Babygirl (SEQUEL to Fuckboy...

By renelwood

35.7K 771 2.3K

"Fuck, Evan," Draco groaned, tilting his head back. He looked back down at her, his eyes darting from her eye... More

author's note.
1. seventh year.
2. red.
3. pulse points.
4. daydream.
5. sugar rush.
6. royalty.
7. snitch.
8. bloodsucker.
9. rightful damnation.
10. pillow talk.
11. revelation.
12. trust fall.
13. mudblood.
14. hell raiser.
15. sex ed.
16. cold war.
17. rebellious streak.
18. fatal flaw.
19. masochism.
20. mine.
21. merry and bright.
22. fantasy.
23. divine.
25. devilish.
26. here.
27. madness.
28. your turn.
29. sleepover.
30. fallen.

24. rock cakes and serenephobia.

873 19 49
By renelwood

"Am I in heaven?"

Evan rolled over, gazing at Draco in the morning light. She propped up on an elbow and leaned over him, inches from his face and trailing a fingertip down his chest.

"No," she sighed dramatically, as it it were such a shame. Then she leaned in, lips curled deviously. "They'd never let you in."

Draco gave her an unconvincing scowl through his permanent smile. He then wrapped an arm around her waist and captured her lips in his.

"Mmmm," he sighed against her.

It was the day after Christmas, the morning after Evan squirted in his face and he proclaimed was was going to give her forever.

Draco didn't give a fuck what she said—he was in literal heaven. Because when he woke up that morning, she was there.

Evan shifted down and laid her head on his chest, twirling her fingers lazily on his abs. Draco sighed against her, smiling lightly to himself as she traced his stomach absentmindedly.

"Are you alright?" she suddenly asked, chuckling and pressing her ear into his chest.

"Alright?" he asked breathlessly. "If you must know, I think I'm dying."


Draco shifted a little, breathless and blushing and running his hands softly on her waist. He stared at the water of the Black Lake out of the window, the morning sun rippling through the waves and casting a green glow on her eyes.

"I'm hot, I'm cold, I can barely breathe, and it's all because of you," he said frantically. Evan giggled and pressed tighter against him. "And my heart's beating so hard, I'm surprised you can't hear it."

"I can hear your heartbeat," she said, pressing her ear down into his chest. "I think it may explode."

"Must be quite the shock. I know you were expecting an empty chest cavity."

"Why is it beating so fast?"

"Oh, E, I don't bloody know," he said sarcastically, then looked at her naked body.

When Evan leaned up, kissing up his neck and trailing her fingertips down his abs, Draco gripped her harder. Warm, soft, sweet lips soon found his. Evan's hands were still on his heart, and maybe she felt it skip a beat or something because she leaned back and smirked at him.

"Do I make you nervous?" she teased in satisfaction, still a mere inch from his face.

"You . . . wish," Draco deflected in a low voice, his lips brushing hers. Evan smirked and kissed him again, running her hands all over his body in shameless exploration.

"Fascinating," she said, one hand on his erratic heart and the other trailing downwards towards his groin.

"I'm so glad you're amused," Draco grumbled, letting his eyes close and tilting his head back.


"I can't."

"Fuck's sake, it's gonna fly out your chest if I'm not careful," Evan teased, planting slow kisses down his collar.

"Mmmm," Draco sighed, tilting more towards her and grabbing onto her hips.

Evangeline kept one palm against his heart when she reached down and gave his cock this slow, tingling, delicious pull.

"Mmmm. Having fun?" Draco asked, as she chuckling to herself as she did it.

"I'm experimenting," Evan sighed, leaning in close to his mouth and sharing his air. She started playing with him, running her hand up and down his cock and nibbling on his ear.

"Oh fuuuuck," Draco broke, writhing on the pillow. His eyebrows furrowed and he gripped the back of her neck, groaning into her mouth.

