The True Girl Who Lived

By MoeshaLenz

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Everyone was enjoying their breakfast. And the albus potter and his group of terriers was planning a prank. A... More

the plot
holly potter and the philosopher stone
chapter two
holly first letter from Hogwarts
regulus tells holly
holly 11 birthday and trip to Diagon alley
talking to each other before bed
the journey from platform nine and three quarters
the sorting hat
protective dad and Dumbledore big mistake
the midnight duel
breakfast then another round of two chapters
the Christmas family time
lunch time
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
holly potter and the chamber of secrets
dobby's warning
uncle lovegood house

the potions master

1.3K 51 4
By MoeshaLenz

Holly, first morning of Hogwarts was alright. Ok it was great made my bed , had a shower now with my bag and other stuff inside all ready for learning.

McGonagal smile as many of the other teachers.

Holly as many of her class mates follow the Prefects to the hall . Holly hears . " There , look'. " Where? " Next to the tall kid with the red hair '. " Wearing the Glasses "? " Did you see his face?" Did you see his scar? Holly giggle thinking the scar not that big of a deal.

Albus angryly look at his ex sister.

Whispers followed albus as much as his year because he wouldn't stop encouraging them to see him. As soon holly left her dormitory next day . People queueing outside classrooms stood on tiptoe to get a look at albus, and albus smiling back at them , or doubled back to pass him in the corridors again, staring.

The head of the house shaking their heads at the Griffindors. The Griffindors look ashamed with their needs to see the boy who might have lived.

Holly wished they wouldn't because she as many others was trying to concentrate on finding her way to classes. There were a hundred and forty_two staircase at Hogwarts: wide , sweeping ones ; narrow , rickety ones ; some that led somewhere different on a Friday; some with vanishing step halfway up that you had to remember to jump . Then there were doors that wouldn't open unless you asked politely, or tickled them in exactly the right place, and the doors that weren't really doors at all , but solid walls just pretending.

Hermione look at holly ask " how do you know all that?.

Holly smiled answered " well I read the book and explore. and I also asked the ghost ".

Hermione shock course she didn't even to think to ask the ghost.

It was also very hard to remember where anything was , because it all seemed to move around a lot. Good think holly written it all down on her spare book.

Professor McGonagall took out and piece of paper to make a note of that for the first years for next year.

The people in the portraits was very fun to talk to , even though they kept going to visit each other and holly saw the coats of armour could walk. But they did some sign language.good think I learnt that in my old school. The ghost was pretty awesome they had lots to talked about. Even though they didn't help much either. It was always a nasty shock when one of them glided suddenly through a door you were trying to open . Nearly headless Nick was always happy to point new Gryffindors in the right direction, but peeves the poltergeist was worth two locked doors and a trick staircase if you met him when you were late for class. I got him back though. I told him that someone was planning to prank him . When he went to check it was the bloody Baran was there.

" Gasp ! George and Fred , lee looked at holly shock "you prank peeves?

" Yep and that was one of my best pranks on him.

Then he drop a waste_ paper baskets on your head , pull rugs form under your feet , pelt you with bits of chalk or sneak up behind you , invisible, grab your nose and screech , " got your conk"! But as always I got him back .

" I don't believe this ". Lily was surprised and trying trying to look angry but couldn't. " She just like you". James looked at his daughter. Still feeling left out. James look at his wife said we have to talked to her at dinner".

Lily nodded.

Even worse than peeves ,If that possible,was the caretaker, argus filch . Holly heard form one of the other girls said that albus and Ron managed to get on the wrong side of him on their very first morning. Filch found them trying to force their way through a door which unluckyily turned out to be the entrance to the out of bounds corridor on the third floor. And had five points taken of. She couldn't believe they were lost , was manger to get into trouble .

Lily look at me filch angry.

Holly was also when she was on her way to her dormitory she saw professor Quirrel, who was passing.

Holly was look at the screen lead to Luna said " he must have been trying to get in".

Edward look at holly trying to read her mind but still couldn't.

Filch owned a cat called Mrs Norris, a scrawny, dust_coloured creature with bulging, lamp_like eyes just like filch's she patrolled the corridors alone . Break a rule in front of her , put just one toe out of line, and she'd whisk off for filch,

Emmett look at his family says " that's one strange cat".

Who'd appear , wheezing, two seconds later. Filch knew the secret passageways of the school better than anyone

" Not anymore". Sirius says to Remus and James.

" Not anymore". Says Fred to George and lee.

Jasper looked at them wondering what do they know.

( Except perhaps the Weasley twins)

"Yeah! Said Fred and George.

And could pop up as suddenly as any of the ghosts. The students all hated him and it was the dearest ambition of many to give Mrs Norris a good kick.

Filch looked at every child almost planing thier deaths. Whole holding Mrs Norris.

