KISMET ─ vento aureo.

Von cophene

3.5K 260 42

☆ . kismet ─ with virtually nothing left in their credit account, a gang of space thieves turn to the ric... Mehr

◂ ⁺ ★ PART ONE
▹ ONE ;
▹ TWO ;
▹ FOUR ;
▹ FIVE ;
▹ SIX ;
▹ NINE V1 ;
▹ NINE V2 ;
▹ TEN ;
◂ ⁺ ★ PART TWO


26 2 0
Von cophene


★˚⋆ GIORNO HAD TAKEN BRUNO'S OLD ROOM, so you drifted to the galley to get away from everyone. You wanted to sleep, but after closing your eyes and watching dark swirls on the back of your eyelids, you realized that wouldn't be possible.

The Stand Arrow had to get to Zero. There could be no compromise on that. You didn't know what it was, but a part of you felt like it would fall apart if that wasn't the case. You had already struggled, lost, done so much. For all of that to go to waste was unthinkable. You didn't care who it was, if anyone went against you on that, you wouldn't hesitate to hurt them.

Your chest throbbed now with the want.

Get the Arrow to Zero.

Get the Arrow to Zero.

Don't wait. Don't let anyone get in your way.

All you wanted was to stab Chariot Requiem in the neck and get the Arrow. It didn't matter that you were in Bruno's body. It didn't matter that Narancia was in danger or that Fugo had betrayed you. Zero needed the Arrow and you had to get to him.

There was no choice.

You had to do all of this by yourself. You couldn't wait anymore. The minute Zero made contact with you, you would just grab the Arrow and run to him.

You rested your head on the cool metal of the table.

What is wrong with me? Why am I thinking like this? This was supposed to be simple.

That was a lie. You knew as soon as you thought it. No matter what Zero could have asked you to steal, you would've done it. Maybe not for the money, but just to prove that you could.

You felt weak and pathetic. None of this was going the way it was supposed to. You had never thought there would come a time when you felt like you were incapable of doing something.

What if there's no way to reverse Chariot Requiem's ability? What if we're stuck like this forever?

It wouldn't be too bad for you. Bruno's body was an excellent one to get trapped in. It was Bruno who would be struggling in yours.

Maybe when you got back to your body, it wouldn't feel like yours anymore. It would feel alien. Like a sock you hadn't seen in forever and realized you don't want to wear anymore.

"Bruno? Do you mind if I talk to you?"

A jolt of alarm knifed your chest. You looked up to see Fugo walking into the galley and settling into the seat opposite you. This would be the first time you had to talk to someone as Bruno himself. And to the most perceptive, astute member of Passione, no less.

"What's wrong?" you asked. You hoped you were manifesting Bruno properly, his gentle concern, his pragmatism, his lack of judgement. If anyone would be able to tell you weren't Bruno, he was sitting in front of you.

Fugo shoved a few strands of Abbacchio's hair behind his ear, clearly unused to the length. "How are you holding up?" Fugo said, and you thought it was nice of him to ask. "This a lot, especially considering you just came back."

You leaned back in your seat. "I'm dealing with it as well as anyone. Then again, I have it easy since I'm still in my body."

"I still don't understand that. You and the Captain were still in the ship. You mean to tell me Chariot Requiem can switch the souls of a human and an animal but not two people a few feet away? Not to mention when you were both right next to it."

"I'm just going to take what I can get and not question it."

"I suppose that's fair." Fugo propped his face up on his hands, his fingers massaging his temples. "This is all so much to deal with. Even for Passione."

You tried to think of what Bruno did and didn't know about this job so far. "Earlier, you said the entire crew had become different after accepting this job. What did you mean by that?"

"Don't tell anyone I told you this, alright? The crew would just get upset. They don't want to hear it, no matter what I say."

You steeled yourself. "What is it?"

"When the crew went to see Zero, they were against the job. Even though we needed the money, they weren't willing to do it after they learned what the Arrow was capable of. We were going to turn the job down. But then something happened, and they suddenly changed their minds. I think without us knowing, Zero placed everyone under his Stand's ability."

You bit back your denial. "And you aren't under this influence?"

