The Eclipsed Heart

By mehhh024

122K 8K 3.8K

In the comforting embrace of his perfect life, Khan Murtasim Khan had everything one could wish for. Yet, a c... More

Character Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Last Chapter

Chapter 21

1.9K 137 41
By mehhh024

After Meerab and Murtasim had returned to Hyderabad, they settled back into their daily life activities. With Meerab busy with the panchayat work and Murtasim juggling responsibilities at the factories and his feudal duties, their interactions were often limited to the quiet moments they shared at night.

During these moments, Meerab would enthusiastically recount the events of her day, sharing the challenges and victories she encountered in her work. Murtasim, in turn, would lie beside her, his silence a patient invitation for her to express herself.

In these nightly conversations, Murtasim learned a many things about Meerab. He discovered that her all-time favorite movie was Harry Potter, and she had not only read all the books but also watched all the movies multiple times. Meerab shared how, during every December, she used to organize a movie marathon with the kids in her orphanage, creating a festive atmosphere filled with laughter and the magic of J.K. Rowling's world.

Her favorite food was pizza. Meerab spoke animatedly about her love for different pizza toppings and her occasional indulgence in this comfort food. Murtasim had also gotten to know that her favorite singer was Shawn Mendes, someone he wasn't quite familiar with. Meerab enthusiastically shared that her absolute favorite song was "Falling All In You." As she hummed a few lines, her eyes lit up with infectious joy.

Murtasim realized that while a part of Meerab was quite Westernized, but her love for Bollywood added a touch of desi-ness to her. Murtasim had closely observed her as she spoke enthusiastically about her favorite actors, classic films, and the magical world of Indian cinema that she cherished.

However, what surprised Murtasim the most was the fact that Meerab was a Queen's Mary graduate, that too with a degree that he didn't really thought Meerab about be interested in.

"You know, Mr. Khan, I've studied Economics and International Relations at Queen Mary University," Meerab casually dropped another unknow fact about herself.

Murtasim, genuinely taken aback, raised an eyebrow. "You did? Economics and International Relations? From Queen Mary University?"

Meerab chuckled at Murtasim's surprise. "Yes, indeed. And I graduated with high honors, actually."

Murtasim, still processing this unexpected piece of information, stuttered a bit before regaining composure. "I never would have guessed."

Meerab eyed Murtasim, a playful smirk on her lips. "And why is that so? Do I look like a dumb person to you?"

Murtasim quickly shook his head, a hint of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. "No, no, it's just that you look like you'd study something like... I don't know, perhaps literature or arts."

Meerab cut him off with a laugh, "Mr. Khan, I assure you, I can be just as interested in GDPs and international diplomacy as I am in literature. People are full of surprises, aren't they?"

"Well then, consider me pleasantly surprised, Miss Meerab," Murtasim smiled, his eyes reflecting a genuine curiosity.

"Okay, now enough of me. At this point, you know almost everything about me, whereas I know nothing about you. This isn't quite a fair trade in business, Mr. Khan, so spill information about yourself as well," Meerab teased, her eyes dancing with playful anticipation.

"Me? I'm not that much of an interesting person, Meerab," Murtasim said.

"Oh, please tell me. There might be something." Meerab pleaded.

"Well, I like horse riding and hunting." Murtasim confessed.

"Ah, classic feudal lord qualities," Meerab said as Murtasim looked at her, confused.

"What? Where did you get to know that from?" Murtasim inquired.

"I read it on a website before we got married. I wanted to know what Pakistani feudal lords are like," Meerab said.

"And? What else did you get to know?" Murtasim asked, intrigued.

"Well, to be honest, it wasn't the brightest picture. The majority of their leaders seem more like greedy monsters, more interested in serving their own interests than those of their people. There's a distinct lack of initiatives for the betterment of society. The way they treat women is appalling; their voices are silenced, and it's a world where power and control seem to be the primary values.

On top of that, these so-called leaders, despite having the means to make positive changes, indulge in hedonistic activities, where men casually go around drinking and visiting brothels, even with two or three wives in the picture. Frankly, it's a disappointing scenario with a lack of responsibility and moral integrity, if you ask me." Meerab concluded her monologue lost in her own world as she failed to notice the sudden shift of Murtasim's expressions.

Murtasim's eyes widened at Meerab's mention of drinking. He was taken back to the time when he came back home drunk and how Meerab would have felt then. Embarrassed, he cleared his throat as he uttered an apology.

"Meerab, about that drinking incident, I wanted to apologize for that night. I know I shouldn't have done that," Murtasim said, as Meerab looked at him.

