(DISCONTINUED) ʙɪᴛᴛᴇʀsᴡᴇᴇᴛ...

By SandyFrogLegs

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I DO NOT SUPPORT WILBUR SOOT Tʜᴇɪʀ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ɪs ʙɪᴛᴛᴇʀsᴡᴇᴇᴛ. ᴛɴᴛᴅᴜᴏ ᴠᴀᴍᴘɪʀᴇ AU ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴛɴᴛᴅᴜᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ sᴀ... More

stuff i thought of


387 12 418
By SandyFrogLegs

chapter six

         I told myself I wouldn't care about Jared, I told myself I'd move on from him. But here I am, lying in bed and just staring up at my ceiling as I cry about him. I had a dream about him and now I couldn't stop thinking about him.

There's a knock on my door. I glance at it, confused. My father never usually knocked he just entered. "Uh.. come in?" I sit up and lazily wipe away my tears. When I see my father I'm taken aback, why had he knocked? "Yeah?" I question.

"Nice place you got, toots" My father nods and looks around my room. "You guys have the best mutz" He loudly exhales, was the cheese that good?

I'm quiet for a moment before I realize what he was saying. "Schlatt, is that you?" I ask, glaring at him slightly.

He glances around. "Uh.. no"

"Don't fucking possess him, asshole!" I shout at him. 'My father' rolls his eyes, a ghostly figure appears above his body before he collapses and falls to the floor.

Schlatt grumbles and crosses his arms. "Being able to feel is nice every once and while.." He glares at the floor.

"Well I'm sorry you're dead" I sigh. We're quiet for a moment before he floats over and hovers over my bed, acting like he was sitting next to me. "So uh.. did you just kill my dad?" I stare at his body on the floor.

"Nah, he'll wake up" Schlatt reassures me. "What uhm.. are you gonna do about the vampire stuff?" He asks, turning his head to look at me. "Like, the bite? Are you sure you aren't turning into a vampire?" He tilts his head and stares at me.

"Well, I can still see myself in the mirror. I can still touch a crucifix.. I'd say I'm good" I nod. "But my father is a vampire hunter, if he sees the two marks, he's gonna assume the worse.." I frown, bringing a hand to my neck and touching my fingertips against the bandage I had put over the murder attempt.

"Hey, don't worry. If that does happen, we can always live with Ted and Tucker-- but we gotta remember to be careful of the little cherub.." Schlatt 'nudges' me. When he realizes he can't touch anything anymore I see his smile fade.

Even if he doesn't have a heart, I think he still has feelings.

I chuckle, getting his attention. I wipe the remaining tears off my face. "Thanks for making me feel better" I smile at him.

"Oh, don't mention it-- wait, why were you crying?" He changes his smug attitude to a more sympathetic one. "You okay?"

"Just that stupid ex boyfriend shit again.." I groan and roll my eyes. "I can't forget about it. It was just a shitty thing to do. Why would he cheat on me?" I press my palms against my eyelids, trying to stop more tears from escaping my eyes.

"I know how you feel" Schlatt mumbles. I look at him confused. "I was engaged, remember?"

"Oh, but didn't you just have a heart attack? She didn't cheat on you or anything, right?" I tilt my head so I can see his face, (that was currently facing the floor).

"She--" He pauses and glances at me, seemingly trying to figure out if what he was about to say next would shock me. "He said he didn't love me sometimes.." He whispers, had he just admitted to me that he was engaged to a man? "We fought a lot the month before I died"

"Oh.." I breathe out. "What.. what other things did he say?"

"I mean," A sad smile appears on his lips. "It's not like I didn't egg him on. We were both pieces of shit. But I think the problem was he wanted someone to love him so bad that he just told himself he loved me because I loved him.." He curls up on himself, bringing his knees to his chest and hugging himself. "But I don't want to blame him for the outcome, because it was obvious he was just lonely, he had absolutely no one when I first met him. He literally lived in an alley and all he had was a blanket" Schlatt weakly scoffs. All of a sudden, steam appears, floating up into the air. He wipes his eyes with his palms and sniffles.

"Are you okay..?" I worryingly ask. He sniffles again and nods his head.

