A Flame of Revenge|A Superpow...

By that_1diotbloop

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Based off Onyxxcrows animations, songs I liked, and my random brain leaks. This is gonna be a rusame btw. In... More

Prologue- Down the dark streets
1-A discovery
2-Shattered mirrors
3-A hooded teen
Any Theories?
4-Nice to meet you... again
5-Why?.. Just why?
6-Time for change
7-Mr. Richmond
12-A new foe
13-I literally fell for you
14-The Somewhere
16-A new attitude
17- We're in.
18- Who are you, really?
19- I have answers
20- Here we go again
21-I am not a servant
22- Goodbye, forever


80 2 15
By that_1diotbloop

[Italics are flashbacks/memories btw... only if it's more than like 2 words]

Poland POV:

      I'm back in that room, the room where they hurt me, physically and emotionally. I'm in a corner of the room as far away from the door as I possibly could get. They're too... they're too evil, to evil and sadistic to be human. They have to be something else, but what? I know they aren't alive; I know that they aren't dead... or they at least done show that they've been dead or are dead. There's something entirely wrong about that, who are they? Why do they hurt me? Why why why why why!? 

     I'm already curled up in a ball, but I only curled up tighter when I saw the door start to open. I hid my face in between my knees, not daring to look up at the one who entered. My ears are ringing... they've rung randomly ever since she hit my head... Now my head hurts thinking about it. Everything hurts, something's wrong... it's all wrong, it feels wrong, it looks wrong, it's just wrong! I felt a pair of hands gently rest of my shoulders; it feels familiar... a safe familiar. I look up and I see him, Niemcy.

     "Polen, it's me, Niemcy..."He said panicked," Come on, Polen, they're gone for a while... I'm getting you out of here" He's kneeling in front of me, trying to get me to stand up. He stood up and grabbed one of my hands, "Come on, this is your chance to get out" he told me. It finally clicked in my head; I can get out of this place! Finally, I can be free! I stood up and he gently led me through the... the Somewhere. He led me through it and took me to a safer place. I don't remember where the Somewhere is, but it's only known by few countries... and many of them died painfully, It's not even a physical place.

     How does Neimcy know about it? How did he get there? How did I get there? Why was I there? Where are we going? Why is Niemcy helping me? What's going on? Will I even remember this? I can already feel stuff fading away... Why? What's going on with my head? Is it because she hit my head? Who even is she? Didn't she have someone else with her? So many questions... and there's no time for answers.

     I stumbled while Niemcy and I were running out of the Somewhere, my free hand lifted up to my forehead. It hurts, I can barely think... what am I doing? What was happening in the somewhere? I stand back up and I felt Niemcy grab my shoulders and he looked at me. "Polen, you can't forget, okay? I know you want to; I know you're trying to. But don't" He warned, "It'll hurt, but it'll be safer for you... for everyone, the world, Pangaea City, any friends or family. Promise me you'll remember; you'll Fight to remember!" I nodded. "Ja... Obiecuję." I said, Niemcy smiled and whispered to me "I'm sorry..." then he turned me around and pushed me off a cliff and into darkness.

America POV:

     I heard Poland muttering and talking to himself, poor guy. He's not even 20 yet, and already more kookoo than the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. He's not the only one who had to go through shit. Me, Czechia, Philippines, everyone has had to deal with some kind of shit. Lucky for me, Poland, Czechia, and Philippines, all of our shit came from one group. Those god damn idiots... that's what I like to call the group anyway. No one know who's in it but we do know that they're little pieces of shit that can't mind their own damn business. On top of all that they're ridiculously sadistic and insane!

     I walked away from Poland's door, and I saw the bathroom door open, that also means I saw the makeup that Rus has. Probably for when he wants to go out but not be recognized, I remember when I used to do that. Kinda miss it actually, but I shouldn't I already have enough shit to deal with. Wow, I've said shit so many times today in my head... wonder what that's all about. 

     Rus looked up from his work and noticed I was looking at the makeup. "I know you want to go out," He said, "But why do you always say it's too dangerous for you and stuff?" I rubbed the back of my neck. "It's hard to explain, but once you've been fully involved with whatever that group calls themselves it's too dangerous to casually go out." I explain, his eyebrows furrowed, and he looked at me in confusion. "Okay, I guess?" He said with a confused and questioning tone.

     I sat back down on the couch and watched TV again, wow... I forgot I used to be all over the media when I had my company. Then again, the biggest 'rivalry' was between me and Soviet, I really wonder what happened to his company. It doesn't just collapse like that overnight. Like, sure, I did send humans to the Moon first, but what does that have to do with anything? We ended in a stalemate in the Korean War I decided to just leave Vietnam. All the other conflicts weren't as big of a deal either. We both removed our bombs from Cuba and Turkey, we signed pacts and all that. Was he hiding something from me? Was Soviet keeping his failing company to himself, because from what I can tell Rus never knew about it either. He never told it to even his family? Something's definitely off if he never told them.

     "Hey, Ame, I'm going to head out after I put some stuff on to cover the flag and stuff." Rus mentioned, "I just wanted you to know, in case someone else asks. I'm just planning to go grocery shopping, nothing major." I nodded and gave him a thumbs up. He got up from the dining table and went into the bathroom. I guess it'll be an about an hour until Rus comes back.


Wonderful, we got some of Poland's backstory and Russia's going out for a little while... I wonder what's going to happen. :D

Also, turns out that the titles of this chapter the chapter before and the one after and the one after that one all symbolize something... I was bored and I was wondering if Rocks and Paper symbolized anything. It's kind of interesting... to me anyway, idk about you people but I like looking at what things symbolize, especially when I'm bored.

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