5. sugar rush.

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Draco walked aimlessly around Honeydukes, fidgeting with the sweets on the shelves.

He personally didn't find Hogsmede to be all that fun anymore, since they had gone to the same shops and done the same shit in the same village since third year. But he went along anyway, mostly because Theo begged him to—telling him that it was traditional and that he couldn't miss out on the Hogsmede weekends. Draco agreed begrudgingly. After all, there were only a limited number of weekends left until they were done with school forever.

Once the six of them had arrived at Honeydukes—which was always the first stop of the day—Draco trailed unenthusiastically behind Theo. His energetic friend was shoving heaping handfuls of sweets into a shopping bag, buzzing around Honeyduke's like a cracked-up mosquito.

"What?" Theo asked when Blackwood, standing nearby, quirked an eyebrow as his candy haul. "You know the Hufflepuff girls have a thing for pumpkin pasties."

"Going to bribe them with sweets, Nott?" Draco asked, leaning back on a shelf and crossing his arms. "Classy."

"What's your tactic then, Malfoy?" Blackwood said. Draco looked her in the eye. "Threats and chokeholds?"

He matched her teasing tone. "Seems to work for me."

"Does it?" she asked with a ghost of a smile. Draco looked her up and down.

He wondered, as he lingered his attention on her body, if she had done what she was told the night before.

"Oh yeah! Is that how you got Hannah Abbot to give it up?"

The lightness in Draco's chest crumbled into ashes. Hannah Abbott was a seventh year Hufflepuff, currently dating Neville Longbottom. Draco had never even spoken to her. And regardless, Theo was the one who was a slut for Hufflepuffs, not him.

Draco settled his face, not wanting to appear bothered. "Not quite," he said deviously, smirking again at Blackwood. She cocked an eyebrow.

"Ah yes, Merlin's gift to women," Blaise said, tossing Blackwood a packet of Drooble's. She lingered her eyes on Draco for just a moment, then she walked away, the moment of flirtation ended.

Since the very second that he had woken up that morning, Draco had been filled to the brim with disgusting butterflies. He wasn't just nauseous because of his shower escapades the night before, nor at the prospect that Blackwood had obeyed him. He was sick to his stomach because his sex pact had been proposed—Blackwood had heard his plan. But she did not know the real intention of it and, if he were being honest, Draco didn't either. There was a part of him—a part that he was desperately trying to silence—that knew what would happen if she said yes.

He knew deep down that fucking her would be like a eating a piece candy—he couldn't have just one.

"Just ask her," Theo hissed to Blaise. Draco turned around to face them, as he had been momentarily enthralled by watching Blackwood walk away.

"Hm?" Draco murmured, eyebrows furrowed.

"Tell Zabini to grow some fucking balls," Theo said to him under his breath.

"Grow some fucking balls," Draco deadpanned to Blaise. Blaise opened his mouth to retort, but Draco turned directly back to Theo. "What for?"

Theo went silent when Blackwood walked closer. But then she turned away again, as Onyx was across the room waving her over. Blackwood departed, allowing Blaise to spill it.

"Theodore thinks I should ask Evan on a date," Blaise muttered, leaning against the window.

Theo nodded, as it were obvious. "Why the fuck not? She's right bloody there, Zabini."

Babygirl (SEQUEL to Fuckboy - Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now