Long Live the King || unOrdin...

By johnwithglasses

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John begins his days at Wellston. However, this time something is different. Instead of posing as a cripple... More

No Anger
I Don't Wanna Be Partnered With You!
One Year Later...
Turf War
The Lonely Samurai
Toss A Coin to Your Weeper
Into Darkness
The Safe House
As the Embers Rose
Bureau of Authority

Beginning of the End

90 2 1
By johnwithglasses

The defense of Wellston Private High School from the forces of Spectre had officially begun. The Spectre agents were completely unaffected by the dampeners, since the machine had been activated before they arrived and the dampening field wasn't constant. It existed long enough for those inside it to be dampened for fifteen minutes, anyone who entered afterwards would be immune to the effect unless another field was generated.

Perhaps, John thought, they could use that to their advantage. If they called outside forces like Vaughn, Keene, and the other faculty, perhaps Spectre wouldn't risk generating another field in order to keep their men at full strength.

At the same time, this was Orrin. Orrin held no value of his men. He had been all too ready to murder Terrence for insubordination. Who knows what he'd be willing or unwilling to do in this situation?

"Remi!" he called, deciding that regardless of the situation, they should call Vaughn and the faculty. "Send someone with a speed ability to alert Headmaster Vaughn about the situation."

"I'm probably the fastest one here besides Seraphina. I'll go myself."

"Okay," John said. "Good luck."

"You too. Stay safe everyone."

She sparked up and dashed away towards the exit with lightning quick speeds. She was definitely slower, but she was still barely visible as she ran. She dodged and weaved through the dozens of mid-tiers, each of them trying to stab or slash at her. She flawlessly dodged each attack with swift reflexes.

"She'll do a good job," Seraphina said, standing next to John, battle ready. Blyke also ran up to the pair.

"I know she will," John agreed. "Let's just hope the dampening field is limited to the gym, not the whole school. As far as I know, the radius of the fields aren't that big, but maybe they've improved the technology."

"We'll get through this," Blyke said. "We may be at half strength, but that doesn't mean we're weak."

"Right. Blyke, how long has it been since you've been at mid-tier level?"

"Not since middle school."

"Try to remember everything from when you fought at this level before, that's the easiest way to get through it. I made the mistake of not doing that the first time, and it cost me my ability. Keep your eyes open, they'll likely try to disable you and every high ranker here."

"Understood." Blyke separated from the two, blasting various Spectre agents as he went to assist Isen and the other Elites.

"What are we gonna do?" Seraphina asked.

"We just need to hold our own until Vaughn and the others get here," John said, firing off a black and gold beam that pierced through two Spectre agents simultaneously. "Until then, we just need to hang on a little more."

Seraphina, in the blink of an eye, took down four Spectre agents. They laid splayed out across the floor at her feet. "Got it," she said.

"This is why I love you," John said, prompting a blush from the girl.

. . .

Aurielle was holding her own against the Spectre agents, but her strength level had significantly decreased. If she had to guess, she was back to being a low-tier. A higher level low-tier, but a low-tier nonetheless.

The fact she was managing to decently defend herself, she decided, meant that whoever these guys were, they weren't much stronger than mid-tiers. She noticed a handful of strong abilities here and there, but their targets were the higher ranked students, higher than her at least.

Suddenly, two mid-tiers leaped forward. She used the metal wings sprouting from her back to block the attacks. However, both of them had decently powerful strength abilities, and she was quickly overwhelmed by the barrage of attacks.

No matter how much she tried to defeat them, she kept getting pushed back, until she had been cornered against the wall of the gym. She opened her mouth to call for assistance from a stronger student, but just before she had the chance, the two attackers were rocketed off of her and went slamming into a wall.

She lowered her wings and looked at her savior.

It was Ventus! And where he was, Meili wasn't usually far behind. Sure enough, Meili leaped over her boyfriend and slashed at the two attackers. Her claws, Aurielle noticed, were a bit duller than usual, cementing in her mind that she was definitely not the only one whose ability had gone awry.

