Light in the Darkness | Viggo...

By arosytheauthor

1.5K 75 78

Onyx. That was her name. It meant black gemstone, or as the original meaning was, nail, or claw. However, Ony... More

- prologue -
- chapter the first -
- chapter the second -
- chapter the third -
- chapter the fourth -

- chapter the fifth -

161 10 3
By arosytheauthor

I'm back after almost a month, guys!

Season 2 Episode 8

Onyx stretched. She had slept beautifully last night. Cloaker was already awake, sitting on the floor. Onyx grinned, and reached over and scratched his neck.

"Morning, boy."

He purred.

Onyx got out of bed and yawned.

"Let's go see if Hiccup has anything for us."


Onyx was walking along the platform on Hiccup's hut. She was just turning the corner when she heard Astrid's voice.

"-completely insane." She was saying.

"Who's insane?" Onyx asked.

Astrid just sighed.

Hiccup smiled at his sister, and then turned back to Astrid. "Because then there would be two crazy people in this conversation, and we probably wouldn't resolve anything."

Onyx's eyes widened. Bold choice of words.

Astrid stared at him. "Are you saying I'm-"

"Astrid, let me talk to the twins," Hiccup said. "I'll get their side of the story, then we can figure out what we need to do."

Astrid sighed. "I guess it's a start."

Onyx quirked an eyebrow. So this- whatever it was- had to do with the twins. Well, not surprising.

Just then, the twins landed.

Astrid turned to them. "Well, if it isn't our crack security team now."

She threw their helmets at them.

"Oh, please, please. There's no need to shower us with accolades." Tuffnut said.

"Tuff, you left two dummies to protect this entire base," Astrid said. "What were you thinking?"

Onyx was distracted by a Terrible Terror landing on her head. She looked up.

"Terror mail." Hiccup said.

Onyx reached up, and gently grabbed the Terrible Terror, placing it on her shoulder. She took the piece of parchment from its leg, and unraveled it. Hiccup peered over her shoulder. She quickly skimmed through the letter. It was from Johann. He was begging Master Hiccup and Mistress Onyx to help him. He was being attacked by Dragon Hunters.

Onyx and Hiccup exchanged looks.

"Are you following any of this?" Astrid asked Hiccup, after speaking to the twins.

"Not super closely," Hiccup responded. "We're actually reading this. It's from Johann. He's in trouble."


"You are not leaving me with these two muttonheads!" Astrid said, talking about the twins.

"Hey," Onyx said. "I'll be here. I can help you with them."

"They know we're standing right here, right?" Tuffnut asked.

"Look, Johann is surrounded by Dragon Hunters, and his ship is taking on water," Hiccup said. "We have to get out there and help him."

"Then let me saddle up Stormfly," Astrid said. "I'll be there in-"

"Astrid, you and Onyx need to stay here and hold down the Edge," Hiccup said. "And make sure nothing happens to the Dragon Eye."

"I can't believe what's happening," Astrid said. "This actually may be the worst day in history."

Onyx rolled her eyes. Complainer much? Seriously, she loved Astrid, but at times she just wanted to kick her.

"Hey," Onyx said, defending her friends. "The twins aren't that bad. You just can't seem to find a way to get along with them."

Astrid stared at her. The twins grinned.

"Besides," Hiccup said. "Snotlout and I have the only working dragon armor. And Meatlug is immune to the Dragon Hunter's arrows.

"You hear that, girl?" Fishlegs said to Meatlug. "Who's a special dragon? Meatlug is, that's who."

"It just makes sense for us to be the ones to go." Hiccup said.

"Hiccup, please," Astrid begged. "For all that is sacred in Thor's world, you cannot leave me with these two-"

"What do you say?" Tuffnut interrupted. "Simpletons? Blockheads?"

"I was always partial to dimwit, myself," Ruffnut said. "It rolls trippingly off the tongue."

"Oh, yeah." Tuff said. "Watch this. 'What wit dim, would the twins dim wit, if dim wits could wit dim?'"

The twins chuckled.

"Say that five times fast."

"You see what I'm talking about, right?" Astrid asked Hiccup.

"Hey, it's not like we woke up this morning hoping to spend 24/7 with you either, Astrid," Tuffnut said. "I mean, you are not exactly a picnic. And I think you know what I'm saying. You have not ever been a blanket on a grassy knoll with delicious food."

