By rhaenyrraa

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When Rose Delaunay is forced to leave Georges Sand boarding school, leaving behind her friends and the only l... More



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By rhaenyrraa

I had stole one of my dad's book before leaving this morning : The Prince by Nicolas Machiavel, thought it would be a great distraction during break... Well, I should've know better.

At least I looked smart ?

So here I was, sitting on a bench in the courtyard with The Prince as my only company, finding myself analysing every person my eyes landed on.

I recognised some of my new classmates, smoking like half of the boys in the court. It seems to be the only thing they do, besides throwing pieces of paper at girls in the classroom. How boring of them.

I also noticed Jean, who was leaning against a wall, laughing at something a boy with curly hair told him. Pirate boy, or should I say Descamps, was there too. He smirked at them while exhaling the smoke of his cigarette, and my gaze remained on him more than it should have.

So that was the best friend. Since when were they friends anyway ? I didn't remember Jean talking about him. Actually, I didn't remember Jean talking about any of his friends to me, although it's not very surprising : we've known each other since our childhood but as we grown up we saw each other less and less every year...
So yeah, maybe that dickhead was the best friend he never told me about. Yet, I couldn't help but feel upset.

I wasn't jealous, I was worried. Joseph Descamps was trouble, I didn't even know him but it was enough to take a look on him to find out.

I wonder how did he loose his eye at such a young age.

As if he felt my gaze on him, his only eye found my eyes. Panicking for having been caught staring, I quickly turned my head away just for me to be facing the girl from earlier, the one who smiled at me in class.

"Hey !" she said with a bright smile. "Can I join you ? You seem to be bored."

"Hey, of course you can!" I told her enthusiastically, trying to forget what happened a few seconds ago.

"I'm Simone," she presented herself while taking a sit next to me, handing me her hand.

With a smile, I just grabbed her chin and kissed each of her cheeks. "My aunt and cousins in Paris," I began to explain when I noticed her incomprehension, "they only salute each other like that. It's called la bise and it's a very old way to say hi, people had stopped to do it because of epidemics in the past, but I've heard that it's coming back so..." I shrugged. "And I'm Rose, by the way."

She chuckled. "Well Rose, I think I'm going to follow the trend. I rather prefer this than shaking hands like old mens. What are you reading ?"

My face twisted into a grimace. "I tried to get into The Prince but... it's not really my cup of tea."

"Watching the boys over the courtyard is more pleasant isn't it ?"

I cracked a smile when she started raising her eyebrows suggestively. Prise la main dans le sac. "They're just less boring than Machiavel, that's all."

"It's your first day of school, right ?" I nodded. "How are you feeling ?"

"I think I'm good..? Though I didn't expected for the boys to act like cunt such early in the day but I'm not surprised..."

"Yes the boys in our class are very.. immature. But don't worry the first years and terminals are not like that," she winked at me as I let out a laugh. "You seem to know a thing or two about them."

"Older guys are just different..." she confessed shamelessly before she started laughing too.

As we started talking about everything and nothing, I quickly made a portrait of Simone in my head. She was the kind of girl who did not fear the unknown. I immediately knew it judging by the way she talked to me and smiled at me like we knew each other for years, and it put me at such ease that the knot in my stomach finally started to loosen itself.

Simone was now telling me about the brother of a certain Michelle who had almost been expelled because of a fight that took place last week. "On the first day of school ? But what did he do ?" I asked, my brows furrowed.

"He punched Descamps and broke his glasses which caused him to loose his eye." Simone said casually, taking a look at her nails.

My eyes widened. "What ?"

So that's how he lost it. A shiver ran down my spine thinking about losing an eye at school because of a stupid fight.

"Yeah it's crazy. The glass pierced his eye. I could almost have been sorry for him, if he didn't deserved it." She continued her story when she saw my gaze filled with incomprehension, "Michelle is in her uncle's office right now, the general supervisor, because some teachers are still mad that Jean-Pierre didn't get expelled. I don't know what he's telling her now, but I know one thing : it's all Descamps's fault." Simone stated coldly.

