'Movie' Stars

By cooterslam

333K 22.2K 21.5K

a story about a felon who decided to do adult films More

'Movie' Stars
Prologue: Strange Form of Employment
First Day Out
5000 Dollas
You Got It
First 'Fake Date'
First Film
Dangerous Games
Malik Gets a Car
The One I Love Part One: Malik's Last Attempt
The One I Love Part Two: Eleven Years Of Birthdays
Happy Birthday Trevon
Confusion & Regret
The Annual
Know Thyself
First Gay Film
Second 'Fake Date'
First 'Real' Film: Office Affair
The Old Me
The Angel & The Devil
Office Affair Episode Two: 'Awkward Encounter' or 'Closeted Chaos'
'More Than Just Songs' or 'The Worst Day Ever'
'Aftermath' or 'Daddy Duties'
'Fated Day' or 'A Night To Remember'
'Bettering Me' or 'Office Affair Episode Two: The Refilm'
Haunted By The Past
Real First Date: Official
'Office Affair: Epilogue: Consummation' or 'Secret Admirer'
Polarity & Congruence
My Super Man
I'll Be Okay
The Return To Home
Dysthymia: Despondency & Dejection
Adam & Steve
"Trying To Stay Sane" or "Paranoid Party Planner"
Happy Birthday Trevon: "Dirty Thirty" or "Cursed Day of Birth"
A Different Malik
"Hunter & The Hunted" or "Last Day on Earth"
Bye Malik
For Them, For Me
Will You
Daddy's Home
"Hard Conversations" or "Welcome Home, Malik!"
The Day(s) Before: Malik's Monologue
Underneath, Malik: Bonus Chapter

Southern Consolation

4.3K 358 189
By cooterslam


T R E V O N •

I sat patiently on the couch, my phone next to me, Madison sleeping on the other side cuddling up with her baby sister in her arms.

I couldn't help but worry.

Maybe I should've went to the party. I was feeling bad that I didn't go, but...I just couldn't. I did wanna potentially see him with her. So I stayed home.

I wonder if he's mad about that.

I just wonder what's going on.

I have never seen Malik make an expression like that. Not anxious, not sad, happy, mad, angry...more like he was terrified. In complete horror.

I hope everything's okay. I hope he's okay.

My attention was broken by my phone ringing. It was from Malik. My heart sped up as I quickly answered the phone, but was caught off guard when a voice that wasn't his answered.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Um, is this Trevon?" I hear a woman's voice. "Malik's friend, Tre right?"

"Uh, yeah," I answered confused as to why someone else had his phone.

"This is his sister, Shamia," she sounded frantic.

"IM NOT FUCKIN' LEAVIN!" I hear Malik scream in the background.

"Can you please drop my nieces off, and take him away from hur, please,"

"What's happenin',"

"Trevon can you please just come n get Malik? The police are warnin' us that they'll lock him up for public disturbance an-and Malik is on probation. He'll go back to prison. They don't give a fuck what the charges are," she sounded as if she was about to cry. "Please, take him," she begged me

"O-Okay," I agreed even more worried than I was before. "I'm on the way. Can you send me the address?"

"Yeah. And thank you fa always lookin' out for my brother. I'm glad he has someone like you," she said before hanging up not giving me a chance to respond.

I quickly went upstairs, putting on a jacket and shoes. I grabbed my wallet and keys that sat on my nightstand.

I rushed back downstairs going to the couch. I gently shook Madison awake. "We gotta go," I told her. She wiped her eyes, blinking. She nodded and then started putting on her shoes and coat. I grabbed the baby trying my best not to wake her, putting her in her car seat.

"Is my Daddy okay?" she asked me.

I nodded my head lying. He wasn't okay. I know he wasn't. I heard it in his voice on the phone, I saw it earlier when he dropped them off, and his sister confirmed it with her words.

I need to hurry.

"You ready?" I asked Madison. She nodded her head. We rushed into my garage, I put the car seat in the back, struggling a bit to properly buckle the baby in. Madison also got in the back while I got in the front.

I opened the garage door from my phone, backing out immediately closing it when I pulled off.

I drove as fast as I could to the hospital. I was trying not to speed, but damn, I was worried as hell.

I finally got to the hospital. I rushed the girls in, struggling a bit with the car seat. At one point, Malikai woke up screaming, and I had to stop, putting her pacifier in her mouth.

I went to the receptionist, not even knowing what to ask for. "May I help you?" she asked.

"Uh. Let me call real quick," I said pulling out my phone.