"Thanks you two," Aurielle said, regaining her footing and standing up, stumbling over slightly. "Looks like I'm not the only one who's weaker than before."

"No," Ventus affirmed. "Even John and Seraphina are much weaker than they used to be."

"Impossible!" Aurielle exclaimed, shaking her head in protest. "Those two are the strongest ones here! How could they possibly have been weakened?"

"Not sure," Meili said, joining the conversation. "John did mention something about these Spectre guys having some kind of ability dampener. Evidently we're suffering its effects first hand."

"Where is everyone? I can see John and Seraphina, but what about the others?" Aurielle asked.

"Remi went to get Headmaster Vaughn and the security guards," Meili replied. "Arlo and Isen are working together to defend the weaker students and Blyke is taking some of them on his own, althought I think I saw Cecile and Holden helping him out earlier."

"Man, everyone's getting involved," Aurielle murmered. "This is intense. I don't know how long we can hold out, none of us have been this weak for years!"

"I know," Ventus agreed. "I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. John advised us to do our best to remember how we fought when we were at this level, but it's proving easier said than done."

"Either way, it's our duty as high rankers to defend those who can't," Aurielle said, mustering up as much leftover strength as she possibly could and hardening the metallic feathers of her wings. "Let's just do our best to fend them off until backup arrives."

. . .

Arlo winced as one more punch landed on his barrier, cracking it slightly. He tried to keep his composure, but it was getting more difficult to keep this barrier up. He may have to resort to going on a smaller scale and starting to go on the offensive.

No. He had a job to do. He was the strongest defensive user in the school. He was the only one capable enough to defend other students with his own ability, and that's what he was going to do.

He mustered up all the strength he had and focused less on fortifying his barrier and instead began expanding it rapidly outwards, pushing the attackers back. "Get the hell back!" he shouted, pushing forward and knocking the attackers to the ground.

By that point, Isen had arrived on the scene and knocked out a few more of the attackers. "These guys just won't stop coming!" he exclaimed.

"I know," Arlo sighed. "They've managed to crack my barrier. I can't take many more hits. My barrier becomes weaker the more cracks it has, if it shatters it takes a long time for it to be usable again."

"In other words, while you're protecting everyone else, someone needs to protect you."

Arlo smirked. "Hmph, I'm impressed you actually figured that out."

"Hey!" Isen scowled. "I can be smart when I want to!"

"Then you must not want to be most of the time."

Isen sucked through his teeth. "You—" Before he could finish his sentence, two more attackers arrived, one of them punching Isen square in the face. Arlo, in response, raised his barrier once again, huddling close to the weaker students.

"Get up, Isen!" Arlo shouted.

Isen managed to get back up, and grabbed the attacker's arm, twisting it behind him, breaking it, and kicking him to the ground. Meanwhile, the second attacker let loose a barrage of attacks on Arlo's already weakened barrier.

Isen quickly refocused and grabbed the attacker by the shirt and slammed him to the ground, stomping hard on his stomach, knocking the wind out of him before tossing him over next to the other.

Isen was confident, now, and he kept on going, knocking down attackers left and right as the audience of low-tier students watched with their mouths agape in awe of the incredible sight before them.

However, Isen's brief reign of supremacy was quickly ended when one of the attackers managed to grab a hold of his wrist. The attacker's ability began its effect on Isen and he collapsed on the ground beneath him, and crept into a deep sleep.

You've gotta be kidding me! Arlo thought as he channeled all of the energy he possibly could into fortifying the barrier. Fortunately, he wouldn't need to for very long, as two beams impacted corresponding attackers, knocking them two the ground. Additionally, two more attackers were wrapped in green ropes and tripped up, pulled to the ground and knocked out.

Blyke, Cecile, and Holden arrived to assist him!

"Boy, am I glad to see you three!" Arlo exclaimed. "Isen's out for the count. Someone pull him into my barrier."