"But what is the thing that Descamps did that caused all of this mess?" I finally asked, expecting the worst.

"Everything started because of a stupid argument at lunch, he humiliated her in front of the whole class. He had placed a bucket of water on the door and when Michelle opened it..."

I winced, imagining the scene. "Alright, he brought it on himself, really."

"Yeah, Michelle felt bad for a moment but at least him and all of his stupid friends don't bother her anymore."

All of his stupid friends ?

I was about to ask her what did she meant by saying that, until Simone jumped from her sit and started waving at the blonde girl who was walking towards us.

"Michelle! What did your uncle told you?" She almost yelled.

Michelle brought her finger to her mouth, watching around her carefully as she made her way to us. "Oups, pardon." mumbled Simone with a shy smile when Michelle was finally in front of her. "Say something," whispered Michelle.

"Huh ?"

"Say something, anything you want but say something casual." She pointed out from the corner of her eye the group of boys near to us. Descamps's support ?

", Michelle I introduce you to Rose, our new classmate !" Simone said a little to excitedly which made me giggle.

For a moment, the panic leaved Michelle's eyes as she smiled at me and said "Nice to meet you, Rose."

"My pleasure."

Simone clapped her hands. "Enough, go on Michelle spill the tea ! They are not even watching in our direction." Michelle opened her mouth but Simone cut her off. "Oh and you can speak freely in front of Rose, she's good."

Michelle looked around her one last time before she finally started speaking. "It's catastrophic. Barbe Bleue and some others teachers were expecting a definite sentence. Uncle Paul told me that I have to keep a low profile for a while."

"Who's Barbe Bleue ?" I asked, thinking about the story of the man who killed all of his wives.

"She's one of our teacher. But Barbe Bleue isn't her real name. It's Madame Guiraud."

"There is another woman who teach at Voltaire ?Oh my god, how is she ? Is she nice like Madame Couret ? Or a little more severe ?"

The two girls looked at each other and I didn't needed any more clue to understand.


"She's a real bitch, isn't she ?"

Simone nodded. "Sorry to be the one who breaks your dreams, but we have no allies here. The boys are stupid, the teachers don't even bother asking us if we're fine... but Barbe Bleue is truly the worst. Don't ever wear make up in front of her or she will humiliate you in front of everyone."

Suddenly, the eyeshadow and mascara I had applied this morning started burning on my skin.

"She seems... terrifying." That was the only thing I could say.

"Yeah, she is." Michelle said bitterly. "And she's also a very determined person because she requested for another disciplinary council to be held. I don't know what to do, I..." she turned to Simone, her eyes pleading for mercy neither of us could give her, "If Jean-Pierre gets expelled, I..."

I put my hand on her shoulder. "God, breathe. Did her request been accepted ?" I asked while Simone slowly rubbed her back with her hand.

"Not yet... Uncle Paul told me it would take a couple of weeks."

"Then do as he said : be the most discreet possible during these weeks. Everything will be alright if you listen to him. He's the general supervisor, surely he can help you if you follow his instructions."

"She's right, Michelle. If she has nothing against you and Jean-Pierre, despite that fight, no one will take her request seriously !"

"I hope you're both right..."

Suddenly, the bell ringed and Simone sighed. "What do we have now ?"

"We have class with Meyer now, and Moreau at the end of the day." Michelle replied.

"Arrrrf, I don't want to have gym."

"Gym ?!"


Since I didn't know we would have gym classes, I didn't take the appropriate clothes, so I stayed in a corner of the room, as a spectator. I was sitting against the wall, my eyes closed. The science class was so boring and so slow that I was tempted to fall asleep several times but I managed to stay awake, mostly because the teacher was scaring me. But now that Monsieur Moreau, the sports teacher wasn't watching, I allowed myself to rest my eyes... only five minutes...