Evan seemed to be finding his erratic heartbeat while she jerked him off to be quite amusing. "How are you not dead?" she laughed, a dark, seductive tone to her voice.

"No idea."

- - -

Draco opened a locker in the boy's Quidditch locker rooms. Evan peaked out of it, slowly and tentatively.

He had hid her in there because Filch had walked in, right after she finished shoving his dick down her throat.

As she exited her cramped hiding space, Evan gave Draco one little sideways glance, then she bursted into a furious run.

She shrieked in laughter as she did it, barreling out of the locker room and onto the snow-laden Quidditch pitch. Draco ran after her, throwing a hurried glance up the hill to make sure Filch was retreating.

They had spent all morning on the pitch, her helping Draco practice for the incoming Quidditch matches, and him winning a very high-stakes flying race.

But now, he was running after her, laughing his ass off, and soon he was flinging his arms around her waist as they both went crashing down into the snow in a heap.

She was soon top of him, panting and giggling and laying her forehead on his cloaked chest. Draco laid his head back in the snow. Evan sat back, straddling him, catching her breath and looking up at the sun.

Draco propped up on an elbow and gazed behind her. He just barely caught a glimpse of Hagrid's hut, covered completely in a white blanket of snow.

"E?" he asked tentatively.

"Yes?" Evan chuckled, snapping her gaze back down to his.

Draco smirked up at her knowingly. "Want to go on an adventure?"

"Mmm," she hummed deviously, brushing some snow off of the front of his cloak. "What kind of adventure?"

When he told her, he watched in amusement as she had a goddamn heart attack.

"You want to go where?" she gasped out, face fallen in shock.

"Hagrid's," he repeated.

"Wha—" she stuttered, her mouth fallen open. Then she started to laugh at him, dumbfounded. "Why?" she said through her laughter.

Draco decided not to tell Evan that Hagrid knew about their relationship, as he didn't think she would be pleased. He decided to also not tell her about Hagrid hearing the Howler, or about how he had invited Draco to tea.

"He . . . has a gift for you. Wanted to give it to you in person," Draco said. Then he scoffed. "Apparently."

"And . . . you want to come along?" Evan asked, beaming at him and shifting in his lap.

"I mean, not if you don't want me to," he said casually, running his hands up her thighs. Then he froze and begged her to let him off the hook. "Oh god, say no. Please say no."

But Evan was giggling excitedly, standing up and taking both of his hands. She yanked him up from the ground and pulled him along, dragging his ass to Hagrid's hut.

"Evangeline!" Hagrid exclaimed happily upon their arrival. The man was wearing a fucking apron and gloves. The smell of brewing tea assaulted Draco's nose. "Malfoy, 'ello."

"Mm-hmm," Draco nodded. Hagrid stepped aside. He had never been inside of the hut before, and found it even more disheveled than the outside. Evan had dropped Draco's hand when Hagrid opened the door, so he considered making a break for it.

But instead, Evan was nodding him over to a small table, so he entered reluctantly. The dog immediately barked at Draco, then panted loudly, circling around his feet. When Draco sat in a wobbly chair at Hagrid's table, Fang nearly knocked him out of his seat when he flopped down at his ankles.

Evan was beside herself in silent, wracking laughter. Draco gave her a look that said, 'save me from this fucking dog' but she just kept laughing, covering her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Ah, I've got it righ' here . . . somewhere . . . ah!" Hagrid exclaimed once Evan explained the reason for their visit. He removed a very poorly wrapped parcel from under his bed, which was practically in the kitchen.

Draco looked around the hut while Evan opened the present. It was dark in there, and it smelled overwhelmingly of baked goods and woodsmoke. There was a kettle hanging over the fire and an old-fashioned oven that was red hot.

"Wow, thank you, Hagrid!" Evan said enthusiastically once she opened up the chess set. The pieces looked hand carved.

"It's not wizard's chess, o' course. Couldn't enchant the pieces. Not withou' gettin' into trouble, tha' is," Hagrid said sheepishly.