Hiccup groaned.

"But Onyx, on the other hand," Tuff continued. "packs a mean apple pie with bread rolls and yak butter. Plus, she's fun, happy, and lively. Quite the opposite of you, actually, Astrid. Yes. We always hope to spend 24/7 with Onyx."

"Indeed." Ruff said.

Onyx blushed at the praise from her two best friends. 

"But, we are team players," Tuff said. "We will do what is necessary for the good of the group. Hence, we shall remain behind and enjoy your good company, my fair Astrid. Even if you have no blankets or grassy knolls to offer."

Astrid sighed.

"We'll be back by tomorrow at the latest," Hiccup said. "Just do the best you can, okay?" He turned to his sister. "Onyx, I'm counting on you to stop them from killing each other."

Onyx grinned and saluted him. "Aye aye, big bro. Be careful out there."

Then Snotlout walked up. "Oh Astrid, I know these next twenty-four hours will be difficult for you. Unable to look into these deep, romantic, yet hauntingly beautiful eyes, shimmering like gold dust in the wind-"

Astrid quickly grabbed his arm, turned him around, and pushed him against Hookfang's armor.

"Okay," Snotlout grunted. "So, we'll see you when we get back. Have fun." Astrid released him. "Don't talk to any strange Dragon Hunters!"

They all took off.

"Bye!" Tuff called. "We'll miss you! Write home often!"

As soon as they were far enough away, Tuff turned to Astrid and Onyx. "Okay, I think the first team building exercise we should perform is that of going back to sleep. I mean, as a team, of course."

"Couldn't agree more," Ruff said. "What say you, Astrid?"

"Onyx and I are going to go hide this," Astrid said, speaking of the Dragon Eye. "And when we get back, I expect both of you to be sweating profusely from hard work."

Onyx mouthed a 'sorry' to the twins as she followed Astrid.


"'What say you, Astrid?'" Tuffnut asked. "Really? Haven't I always told you it's better to beg for permission than to ask for forgiveness?"

Onyx and Astrid were back from hiding the Dragon Eye. The twins were carrying a piece of lumber over to the pile. Astrid was surveying a map, and Onyx was carrying a piece of lumber by herself to the pile. (Because she had upper-body strength. Yeah!)

"Personally, I think it's the other way around." Ruff said in response to her brother.

"Oh, so now you're the literary authority on the subject of permissions and forgivenesses?"

"Quit talking," Astrid said. "You lose focus when your mouth is moving."

"Me-meh!" Tuffnut mocked. "i'M aStRiD!"

Onyx giggled, but was quickly silenced by a death glare from Astrid.

"Real mature, guys." Astrid said.

Onyx set down her log carefully on the top of the pile. She smiled at the effort she and Astrid had put forth.

Tuffnut looked behind him at the pile. "We've done all of these already? Man we are kicking some serious-"

"No, Tuff," Onyx interrupted. "That's your first one. Astrid and I did the others."

"Go, team." Astrid put in.

The twins carelessly threw their log at the pile of lumber. The pile collapsed, and all the logs fell off the cliff. Barf and Belch looked at the mess, and then threw the log they were holding off the cliff as well. Onyx winced.

Astrid sighed. "You know what? I'll get the rest of the lumber myself. You two start lashing together some poles for the first level of stairs. Onyx, you're in charge. You muttonheads think you can handle that?"

She stalked off.

"She didn't let us answer." Tuff said.

"That's what they call a 'rhetorical question.'" Ruff said.

Tuffnut rolled his eyes. "Please. Like that's even a thing. And you don't know what it means."

"A rhetorical question is one asked solely to produce an effect or to make an assertion, not to elicit a reply. Bam!"

Tuff stared at her. "Eh."

Onyx sighed. "Okay guys, let's get to work. Unless you want Astrid to murder you."


Onyx groaned. The twins were horrible at this. They had no idea what they were doing. Each time they attempted to lash the poles together, they ended up tangling the rope all around themselves.

Just then, Astrid walked up, carrying two logs. When she saw the twins, she sighed. Then, she gave Onyx a look. Onyx knew that look meant 'you better get those two under control!' Astrid threw her logs on the ground and walked away.

"Not too teamly, if you ask me." Tuff said.

Ruff shook her head. "Not in the slightest."


Onyx was looking up at the sky when Astrid came back, carrying two more logs.