"Ghosts can't touch holy water, I'm not sure why or if it's true, but ghosts' tears are holy.. maybe because we're wanderering spirits" He replies. "But that means we can't cry or we hurt ourselves.. because ghosts are sinful entities.."

"Well now I know I can just spray you with holy water if you ever annoy me" I joke, a bit unsure if it was okay to do so due to his crying. "Sorry" I blurt out.

But luckily he laughs, though his voice was weak because of his sadness. "No, that was funny. It's fine" He wipes his tears away as he continues to laugh. "Don't do that though, it'll hurt" He smiles and shakes his head.

"Don't worry, I won't" I reassure him. "Anyways, when my father wakes up I'm planning on telling him about the vampires. Y'know, I was warming up to them but then they tried to fucking kill me" I shrug, chuckling a bit when I get another laugh out of Schlatt.

"Yeah, that makes sense. They also seem kinda obsessed with you so it's best to get rid of them.." He nods his head as he trails off, staring at my father still passed out on the floor. "Okay maybe we should check his pulse"

           "Yeesh, this is the guy you were talking about..?" Schlatt whispers to me, he was hiding behind me as I walked with my father, Jared, and Ron (my father's friend). After my father finally woke up, I told him everything, of course not about the attempted murder, but everything else about the vampires. We had to wait until the next day because he was out for hours, but now it was midday and we were walking to the two vampires' house. "He looks like he licks the wrapper after he eats the food inside it.." He quietly snickers.

I clear my throat and hold back my laughter. "It's just down that dirt path" I point at the dirt path at the end of the road, it led into a forest, which is where the big house resides.

My father nods and takes the lead, Jared and Ron close behind him. Schlatt and I both look at each other. "These men must take their job super serious.." Schlatt rolls his eyes, grinning at the men ahead of us. "They look stupid" He admits.

"That's a reasonable opinion" I nod. The three men in front of me were all geared up, straps with wooden stakes and bottles of holy water hung over their shoulders. They looked dumb. How could they even walk with all that stuff weighing them down?

I pause when we all make it to the front door. My father looks at all of us, (Schlatt has disappeared so they wouldn't see him). "Okay, so the plan is, we just search the house, if you see a vampire, kill it. Does everyone have a crucifix near their body?" He points at us one by one, we all show him where our crucifix is on our body. I wore my necklace. "Alright. Let's go" He places his hand on the door handle, surprisingly it opened. Probably because if someone thought it was abandoned and just wandered in, Alex or Wilbur could easily kill them.

We all step inside, our footsteps as quiet as we can make them. Jared closes the door behind me, I glare at him when he glances at me. I move farther into the house with the others.

Ron gasps and we all turn to him. "Aw, what a find!" He crouches down and picks something up, I peak past Jared and see that Ron held a bat. "What a cute little bat" He goes to pet it's head but it quickly bites at him so he retracts his hand. "An angry, cute bat.." He grumbles.

My father grabs the bat and whips it across the room. Me and Ron loudly gasp while Jared laughs. "Bats cause diseases!" My father scolds his friend for holding the bat.

I'm hesitant, but I walk over to the bat that was now lying on the floor. I crouch down and scoop it up into my hands. "You didn't have to throw it against the wall!" I scowl at my fathers actions.

"I was hoping it'd kill it" He replies, scoffing. "Put it down, or I'll shoot it"

I stand and watch as the bat grabs my thumb with its two tiny hands, biting me, it wasn't like it hurt, it felt like when a cat would gnaw on your finger. I smile and pull my thumb away, he was probably right that it had a disease of some sort. "If you hurt anything that isn't a vampire ever again, I'm never forgiving you.." I glare at my father, he rolls his eyes and mutters a small fine before walking off. I look back down at the bat, I catch sight of its bandaged leg and pout. "Poor baby.." I coo, it was a small bat so I could only assume it was a baby. "Who could hurt something as cute as you..?" I pout, why would someone hurt it? I swear the bat glared at me, but I shook it off.

Before I can speak, Jared comes back down the hall and looks at me. "Your dad found a vampire sleeping, come on, were gonna kill it" He stares at the bat for a moment before walking off.

I huff and follow, I watch as the bat quickly flies out of my hands and down the hall. It confused me but I didn't pay any mind to it. I walk down the hall, looking around for the right door, most were closed so I moved past them. Then, I saw Jared and Ron peaking inside a room while my father shouted cusses. I shove past the two and push open the door, spotting the bat (I was just holding) attacking my father.

