearing my throat. I looked at Eren, who was watching me during the conversation. His eyebrows twitched, non-verbally asking me what was wrong. I shook my head, not wanting to talk about it.

Eren now knew from my face that something was wrong. And he was on edge about it too.


The night ended and it was a good thing that Mikasa and I drove separately because I would die if I got in a car with her right now.

I stood and cleaned with Eren. Everyone else left so I grabbed a large black garbage bag and started to stuff it with cups and empty bottles. Eren and I cleaned in mostly silence before he looked at me.

"What happened? Someone I gotta beat up?" He half-jokes. I huffed before slowly dragging the bag on the floor to throw more trash out. I shook my head lightly.

"No one to beat up. But..." I stopped myself, debating if I wanted to tell him. He watched me, waiting for me to speak. I sighed before looking at him.

"...I caught Mikasa and Jean fucking. And Mikasa's been lying to me about talking to Jean. So...Don't really know how to feel about it other than being angry because she lied to me about something like that," I admit. Eren's eyes slightly widened at the news before putting the bag down.

He approached me before rubbing my arms as he watched me.

"...Wow. Gross," He jokes. I huffed before chuckling and nudging him. He smiled at me before speaking.

"What'd she lie to you about?" He asks.

"I asked her earlier before we got here if she was talking to Jean and she deflected like crazy. So clearly, when I caught them, I wasn't supposed to know...She knew what he did and she still lied to me. I mean, I don't care who you're fucking but can I get a little forewarning? A small conversation? A heads up? Do I not deserve that? Does she feel the need to keep a secret?" I rhetorically ask. Eren shrugs his shoulders.

"Maybe she was scared of a reaction."

"Her being scared of a reaction just shows that she knew what she did was wrong. If she was transparent with me from the beginning, shit would be different."

"She probably wanted to protect your feelings."

"By letting it play out like this? The longer she kept it from me, the more it hurt. It's not about Jean. It's about her and I." Eren nodded, understanding.

"I get it. I'm sorry that happened. Maybe you should talk to her about it and see where her head's at," He suggests. I nodded, still a little somber.

"You sleeping over? Or are you heading back to talk to her?" He asks carefully. I look up at him before looking around.

"Can you do it alone?" I tease him. He huffed before kissing me.

"Go get your girl back," He teases me in return. I chuckled before kissing him once more and grabbing my bag, walking out and to my car.


I stood parked in my car, contemplating on what I wanted to say to Mikasa when I went inside. I was scared. Maybe more nervous. I didn't want to argue with her.

I sighed before getting out and going upstairs. At the door, I took a moment before unlocking it and opening the door. I look around and see Mikasa with her head down on the table.

I closed the door and she lifted her head up, looking at me with a somber expression. She sobbed into her arms. I approached the table and sat across from her.

She lifted her head up and looked at me as she wiped her tears away. I watched her, not saying much.

"...I'm sorry." She speaks. I blinked.

"Ever since you caught us...I was thinking in my head about shit to say to you. How to say it to you. I don't want you–"

"Mikasa." She watched me. I sighed before leaning forward on the table and looking at her.

"It's not about Jean, okay? It's about you and I...Can I ask you something?" I ask her. She sniffles, nodding.

"...Why did you lie to me? What gave you that incentive?" I ask her. She looked at me before looking away and leaning back in her chair. She looked up at the ceiling before sighing.

"...I think it's just a hard conversation to have. I was there when Jean did what he did and I saw how that affected you. And I felt so much...Guilt. Because I couldn't see what you saw," She answered honestly. I watched her attentively.

"Is it serious?" I ask. She shook her head lightly at nothing in particular.

"It's...Complicated," She answers. I nodded.

"Did you think that if you kept this from me, I would feel better about it whenever you did decide to tell me?" I ask her.

"A little, yeah. I was gonna tell you on my own terms. I didn't plan to keep it a secret forever."