I pressed Malik's contact calling again. It didn't pick up the first two times, but finally, it did. "Trevon?" the same voice came through. "You're hur?"

"Yes," I spoke. "I'm not sure whur ta find y'all," she then told me the location of the room.

"Can you wait til I get down thur? I don't want the girls seein' their mama like this,"

Oh shit. My eyes went wide.

"Tasha? Is she okay?" I asked low that Madison wouldn't hear.

"She got shot twice. We think it was by the nigga she loved wit,"

My mouth dropped open. My heart immediately sank. It was breaking for him. 

"I'm on the way down, now. Her family is hur, so they're gonna handle everything—it's just...Malik," I heard her start crying. "My poor brother, he really loved that girl—and my nieces—their mama. I-I can't imagine. I don't even know how ta break the news. I don't want to tell them," she cried. "Anyway, I'm comin'. Thank you, again. I'll see you in a few minutes," she hung up. I was left there speechless.

"Sir?" the receptionist called out to me.

"S-sorry," I apologized. "C'mon," I called out to Madison taking them to the waiting area.

A few minutes later, Malik's sister came around the corner. "Aunty Mia!" Madison squealed.

"Shhh, Bug. You can't be loud. This is a hospital," she scolded her.

"Sorry," she whispered.

His sister then took the car seat out of my hand then looked up at me. "Thank you fa watchin' them,"

I nodded. "It's nothin'," I spoke.

"Now, please go get my brother. I'll watch them,"

I nodded again, lightly jogging to the elevator. I could feel my heart beating through my chest.

It felt as if the world slowed down when I got off the elevator, but it immediately sped up again when I heard Malik's voice reverberating through the halls.

"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!" he yelled. "I'M NOT LEAVIN' HER!" he cried. I feel so bad. I continued to walk to the room where people were going in and out. I even saw a few cops walking around which made me nervous.

"Malik, please calm down. You can't get locked up, please," I heard another voice say.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I hear him yell again. I walked up to the room, seeing Malik frantically crying next to a mostly covered-up body.

"Malik, please," another person spoke. I saw him, tears running down his face. He looked in pain. Like he physically was in pain even though he had no wounds. He also was covered in blood. It was on his clothes, his hands, arms, and some even on his face.

"You, Trevon. Right?" An older lady tapped me on my shoulder.


"Malik!" the lady who spoke to me yelled at him.

He turned to her, his eyes then locking with mine. "Tre?" he said in a calmer voice. He started rushing over to me, his eyes red and his face stained with tears. "Wh-whur's the kids? Whurs my babies?" he said looking beside me.

"Malik, you need ta go wit him," the older woman said.

He shook his head. "I'm not goin' no whur, Mama. I'm not,"

"Malik," she spoke again. "Please. Please, baby,"

"STOP!" he screamed. "Tre whur the fuck are my kids?"

"Malik, let's go," I tried to grab his hand.

"Answer my fuckin' question," he glared at me.

"They're witcho sister—Malik, please come wit me," I tried saying in a nice tone. I don't want to upset him even more than he already is, and Malik is already easily irritable.

My heart was breaking for him. I tried to keep my eyes off of the room that was littered with family members sobbing and crying.

"I'm not goin' no whur," he spoke.

"Please, get him outta hur," His mother begged me.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to upset him.

"Malik, please," I called out to him as he was walking back into the room. "Please," I begged him.

"Malik, please go wit him. They said they'll arrest you. Think about the girls, Malik. They need you right now more than ever," his mama spoke. He looked at me, blinked then ignored us, walking further into the room.

"Malik, please," I started after him. My heart began to beat fast as I entered the room.

"Malik, please go," Another person said.

He shook his head again staring at Tasha. "I can't. I can't," he started crying.

I went in and grabbed his wrist, I gently tugged and he surprisingly started following me out of the room.

"Thank you," his mom clasped her hands. "Please, take care of him," she told me as we walked down the hall. I looked back nodding before leading him into the elevator. The sounds of his crying had stopped by now, only leaving sniffles as I pressed the button to take us to the ground floor.

Once we were on the elevator, I gently wrapped my arms around him, and he immediately started crying in my arms. A couple of tears escaped my eyes too. It was truly breaking my heart to see him like this.

And those girls, those poor girls. I couldn't help but cry for them too. I cried for Tasha too. I may not have had the best impression of her, but never in a million years would I have asked for this. Not this.

No one deserves that. Nobody.

We got to my car. I started driving to my place. I just wanted to get him to somewhere, where he wasn't reminded of it every time he looked at something.

No baby stuff, no kid stuff. No nothing.