Cecile wrapped Isen up with her vines and, with a flick of her hand, dragged him across the floor under Arlo's barrier. "He really is useless, isn't he?" she remarked.

"He impressed me today," Arlo said, partly in defense of one of his pupils. "Regardless, we need to focus less on the playful banter and more on holding off these people until Remi gets back."

One of the attackers attempted to punch the barrier, but was instead punched across the room by Holden's gauntlet construct.

"Let's just hope she can handle it," Cecile spat, her words laced with disdain for the current Queen of Wellston.

Blyke grimaced. "Don't worry," he said.

"She can..."

. . .

Keene had instantly detected the Spectre agents as soon as they entered proximity of the school. Terrence had been asked about the attack, and had confirmed that the tactics matched up with those employed by Spectre.

He had pleaded with them to allow him to help out and prove that he was no longer part of Spectre, but Keene had denied his request.

Now, Keene, Vaughn, and Darren were racing towards the gym as fast as they could. It was only a few minutes before they were at the gym when Remi came barreling towards the trio, surrounded by her signature lightning.

"Headmaster! Mr. Keene! Doc!" she called to them. "The gym—"

"We know, Remi," Vaughn said calmly. "Come now, my dear, let's help your friends."

Together, they arrived back at the gym. It was evident from how slow she was that Remi was not at full strength. If these Spectre fellows had some sort of device that could weaken people, they might have a more difficult time than expected.

So far, everything seemed to be fine. Vaughn's eyes glinted as his ability activated. Feeling every thing and every person in the area with his mind, he stretched out his hand, picking apart the Spectre agents from his own students, and lowered his hand quickly. The agents of Spectre came crashing to the ground without a word. Keene activated his own ability and captured the groups of agents with his security nets.

"Well done," Vaughn said.

Darren stepped forward next to Vaughn. "This feels too easy," he said. "The kids had such a hard time against them, and yet you and Keene took them all down like it was nothing. No matter how big of a level gap you two have between them, they should've put up some kind of fight."

"I agree," Vaughn said cautiously. "So far, I sense nothing else. But perhaps my telekinetic abilities are missing something."

"Keene, are you getting any other presences around here?" Darren asked, desperate to put his mind at ease.

"Not so far," the dark blond haired man said. "But they could be out of my sensory range. My perimeter only spans across the school grounds."

Darren grimaced, looking over at Vaughn who seemed deep in thought.

"Headmaster," John said, walking over to them. "You're just in time."

"Hardly," Vaughn replied. "I'm glad to see that you're all okay. Is anyone injured?"

"Isen was put to sleep by one of them," Arlo said, walking over and carrying Isen in his arms. "But he seems uninjured."

"Good," Darren scoffed. "Makes my job easier."

All of a sudden, Keene's eyes lit up. "Headmaster—"

"So this is Wellston," a voice said, echoing through the deafening silence in the gymnasium. In stepped a tall man with pale orange hair and emerald green eyes. "Allow me to introduce myself: I am the leader of this group—"

"Orrin," John finished for him. "You'd really go so low as to attack, not only me, but people who I care about in such a public area?"

"Yes," he said. "Because according to my sources, it seems that the authorities may soon suffer a loss that they will not return from. Soon, war will break out, and the victor will claim control over everything."

"And you want to be the victor?"

"Indeed," Orrin chuckled. "I was planning to get you out of the way first. But I wanted to give you another chance to change your mind about working with me." He looked around at the group of students and school faculty, and added something. "And the offer extends to everyone else, of course."

"Like they'd join you—"

Vaughn raised his hand in front of John, cutting off his sentence. "Hold on, John. Let him speak."

"Headmaster! He can't be trusted!" John said indignantly.

"I agree, Headmaster," Keene said. "This man orchestrated an attack on our school with intention to harm, if not kill, our students!"

"This man and I have a common enemy: the authorities," Vaughn replied.

Arlo gritted his teeth. "What is with the distrust in the authorities?" he asked. "They're doing their best! Running a country is difficult, they don't have enough people to handle every problem as they happen!"