"No, it's perfect. Truly," Evan beamed at him. She then handed Draco one of the knights from the set. He looked at it, turning the piece over in his hands. He nodded an awkward approval.

They sat for a while, Evan and Hagrid chatting. Draco just sat in silence, managing a smile as he watched Evan talked intelligently about the care of magical creatures. She was talking with Hagrid about the growth spurts of that year's Bowtruckle litter. Draco smiled genuinely when he remembered their plans for the summer—that Evan was going to travel as a magical creatures caregiver, towing Draco along the way. He hoped she had meant it.

Hagrid got up after a few minutes, crossing over to his oven. Draco looked over at Evan and saw her expression had darkened a bit. He furrowed his brows in confusion, crossing his arm over his chest as Hagrid removed a steaming tray of pastries. He soon understood the reason for her scowling.

"Ow! What the fu—?!" Draco started to exclaim after biting into one of the cakes Hagrid baked. He had nearly chipped his bloody tooth on it, as it was as hard as stone.

Draco received a subtle kick from under the table.

Evan had her eyes widened, silently telling him to shut the fuck up.

"Mmmm, good," Draco then said, strained and nodding exaggeratedly. He took another tentative bite, grimacing. Evan held in a wild laugh, snorting.

Anything for her, Draco supposed.

- - -

When they returned to the dungeons, Evangeline was still laughing.

"For fuck's sake," Draco grumbled, pursing his lips and trying to hold in his own amusement.

"Oh my god, you should've seen your face," she cackled. "When Fang—"

"Uh-huh. Yeah," he said, then pressed his lips into hers to derail her taunts.

"Mmm," she sighed against him, wrapping her arms around his neck and smiling into his mouth. She laughed against the kiss, so he kissed her harder.

Soon, they were on the couch again, snogging like absolute animals.

"Mmm," Evan sighed. She leaned back from his kiss and gazed down at him, as she had straddled him again. "That was quite the adventure."

"It was something," he commented, trailing his hands up her thighs. Draco considered her, pursing his smirking lips. "Want to go on another one?"

"Hmm . . . depends," Evan sighed, leaning down to kiss down his neck. She kissed sloppily on his skin, pressing her chest against his. "Are clothes required?"

"Goddamn," he sighed. Evan chuckled on his skin. "No, they are not."

"Lead the way, then."

Night had fallen around the castle, so they had to sneak past paintings and tiptoe down corridors. But they soon made it to the secret passage by the stairs which would lead them outside.

"Draco Malfoy, if you get me expelled," Evan whispered in a low hiss as they stepped into the frigid night air.

"Sh!" Draco chastised, grinning at her over his shoulder.

When they arrived at the boathouse, miraculously having snuck out without getting caught, Draco closed the door behind them and locked it with a flick of his wand. It was dark and snowy in there, the water of the Black Lake just barely unfrozen.

Draco sat himself down in a canoe, smirking up at Evan as she stared down at him with her hands on her hips.

"Cozy?" she smirked, crossing her arms. He had his arms behind his head, his legs crossed, and soon he was closing his eyes.

"Little cold," Draco said deviously.

Soon, he was bombarded by a heat wave, a blanket of warm air falling over his face. When he opened his eyes, Evan was sticking her wand back into her cloak, as she had just casted a warming charm over the building.

"Better?" she chuckled.

Draco simply lifted a hand to her, beckoning her to join him and warm him further.

Water rippled underneath the canoe as Evan sat down across from him. She was quite amused, removing her cloak and biting her lip.

"Is that seat comfortable, E?"

"Quite. Why?"

"Well. . ." Draco started, shifting over. She was sitting on one of the canoe benches and soon he was knelt down between her legs, taking the back of her thighs and pulling her legs around his waist. He leaned in and sucked on her bottom lip, grazing it with his teeth. "I may have a better one for you."


Soon, she obliged his wish.

