Traitor - Alex Woods - Greenh...

By AddyKay23

40.9K 748 86

Alex Woods. The newest Eagle at the Greenhouse Academy, struggles to be accepted when meeting the other Eagle... More

Kiara Lucas💫
💙❤️Season One💜💛
Pilot - Part 1
Pilot - Part 2
The Opening Challenge - Part 1
The Opening Challenge - Part 2
Breaking and Entering - Part 1
Private Screening - Part 1
Black Smoke - Part 1
Captain Material - Part 1
Captain Material - Part 2
Swimming Lessons - Part 1
The Outsider - Part 1
Steph - Part 1
Guilt-Free Cupcakes - Part 1
Guilt-Free Cupcakes - Part 2
Great Scott - Part 1
Great Scott - Part 2
L.D.R - Part 1
L.D.R - Part 2
💙❤️Seasons 1 fake Instagrams💛💜
❤️💙Season Two💛💜
Escape Mechanism - Part 1
The Client - Part 1
The Client - Part 2
A Day Off - Part 1
Meant to Be - Part 1
Surfing Lessons - Part 1
The Workshop - Part 1
The Spiral - Part 1
The Spiral - Part 2
More Than a Hunch - Part 1
More Than A Hunch - Part 2
A Born Leader - Part 1
Kyle - Part 1
Kyle - Part 2
Bad Decisions - Part 1
Bad Decisions - Part 2
Home - Part 1
Home - Part 2
💙❤️ Season Two Fake Instagrams 💛💜
The Biggest of Thank you's!

Surfing Lessons - Part 2

395 10 3
By AddyKay23

(3rd Person POV)

"What the hell is wrong with your girlfriend?" Kiara asks Daniel as they watched Brooke walk out of the room after turning on Sophie in-front of all the Eagles. Kiara asked the question to show she cared, but she know that Brookes thoughts weren't her own anymore. Judy is just picking off students one by one if they get in her way. "She hasn't really been herself lately but she would just stab Sophie in the back like that?"

"I don't know," Daniel answers. "I'm going to go talk to her." Daniel left to follow after Brooke, and all the Eagles went back to shunning Sophie. Kiara gave her a sympathetic smile and Sophie walked to her, the only person willing to look at her. 

"Kia, what am I supposed to do?" She asks. "I know I screwed up, and I broke Parkers trust, but I felt like I didn't have a choice, I mean... this could be my future."

"Leaders make mistakes Soph." Kiara says. "You, being captain is going to make it harder to regain their trust, and respect probably."

"Do you think I shouldn't have sent the video?" Sophie asks. 

"I don't think so. Theres better ways to, get to your dream. But I think the pressure of Michelle probably got to you, and don't get me wrong, Parker has every right to be mad but, he doesn't need to get everyone to turn on you. That's childish."

"I don't know what to do anymore."


Parker had rallied a majority of the Eagles into the clubhouse to get everyone on his side, while Sophie tried to block out his voice as she typed an email to Michelle.

"Guys, let's get one thing straight. We all know those ideas were supposed to be for internal viewing only." Parker says to the small crowd of students. "So if Sophie emails any of her videos to that Michelle reporter, none of us will ever talk to her again." Daniel had stormed out of the clubhouse door, not even listing to Parkers rant. 

"I can hear you, you know?" Sophie rolls her eyes from the couch.

"We're not gonna let her sell us out to the tabloids. Right?" Parker asks.

"You're not gonna threaten me, Parker." Sophie says. 

"Sophie, don't send out that email." Brooke came back into the room to stand in front of her best friend. "It's not worth it." 

"E-mail sent." Sophie tapped a key on her computer. 

"Then it's official." Parker says. "So long, Sophie." 

"What are you all ignoring me now?" Sophie turns to the group of students now sitting silently at the tables. "What is this, the third grade? Stop it."

"Try to see their side." Brooke sits down across from her. "They feel like you're only thinking of yourself and not your friends. That's no way to be a leader." 

"Yeah, well, that's no way to be a friend either." Sophie says back. Alex had walked through the main door, quickly sensing the tension in the room.

"What's going on, guys?" He awkwardly asks.

"We all decided none of us are speaking to Sophie until she stops making those stupid news videos." Parker answers. 

"Really? Why?" He asks again. "I thought her item was cool. Wasn't it?"

"It's what we decided Woods." Parker says. "Are you with us or not?" 


Most of the Eagles had headed down for lunch, and made sure they didn't sit at the same table as Sophie and when she tried to sit with them, they wouldn't let her pull out a chair. She eventually gave up and sat at a table nearby the rest of the Eagles. 

Kiara and Alex had approached both tables from opposite ends and both noticed Sophie was alone. Kiara gave him a glance and a nod as she grabbed a chair from a nearby table, Alex did the same so they could both sit with Sophie. 

Brooke took notice to this from the far end of the Eagles table and quickly sent a text to Judy before rejoining conversation. 


Daniel had ditched the Eagles to head to the gym and shoot off the stress on the court. 

"I see you doing your thing." Judy says walking into the gym. 

"How long have you been here?" Daniel asks his mom. 

"Uh, you know long enough to enjoy seeing my son getting back to his old self." Judy answers.

"Listen, mom..."

"What is it?" She asks.

I forgot." Daniel sighs. "Never mind."

"Okay. Well, don't mind me." Judy says. "I know you gotta get your focus on. You gotta concentrate on your practice. You got a lot to make up for. Make me proud."

"You got it." Daniel turns back to the hoop and puts up another shot while Judy walked to the sideline and sat on a bench to watch

Meanwhile, Hayley was still at home visiting her dad and was sitting in her parents room trying some of her moms perfumes. Hayley then noticed the weird gap between the wall and the mirror, like the mirror wasn't hanging because she then took notice to the screws holding the mirror up. She was curious and went to the garage to get a drill to take out the screws. 

Daniel had continued to take shots on the net while his mom watched, but all the suspicions around his mom got him wondering. On one drive when he stumbled he played it off like he had hurt his ankle.

"Oh my god, Daniel! Oh my god, oh my god." Judy rushes over to her son. "Are you okay? Let me see?"

"Mom I'm fine. I just need some ice." Daniel says. "Can you get me some from the cafeteria."

"Fine, but if doesn't feel better in the next hour, we're going to see Dr. Schwartz, okay?" Judy says. 


"You promise?" Daniel nods while his mom runs off out of the gym. The second Daniel heard the doors close he hopped up and ran to look through his moms purse she left behind.

Hayley had gotten the mirror off her moms wall. And after making a good guess that the code to the safe was her and her brothers birthdays, she had found small triangular shaped device and a strip of paper with a phone number on it. She had put the phone number in her Louie and waited for someone to hopefully answer. 

Daniel had found what looked like a small rectangle box that had started ringing like a phone. He pushed the button on the side of it and said,


"Hello?" Hayley says. "Who it this?"

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