"Well, I wouldn't say that it's okay because it's not. To be honest, I hate the smell of alcohol, and that's just bad for your health as well. So it's better if you let go of that habit, Mr. Khan," Meerab spoke as Murtasim nodded.

Awkward silence hung between that as Meerab sensed the tension in the air, she tried to dismiss it, "But then I got to know that there are some feudal lords who are actually concerned about their people, who might seem like an arrogant, stiff, and stern person but are actually quite soft in reality, who hate overly sugary things, who like to keep his mustache rolled up, wrap around his shawl all the time, and who cut his cousin's hair just because she told him that she liked him." Meerab burst into laughter, catching Murtasim off guard.

"Did Mai tell you that? Oh God, that's so embarrassing." Murtasim said trying to avoid eye contact.

"Not at all, I think it's absolutely hilarious," Meerab spoke in-between her giggles.

"Well, in my defense, I was only 10 at that time," Murtasim said, trying to save face, but Meerab couldn't stop laughing.

"Well, Mr. Khan, seems like you've been quite the character since childhood," Meerab teased, still amused by the image of a 10-year-old Murtasim cutting hair because his cousin had a crush on him.

Murtasim, trying to avoid any more leg pulling, just wrapped the blanket around his face, feigning annoyance. "Meerab, enough talking. Go to sleep now."

However, Meerab couldn't help but annoying him once again as she got closer to his side and whispered, "Hmm, yeah, yeah. Good night, Mr. Khan, the infamous ghostbuster."

"Ugh, I'm never going to leave you alone with her now, never again," Murtasim muttered with a playful scowl, as he heard the mention of another one of his embarrassing childhood stories.

As Meerab settled into the bed, she couldn't help but chuckle at Murtasim's mock irritation. The room was filled with a comfortable silence, punctuated only by the soft sounds of the night. Eventually, as sleep began to claim them both, the echo of laughter lingered in the air, promising a tomorrow filled with shared moments and, perhaps, a few more tales from their pasts.


The lazy Sunday sun hung in the sky, casting a warm glow over the garden. Murtasim and Farukh sat engrossed in a serious discussion at the garden table, their faces furrowed in concentration. Meanwhile, Meerab found herself stuck in the clutches of boredom, watering the same plants for the nth time.

As she glanced over at the two men deeply immersed in their conversation, a mischievous twinkle sparked in Meerab's eyes. A sudden idea crossed her mind, and she couldn't resist the temptation to break the monotony. With a sly grin, she grabbed the watering can and approached the unsuspecting duo.

Meerab aimed a gentle stream of water at Murtasim's back. He looked over his shoulder, baffled, as droplets clung to his shirt. Farukh, initially confused, joined Murtasim in the amusement.

"I'm sorry, I was trying to water the plants on that side but you were in the way so," she said as Murtasim nodded, turning his attention back to Farukh but Meerab had other plans.

With a devious smile as she retreated to water another plant. But the lure of mischief proved too strong to resist. A few minutes later, water droplets danced through the air again, this time targeting both Murtasim and Farukh simultaneously.

"Meerab, what are you doing? Stop" Murtasim questioned, wiping water from his face.

"Just adding a bit of excitement to this boring Sunday, Mr. Khan," Meerab chuckled, her eyes sparkling with playful mischief.

Meerab's aim was surprisingly accurate, and soon Murtasim was thoroughly drenched as Farukh ran away at a corner to save himself. Water glistened on Murtasim's hair and clothes as he retaliated with bursts from the hose, turning the garden into a temporary water battleground.

"Alright, you asked for it!" Murtasim declared, scooping up a bucket of water. Meerab, realizing she might have unleashed more than she bargained for, tried to escape, but Murtasim was too quick. He splashed the water playfully, soaking Meerab from head to toe.

As the cool water enveloped her, Meerab let out a surprised yelp, her hands instinctively covering her face. The unexpected splash had caught her off guard, and now she stood drenched, her hair clinging to her forehead, droplets tracing rivulets down her cheeks. Murtasim stood there, a triumphant grin on his face, the bucket still in his hand.

Meerab, recovering from the initial shock, glared at him playfully. "Mr. Khan, that was so not fair!"

Murtasim chuckled, thoroughly enjoying the moment. "Well, you did start it. Fair game, Meerab."

Realizing that retaliation was inevitable, Meerab shot a mischievous smile at Murtasim. She swiftly grabbed a nearby water hose, turning the tables in an instant. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she aimed the hose at Murtasim, unleashing a stream of water in his direction.

Murtasim, taken aback, tried to shield himself, but it was too late. The water hit him squarely, leaving him in a similar state of drenched surprise. Meerab burst into laughter, reveling in the delightful chaos they had created.