And then , once you had managed to find them , there were the lessons themselves. There was a lot more to magic, as holly found out , then waving your wand and saying a few funny words. They had to study the night skies through their telescopes every Wednesday at midnight and luckily my dad already teached me all that , and he told me all the names of different stars and movement of the planets. I think I the teachers favourite.

Hermione grumpy look at the floor.

The teacher who teach that class nodded.

Three times a week they went out to the greenhouses behind the castle to study herbology, with a dumpy little witch called professor sprout,

" Sorry professor sprout". Said holly.

Professor sprout waved a arm.

Where they learnt how to take care of all the strange plants and fungi and found out what they were used for. Easily the most interesting lesson was history of magic,

Jasper sit straight up wanted to hear this and happy that his brother mate loves history.

Which was the only class taught by a ghost . Professor Binns had been very old indeed when he had fallen asleep in front of the staffroom fire and got up next morning to teach , leaving his body behind him.

Jasper was shock looking at the screen, and Emmet was having fun making fun of him.

Binns droned on and on while holly scribbled down names and dates and got emeric the evil and uric the oddball mixed up .

Professor McGonagall written down new Hogwarts history teacher on her paper.

Professor flitwick and lily, the charms teacher, was a tiny little wizard who had to stand on a pile of books to see over his desk.

" Sorry professor flitwick".

" It's alright dearie".

At the start of their first lesson he took the register , and when he reached albus's name he gave an excited squeak and toppled out of sight.

Flitwick was bright red. As many look at the small professor.

Professor McGonagall was  again different. Holly had been quite right to think she wasn't a teacher to cross . Strict and clever, she gave them a talking to the moment they had sat down in her first class .

McGonagall looked at holly.

Holly smile nodded.

"Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts ', she said . " Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back ". " You have  been warned ". Then she changed her desk into a pig and back again. they were  all very impressed and couldn't wait to get started, but soon realised they weren't going to be changing the furniture into animals for  a long time. After making a lot of complicated notes , they  were each given a match and started trying  to turn it into a needle. By the end of the lesson , only holly and Hermione Granger had made any different to her match;

Hermione look straight at holly shock said " your was the same ".

Holly says " I wanted it to be perfect".

Professor McGonagall and showed the class how hers and Hermione how it had gone  all silver and pointy and gave holly and Hermione a rare smile. The class everyone had really been looking forward to was defence against the dark arts , but Quirrell's lessons turned out to be a bit of a joke . His classroom smelled strongly of garlic, which everyone said was to ward off vampire he'd met in Romania

Edward look at his family confused.

And was afraid would be coming back to get him one of these days. His turban, he told them , had been given to him by an African prince as a thank you for getting rid of a troublesome zombie , but they weren't sure they believed this story.

" Which I found out it wasn't". Said holly.

Many of the fifth years looked at her.

Lavender  says "  really?

" Yeah , turns out it was wrong".

For one thing , when Seamus Finnigan asked eagerly to hear how Quirrel had fought off the zombie, Quirrel went pink and started talking about the   weather; for another, they had noticed that a funny smell hung around the turban, and the Weasley twins insisted that it was stuffed full of garlic as well ,

Holly says " oh I wish it was garlic under that".

So that  Quirrel was protected wherever he went.   Holly was very happy to find out that it's not just her that was raised like a muggle or born in one ,  lots of people had come from muggle families   hadn't had any idea that they were witches and wizards. There was so much to learn that even people like Ron and albus didn't have much of a head start.

Albus and Molly looked at holly in disgrace.

Friday was an important day for holly . She finally managed  to find her way down to the great Hall for breakfast without getting lost with the boys for once.  Holly thought to herself " what have I got today? Holly looked at her scalded as she poured sugar on her porridge . She sees on Friday double potions with the Slytherins". It says . Then Seamus look at holly says " I hear Snape's head of Slytherin house". " They say he always favours them _ we'll be able to see if it's true". " Dean says " wish McGonagall favoured us " .

Professor McGonagall looked at Dean and Seamus.

" Where Ron and albus? Ask holly. " Sleeping in". Answer Seamus. Professor McGonagall was head of Gryffindor house, but it hasn't stopped her giving them a huge pile of homework the day before. And all ready done and handed in , just then , the post arrived. Holly had got used to this by now , but it had given her a bit of a surprise on the first morning, and her dad and uncle lovegood, Luna send there letters . Hedwig had quite a work out,when about a hundred owls had suddenly streamed into the great Hall during breakfast, circling the tables until they saw their owners and dropping letters and packages on to their laps.  Hedwig had brought holly her package and letters from her dad and uncle lovegood, Luna.

Dear holly
How was your week , hope your finish your homework . And did prenty of school work. And I going well kreacher and your uncle been watching me . And I know it was you who told them to watch me.

Love your lovely dad.

Holly smiled as she read her letter. Then she find two more letters.