She looked at Onyx when she noticed the twins were gone. "Where in Thor's name did those two-"

"Wooooo!" Came Tuffnut's voice.

"Yeah!" Ruffnut yelled.

Astrid looked up. The twins had attached a rope from one watchtower to the other, and were using some rope and metal pieced together to glide down to the ground.

"Whoaaaa! Ha-ha!"

Tuffnut's laughter was cut short when he realized he and his sister had not created a place to land.

They both crashed into the watchtower, and landed hard on the pile of lumber.

"That hurt." Ruffnut said.

Onyx winced as the twins rolled off the logs and the pile once again fell off the cliff.

"Just for the record," Onyx said to Astrid. "I told them not to do it. But they didn't listen."

"Of course they didn't." Astrid said.

"Astrid!" Tuffnut said. "Onyx! You guys have got to try this. The landings a little rough, but-"

"Astrid," Ruff said. "We know this wasn't what you were planning, but we really think we're onto something here. The stairs have their own use for sure, but this can truly come in handy."

Astrid threw her logs to the ground. "It can, huh?"

Onyx tensed. Oh no.

"Yes. In the right situations-"

"And what situations would those be, exactly, Ruffnut?" Astrid asked angrily.

Sensing a fight, Onyx inched closer to the twins.

Ruffnut faltered. "Well, I mean, we could... If we were in a-"

"You have no clue, do you?" Astrid asked. "Didn't think so."

"Is that a retalkrical question?" Tuff asked.

"And do you know why?" Astrid continued. "Because the two of you don't think."

Onyx's eyebrows shot up.

"You don't plan. You just come up with these crazy ideas and you forge ahead, with no regard for logic, or what you're even supposed to be doing. What am I going to do with you guys? Seriously! Tell me!"

Onyx stared at her. Now she was taking it too far. "Astrid, I think you should-"

"Well, you can start by being kind," Ruff interrupted. "Oh wait! You can't do that because kindness is nowhere in that scrawny little body of yours."

"What?" Astrid asked.

"Easy, sis." Tuff said. Onyx was too shocked to even speak.

"Back up, bro!" Ruff said. "I got this."

"Do you know what your problem is, Ruffnut?" Astrid asked.

Onyx glared at Astrid. Ruffnut's problem? The audacity! Astrid was the one with the problem

"Oh, you bet I do," Ruffnut said. "I've got a list of problems so long, I can't even keep track. Question is, do you know what your problem is, Astrid?"

"My problem? Are you serious?"

"Allow me to lay it out for you, my flaxen-haired friend. You have no respect for the people around you who are just trying to help and be a part of the team. You have some for Hiccup and Onyx because they're the kids of the Chief. But after that, zilch.You have no respect for Fishlegs, certainly not for Snotlout, and you couldn't have less respect for the two of us! Now you can go ahead and shame the others. You can mock this entire island of dragons if you wish. But I am not gonna stand here and listen to you insult the entire Nut family tree!"

She walked away. Tuffnut followed her.

Astrid looked at Onyx. "She's wrong, you know. I... do. I..." She sighed. "respect the twins."

Onyx rolled her eyes. "Give me a break. You can barely even say the word. I've never seen you have less respect for anyone. You know, the twins certainly have their moments, but they are some of the funniest, smartest, most inventive Vikings I know. Not that you would know that. You never even try to get to know them or work together with them. At least they were willing to work as a team. But you? You whined to Hiccup about not being left with them. How's that for a problem?"

She gave Astrid a disgusted look as she walked away.


Onyx was laying sprawled out on her bed. Her face was muffled in her pillow, and her hands and legs were dangling off the bed. Cloaker was staring at her concernedly from the floor. This day had gone awfully. Astrid had kind of been a jerk, and any hopes Onyx had of getting Astrid and the twins to get along were crushed.

There was a quick pattering of feet, and then the door to her hut flew open.


Onyx's head jerked up, and as she moved to quickly get up, she fell off the bed.

"Ow!" She sat up, and saw Tuff standing frantically over her. "Tuff, what is it-"

"Onyx!" He grabbed her arm. "This is no time to be sleeping! Ruffnut's been kidnapped by Hunters!"

Onyx stood up. "What?!"


Onyx and Tuff ran as fast as they possibly could to Astrid's hut. Which was hard, considering how many stairs she had.