I grabbed his hand as I was driving intertwining our fingers. He didn't hold it back at first, but after a while he did.

For a long while, we sat in silence. Not even music playing, just the sounds of the car moving through the air.

"Take me back," he uttered when we were about halfway to my house.


"I changed my mind. Turn around. Take me back,"

"I can't do that,"

"Take me back, Tre,"


"Take me back," he said his volume increasing.


"Take me the fuck back, Trevon. I'm not playin',"

"I can't do that Malik. They'll lock you up,"

"I don't give a fuck. Take me back,"

"I'm not doin' et," I spoke gripping the wheel trying to focus on driving.

"I said TAKE ME THE FUCK BACK," he yelled. I didn't respond. I just kept driving.

"TAKE ME BACK, TRE. TURN THE FUCKIN' CAR AROUND!" he yelled. "I swear ta god, Trevon," he spoke in a way he had never spoken to me before.

I didn't respond.

"I swear ta God if you don't turn this fuckin' car around,"

"What Malik? Then what?"

"Imma fuckin' kill you," I firmly gripped the wheel, feeling anger start to surge in my body. I didn't respond again. I just kept driving.

I then feel cold metal against my head. I looked out of my peripheral, seeing Malik holding a gun to my head.
"Take me back, nigga," he repeated.

"Do it," I just said. "Do it,"

"Take me back, Tre,"

"No, so just do it, nigga,"

"TRE! TAKE ME BACK!" he screamed tears falling down his face again.

"DO IT!" I yelled back. "FUCKIN' DO IT. WHATCHU WAITIN' FA?"

"FUCK!" he yelled throwing the gun to the ground in between his legs. He then began sobbing again, covering his face with his hands.

Silence fell on us again. My mind was swirling.

I didn't know what to think. I was just going off instinct at this point. I know I just needed to get him outta there.

When we pulled up to my house, I didn't even park in the garage. I just parked on the street. I got out of the car, went to Malik's side, and opened the door. He didn't speak a word. He didn't even look at me. He just got out of the car, following me inside.

I then sat on the couch, he silently walked over to the couch too. I reached out, and grabbed both of his hands, pulled him onto my lap. I then wrapped my arms around him tightly. A moment later I heard and felt hard sobs.

I just sat there rocking back and forth a bit, rubbing and kissing his head "I gotchu," I repeated over and over. "I promise,"


"I'm sorry," were the first words he spoke. I still held him in my arms. We've been in the same position for two hours now with me just trying to console him.

"It's alright,"

"It's not, Tre. It's really not, and I'm sorry," I heard his voice start to tremble. "I'm sorry, Tre," he started crying. He looked at me with tears falling from his eyes. His eyes so red I was started to get concerned.

I just wanted to kiss him to reassure him and make him feel better, but I didn't want to take advantage of his pain right now.

"It may not have been okay, but I'm sayin' that I don't care," I shrugged. "I'm sayin' it is okay," I kissed his forehead. "It's okay," I nodded. "I forgive you,"

I can't lie, in the moment, I was scared, frightened, pissed off, everything negative, but I forgive him. I do.

I can't imagine what he's going through right now. He desperately wants to be by her side, and I refused to let him.

Even though it's for his own good, I still was in the way.

He continued crying as he wrapped his arms around me. "No, it's not," he cried squeezing me. "I would never hurt you. I swear on my life, Trevon." he cried. "On my kids, I would never hurt you. I'm sorry, I just wanted to see her one more time, Tre," he cried in my chest.

"I know, baby,"

"I promise, Tre. I'll never do anything like that again. I love you," I felt like my heart stopped for a moment. "I fuckin' love you so much," he cried.

"I know," I said, holding him feeling tears fall from my eyes. "That's why I forgive you,"


"You gotta eat somethin', Malik," I said to him. He was now laying in my bed, watching Vines on my phone.

"I'm good,"

"Malik," I called out. "Baby, please," I pulled him towards me. "Please, and you still need ta shower," I said looking at all the blood on him. "Please, baby," I grabbed his hand kissing it. "Please,"

"Okay," he nodded.

"Okay," I gave him a small smile. I then got up and went to the bath room. I turned on the shower, gathering some things for him to wash with, I then went back to my room. I went in my closet and found the smallest clothes I could find, then I grabbed Malik's hand leading him to the bathroom.

"You can do it on your own?" I asked.

He chuckled which made my eyes grow wide. "You silly," he gave a strained smile. I missed that smile. "I can wash my own ass, nigga," he said. "Thank you, though," he hugged me.

"Okay," I nodded. "I'm gonna order us food,"

He nodded too. I then left the bathroom closing the door behind me.

