24. rock cakes and serenephobia.

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"Am I in heaven?"

Evan rolled over, gazing at Draco in the morning light. She propped up on an elbow and leaned over him, inches from his face and trailing a fingertip down his chest.

"No," she sighed dramatically, as it it were such a shame. Then she leaned in, lips curled deviously. "They'd never let you in."

Draco gave her an unconvincing scowl through his permanent smile. He then wrapped an arm around her waist and captured her lips in his.

"Mmmm," he sighed against her.

It was the day after Christmas, the morning after Evan squirted in his face and he proclaimed was was going to give her forever.

Draco didn't give a fuck what she said—he was in literal heaven. Because when he woke up that morning, she was there.

Evan shifted down and laid her head on his chest, twirling her fingers lazily on his abs. Draco sighed against her, smiling lightly to himself as she traced his stomach absentmindedly.

"Are you alright?" she suddenly asked, chuckling and pressing her ear into his chest.

"Alright?" he asked breathlessly. "If you must know, I think I'm dying."


Draco shifted a little, breathless and blushing and running his hands softly on her waist. He stared at the water of the Black Lake out of the window, the morning sun rippling through the waves and casting a green glow on her eyes.

"I'm hot, I'm cold, I can barely breathe, and it's all because of you," he said frantically. Evan giggled and pressed tighter against him. "And my heart's beating so hard, I'm surprised you can't hear it."

"I can hear your heartbeat," she said, pressing her ear down into his chest. "I think it may explode."

"Must be quite the shock. I know you were expecting an empty chest cavity."

"Why is it beating so fast?"

"Oh, E, I don't bloody know," he said sarcastically, then looked at her naked body.

When Evan leaned up, kissing up his neck and trailing her fingertips down his abs, Draco gripped her harder. Warm, soft, sweet lips soon found his. Evan's hands were still on his heart, and maybe she felt it skip a beat or something because she leaned back and smirked at him.

"Do I make you nervous?" she teased in satisfaction, still a mere inch from his face.

"You . . . wish," Draco deflected in a low voice, his lips brushing hers. Evan smirked and kissed him again, running her hands all over his body in shameless exploration.

"Fascinating," she said, one hand on his erratic heart and the other trailing downwards towards his groin.

"I'm so glad you're amused," Draco grumbled, letting his eyes close and tilting his head back.


"I can't."

"Fuck's sake, it's gonna fly out your chest if I'm not careful," Evan teased, planting slow kisses down his collar.

"Mmmm," Draco sighed, tilting more towards her and grabbing onto her hips.

Evangeline kept one palm against his heart when she reached down and gave his cock this slow, tingling, delicious pull.

"Mmmm. Having fun?" Draco asked, as she chuckling to herself as she did it.

"I'm experimenting," Evan sighed, leaning in close to his mouth and sharing his air. She started playing with him, running her hand up and down his cock and nibbling on his ear.

Babygirl (SEQUEL to Fuckboy - Draco Malfoy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें