Let's skip that and fall in l...

Від LadyFaFa

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Let's skip that and fall in love (Jalex)
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
chapter 8ish
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
info about the sequel!

Chapter Five

1.7K 64 5
Від LadyFaFa

A/N Please spare my life.

Please comment and vote. I tend to not update until some kind of feedback is given because I want to know if anyone is reading this story.

Alex's POV

"I should be heading home, my mom's taking me to school so I'll meet you there," I said with a smile as I got up from the bed.

"Okay, we'll see you tomorrow," Alice said, smiling back at me.

Jack got up off the bed and pulled me into a hug. I smiled and hugged him back.

"Sweet dreams Lex," he whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"You too Jack," I whispered back, kissing him softly before turning and walking out the door.

  I waved one last goodbye before leaving the room. I made my way down stairs, saying goodbye to Alice's parents. I smiled once I stepped out into the cool spring air. I didn't waste any time, I started walking home. It's nice out, it's been raining too much lately. It's always cold and rainy in Baltimore. I don't mind the rain that much, it's calming. But I like it mostly because when it rains Jack holds me close to his side in attempt to keep me from getting wet. I don't know how I got so lucky to have him as my own. I won't question fate, just to be safe. I can't imagine if I ever lost him. I think I'm actually completely in love with him. I've been thinking about it for about a week now. I really do love him. I know I know, we've only been together a month, but ever since we met I knew we were destined. I'm a strong believer of destiny and fate, and it was fate that we met and destiny we fell for each other. As cliche as that sounds it's the truth.

  I cut through someones backyard to get onto the street that leads to my house. Jack and I found this shortcut a few weeks ago when it was raining. It takes a lot of time off the walk.

"Hey guys look it's Gaskarth."

  I could feel the hair on my arms stick up from the sound of that voice. I started walking faster, ignoring the people following close behind. I blinked back tears and broke into a sprint. My house was just two more streets away. When I sped up so did my followers.

"Where do you think you're going!?" One of the guys shouted.

  The back of my throat was burning, my eyes stung from the tears threatening to fall. I couldn't let them see me cry. That's what they want, they want to see me upset. They want to see that same look in my eyes from the last they saw me. I won't grant them the satisfaction of repeating the past. I sprinted as fast as I could, praying they would fall behind.

"Don't you dare give in Alex," I whispered to myself as I ran.

  Just when I thought I was free, two of the guys appeared in front of me. I tried to run across the street, but it was too late. They had me in a matter of seconds. How could I be so stupid to think I could get away this time.

"When we call out to you, you better fucking listen to us," the biggest guy said as he kicked me in the side.

  'Why didn't I just take the long way home?' I thought to myself as they dragged me away. I didn't bother resisting that would just piss them off more. 'No matter what don't open your eyes,' the voice in my head told me. I listened and kept my eyes shut tight. It'll be over soon, if I'm that lucky.

"What shoulg we do to him this time?" One of the five guys asked.

  I tuned them out, praying that they would change their minds and let me go. But with my luck they didn't. I gasped out in pain from the first punch to my stomach. I fought back the tears that were trying to escape. My eyes stayed shut and I held my breath as the beating continued. It was worse than the last time. After all my protest, the tears started fall from my closed eyes. That gave them the satisfaction they wanted. The beating got worse. 'I'm going to die,' was the only thought going through my head as the pain took over my whole body. Suddenly the beating stopped, or I'm just too numb to feel it anymore. I tried opening my eyes, but I couldn't. I heard the sound of sirens coming closer. That was the last thing I heard before I fell into darkness.

The Next Day Jack's POV

 Alice and I were standing outside the main entrance, waiting for Alex to show up.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"I don't know, he won't answer my calls or texts."

"should we just go to class and hope he shows up by lunch?"

"Yeah, if hes not hear by then let's ditch and go to his house," she said, picking up her bag and walking inside.

  I followed behind her as we made our way down the hall to our classes. She walked into her class and I walked to mine. We agreed to meet between classes to update if we've seen him.

  After three hours of suffering I walked into the cafeteria to find Alice at our table with Andrew. I quickly made my way over to them.

"Any news on him?" I asked, looking at Alice.

"No, I asked around and no one has seen him today. I'm worried Jack," she said with a frown.

"Let's go find out what's going," I said, holding my hand out to her.

  Alice took my hand and stood up. We made our way out to her car, Andrew following behind us. We all climbed into her car. Alice started up the car and started driving towards Alex's house. The amount of time it took to get there was painful. It was taking far too long.

"we're here," Alice announced when she pulled up to his house.

  I grabbed the key his mom gave me and ran up the front steps, unlocking the door. We all walked inside.

"Mrs. G? Alex?" I called out as I walked farther into the house.

  There was no answer. We split up and search the house for any sign of them. No luck, we all met up in the living room.

"Where could they be?' I wondered out loud.

  Before anyone could say anything the phone started ringing. I picked it up to see who it was. "Mom" flashed on the screen, I hit the answer button.

"Mrs. G?" I asked.

"Jack, how did I know you would be at the house?"

"Mrs. G where's Alex?"

"I assumed he was staying with you and Alice last night. He didn't make it home. I got a call from the hospital this morning. Something happened when he was coming home and he's been here in the hospital all night."

"What hospital are you at?"

"They're in a hospital?" Alice asked, staring at me wide-eyed.

"We're at Union Memorial," She said.

"Okay, we'll be there soon," I said before hanging up.

"What the hell is going on Jack?" Alice asked.

"Alex didn't make it home last night, the hospital called his mom this morning."

"What hospital?" She asked, taking her keys out of her pocket.

"Union Memorial."

"Let's go," Andrew said.

  We all made out way out of the house. I locked the door behind us and got in the car. Alice started driving towards the hospital. The drive was long and horrible, but the feeling in my gut was worse. Something happened to Alex and he's in the hospital now.

  Within twenty minutes we were at the hospital. I hopped out of the car and ran inside while Alice parked the car. I ran up to the front desk, scaring the nurse that was sorting papers.

"What room is Alexander Gaskarth in?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"Are you immediate family?" She asked.

"No, I'm his boyfriend and I need to see him now. What room is he in?" I asked, getting annoyed.

"I'm sorry, but only family is allowed to visit."

  Tears threatened to escape my eyes as I stared at her. The love of my life is in the hospital and this bitch is keeping me from him. I was about to say something before two fists slammed on the counter. I looked over and saw a very angry Alice with Andrew behind her.

"Listen here lady, we're all his close friends. The only family he has is his mother and I know for a fact she's not going to leave his side. So I'm going to give you a choice. Either you let us go and see him and help his mom, or I will start a riot," Alice said, the look on her face was dead serious.

  The woman looked at Alice and picked up the phone. Alice smiled proudly.

"Hello security, we have a situation here bring back up." The woman said into the phone.

  Alice looked at me with a grin. I stared at her confused, she mouthed the word 'go' so I ran. I'm not sure where I was running, but I knew I had to find Alex. Just as I got out I heard security taking down Alice and Andrew. I didn't have time to worry about what would happen. I need to find Alex, Alice can handle herself fine and Andrew isn't going to be taken down easily. I ran down hallway after hallway, looking at the names on the charts as I passed. Not a single one said Gaskarth. I blinked back tears and continued running. I needed to find Alex and I wouldn't let a stupid hospital stop me from being by his side. My thoughts were cut when I crashed into someone.


  I looked up to see Alex's mom. She held her hand out to help me up. I took it and stood up.

"Hey Mrs. G I'm so sorry," I said.

"It's fine hunny," she said forcing a smile.

"How is he?" I asked.

"Pretty bad," she whispered, holding back tears.