"Help me, you idiots!" My father cries out. The two rush over to him.

I look around room and see Wilbur asleep, hovering over a black coffin with red velvety cushioning inside. All of a sudden, I hear a loud squeak and then a bang. I jump and try to find out what had just happened. I gasp when the bat on the floor suddenly turns into Alex. I grasp the door next to me, I was flustered. I'm stupid for forgetting vampires could turn into bats. He was passed out on the floor. Apparently the bang had woken Wilbur up, because now he was awake and looking at the men with a confused but annoyed face. "What the fuck? Why the hell are you in my house?"

"Prepare to die, vampire!" My father grabs his knife with a sliver blade out of its holder.

Wilbur spots me and glares, he then sees Alex passed out against the wall and gets angrier. "Okay, okay.." Wilbur nods. "I'm gonna fucking kill you guys, you know that? I am going to crush your fucking skulls" His voice sounded tired but the anger overtook it.

"I'd like to see you try!" My father scoffs. I don't think my father knew that vampires have super speed (and super strength) because as soon as he started running at Wil, he was grabbed by the throat and thrown out a window, but not before slashing the vampire in the arm with the blade. Wilbur hisses from the wound and the sun that was coming through the window, (curtains had covered the window before but due to it now being shattered, wind was pushing the curtains aside). He gets away from the window, pulling Alex away as well. Jared and Ron both look at each other before running towards me, shoving me out of the way and running down the hall, and out of the house.

I stumble against the wall, standing in the dark hallway. I was terrified, should I just run too? But why do I feel horrible? Seeing Alex hurt, hurt me. And what Wilbur said. He acted exactly like a human would act if someone broke into their home. By now I was curled up on the floor, my back pushed against the wall as I tried to hide myself.

"What are you doing?"

I lift my head and see Wilbur, his (right) arm coated in red. Even though he was wounded, he still held Alex in his arms. Even in the dark I could see his bruised jaw, which was my fault because I hit him in the face with a metal gun. "I.. I feel bad.." I mutter, staring at his clean shoes. "I'm sorry, I led them here.."

He let's out a loud sigh. "Follow me, darling. I need to set Alex down and bandage my arm" He walks off. I sit still for a moment before pushing myself to my feet and following him. "Could you open the door?" He tilts his head towards one of the closed doors. I listen and open the door for him. I look inside and see it was a bathroom.

"I really am sorry.. I know you guys tried to fucking kill me, but seeing how you reacted.. it just made me realize that maybe we aren't so different-- well, except for you needing to drink blood and how you can't be near the sun.." I nervously laugh, glancing at Wil as he sets Alex down on the floor, he was sat against the tub and he leaned against the wall.

"Fuck.." He scowls, grasping the wound on his arm only to hiss in pain again.

"That's my fault too, I'm sorry" I bring a hand to my lips, staring at the large amount of blood escaping the cut. "H-How can I make it up to you? Will you die?" I ask, worried.

His eyes flickering from Alex, to me. A smile appears on his lips. "You know.. humans only become vampires if a vampire bites them in the neck.." He trails off, his eyes scanning the room before stopping on me again. "They need to bite into the carotid artery for the human to turn into a vampire.." He stares down at my neck.

"What are you getting at.." I whisper. I try my best to hide how terrified I am.

He turns his whole body to me, stepping a bit closer and leaning his head down ever so slightly. "Blood helps vampires' wounds heal faster.." He glances at his bloody arm. "How about where your clavicle is?" He suggests, I look down at my shoulder, hesitant. I don't know why it scared me that he knew his anatomy. "If you think I'm taking to much blood you could always.. kiss me to get my attention" He grins, immediately realizing how embarrassed I had gotten. "Just tap me" He chuckles. "So?"

It was my fault that he was currently bleeding, and I'm scared if we stand here any longer, he'll die. They don't seem bad, they seem better than Jared.

"U-Uh.. sure.." I mutter, nodding my head.

"You need to say 'yes', darling. Sure is not a yes.." He lowers his voice to a whisper.

"No-- uh, yes. Yes, you can" I fix my reply, lifting my head and staring up at him. He smiles, his fangs scaring me.