"Silence, Arlo," Vaughn said, keeping his calm and cool composure. "Go on, Mr. Orrin."

"Spectre is working to stage a violent uprising against the authorities," Orrin continued. "Hence, disabling John's ability and recruiting him to our cause. Those of you who have not dealt with the struggles of the weak would never understand our goals, which is why we're taking it into our hands to show them and gain sympathy for the lower ranks."

"A noble goal," Vaughn said, earning shocked gasps and wide mouths from student and teacher alike. John opened his mouth to say something. "But inexcusable actions. I'm sorry, Mr. Orrin—" he stared him down and locked the other's movements "—but I will not be joining Spectre today, or any day, as long as they continue to do these unsavory acts."

"That's such a shame," Orrin sighed. "I was hoping to gain some new recruits. I suppose I'll just have to dispose of you all instead. RELEASE ME." His eyes glinted and Vaughn moved on his own, releasing Orrin from his telekinetic grasp. Orrin turned to the group of high-tier assets that were entering behind him. "Kill them all."

A woman clad in a black body glove and purple highlights stepped forward and sent a burst of black and purple flames toward the group. As fast as he could, Arlo stepped in front of everyone, raising his barrier and absorbing the blast. He turned back to the group.

"I'm back at full strength," he said.

John nodded. "So am I." He stepped forward and raised his own black-gold barrier over Arlo's own. "Here, let me help you out a bit."

The woman gave up trying to break through their barriers and stepped back to let the stronger members take a shot at it. Liam stepped forward. John instantly recognized him, even though he was masked.

"It's not worth it," he said. "They've gotten their power back, and none of us are strong enough to break through either of those barriers. I've already contacted Rift, we'll be retrieved soon."

"But 23," another said, this woman sounded young, even younger than Seraphina, Remi, and the other third years. She was clad in a silver-marked black body glove. "Orrin said—"

"I know what Orrin said," Liam replied. "But I think he'd rather let them live than lose a good chunk of his fighting force."

The girl backed down, understanding the logic. Before anyone could speak up, various portals opened up around the group of ten or so high-tiers standing in front of them. They each entered a portal and disappeared without a trace. When they looked back at the captured agents, they too had disappeared.

"Damn it," John hissed. "We're back to square one. I'm no closer to taking down Orrin than I was from the beginning."

John stormed out of the gym angrily, heading back to his dorm. Seraphina followed soon after him.

Vaughn turned to Keene and Darren. "We have a lot to discuss," he said, closing his eyes and sighing. He turned to the students. "Everyone! We're locking down the school again for your own safety. Please return to your dorms where you can be monitored and protected." The students dispersed obediently and each returned to their dorms.

- - -

"He did what?" Neil asked, raising an eyebrow, his heartrate increasing drastically in pace. He sighed heavily. "This is the last straw. Orrin has crossed a line this time. Leilah, we need to begin preparations for a hostile takeover."

"I agree," the woman said. "I've already gotten our forces ready. All we need to do is negotiate with Miranda, and get her forces to combine with ours."

"I'll handle Miranda. I need you to make sure John is still on board with helping us take him down. I'd also like you to recruit Seraphina." Leilah's eyes noticeable widened and her composure tightened slightly.

"I-I don't know," she said, lowering her head. "I doubt she wants anything to do with me, sir."

"Don't you think it's worth trying?"

Her eyes widened. "I suppose it could be."

"It would be. She's at the same level as John. They would make going against Orrin much easier."

She chuckled. "You say that like it would be easy regardless."

He sighed. "I just have hope. Sometimes a little too much. Anyway, I should head to talk to Miranda. I'll meet up with you here later."

"Yes, sir."

. . .

Leilah approached the gates to Wellston Private High School. Kayden walked up next to her. A tall, dark blond haired man came strolling out of the building and approached the two of them.

"Excuse me," the man said. "I'm Keene, the Head of Security at Wellston. I'm afraid we've locked down the entire building and we're not letting anyone in or out."