  I pulled her into a hug. She sobbed into my shoulder as I held her close. We stood there for a long time. Neither of us spoke, we just stayed still and cried. She's like a mother to me, her and Alice's mom. I couldn't stand to see her upset.

"How did it happen?" I asked, my voice shaky.

"They aren't sure, when they found him he was unconscious and bleeding. He hasn't woke up yet," she said between sobs.

  My heart broke more, hearing how he was found just killed me. I pulled her into another hug.

"You should go eat something Mrs. G. Alice and Andrew might be there," I said.

  She sighed and pulled away. I smiled softly and watched as she walked down the hall. I walked into Alex's room. I gasped at the sight that lay before me. Alex was asleep, bandages wrapped around his head, cuts on his face. Tears formed in my eyes as  I walked towards him. I sat down in the chair next to his bed and carefully took his hand. His hand was freezing cold.

"Hey Lex... I wish I had gone with you. Then this wouldn't have happened." I whispered, tears forming in my eyes.

Alex's POV

  It's dark, I can hear people talking, but I'm all alone. I know the voices, I just can't put a face or a name to them. 'Where am I?' I thought to myself as I wandered through the dark room. It's like I'm walking through shadows or smoke. I don't understand what's happening, but I just keep walking. Maybe I'm hoping if I walk far enough I'll find some kind of light. But the darkness continues, am I even moving? It all looks the same, just blackness everywhere I look. The voices stopped, I wish they hadn't. I may not know whose voice it was, but it was comforting. I feel like I've been walking for hours, but it could just be minutes.

"Hey Lex," the voice spoke.

  This was a different voice. It wounded so familiar, but I can't place a name or face to this voice either.

"I wish I had gone with you, then this wouldn't have happened," the voice whispered.

  What do they mean? What happened to me? Who are they? Why is there so much sadness in their voice? All these questions and more started swarming around me. All the questions appeared in white words on the walls. I tried to run, but the words followed. More questions I hadn't even thought of appeared. I started to panic.

'STOP! STOP STOP!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face.

  I fell the ground and curled up in a ball on the ground. I cried, pleading for it to stop. Eventually the words disappeared and I was left by myself. I rubbed my eyes and sat in silence. The voice hadn't spoken and the words were all gone. I was completely alone and that scared me more than the words did.

Jack's POV

  I couldn't sit there anymore, it hurt too much to see him like that. I left the find the others. I made my way to the cafeteria. Alice and Andrew were sitting at a table consoling Alex's mom. I walked over to them and pulled a chair from another table to sit with them. Alice looked up and gave me a sad smile. Andrew was hugging Alex's mom. Alice got up and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back and started crying, she started crying too.

  A few hours passed, we were all sat around Alex's room. Andrew called his dad and explained the situation. His dad said he could stay. Alice and I called Alice's parents and told them. They said they would come by soon.

Alex's POV

  It feels like it's been days since I fell into the darkness. I've heard the voices every now and then. I think there's five different voices. One of them isn't there the whole time though, it just leaves after rambling about something I don't understand. The other voices are talking to each other, every now and then I'll hear my name. Other than that they haven't spoken to me. I don't understand why I'm trapped in this dark room or why these voices choose to ignore me. Why are they ignoring me? Do they even know I'm here?

"I'm going to get some air, will you kids be alright while I'm gone?" One of the voices asked.

  The other voices responded with "okays" and "yeahs". I could hear a door open and close. I sighed knowing that the voices would probably continue with their silence. I was wrong.

"Lex? I hope you can hear us," the feminine voice whispered.

'I hear you," I tried shouting, but I know they can't hear me.

"When you come to we'll all be together again," the deeper voice said softly.

"Yeah, and we'll work on our plans for the summer," the most familiar voice said.

  I didn't understand what that meant, but it made me feel better.


A/N Please don't kill me for harming Alex. I promise he might wake up eventually. I'm really proud of how I wrote what's going on in his head.

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