Farukh came out of his hideout, holding out his phone to record the hilarious scene. "You guys look like kids," he laughed, the camera capturing the genuine joy on his face. Meerab and Murtasim exchanged mischievous glances before simultaneously scooping up more water, their smiles widening with mischief as they threw water at Farukh as well to which he laughed out.

As Farukh continued to record, the trio engaged in a playful water battle, the sun casting a warm glow on the scene. The garden echoed with laughter and the splashing sound of water, creating an atmosphere of carefree joy.

The scene caught the attention of Maa Begum, who observed the chaos from the window. Her heart swelled with warmth at the sight of Murtasim's genuine smile. It had been a while since she witnessed that carefree expression on Murtasim's face, and she couldn't help but shed a tear of joy.

This is what she and Shahnawaz longed to see for years. Maa Begum silently prayed for this newfound happiness to endure. She wished for Meerab and Murtasim to continue finding solace and joy in each other, breaking free from the shadows that haunted his past as she looked over to the smiling faces of trio having a water fight like they were kids who no worries of the world surrounding them.


The soft glow of lamps cast a warm ambiance in the bedroom as Meerab, still in the midst of drying her hair, turned to see Murtasim entering. Droplets of water clung to his hair, and his soaked clothes clung to his frame, but there was a lightness in his eyes that Meerab hadn't seen in a while.

"That was so much fun, wasn't it, Mr. Khan?" Meerab exclaimed, her eyes sparkling.

Murtasim, feeling a sense of contentment, nodded. "Yeah, it was. I haven't had fun like that in ages. Thank you, Meerab."

Meerab grinned, setting the hairdryer aside. "You're welcome, Mr. Khan. Sometimes you just need to let go and have a little fun."

They smiled as Murtasim remembered, "This reminds me, I need your phone number. After everything that happened at the gaon, we should at least have each other's numbers to contact one another." Murtasim said as he held out his phone towards her.

Meerab nodded, her eyes twinkling mischievously as she took Murtasim's phone and saved her number. "Why are you giggling like that?" he asked, intrigued by her sudden burst of laughter.

"Isn't it a bit stupid? We've been married for almost four months, and we don't even have each other's numbers." She said, shaking her head at the irony as she gave Murtasim his phone back.

"It surely is," he responded as he glanced at his phone, furrowing his brows at the name. "Meerab, the Sunshine Enthusiast? What is this?"

"That's my name and my impeccable qualities," Meerab replied with a playful twinkle in her eye. She couldn't resist teasing him about the choice of the contact name.

Murtasim chuckled at Meerab's suggestion. "And what would you name me?" he asked with a playful grin.

"Hmm, I'll have to think," Meerab mused, tapping her chin. "Maybe something like 'Mr. Khan, the angry bird' or, oh, I've got it, 'Mr. Khan, the Senior Citizen.'"

Murtasim raised an eyebrow, playfully offended. "You make it seem like I'm 60 or 70. You do realize that Farukh and I are of the same age?"

"It's not about the age, Mr. Khan; it's the," Meerab paused for effect, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "distinguished aura you carry."

Murtasim couldn't help but laugh. "Distinguished aura? Is that a nice way of saying I'm getting old?"

Meerab's grin widened, radiating warmth. "Not at all, Mr. Khan. It's a toast to your timeless charm and wisdom. After all, age is merely a fleeting number, but wisdom? That's the priceless vintage of a well-aged soul."

Murtasim couldn't resist the infectious charm of Meerab's explanation, as the room echoed with the delightful symphony of his laughter. Meerab, captivated by the melody, watched him with a sparkle in her eyes, as if savoring the sweet notes that echoed in the air.

Amidst the symphony of laughter, Meerab's gaze lingered on Murtasim, capturing the animated expressions that adorned his face with strokes of pure joy. His eyes, usually a mix of stoicism or melancholy, now sparkled with amusement, revealing a side Meerab had rarely witnessed—a glimpse into a realm of joy and lightheartedness.

A soft realization gently washed over Meerab—an awareness that beyond the laughter and banter, an unspoken connection was weaving itself between them. As Murtasim's laughter subsided, Meerab found herself captivated by the allure of the man before her. The room, once filled with light-hearted banter, now held an undercurrent of something more profound, leaving Meerab wondering about the reason behind the fluttering of her heart.


Happy new year everyone!!! I hope you have an amazing year filled with great joy and positivity🤍

Ps: I wanted to tell you all that this might be the last chapter i update before my exams. I'll be caught up with my finals so I won't be able update another chapter until 12 of January but i promise that since my vacations are coming, i'll be updating chapters frequently to make up for these two weeks. Thankyou so much for all your love and support. It really means alot💞

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