"With all due respect, Mr. Keene," she said, tucking her hair behind her ear and batting her lashes at him. "I'm here to check up on Doctor Darren; he's my boyfriend."

Keene blushed slightly. He new Darren's girlfriend was pretty, but he didn't realize just how beautiful she really was. Now that she was standing here in person, he did. "Oh, I see," he said. "I believe Doc did say he was expecting you. Unfortunately, I can't let him in." He pointed to Kayden.

Kayden opened his mouth to protest, but she spoke before he had the chance. "That's fine," she said. "He can wait out her for me. I won't be long." She gave him a wink. They'd gone over the possibility that he wouldn't be let in. Fortunately, that's where his ability would come in handy.

Keene led her through the gates and they went inside. "Do you know your way around?" he asked.

"Yes, thank you."

She headed in the direction of Darren's office. When Keene wasn't in view, however, she began heading toward the dorms. After some time of walking, she arrived at the dorm she knew was Seraphina's.

Right on time, Kayden appeared next to her at the door. "Damn," he said. "It's tough to teleport to a place you've never been before."

Leilah sighed and took a deep breath before knocking on the door. After a few moments, the door opened. There she was. Beautiful as ever, just as she remembered from all those years ago.

Seraphina instantly recognized her and she staggered back slightly. "L-Leilah," she stammered. "W-what the hell are you doing here?"

"I know you probably don't want to see me," Leilah said, trying to stay calm, holding back years of unshed tears in regret of leaving her behind to suffer the blunt of their parents insufferable rules.

"Of course I don't!" Seraphina exclaimed. "You abandoned me! The only one in the house who was truly kind to me! I loved you, and you left me behind to get tortured and-and indoctrinated by Mom and Dad!"

"I know, I know, but you know how they are. They were watching my every move, breathing down my neck with every step! I couldn't handle it anymore, I had to get out of there!"

"You should've thought about me, though! Without you in the house, Mom and Dad got even colder than were when you were! They hit me and verbally abused me when I didn't excel! I wish you would've taken me with you!"

Leilah tried to say something, but she choked on her own breath as the tears were released. She stood there, speechless and crying as Seraphina stared at her with a mixture of anger, sadness, and regret riddled all over her face.

"Sera, what's—" John asked, coming up behind her. "Leilah?"

"John?" the woman replied, sniffing slightly. "What are you doing at Sera's dorm?"

He blushed slightly. "I— uh—"

"He's my boyfriend," Seraphina finished. "Not that it's any of your business."

"What are you doing here, Leilah?" John asked. "I thought it would be obvious I don't want anything to do with Spectre after the sh*t Orrin pulled today."

"I know," she replied, regaining her composure and calming herself down. "But that wasn't us. Neil and I are just as upset with the situation. We're actually here to see if you'll help us with taking down Orrin—both of you."

"Hell no," Seraphina muttered. "I'm not working with you. Not after what you—"

"Sera," John said, taking her hand and squeezing it comfortingly. "I think we should help them. Don't you want revenge on Orrin for what he did to me—to us?"

She thought for a moment and gave him an affirming squeeze in reply, sighing deeply. "Fine," she conceded. "But I won't be working anywhere near her." She let go of his hand and walked away.

"I'm sorry about that," Leilah said. "She and I obviously don't have the best relationship nowadays."

"I don't blame her," John said, glaring at her. "She told me a lot about your family, and it was a sh*tty thing to, leaving her alone with your parents. She was suicidal at times, I hope you know that."

A tear rolled down Leilah's cheek again. "I had no idea."

"But I do believe in second chances," he said, sighing slightly. "I had mine, I suppose it's time for yours. I'll try and talk to her, she might listen to me."

"Thank you," Leilah said. "I really appreciate that."

"Tell Neil we're in. Let us know when you're ready to teach that motherf*cker a lesson."

"Got it. We'll be in touch."