In the middle of some very heated snogging, she pushed back on his shoulders, hard. His back connected with the floor of the canoe, and by the force of her push, he was surprised they didn't tip the whole bloody boat. He extended his face to meet her kiss, as she was soon straddled him, leaning down chest to chest, laid out in a fucking canoe.

For efficiency, Draco waved his wand at her jeans. They were whisked off of her body and she looked down at her now bare legs, chuckling in amusement. But before she could react, Draco gripped her hips and raised them. Then he shifted down, flinging himself downwards until he placed a kiss right on the crotch of her panties.

She gasped loudly, gripping his hair tightly. Draco smirked up at her, beside myself, as Evan was now sitting directly on his goddamn face.

He looked up at her, amazed. The boathouse was nearly pitch black, but there was moonlight streaming in from the textured windows, illuminating her face that was now staring down at him with growing lust.

So, of course, he whisked her panties to the side and dove right in.

He ate her feverishly, like a man starved. No matter how many times her tasted her, it still sent a ripple of heat through his spine to feel her on his tongue. He gripped onto her hips and dug his hands in, listening to her echoing moans bouncing off the boathouse walls. The canoe shifted underneath his back, the water splashing as she moved her hips on his mouth. His eyes rolled back as his mouth filled with the taste of her, the back of his neck tingling in prickling pain from where she was gripping his hair with strength.

"Draco," Evan gasped. "You're going . . . to be . . . the death of me."

Suddenly, with no fucking warning, she leaned up, getting off of him. Draco made a sound of indignance, but soon she was turning around and sitting back down again in reverse. He accepted her clit into his mouth with renewed enthusiasm as she unbuckled his belt.

"Oh god, Evan. Please," he moaned on her as he licked and suck and swirled his tongue around.

"You don't have to beg, Draco," she tittered, a strong smirk in her voice. "This is your fucking pussy."

Once she released his cock from his pants, Evan shifted down. He sat up slightly, watching as she readjusted and prepared to ride him. She held his cock steady so she could slide down onto it.

"God . . . damn," Evangeline sighed out, erotically giggling like a maniac when he was sheathed inside of her. He couldn't see her face, as she was riding him with her back to him, but he could hear the elated smile in her voice.

"Evan," Draco said, his eyes wide as he watched her. He propped up on an elbow, grasping around her waist to hold her steady on his lip.

"Yes?" she tittered, teasing the head of his cock but slightly shifting up and down.

He leaned in over her shoulder, whisking her hair to the side. Then he growled darkly in her ear. "Fuck me like you own me."

Evan obeyed, bouncing up and down on his lap as if she had been aching for it. In reality, he had already fucked her twice that day. But she rode his cock as if taking his virginity all over again.

"Oh my god . . ." Draco professed loudly. He grabbed onto the crease of her hips, leaning back again, watching her roll her body around on his cock. He threw his head back, thumping it on the bottom of the canoe.

Evan rode him deliciously, sliding smoothly up and down on his cock. He watched her shamelessly, staring at the base of his dick every time it peaked out from underneath her. He lifted his hips to meet hers, the motion pulling him deeper in.

When Evan threw her head back, nearly falling over in pleasure, Draco sat up again and held her up with her back to his his chest. She continued desperately fucking him, moaning over and over as she slid heatedly up and down. Draco grabbed her throat, leaning over her shoulder.

"Go on, babygirl," he whispered, his legs opening as he readjusted their new position. Evan threw her head back onto his shoulder. "Make yourself cum."

Evan whimpered, gasping in ecstasy. They moved together, meeting each other's slick thrusts. He buried his hips into hers, cupping the underside of her thigh to hold her up.

Mere moments later, they were both tensing up. He was moaning into her hair, exploding in bliss and otherworldly pleasure. She was shuddering on his dick, making slow, delicious rolls with her hips.