"I managed to break free somehow. I think Zero's ability works in degrees. It doesn't affect everyone in the same way. Its hold on me was the weakest. Its hold on the Captain is probably the strongest."

"And no one is aware of this?"

"You saw how they reacted when I told them not to give the Arrow to Zero. The Stand affected their motivations somehow. Suddenly they love Zero more than anything."

You were starting to get annoyed at Fugo, but you tried your best to hide it. "Is there any way to reverse it?"

"It's either a remote-control Stand or it has effects that linger. I don't think there's anything we can do."

Assuming you're telling the truth. Zero would never use his Stand on us. He's the most trustworthy man in the galaxy.

"Even if the Arrow doesn't go to Zero, the crew will still be at risk," you said. "He'll still come after everyone if he doesn't have the Arrow. If anything, he'll just be more angry at the crew for going back on their word."

"But Prince Rikiel can offer us protection," Fugo said. "And now Prince Giorno is on our side too. There's the possibility we could take down Zero if we accept their help."

"Zero should be left alone," you said tightly. "There's no reason to get more involved than we already are."

"I understand you want us to stay away from Zero, but we're already involved. You don't really think Zero will let us go unscathed after this job? He's going to kill all of us, or else force us under his control. We'll never be free again."

You're wrong. You don't know Zero at all. Why would you say things like that?

You forced yourself to put on Bruno's easy, placating smile. "I think you're exaggerating things, Fugo."

He scowled. That expression, at least, was familiar on Abbacchio's face. "You of all people should know how dangerous Zero is. Or are you still under his influence?"

You didn't react to that. "We won't be able to get anywhere with Chariot Requiem still around."

"I know. That was something else I wanted to talk to you about."

"You have a way of defeating it?"

"No. But I do have a way of using it to our advantage. If we can lure Zero here, and someone else, Chariot Requiem will effectively deal with our problems for us. Zero will switch souls with someone else."

"He'll still have access to his Stand ability."

"But someone else will be wearing his face. We'd be able to expose Zero's identity. Put an end to his operations. And Zero we could have locked up somewhere. Maybe the Penitentiary that we escaped from."

You hated that it sounded like a feasible plan. It was just that your conscience would never allow you to trick Zero in such a way. And besides, he didn't deserve to be tricked.

"Do you really think that would work?" you asked.

"I'm still thinking it through. I was hoping you could give me any ideas you have."

"If..." You had to pause as a wave of pain passed through your chest. Nonetheless, you soldiered on. "Do you think it's possible Zero's Stand ability will be called off once he gets the Arrow?"

"What are you suggesting?"

"I'm just saying that if that's the case, you'll have a better chance of getting the rest of the crew on board with your plans." The last part came out in a rush as your chest squeezed painfully. Fugo seemed not to notice, mulling your words over.

"I suppose it's possible."

"In that case, you should keep your plans to yourself. The crew won't agree with anything you have to say, no matter what they think themselves."

A tremor went through the galley as Chariot Requiem ambled its way inside. As with before, it didn't react to your presence, merely brushing past your table with the Arrow still clenched in its fist. You tried to ignore it, and the visceral reaction seeing the Arrow conjured up.

"We could always have Chariot Requiem cross over to Zero's ship and let him deal with it," Fugo said offhandedly.

Looking at Chariot Requiem's dark form, you had a sudden thought. "Fugo, what will happen if Prince Donatello boards the ship?"

It took a minute for Fugo to understand. "Presumably nothing, considering all of our souls have been switched. But we don't know if that prevents us from being switched again."

"Has Giorno spoken to Narancia? He should have at least a plan of what to do until our souls are switched back." If ever.

"I'll go check," Fugo said, getting up to leave. "I didn't even think about what might happen."

You watched Fugo leave, worry a hard ball in the pit of your stomach. You were just about to go after him when someone different entered the galley.

"Oh, Bruno, I was just looking for you. Do you have a few minutes?"

Why was it that everyone wanted to talk to Bruno? You couldn't help feeling a little insulted. He wasn't the only one who could give good advice.

"What's up, Mista?" you said, settling back in your seat.

"You are so lucky you didn't switch souls with anyone," he grumbled, taking especial care when sitting down. "I feel like I can't do anything without Trish breathing down my neck."