- - -

William paced back and forth. Simon had called him, saying that he found something important and that he needed to talk. Finally, after what seemed like hours, a knock came at the door. He went up and opened it.

"Simon!" he exclaimed. "Come in, please. Tell me, what did you find?"

"I found her," he said. William's eyes widened in shock. "She's at some facility owned by the company NXGen." He set down a set of photos he took of Jane. "She's not doing so well. I have reason to believe NXGen is a government run company. It looks like they're draining her aura, or something."

"Jane," William whispered. "How could they do this to you?" He turned back to Simon. "Thank you so much! I know what I need to do now." He took the photos, putting them back in the folder and hurried to grab his shoes and keys.

"I'll let you know if I find anything else," Simon said as he walked out of the door. "Oh, one more thing! In that folder, there's a note from her. I got to speak with her and she asked about you. She gave me that letter. It might be a bit messy since she wrote it in a hurry. I don't know what it says, though."

"Thank you so much, Simon. I'll make sure you get your money." William took the note and rushed out of the door behind Simon. He fumbled with his keys as he raced to his car, nearly tripping and falling flat on his face on his way there.

When he made it to the car, he went out of his driveway and sped down the road. Cameron's house was quite a ways away from New Bostin, and he was determined to speak with his brother-in-law.

. . .

He finally arrived at Cameron's house. Naturally, as a high ranking member of society, and the sole inheritor of a vast fortune, Cameron lived in a very large modern mansion.

He remembered that Jane had hoped to gain some of the inheritance, but after her parents had learned of her marriage with William, they had given the total inheritance to Cameron.

He knocked on the door and few moments later, Cameron's servant answered the door. "Apologies," she said flatly. "The Mister doesn't wish to anyone at the moment."

"I'll be quick," William insisted. "Please, it's urgent."

The servant paused for a moment before sighing heavily. "Very well." She opened the door and led him inside. William admired the home, looking around at the entire mansion, his writer's mind racing to get ideas and inspiration for his next novel.

The house was nice, for sure, but William couldn't help but wonder how a single person used so much space. His attention was caught when he heard footsteps approach from above.

"You," Cameron growled, glaring at his cripple brother-in-law with a burning fury. "What do you want?"

"Cameron," William said. "I-I need your help!"

Cameron sucked through his teeth and addressed his servant. "Didn't I tell you I didn't want to see anyone?"

"You've been so preoccupied with work," the servant pointed out. "And you haven't left the house in a while. I thought you could use some company."

"Not from him," he spat. "Show him out!"

"Wait!" William pleaded. "Please, hear me out! I have news on Jane!"

"Using my sister to gain my sympathy?" Cameron asked. "Jane cut ties with me decades ago. What she does is none of my business." He gestured with his hand and began walking away.

"Cameron! Haven't you ever wondered where she's been all these years? Well, I hired people to look for her, and one of them got back to me!" His voice was definitely upset and angry. "She was found in a heavily guarded lab. I don't know what they're doing with her, but she doesn't look well. I think she's trapped—"

"Jane? Trapped in a lab?" Cameron glared at him skeptically. "You can't be serious. Obviously, you got scammed. Seems you've been writing your silly stories for so long, you've lost touch with reality." William gritted his teeth. "Face it. You and Jane aren't in the same world. It was only a matter of time before she left you."

William snapped. "Even if she got sick of me, she wouldn't leave our son behind like that!"

"Son?" Cameron exclaimed. Jane had a child with this weakling? Cameron thought. How disgraceful!

William shuffled through his bag. "Here, I have photos of her in the facility! You have to believe me!"

"I don't care!" Cameron said, raising his voice. "Get him out of my sight!"

The servant stepped forward. "But—"


The servant stayed quiet and began walking down the stairs.

"Just one look, Cameron!" William insisted.

"It's time for you to go," the servant said, ushering him out of the house.

"H-hey, wait."

"Hurry up and leave, before he decides to take care of you himself!"

"Sh*t—" he cursed. "Then, I'm leaving these here!"