"Mika, you get how weird of a position I'm in? How do you want me to react? What do you want me to say? I mean, Eren and I kept shit to ourselves because we were protecting Jean. And I still did it after the fact. Why did you witness me putting in the effort to not hurt people who hurt me and not decide to tell me still?" I ask her an abundance of questions. She sighs, shaking her head.

"I...I don't know, Y/n. I don't. I'm sorry that I don't have the answers for you." I blinked before looking away.

"Did you say that shit about him before we went to the party because you wanted me to forgive him for the sake of you and him being open about you guys hooking up?" I ask her. She sniffled, looking at me. She looked back down at her hands.

"...I should've focused on how you felt about it. I was too...I dunno–Worried about him."

"Worried about him?"

"I know. I know...But I'm being honest with you," She tells me, a little defensive. I scoff.

"You didn't even care to think about me. You only cared about getting Jean on my good side so you can fuck him in public knowledge. Do you know how that sounds? Coming from you? My best friend?" I emphasize.

"Jesus, I know Y/n! I know! I fucked up! But it's...It's not just...A hookup. You have no idea..." She trails off.

"Are you going to tell me then?" I ask her. She sniffles, looking at me for a moment before wiping her nose.

"...It wasn't supposed to happen. But all I can tell you is that Jean and I...We relate to a lot of shit. And in that...It happened. So, I'm sorry I can't give you all the answers you want. And I'm sorry I hurt you. I really am. But this is all I can say. And you have to accept that as my best friend. Please," She pleads with a calm tone.

I scoffed before standing up and going into my room. I quickly packed a bag before grabbing my keys. Mikasa stood at the dining table.

She knew I was going to Eren's. She didn't ask. And I didn't tell.


I knocked on Eren's door as I slung a bag over my shoulder. A couple of moments later, Eren answers the door. He yawned as he saw me. Tears brimmed my eyes as I rushed to hug him. He held me.

"...I didn't get her back," I sobbed into him. He caressed me as he closed the door, hugging me tighter.


I barely slept. I told Eren I was fine and he went to sleep pretty quickly. I was on the other side of the bed, sobbing.

Then I would get up and go to the bathroom and cry again, this time a little louder. I didn't know why I was so affected. I mean, I know why. But I think I just want to be able to get over it and I can forgive her.

I miss her. Already, I miss her.

I got up and brushed my teeth, washing my face, not looking in the mirror since I knew it wasn't flattering. A puffy, red face. I didn't want to see it.

I sighed before going back into the room where Eren was fast asleep. I looked around for a jacket since I was a little chilly but I just borrowed Eren's in his closet.

I walked downstairs without my phone and into the kitchen. I see two women cleaning up. I watched them for a moment.

"Good morning, Mr. Jaeger. Didn't expect you up so earl–'' One of them stops at the sight of me. I give them a small smile.

"Sorry it wasn't who you were expecting," I tell them with a small voice. They watched me for a moment.

"Oh...No, it's okay. Who...?" They begin to question.

"I'm Y/n. Eren's...Friend," I tell them. They nodded before continuing. I move around them and make myself a cup of coffee before sitting in the living room and drinking it silently.

I looked out of the window and observed the surroundings thoroughly. I yawned as I heard the women cleaning in the other room. I laid my head down only slightly as I continued to watch the window.

The aroma of the coffee swirled around in the air as the heat of the cup laid on my leg, resting.

I took one deep breath in as I closed my eyes.

I felt the cup get snatched from my hand and I quickly opened my eyes. I blinked a couple of times before looking and seeing Eren, standing over me. He watched me with concern.

"What happened to your eye? Who did that to you?" He asks with some haste, wanting to know. I closed my eyes tightly before adjusting myself on the couch. I yawned before looking back up at him.

I sighed before speaking.

"...My mom. When I visited her. We just...Argued," I keep it short. He sighed with some relief before sitting down by me.

"Why would she hit you like that? What happened?" He asks. I turned to my left as he sat by me, looking at me. I shook my head lightly.

"I'd rather not..." I reply quietly. He watched me for a moment before sighing again with some concern.

I turned my body, facing him. I leaned into him, laying against his body as he put his arm around me, looking off at nothing.