"You've been dealing with it pretty well, considering."

"I like to think so too. Just as long as we switch back before I have to use the toilet. I'm not going there, and I'm sure Trish would agree."

You smiled, and Mista grinned at you. Even on Trish's face, it was clearly Mista's rakish smile.

"Listen, I know this might not be the best time to talk about this, but I've been wanting to get something off of my chest."


Mista took a second to think, looking down at Trish's manicured fingers. "Flack, I don't even know where to start."

You felt a twinge of unease. You hoped Mista was alright. To be honest, he was the last person you had been thinking about, simply because you trusted him to take care of himself. You would feel incredibly guilty if it turned out he had been struggling with something without your knowing. "Wherever you're comfortable with."

"I guess I should just say it." Mista screwed his eyes shut, a strangely childish gesture. "Iminlovewiththecaptainandidontknowwhethertotellthemornot," he said, all in a rush.

Bruno would not react. He would not swear, not snort, not laugh. All he would allow himself was a slow eyebrow raise, which was what you did, even though you wanted more to scream instead.

"I don't think I quite got that, Mista."

Mista groaned, putting his face on the table and wrapping his hands over his head. "Don't make me repeat it."

"You're ... in love with the Captain?" Just saying the words out loud felt strange. You were trying to sort through your emotions while simultaneously figuring out how Bruno would have reacted to this. "Since when?"

"Since we first met? It's been a while," Mista said, his face still against the table.

Mista, in love with the Captain. Mista, in love with you.

"Is this supposed to be funny?" you said.

"No, it's not a joke. I'm serious. One hundred percent." Mista tilted his head slightly. "You are literally the only other person who knows. I've never told anyone until now."

You could feel your heart pounding. If Bruno were here, what would he say? You had to stop staring at Mista, stop the blood that was rushing to your face.

"How do you feel about this?"

"Scared? Stupid?" Mista let out a laugh. "I don't know what to feel. I mean before, I didn't feel that much pressure to tell the Captain how I felt. We always spent time together and I guess I took that for granted. I wanted to wait for the right moment. I didn't want to force them into anything they weren't ready for. But now, there's this, and I'm starting to wonder if I shouldn't have told them how I felt earlier. Maybe now, I won't get the chance to."

"I knew you cared about the Captain, but I never thought..." you trailed off.

"Of course I care about the Captain," Mista said, finally raising his head. It was easier to see the flush on Trish's face than on Mista's. "It's impossible not to. When we first met, I couldn't get a read on them. But then we got to know each other better, and I got to see how selfless they are, how impulsive. They just care so much. They're willing to do anything for the crew. They're not afraid to take risks and they just throw themselves into everything. I love that about them. They make me want to be someone more like that."

You had always known Mista cared about you. After Bruno had left, he had always been right beside you. He had been your first crew member. Your first friend after a screw-up had landed you in jail. You'd gotten used to his concern. Taken it for granted even.

Those long talks into the night.

Those quiet touches on your forearm, wordlessly acknowledging the scar he had been there for.

Those hugs that he gave without restraint, that provided you with an escape.

He knew your bad sides. He knew your history and your flaws and your stupid habits.

He was your best friend.

But was that all?

You looked at Mista, frustrated that it wasn't his face or his voice you were hearing. It didn't seem fair that such an intimate confession was taking place when neither of you were in your own bodies.

"Say something, Bucciarati. Tell me I'm not an idiot and that I didn't just flack everything up."

"You're not an idiot and you didn't flack anything up," you said with a smile. "There's nothing wrong with how you feel. It's sweet, especially for you."

"Now you're making fun of me."

You sighed, shaking your head. "I can't speak for the Captain's feelings, but if we get through this, I think you should tell them what you told me. If nothing else, they'll be grateful to have someone like you in their corner. Even if it's not right away, I think they might feel the same about you in time."

"You're not just saying that?"

"No. I really mean it."

"You still actually give pretty damn good advice considering you've been away for so long. It's like you never left." Mista grinned. "Say, is all of this coming from experience? Did you meet someone back on Minos?"

"I would've told you if I had."

"Fine, then. Keep your secrets."