The door slammed shut behind them as they exited the house. Once he was outside, William pounded his fist into the wall, cursing Cameron's name in his mind.

He decided the best thing to do would be to call Simon to ask for more information. The phone rang, and rang, but no one answered.

Where could he be?

. . .

William walked back into his apartment. That meeting definitely didn't go as planned. Though, he couldn't say it was unexpected.

As he stepped further inside, he accidently kicked some mail that was on the floor.

He opened it and read it. It was parcel from Simon! Apparently, Simon had found a way inside NXGen and had spoken to Jane. According to the letter, it seemed like she had a lot to say, but had to put it into writing.

William took the other note that was in the package and opened it. It did look like Jane's handwriting.

The note revealed that she had left abruptly because once John was born, the authorities had too much leverage against her. Because of this, she decided to leave without a word of goodbye, in hopes that he'd forget about her.

How could I forget about you? William thought. You were greatest thing that ever happened to me. He held back tears as he thought back to when he had first met Jane at that book signing all those years ago. It had to have been nearly two decades ago.

Even back then, her sympathy towards low-tiers, even cripples, was a major refreshment from the oppression he'd suffered all his life.

He'd thought she was strange because of how energetic and somewhat pushy she was. It was a little overwhelming, but looking back, it was one of the main reasons he loved her so much.

After finishing the letter, something in William snapped.

The authorities.

The very people who forced Jane into submission, leaving him without a wife, and even more importantly, John without a mother.

When John had gone through the readjustment classes, instead of teaching him and helping him, they broke him and traumatized him to the point of self-harm and attempted suicide.

Enough is enough, he thought, his fists tightening in his lap. He knew what he needed to do. He had thought about this for a long time, and now he finally knew what he needed to do.

He opened up his laptop, went to website where he could post a story and uploaded Unordinary into the file uploader and submitted. He leaned back onto the couch and sighed.

What he just did was risky. But it had felt like a weight had lifted off his shoulders. Hopefully, this would get people to realize the authorities' hierarchy was wrong, and needed to be ended.

Perhaps it could have the same effect as before, but on a wider scale now that it was free for all to read.

- - -

"Jude!" the mousy little woman exclaimed, rushing into his office. "Something just happened!"

"What is it, Miriam?" the man asked, looking up from his computer. "You know I'm a busy man."

"Yes, sir, I know," she said, bowing respectfully. "But we just got a call from the higher-ups. We've been alerted to the upload of a story on a website called Untitled. It seems to match exactly with the story of Unordinary from about a year ago."

"Oh? And they want us to go fix the mess?"

"Yes, sir."

"Alright, Miriam," Jude said, standing up and putting on his blazer. "Let's go."

Ability: Metal Wings
Level: 3.7

Power (5)
Speed (3)
Trick (3)
Recovery (2)
Defense (4)

Ability: Whirlwind
Level: 3.8

Power (3)
Speed (4)
Trick (3)
Recovery (2)
Defense (3)

Ability: Demon Claw
Level: 3.8

Power (5)
Speed (3)
Trick (3)
Recovery (2)
Defense (3)

Ability: Conjure: Gauntlets
Level: 4.0

Power (5)
Speed (2)
Trick (2)
Recovery (2)
Defense (7)

Ability: Conjure: Vines
Level: 5.2

Power (5)
Speed (3)
Trick (7)
Recovery (5)
Defense (5)

Ability: Telekinesis
Level: 7.8

Power (9)
Speed (5)
Trick (10)
Recovery (4)
Defense (5)

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Seraphina watches as John destroys the Royals falling to her knees knowing he had lied, in frustration seeing that John had lied she activates her ab...
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Cover Edit By Me Mia Doe a.k.a John's Sister & Oliva Morlas a.k.a John's Girlfriend arrive in Wellston. As events begin to unfold. A new evil rises...
11.8K 311 11
basically a chatfic before John's ability reveal (shocker!!)😰😰😰 Also self insert for meemes -plot -memes -daddy jokes -john being,john -chaotic -g...