"Mmmm. . ." she whimpered as her legs started to shake. Draco smiled through the pleasure, as a gentle, warm orgasm made it's way through his core. She was lulling him into it, her movements sensual and slow enough that he felt every single brush of her walls as they stroked his shaft. It made him tingle all over, his preference for rough, brutal shagging fading away to an entirely different taste. He bit down hard into the crook of her neck, preparing to explode inside of her once again.

But, as Evan cummed, she flung a hand onto the side of the canoe, trying to hold herself upright as she detonated. And this motion sent the canoe tipping.

They both pelted off the side and went crashing violently into the water, an explosion of gasps and water splashing every which way.

"Ah!" Evan exclaimed, laughing her ass off when she emerged, her head poking up out of the water. Draco managed to reach the edge of the dock, holding himself up. He was going red in the face, laughing silently and hard. He was laughing so hard he could not even breathe.

The water wasn't freezing, thank Merlin, a result of her warming charm, he suspected. Evan ran her hands over her soaking wet face, slicking her hair back and panting as she treaded on water. Draco was still laughing, water seeping into his clothes as he leaned his forehead on the edge of the dock.

"Come . . . here. . . " Evan said through her giggles, swimming over to him. There was minimal space, so she squeezed between him and the dock, placing a hand on his lurching chest.

"Oh fuck," Draco exhaled, catching his breath. He look down at the deep late water below him, panting.

"Draco . . ." Evan said cautiously, surveying him. He looked down at her, grinning from ear to ear and still holding onto the edge of the dock. "You can't swim, can you?"

Draco pursed his lips. Evan immediately made fun of him, saying, 'awww' and pouting.

"Fuck off!" he laughed, adjusting his grip on the edge of the dock. "Why the fuck would I need to learn how to swim, hm? I'm not a muggle."

"In case you're fucking someone in a canoe and it tips," Evan said with a wide smirk. Then she swam a foot or two away from him, going out further into the lake. "Come here, I'll teach you."

Draco's eyes widened. He looked down at the murky depths of the Black Lake, right below him. "Evan, there's . . . mermaids down there."

"You're afraid of mermaids?" she laughed, pouting at him and thinking he was fucking adorable.

"Have you seen them?! They're fucking scary."

- - -

Mr. Darcy walked into the room. In a hurried manner he immediately began an inquiry after her health, imputing his visit to a wish of hearing that she were better. She answered him with cold civility. He sat down for a few moments, and then getting up, walked about the room.

Elizabeth was surprised, but said not a word. After a silence of several minutes, he came towards her in an agitated manner, and thus began:

"In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings for you will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."

Draco looked down at Evan, smiling lightly and tracing his gaze over her facial expression. When she read, she got this concentrated scowl, like she was trying to beat the book into submission instead of reading it. Right now, she was reading The Dragons of Romania, a thick crease forming between her eyebrows.

She had her head on one of his thighs as they were sprawled out on the common room couch, both of them reading by the light of the fireplace—which had now dried Draco's hair from their late night swim.

They had been reading in warm silence for hours, Draco playing idly with her hair and Evan trailing her fingertips on his thigh. Draco was lost in the pages, as he had been quickly sucked into the whirlwind and star-crossed romance of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy—much to his own chagrin. He read a particularly good line and stole another glance at Evan, the concentration soon melting off of his face faster than a late winter snow. He met two blazing goddess eyes, now removed from the book and looking up at him from his lap.

"You're gawking," Draco teased with a smirk, looking down at her.

He had caught her staring up at him, gazing from his lap. Evan simply nodded, looking up at him in awestruck wonder. Draco raked her hair back from her temple, making her sigh and close her eyes.

Draco simply pursed his lips and looked back down at his book, which he had propped up on his other thigh. Evan sighed happily and turned onto her side, holding her book open on his knee. Draco laid a hand on her waist, tracing underneath her shirt hem with wandering fingers.

Elizabeth's astonishment was beyond expression. She stared, coloured, doubted, and was silent. This he considered sufficient encouragement; and the avowal of all he felt, and had long felt for her, immediately followed.

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