As they ran in, Tuff kneeled down, panting hard. Onyx leaned against the door frame, gasping for breath.

Astrid immediately stood up. "Guys? Are you okay? What's going on?"

"You have to do something about those stairs!" Tuffnut gasped out. "I mean, there must be hundreds of them. There's over ten at least!"

"That's it?" Astrid asked. "The stairs?"

"No," Onyx interjected, having finally caught her breath. "It's Ruffnut. They got Ruffnut!"

"Who did?"

"The Dragon Hunters!" Tuff said.


"Ugh!" Astrid said. "This is all my fault."

"Oh, tell me about it." Tuff said.

They were on their way to the lookout to see if they could spot where the Hunters were taking Ruff. Astrid was riding Stormfly per usual, and Onyx was riding Cloaker with Tuff sitting behind her.

"I shouldn't have been so hard on her!" Astrid said.

"You were way too hard on her, on poor, poor sis."

"She's just Ruff being Ruff," Astrid said. "She can't help it!"

"Truer words, A," Tuff said. "Truer words."

Onyx lightly kicked him and turned around and gave him a glare. Astrid also glared at him.

"There is a time and place for everything, Tuff," Onyx whispered. "And this is not one of them."

"Sorry," Tuffnut said. "Just trying to help her work through, you know, the shame, all the bad things that she did, all the things she should feel bad about. You know, get some closure."

Astrid rolled her eyes.

After a few seconds, they landed on the platform of the lookout. Tuffnut hopped off of Cloaker and went and stared into the distance.

"What is it?" Onyx asked him. She got off Cloaker and walked towards him.

"There may not be a Ruffnut to apologize to." Tuff said.

Onyx stopped short when she looked out into the distance. Because there were several Dragon Hunter boats in the water, headed their way.

"In fact, there may not be any of us. At all."


They all ran into the clubhouse.

"Okay, what's the plan?" Tuff asked. "We have to get my sister back!"

"First thing is to send an SOS to Berk," Astrid said, writing on a piece of paper and giving it to a Terrible Terror who flapped off. "We need reinforcements, fast. The Auxiliary Team."

"How do we know he'll get there in time?" Tuffnut asked in panic.

"We don't." Astrid said, placing swords and axes on the table.

"Well, how do we know they'll get back here in time?!"

"We don't."

"Okay, there is a terrifying lack of clarity in those answers!" Tuff said.

Onyx stepped in front of him and put both hands on his shoulders. "It's going to be okay, Tuff. I promise you. We are going to defend the Edge until Hiccup gets back, or until the A team gets here. And we are going to get Ruff back. Do you trust me?"

Tuffnut took a deep breath. "I trust you."

"Now," Astrid said. "There is no possible way we can defend the Edge against an all-out assault with only two flyable dragons. But maybe, we can slow them down until help gets here if we use our spears and arrows sparingly."

"Wait!" Tuff said. "I know an even better way we can slow them down."

"Not now, Tuff," Astrid said. "I-I need to think."

"Astrid!" Onyx said, annoyed. "You're doing it again. Remember what I said?"

Astrid looked at Tuff hesitantly and bit her lip.

"Yeah, Astrid!" Tuff said. "You need to hear this! Listen to me!"

"Alright, what? What is your idea?"

"Okay, well, as you know, tricking is my area of expertise. I am the official Dragon's Edge Trickster. Trickster extraordinaire. The Mayor of Tricksville!"

"Tuffnut!" Onyx yelled, fed up. "We get it! You're ruining it."

"But they don't know how tricky I am. So, I figure, we trick them into thinking there are more of us than there are. We can start with our scareships, and then build our own little tricking army. It'll be awesome! Wait. I think I just had another idea. Whoa! Do you know how many Loki-ish thoughts are running through my mind right now?"

Onyx was nodding along. She was impressed. Tricking the Hunters into thinking there were more of them than there actually were was actually a good idea. Onyx looked at Astrid, but she unfortunately didn't see the same amount of enthusiasm on her face.

"It's like a hurricane of practical jokes pounding on the inside of my head! Woah, here comes one-"

"Tuffnut!" Astrid yelled.


"This is not the time for pranks or Loki-ing. This is a time for strategic thinking and precise preparation. There are times in life when you have to be serious. Deadly serious, or people can die. We can die. Ruffnut can die. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand," Tuff said. "I am taking it seriously. I'm seriously a trickster. And I seriously have some ideas that can help."