"DELAUNAY !" I jumped from my spot when I heard my last name. "Are you enjoying yourself ? Want me to bring you a pillow and a blanket ? Come on get up!" M. Moreau yelled, drawing attention on us.

I slowly stood up and started walking towards the girls. While the boys were playing handball, we girls had... a rope. When I first saw it, even if I was dispensed from practice I couldn't help but thought ; Did they really forget to think about a gym plan for us ?

Maybe we simply weren't worth the effort for them...

Bursts of laughter drew my attention. "Look who's here ?! The pig !" said someone when a certain boy approached towards the two teams.

"I wonder if the others died asphyxiated in the locker room, someone should go see, right?" joked someone else who happened to be Descamps. Everyone laughed, including Jean and I felt my heart tighten in my chest. I quickly averted my gaze.

He was so despicable.

"Looks like someone just wake up," Michelle said with a mocking smile as I approached her.

"So I did sleep?"

Now I'm really embarrassed.

"Less than ten minutes."

"Only ? By the way he yelled at me I thought the class was over !"

Michelle only shrugged and I didn't have any time to say something else before M. Moreau spoke to me again. "Delaunay, make yourself useful and go get the equipment cart."

"Yes women, go get the equipment !" yelled a boy sitting on the substitute bench, making the whole row of players laugh.


I looked at Moreau, to see if he had any reaction but he was completely captivated by the boys's match. Michelle gave me a supportive look before returning to the rope.

So that's how the things were at Voltaire High. Fine. Perfect. Duly noted.

I crossed the gymnase before reaching a door with "EQUIPMENT" written in majuscule near the changing room. I put my hand on the handle but it got stuck.

Of course he didn't gave me the keys.

I let out a long, frustrated sigh before turning around to go ask Moreau, until a voice stopped me. "You're looking for this ?"

It was Descamps, leaning on the wall next to me, waving the keys just under my nose with a smirk. I didn't even remarked him. "Thank you," I mumbled before ripping the keys out of his grip, and inserting them into the lock of the equipment room. "Why are you not with the others ? The teacher asked me."

I only heard him chuckle, since I didn't want to look at his face. "Are you upset because I caught you staring at me with dreamy eyes earlier ? Don't worry, I won't tell Jean that you have a little crush on me."

"You're delusional." I entered the room and he followed me. "Come on there's nothing to be ashamed of, Rosie."

I shivered at the sound of my nickname rolling off his tongue. "Don't call me like that, it's weird."

"Why not ? After all, Jean's friends are my friends too."

"Well, not me. And I don't think we have a lot of things in common, anyway."

"We have at least one person. It's a good start."

"You know you can go back to your friends, right ?" I scanned the room for the equipment cart, trying to ignore him as much as possible.

"God, you're so boring."

"Of course I'm boring, harassing others is not really my favorite activity."

He chuckled. "So that's why you can't look at me in the eye for more than one second. Miss Perfect don't like my manners ? Am I too cruel for her ?"

I finally looked at him. Our eyes locked as he slipped his hands into his pockets, with a sufficient smile plastered on his face that made me want to hit him. It was only now that I noticed that he was still wearing his normal clothes. He must be dispensed because of his eye. "Cat got your tongue?"

"Miss Perfect fucks you." I let out without thinking twice.

"I wouldn't be against that. Jean, on the other hand..."

"Oh my- Just get out !" I pushed him with both of my hands.

He raised his hands in the air, laughing. "I'm just joking, relax."

"I don't care, get out of here !"

"Fine, I'll go. But if some stupid jokes frighten you that much, I can't barely imagine the horrible year you're gonna spend. Don't know if your friendship with Jean will last..." he said in a provocative tone.

"If you think that I'm going to erase myself just for you to shatter his future with your stupid games... Jean doesn't deserve a company as pathetic as yours."

"Hm.. yeah, maybe you're right. But who wouldn't prefer his best friend over a girl ?"


Next chapter will be from Joseph's POV 🤭

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