"Did you sleep down here?" He asks. I inhale a sharp breath.

"No. But to be fair, I barely slept at all," I reply. He held me a little tighter at the sound of my response.

"...So what do you want to do? You wanna stay here until shit blows over? Beat Jean's ass? Let me know," He half-jokes. I huffed.

"I don't wanna get in your way–"

"Shut up. That's not true. I want you to sleep over all the time. What makes you think that I don't want you here?" He asks lightheartedly. I sniffled lightly.

"I'll sleep over until it's time for us to leave for Spring break. Guess we don't have shit to hide anymore," I tell him. He huffed.

"Good. You have no idea how much I wanna kiss you when we're in school," He tells me. I chuckle.

"You're acting like we're married," I tell him. He says nothing to that for a moment. I looked at him as he glanced at me.

"No. But this is exclusive. I would say so. I'm not fucking anyone else. And I can't imagine it either," He tells me. I nodded.

"I see. So you kiss the people you hook up with in public?" I tease him. He huffed.

"I've done it before. Don't get too jealous," He teases me in return. I nudged him.

"Shut up. Not jealous," I reply.


Spring Break

I went back home to get my luggage but I brought it to Eren's, where he packed our things before we met up with everyone at a breakfast spot before venturing off to Eren's lake house. I sighed, a little quiet since I was still bummed out about Mikasa and I. Eren shut the trunk and approached me with a tight hug. I huffed, chuckling lightly into his neck as he held me.

"You look like you're in a shitty mood," He jokingly points out the obvious. I scoffed.

"Really? What makes you say that?" I sarcastically reply. He chuckled before letting me go and landing a small kiss on my lips.

"We don't have to do the breakfast. We can just pick something up and tell everyone to meet us there if you want. Up to you," He tells me. I shake my head lightly.

"Nah. I don't wanna bail on everyone else. I can get through it. I can already imagine Jean and Mikasa's somber ass stares. It's gonna piss me off," I tell him. He chuckles.

"Just ignore them," He suggests for the time being. I get in the passenger's side of the car before putting my seatbelt on. After Eren went back in the house to grab something, he got inside the car and turned it on, driving out of his driveway.

"It's been so long since I've been in the lake house. It's gonna take me back, I already know it," Eren tells me as he looks ahead at the road, driving. My eyebrows slightly raised.

"Yeah? What kind of memories did you have there?" I ask him curiously. He hummed lightly before shrugging his shoulders calmly.

"Just...With my mom and shit. Our last family vacation was at that lake house. It's been pretty empty for years now. My dad still pays the mortgage on it. He wanted to get rid of it but...I told him not to. So he didn't," He tells me. I watched his side profile before giving him a tender smile and reaching my hand over, resting it on the back of his neck, caressing him gently as he drove.

"You look just like your mom. It's a little scary," I tell him lightheartedly. He chuckles.

"Everyone says that. We talked about you when I visited her last month," He mentions. My eyebrows raised again.

"Did you? I hope good things," I tease him. He smiled.

"Of course it was good."

"Then, what did you talk about?" I ask him. I watched his cheeks turn a darker hue of pink as he smiled.

"It's embarrassing. No one talks to their mom about girls without getting a little corny..." He tells me quietly, a little shy. I chuckled.

"I can name three times you've been corny to me. Now you're getting shy?" I tease him. He chuckles.

"I know but this is different. I'll tell you another time," He tells me calmly. I held a smile before nodding.



We pulled into a breakfast spot and got out of the car, approaching the restaurant together. Eren opened the door for me and I thanked him before we got inside and looked around for anyone else. We saw Armin, Historia, and Ymir seated and talking with vacant seats around them. Eren and I approached the trio before sitting down.

"Hey, you two! Did you guys come together?" Historia asks. We nodded.

"Yeah," Eren answers before dapping up Ymir over the table.

"I thought you'd come with Mika, Y/n. Where is she?" She asks me. I lick my lips before swallowing.

"Home maybe? I wasn't there last night. I'm not sure," I tell her. Her eyebrows twitched and she opened her mouth to speak before Connie, Sasha, Jean, and Mikasa walked in, finding the table and sitting down wherever they wanted to.