It took everything in you not to grin like an idiot. What would Mista say if he knew it was you he was talking to and not Bruno? You almost told him, just to see his reaction.

Mista was in love with you. Who would've thought? You were in disbelief. You wished you had a minute to process it all.

All you knew was that you didn't mind it as much as you would've thought.

Mista's holopad vibrated in his pocket. He brought it out, fumbling a bit with it since it wasn't his.

"Mista, is Bruno with you?" Abbacchio's voice floated out from the speakers. It was still strange to hear him speaking in Fugo's Upper Space accent.

"Yeah. What's going on?"

"Get down to the bay doors. Prince Donatello is here."

Mista glanced at you, then darted out of the galley with you on his heels.

"He's here already? He should've been a few more hours at least, right?"

"That's what I thought, but he's demanding to see everyone now."

You took the stairs down to the bay two at a time, swearing internally. Donatello was already here. You had been hoping for a bit more time to at least meet back with everyone.

"We're going to try to make sure he stays on the docking bridge," Fugo said, still on call. "We don't know what Chariot Requiem might do to him, so we won't risk it. We can't let him know what happened to us. If he's suspicious, he'll insist on boarding."

"What about Narancia? Does he know what to do?" you asked.

"He's wearing an earpiece. Prince Giorno told him not to speak unless absolutely necessary. He'll be listening in as best he can when Narancia is with Donatello and feed him lines."

"That's not going to end well," Mista muttered.

"You don't have to tell me. It's only a temporary solution until we deal with the Arrow and Chariot Requiem."

You and Mista burst into the bay. Everyone else was already there, worried but doing their best to hide it. Prince Giorno was off to the side with Narancia, speaking to him intently. Narancia looked like he was barely processing anything.

Bruno caught your gaze. He'd changed his clothes, you realized with a start, and washed your face and straightened out your appearance. Maybe you should have felt indignant, but you were too pent-up to care.

"Don't do anything to provoke the Prince," Bruno was saying. "We need him to leave as soon as possible so we can get to Zero."

"Is there really nothing we can do for Narancia?" Trish said. "We don't know what's going to happen to him on Donatello's ship."

"Considering they just found me, likely nothing," Giorno spoke up. "He doesn't want to make a spectacle. He won't do anything to Narancia when Rikiel has already notified the Imperial palace of my return. You can trust Rikiel," he said to Narancia. "He's on your side."

"He's on the other side of the docking bridge," Abbacchio said. "If we're ready, I'll open the gate."

You just wanted to get this over with.

Bruno nodded curtly at him. The gates on either end of the docking bridge opened, and Bruno ducked inside, Narancia and Abbacchio behind him. Bruno was wearing your characteristically stubborn face. Narancia, despite his nerves, wore a neutral expression and kept his chin up. Abbacchio abandoned his military-straight posture for Fugo's slight slouch.

It was amazing how they could impersonate other crew members like that. A chill went down your spine.

The bridge door closed behind them. Only the speakers on the console gave you any indication of what was happening.

"Your Highness, I apologize for the delay."

"No words for your brother, Giorno? It's been months since you died."

"How did you find me?"

"Rikiel was hell bent on finding you, so you can thank him. If it were up to me, I wouldn't have bothered. You would have still been dead."

"Is there anything else we can do for you, Your Highness?"

"No. You've already proven to be enough of a nuisance. Awfully quiet today, aren't we Captain?"

"If that's all, I bid you safe passage, Your Highness."


"I'm sorry, but I just—I can't do this. You've got the wrong guy! I'm not Prince Giorno! You can't take me with you!"

"What's wrong with you? It isn't like you to be hysterical, Giorno."

"Your Highness, please—"

"I'm serious, it's not me! I'm not Giorno! You can't take me! Please!"

"Stop this at once. I'll tranquilize you if I have to, you fool. You disgrace yourself and the Emperor."

"Oh, flack, please! Don't take me! You can't! You can't—"

The audio cut out then. You thought you heard the opposite pair of doors slide shut on the dock bridge. Bruno and Abbacchio returned, both of their faces ashen.

Fugo closed his eyes and hissed out through his teeth, "That idiot."

- ✦ -


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