He carefully hovers his hand over my arm, moving me farther into the bathroom so I can sit down, I sit down on the closed toliet lid and look up at him. He stays quiet and smiles at me, his eyes stare at the crucifix on my neck. I apologize and hesitantly take it off, setting it on the counter. He steps closer immediately after, he places one hand on my jaw and another on my clothed shoulder, he tugs the neck hole of my shirt only slightly to reveal my skin.

"Just tap me" He reminds me before harshly biting down into my skin, his hand moving from my jaw to over my mouth when I scream out in agony. The feeling was horrible, disgusting. I could feel the vampiric teeth in my skin, I could feel the blood being taken from me. I didn't know how long I sat there but I feel like I slapped him instead of just tapping him. He retracts his teeth, bringing his head back and staring at me. "Are you okay, darling?" He runs his thumb across the corners of his lips, trying to wipe away the blood but only smearing it.

"I'm-- are you supposed to feel this dizzy?" I ask, worried about my sudden dizziness.

He laughs and coos at my worried face. "Yes, it is. Don't worry, you just need to sleep.." He reassures me. "There's a bit of blood soaking into your shirt, but it's fine. Right?" He places his hands on the sides of my arms, carefully moving me to sit next to Alex, (who was still passed out).

"Yeah, it's.. it's okay.." I nod, I felt so tired and weak. I glance up at Wil and see all his injuries were gone, the cut, the bruise. All that remained was the blood.

I sigh and slump slightly, accidently pressing my shoulder against Alexs', which seemed to wake him up. "Where the fuck..?" Alex sits up slightly, his tired eyes scan the room. "Oh my god, my fucking head.." He complains.

"Don't worry, Alex. I'll be back with a blood packet to help with your headache" Wilbur tells Alex (who I'm starting to assume is his best-friend) before glancing at me, a grin on his face. I get flustered and look to the floor. That asshole could have easily just grabbed a packet of blood? He then leaves the room.

I hear a quiet giggle, I turn my head to Alex. "So you think I'm cute, huh?" He places a hand on the side of his face and smiles at me.

"I called the bat cute, not you" I turn my head away from him.

"But I was the bat" He snickers. "So you basically called me cute" He points out. I keep my eyes staring at the floor. "Awh, I think you're cute too, sweetheart.." He whispers. I subtly rub my shoulder, trying to soothe the pain I felt. "I like the nickname 'baby', maybe you should use it on me more often.." He jokes, I'd like to call it a joke. He loudly laughs when he sees my embarrassed face. "You're adorable! How could that guy cheat on you!" He exclaims, grabbing my face and turning my head to face him. "Just look at you, such a pretty face.." He mumbles, tilting his head slightly as his eyes scan my whole face. "I'd be the perfect 'love-person' for you.. you just gotta give me a chance.." He coos, smiling at me. I don't know where he got the word 'love-person' from, but I think he meant boyfriend.

I awkwardly look away, I had just gotten out of a relationship and I was just bit by a vampire twice now, well, the first time was an attempt. Either way my month has been hectic. Alex stays still for a moment, studying my face before letting me go and turning his face away before muttering out a small sorry. I glance at his face. "It's fine.." I mumble. "I'm sorry for shooting you" I add.

"It's fine" Alex copies my response. "At least it was you" He goes quiet again. I do too. I hear soft shuffling and only a second later there's a head resting on my shoulder (the one that didn't hurt). "My head hurts. I'm dizzy.." He admits.

"I am too.." I agree with him.

"Why won't Wilbur hurry up with that blood packet?" He grumbles, turning his face. His nose presses against my neck, I shiver when I feel a cold inhale against my neck. "You smell so much like blood that it hurts me to hold back from taking it" He comments. That only made me realize I didn't have my crucifix on, but oddly I'm starting to trust them. "Go to sleep, sweetheart.. I won't hurt you" He speaks against my skin. I shiver again, my face heats up at the feeling. "I promise, baby"

I know I probably shouldn't listen to a literal blood-sucker, but I did. I closed my eyes and I put my trust in him.

mak speaks!
On one hand, I like how this turned out. On the other hand, I really hate how sexual stealing someone's blood sounds 😭 I'm sorry, I really hate that part but it shows character development.


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