"'Sup bitches," Connie casually and crassly tells the table. The table murmured disapproval and insults at Connie in exchange and he laughed, sitting down. I glanced and saw Mikasa sitting diagonally from me while Jean sat next to me.

Eren glanced at the table before leaning into my ear.

"Do you wanna switch seats?" He whispers in my ear. I shook my head lightly.

"It'll make shit obvious. It's fine. Thank you," I told him. He watched me for a moment before nodding and talking to Armin.

The pair glanced at me and looked at me with somber looks like I imagined. It was annoying. And it felt like I was being monitored or ostracized. No one else knew what was happening except for Eren, Mikasa, Jean and I.

After casual conversation, we ordered our food and laughed at each other's jokes. In my peripheral vision, I see Jean observing me. I try my best to ignore it, biting the inside of my cheek to calm me down. I shook my leg under the table and I felt a touch at my knee. I looked and saw that Eren was trying to calm me down as he spoke to Armin.

I looked at him as he turned and looked at me, giving me an assured nod before laying his hand out on my thigh, his palm facing upward. An invitation to hold his hand for comfort. I observed his slightly scarred hand before looking at him with a small smile, accepting his hand as he held it tight. I know Jean saw this. I hoped he did at least.

After breakfast, we headed to the lake house. Eren and I listened to music at a casual volume, talking over it sometimes to voice observations or just comments about anything. Stupid thoughts or dumb questions. We laughed a lot on the way.

"Oh, I hired some staff to clean up the house. I hope it wasn't a huge mess," He thinks aloud.

"We can clean up whatever they missed anyway," I tell him. He nods, pleased with the solution.

With a couple of cars following behind him, he slowly pulled into the large gate before putting in a code and giving himself access. He drove in and on the large driveway, he drove in a circle, parking his car in the front of the house before parking it and turning it off. I observed the large house before looking at him with a smile.

"No stressing out here. Promise me," He tells me with his pinky out. I chuckled before interlocking my pinky onto his.

"I promise." He nods before getting out of the car, opening the trunk. I get out after him and shut the door, leaning against the car as Eren pulled our bags out of the trunk. He put them down and shut the trunk before observing everyone in the driveway.

"No one run up the fucking stairs and try to get a good room. For fairness, I told the staff to assign rooms so you get what you get and shut the fuck up," Eren announced to the group, who murmured in agreeance. He approached me with a smile.

"I told them to give us the best room, by the way," He tells me privately. I snickered before nudging his shoulder.

"Not so fair now is it, Jaeger?" I tease him. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah, yeah. My house so I get an advantage," He tells me. I chuckled as he went and grabbed our bags, going up the steps. I follow behind him and wait as he opens the double doors wide, giving everyone access at the same time. I observed the nice interior from the entrance as Eren did the same.

"Really brings back memories...Jesus," He says to himself. I rubbed his arm, comforting him before walking in and waiting for him.

"Come. Let's go see our room," I suggest. His eyebrows raised with a small smile before getting inside and closing the doors as everyone else talked over each other with excitement.

The large and open living room oversaw the private pool near the back deck, along with a path that led to the lake where there was a dock and a small shed. The tall trees and clear skies added to the scenery. The stairs were to our left and I observed decor before Eren walked ahead of me, up the stairs with our two suitcases. He looked at me, jerking his head upward to follow him.

I looked at the group as they observed the pool, some of them already inside, before looking at Eren and following him up the stairs. We walked down the long hallways, finding Eren's name on one of the doors that the staff were kind enough to do. He found his name on double doors.

"Master bedroom. It suits me..." He jokes. I chuckle before nudging him as he opens the doors. The tidy room revealed large windows and a large King-sized bed with neat, tucked in sheets and ironed blankets. The carpet on the floor smelled fresh and had vacuum marks on them, indicating that it was cleaned recently. The two bedside tables were clean and there were other double doors that led into the master bathroom. A private bathroom would be useful.

I nodded, impressed.