"Tuff, listen to me-"

"No, Astrid!" Onyx cut in. "You're the one who needs to listen. That's Tuff's sister out there. That's my best friend out there. You may have some good ideas, but so does Tuff. He is- we are taking this seriously."

"And... I believe you." Astrid said.

Onyx scoffed. "No you don't. You believe we're gonna mess it up and get us all killed."

"...No. That's not... true," Astrid said hesitantly. "The only thing I believe right now is that we're wasting time arguing when we should be preparing. Come on, there's a lot of work to do."

"No," Onyx said firmly. "Tuff and I are going to do what we have to do. To get Ruff back. And we are going to come up with some great ideas that will blow your mind. You go do your precise, strategic stuff, okay? Meet you in a couple hours."

The Onyx grabbed Tuff's hand and walked out of the clubhouse.

Tuff stared at her as they marched away. "Wow. I didn't know you had that in you. I've never seen you stand up to Astrid before. I mean, you're such a skinny, frail, fragile-"

Onyx fixed him with a withering glare.

"Sorry. And thanks for that."

Onyx smiled. "Of course. Astrid is a close friend, but I can't stand by and watch her doubt my two best friends. Now, let's go pull some pranks."


Onyx snickered as she drew Snotlout's face on a mannequin. This was hilarious. Who knew defending your home and your lives could actually be fun?

Tuffnut turned his mannequin around to show Astrid, and she spit out the nails she had between her lips. Onyx cackled.


Tuff grinned. "Yeah."

They were setting up the mannequins, also known as scareships, to make the Hunters think there were more of them.

Onyx grinned. "This is gonna fool those idiot Hunters so bad."


Tuff and Onyx snickered to each other. They had put boots on their hands and were on the ground making prints with the boots to make it seem like there were lots of Riders. Astrid stared at them as they went past.


It was dawn now. The sun was rising. Onyx turned and looked up at the roof of the twin's hut. Tuff was tying balloons to the roof.

"Uhh. Uh-oh." Tuff said, as the balloons he was holding started to float upward, taking him with it.

Onyx erupted with giggles as she watched him float into the sky.

Then Astrid swooped down on Stormfly and also watched him float.

"Uh, regardless of how this looks right now, I can assure you we have a master plan for these balloons."

"I'm sure you do." Astrid said, and flew off.

"Um, Onyx?" Tuff called. "Just a quick thing. Can you and Cloaker bring me back down to earth before I fly into the sun?"

Onyx gave one last chuckle as she got onto Cloaker to bring Tuff back down to the roof.

"Is it time?" Tuff asked Onyx as he finished tying the balloons.

Onyx looked to the horizon. "I believe it is."


Tuff and Onyx carried a large bow of weapons toward Astrid, and set them down.

"Watcha got there?" Astrid asked, hoping there were no hard feelings.

"Ta-da!" Tuffnut said. "Only the solution to all our problems. I call Macey, but you can have any of the others. Except maybe this sword. And this axe. They're reserved for Ruff and Onyx."

Astrid stared at him.

"Can't decide, huh?" Tuff asked. "Yeah, I can understand that."

"Guys," Astrid began. "These weapons are all for close combat. If we get to that point, there's three of us and... we're done."

Onyx walked up to Astrid and grinned. "You never know. Besides, we can always throw a mace at them from afar." She winked.

Tuff threw an arm over Onyx's shoulder. "Yep. Positive thinking, baby!"


Onyx looked out at the sea. They were on Astrid's roof, waiting to use the ballista when the ships got in firing range. She sighed. There were about seven ships out there. Seven! Would they be able to hold them all off? Then she shook her head. Yes. They would. Between Astrid's plan and her and Tuff's plan, they could do it. Or at least until backup got there. They could.

Cloaker walked up to her and rubbed against her.

She smiled and patted him. "Don't worry, boy. We'll protect each other. But whatever happens, let's face it together. Okay?"

Cloaker purred and licked her cheek. Onyx inhaled deeply. They would not lose.

A/N: Woooo! I'm back, baby. Thank you guys so much for 400+ reads! Ily guys. And we only have two more chapters to go until we meet Viggo!!! YEAH BABY! Hope you all had a great Winter Break and everything else. <3



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