I ordered us some El Nopal. His favorite.

After I was done, I went up to the bathroom door. I was about to check on him, but I heard some soft sobs coming from inside.

I wish I could take his pain away. I really do.

I knocked a few times. "You okay, Malik?" I called out.

"Y-Yeah," he sniffled. "I'm almost done," he spoke at a louder volume.

"...Okay. Please, if you need me, let me know," I voiced back.

"Okay, thank you,"

About ten minutes later, he emerges from upstairs. No blood on his body and fresh clothes.

I was sitting at my kitchen island doing a bit of work, our bag of food sitting next to me.

"Ion know what ta do wit these,"

"Uh, do you want them?" I asked. He shook his head. "Okay," I grabbed them out of his hand and threw them away. I then went to my sink, washed my hands and got us two plates.

I divided our portions then both of us walked to my table, sitting down on the floor, on these fancy floor seats I got.

I started immediately eating my food, my eyes damn near rolling back at how good it was. I also hadn't eaten all day, so it could've been that too.

I looked up to see Malik just staring at his plate, pushing it around with his fork.

"I told you, I'm not hungry," he chuckled low he then looked up at me. "I'm just not," his voice cracked again. Before the tears could even fall, I pulled Malik in for a hug. I hugged him tight, whispering affirming things.

"I know. You gotta eat tho, Malik," I said once his cries calmed a bit.

"I can't,"

"Yes you can," I assured him. "You gotta still take care of yourself. You have to. They need you, Malik. Be strong for them," I spoke to him pulling back. He nodded up at me with a tear stained face before he turned to his plate of food. He picked up a spoon full of rice putting it in his mouth.

He struggled a bit, almost looking as if he would vomit before he swallowed it finally.

This shit was killing me, for real.

I want to take his pain away so badly, but I know I can't, and that's fucking me up.

I really would do anything for him.

He continued to slowly eat about half of his food before he just shook his head. "I can't," he stoped.

"Okay," I said wrapping my arms around him from the back as he sat in between my legs. "You did good, baby," I kissed his cheek. "You did real good,"


It was around midday when I got a call from Malik's phone. I knew it was his family calling because of course, Malik is laying next to me, sleeping, while his arms are wrapped around me.

Probably the first time he's really slept in a couple days.

I answered the call, "Hello,"

"Um, how's Malik?" I hear his sister's voice. I look down at his sleeping face. He was knocked the fuck out. I smiled to myself, happy that he's able to get some rest.

"He's sleep right now. How's everything going with you know,"

"Uh, well, her family is handlin' all the other shit. I got the girls wit me. Madison's really upset. I haven't told her, but she knows somethin' is wrong," I hear her voice start to crack. "Sh-She keeps sayin' she wants ta see her mama n Malik n Ion know what to do,"

"I uh,"

"Imma come get 'em, Mia," I hear Malik's groggy voice speak.

"Malik?" he slowly sat up taking the phone from my hand.

"Yeah sis?" he asked. "I'm—I'm not okay, but Imma act like it for my kids. It's not your job ta tell her. It's mine. Imma have Tre drop me off at mama's house. Can you take them thur?" he continued. "Okay—okay. Thank you, sis. I love you, Bye," the phone hung up and he handed it back to me. "So, uh, can you drop me off at my moms house. Ian got me car,"

"Of course, Malik,"

Both of us got out of bed. I gave Malik one of my jackets and of course, it was way too big. He looked really cute in my clothes though.

We went downstairs. I packed up his leftovers, so he wouldn't have to cook or order out. He wouldn't have to do much thinking. We then headed out to his mothers house.

When we got there, I parked offering to help him inside. He just shook his head no. He then got out of the car, went to my side, opening the door. He climbed in my lap, shutting the door.

He just stared at me for a moment, as I gently held his lower back. He then gave me a small smile that made my heart speed up. "Thank you," he muttered, wrapping his arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. "You don't know how much you mean ta me, Tre," he said low. "I promise when I'm not as fucked up, Imma do somethin' fa you. I don't know what yet,"

"You don't have ta do anything fa me, Malik," I said squeezing him tighter.

"I know, but I am. I wanna show you how much you mean to me," he the pulled back, grabbed my face and gave me the sweetest kiss. "I love you," he whispered on my lips then kissed me again.

I love you too. I wanted to desperately say back, but the words wouldn't leave my tongue.

I just hugged and kissed him back harder.

He pulled back from me, giving me a chaste kiss on my cheek before he got out of the car. He gave me a sadden smile and wave before he disappeared into his mother's house.

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