"It's a pretty house, Eren. Thank you for letting us stay here," I told him. He put the luggage down in front of the bed before approaching me and lifting me up, spinning me around as he landed kisses on my face. I laughed loudly as he put me down.

"You don't have to thank me. I want you wherever I am. The rest of them have to thank me though," He jokes. I chuckled. He goes and closes the doors before locking them, looking back at me with a smirk. I held a smile as he put his hands gently around my waist, pulling me into him and kissing me. I put my arms over his shoulders and clasped them behind his neck as we made out slowly. He kissed my neck gently and I hissed.

"...We won't have enough time before they start looking for us," I whisper. He groaned lightly as he kissed my face.

"We can be quick."

"Can you be quick?" I tease. He chuckled.

"Yeah but if you don't cum then I'm taking care of it," He tells me. Hard gamble. I knew Eren could finish quicker than me. But I wasn't sure if I could finish as quickly. I hummed, thinking about it.

"Give me head first. I can cum way faster the second time around," I tell him. He nodded, agreeing. We kissed until Eren laid me down on the large bed that smelled of fresh laundry detergent. He traced his kisses down my neck and chest, trying his best to move around my clothes since being completely naked would be too risky.

He hooked his fingers around the hem of my pants and underwear before pulling them down to my ankles, my shoes still on. This was really a quickie I thought to myself.


He knelt down before you on the edge of the bed and retied his hair neatly before lolling his tongue out and slowly licking your already wet slit. You inhaled a sharp breath, trying not to be audible at the sensitivity it had from making out with Eren.

You watched as Eren quickly began going to work, trying to be a little quicker paced than usual since this is the first time you two have been short on time with sex. Most times, you both take your time and coordinate your time together for a more enjoyable session of sex. It felt good to not be rushed. But you won't deny that the rush of a quickie felt exhilarating and exciting.

You imagined getting caught and how dirty it was and how much you grew red on the cheeks because you didn't hate the idea of being caught. This embarrassed you as Eren ate you out with precision. You moaned into your hand as you put it over your mouth, muffling the noises that emitted from your mouth in response to Eren's tongue doing the work.

You feel Eren's cool finger spread you open for more precision and he sucked lightly on your clit as he licked the rest of you. He teased your hole with the tip of his tongue and your body jolted from the sensitivity of it. Your breaths became more audible as you breathed sharply through your nose, still covering your mouth from moans.

Finally, Eren puts his tongue in your hole and wiggles it a bit before taking it back out and licking the rest of you, sucking on your clit in a supple way. Your breaths were shaky as you felt yourself get closer. A knot formed in your stomach before you found yourself grinding against Eren's tongue, your body urging an orgasm as if you needed it badly. With one final suck, your eyes roll to the back of your head and you remove your hand from your mouth as it hangs slightly open.

You exhaled a shaky breath, feeling your heart beat at what felt like a hundred miles an hour. Eren wiped his face off before standing up and leaning over, kissing you intensely as the two of you breathed sharply through your noses. Your tongue swirled against his and you tasted the saccharine taste of yourself in his mouth. You moaned into his mouth in response.

You caressed his body, reaching your hand down onto his hard dick in which you felt through his sweatpants. He groaned, kissing your jaw and neck before sighing lightly.

"Take your shirt off for me, please?" He asks permission with the awareness that nudity holds more risk if someone came to look for either of them. In a daze, you oblige, taking your tank top off before pulling him into a deep kiss. He massaged and caressed your breasts as he licked one of your hard nipples. You bit your bottom lip lightly as you pulled him back up, kissing him harshly and aggressively.

"Fuck me," You whispered to him in a rush. A shiver went down Eren's spine at the order. He swallowed. His knees went a bit weak. He could swear he almost felt dizzy from how hard he was.

He quickly pulled his sweatpants and underwear down, pulling his dick out. He pulled on your legs, positioning you closer to his dick as he grabbed it, aligning it with your hole. He teased you before slowly inserting himself into you. The two of you gasped lightly at the intense feeling before your lips crashed into a kiss.

Eren began stroking in and out of you with moderate speed, aware that you were in a time crunch and trying his best not to take so long. You moaned quietly as he pumped in and out of you with precision and focus, while also looking at your practically naked body as your tits bounced up and down in counter-thrust.

Eren removed his shirt, clearly ignoring the nudity risk in getting caught with you, before leaning into you, thrusting faster. You moaned into his neck, licking and sucking on it in response.

He lifted himself up, grabbing your legs as he stood at the edge of the bed, and fucking you with your legs resting on his shoulders. He kissed your legs as he hugged them, looking down at what you two were doing.

Watching his dick go in and out of you and your reaction to it turned him on entirely. A boast. A pat on the back. An accomplishment that he can make you feel good. Great even.

He exhaled a heavy breath as you moaned as quietly as you could.

"Almost..." He told you. You reached your hands out for him and he let go of your legs, falling back onto you as your hands were now under his arms, resting on his upper back as he kissed your neck, stroking into you.

"Eren..." You moaned in a wispy manner into his ear. You heard a small shudder in his exhale in breaths as he fucked you. This motivated him as he picked up his pace. You moaned with a closed mouth as you kept your bottom lip bit, your eyebrows pinched upwards in pleasure.

You rested your arms on the bed, beside your head as you gave Eren your body entirely.

"Right there..." You moaned as he groaned.

The pair of you heard the doors open and your heart dropped to your stomach as you turned your heads and saw Jean standing at the entrance, stunned at the sight. But this didn't discourage you or Eren at all.

Through the strands of his now messy hair, he looked at Jean with a smirk before turning back to you and nodding. You looked at him as he buried himself into you one final time, finishing. With the warmth in you, you finished as well.

Your breaths caught as Eren lifted his pants up, giving you a loose blanket to cover yourself as Jean stood there, his face pale.

With a big sigh, Eren looked at Jean, putting his shirt back on.

"Did you need something, Jean? We were busy," He pettily tells him. You looked at him as he stared at you, almost disappointed or sad with the sight of it. He scoffed before leaving.


"The fuck is he so mad about? Wasn't he fucking Mikasa?" Eren asked me casually as he tied his hair back up. I sighed as he closed the door again to give me privacy to put my clothes back on. I got off of the bed before going into the bathroom to pee and clean up.

I stepped back out and saw Eren, waiting for me.

"You didn't have to wait for me," I told him. He shrugged his shoulders.

"He probably already told everyone anyway. You okay? It got kind of weird at the end there," He tells me, reminding me of Jean witnessing us finish. I sighed again.

"Well, it's not like we had shit to hide anymore. Plus...No, nevermind," I tell him, a little shy. He chuckled before pulling me into a hug, kissing me.

"Nah, tell me," He encourages me as he kisses my face. I chuckled before shaking my head.

"It's weird, nevermind," I tell him. He watched me for a moment before his eyebrows creased slightly. He held a small smile.

"You like the thought of getting caught, don't you?" He infers. I felt my cheeks glow red before shrugging my shoulders.

"I didn't say that..." I trail off. He chuckles before planting a kiss on my lips.

"You're a freak for that but it's kind of sexy. Maybe I should ask you more about the shit you're into. Last time I let you take control, it was the best sex I've ever had," He tells me. I chuckle, pushing him away playfully.

But now it was time to go downstairs. So Eren and I walked down together and observed the group laughing by the pool. We looked at each other before nodding and approaching the large sliding glass door. Eren opened it and we walked out, making our presence known to the group as they looked at us with previous smiles.

I glanced at Jean as he looked away, drinking a beer beside Mikasa. I blinked, looking at the rest of the group.

Can someone say they fucking know so we can move on? I couldn't tell if they knew or not.

That was until Connie spoke.


A/N: Sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger but I HAD to LOLLL. These next chapters are when shit starts to move very insanely because we are nearing the end of this fic so there's some things I wanted to include. You guys are gonna HATTTTTE me omg LMAOO but anyhow! I'll see you next saturday with the verdict...Do you guys think they know? 

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