Her uncle lovegood was good keeping dad moving eating and work out. Luna being Luna .

Hedwig nibble her ear and had a bit of toast, holly grab her feather and a note for her family.

Dear dad

My week been going good work on those homework and reading books, I can't to get my hands on the magic creates books, and such and glad to hear uncle lovegood and kreacher,Luna is looking after you . love you.
From holly

Holly gave Hedwig the letter said " have a rest then take it to my family. She flew off to rest in the owlery with the other school owls. Holly eat all her breakfast and rush to her room. Soon holly and the other griffindor and the Slytherins. At the start of term banquet, holly had got the idea that professor Snape disliked Albus.

Professor Snape look at holly thoughts she knew I didn't like Adam.

Lily look at snape thoughs he blames James.

By the end of the first potions lesson , she knew she'd been wrong .Snape didn't dislike albus _ he hated him. Not her thank god. Even if he knew who I was . Potions lessons took place down in one of the dungeons. It was colder here than up in the main castle and would have been quite creepy enough without the pickled animals floating in glass jars all around the walls.

"Really , Snape couldn't have it warm". Said lily .

" Well in case you forgotten some potions is supposed to warm  , and some in the cold places". Said Snape , even your daughter knows about that".

James and Sirius was about to reply when regulus yelled "knock it off! 

Everyone jump not expecting the quite one's temper .

Snape , like flitwick , started the class  by taking the register , and like flitwick, he paused at albus's name. " Ah, yes', he said softly, " albus potter ". " Our new _ celebrity ". Draco Malfoy and his friends Crabbe and goyle sniggered behind their hands . Snape finished calling the names and looked up at the class  . His  eyes were black like grandma black's , but they had none of grandma's warmth.

" What! Yelled Sirius looking at regulurs.

Regulus rolled his eyes.

They were cold and empty and made you think of dark tunnels. " You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion_ making ', he began . He spoke in barely more than a whisper, but they caught every word _ like professor McGonagall, Snape had the gift of keeping a class silent without effort. " As there is little foolish wand waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic". " I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the  softly  simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes , the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins , bewitching the mind , ensnaring the senses. . . I can teach you how to bottle fame , brew glory, even stopped death _ if you aren't as big a bunch of  dunderheads as I usually have to teach ". More silence followed this little speech.    Holly was so impressed with that speech . And Hermione Granger sitting next to her was on the edge of her seat and desperate to start proving that she wasn't a dunderhead. And albus and Ron exchange looks. " Potter"! Snape suddenly. " What would I get if I added powdered of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood"? sleeping potion holly thought albus glanced at Ron ,who looked as stumped as he was; Hermione's hand had shot into the air. " I don't know sir', said albus. Holly looked straight at he's ear. In disbelief. Shouldn't he be trained.

All the students looked at albus potter that wasn't in that class.

Snape's lips curled into a sneer. " Tut, tut_fame clearly isn't everything ". He ignored Hermione's hand . " Let's try again ". " Potter, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?" Holly thoughts stomach of a goat.

Emmett and Rosalie was gross out

Carlisle was on the edge of his sit interesting information.

Hermione stretched her hand as high into the air as it would go without her leaving her seat, but albus look like he didn't have the faintest idea what a bezoar was. He had a quick look at Malfoy, Crabbe and goyle, who were shaking with laughter. " I don't know, sir". " Though you wouldn't open a book before coming, eh , potter"?

Lily open and close her mouth wanting to say something to defend her son , but couldn't come up with something.

Albus look at his eyes and said " why would I like to learn about potions from you snockverees ". Gasp! The room holly was shock. Everyone was eyeing the professor, Snape was still ignoring Hermione's quivering hand. " What's is the difference, potter , between monkshood and wolfsbane "? At this Hermione stood up , her hand stretching towards the dungeon ceiling. " I don't know ". Albus said in a loud voice. " I think the know it all Hermione does, though, why don't you try her"?

" Albus potter! Yelled McGonagall and Lily .

Hermione was hurt remember this day.

A few people laugh; holly caught Seamus's eye and he winked at albus. Snape , however, was not pleased. " Sit down ', he snapped at Hermione. " Lovegood what is the  asphodel and wormwood use for?" Making a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the draught of living death". " And the bezoar? " A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons". " And the difference between the monkshood and wolfsbane? " Monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite. See miss Lovegood knows ". " Why not you". " Well"? " Why aren't you all copying that down "? There was a sudden rummaging for quills and parchment. Over the noise , Snape said " and a point will be taken from Gryffindor house for your cheek , potter". " Ms Lovegood five points be given to Gryffindor house ". Things didn't improve for albus as the potions lesson continued . Snape put them all into pairs and set them to mixing up a simple potion to cure boils. He swept around in his long black cloak , watching them weigh dried nettles and crush snake fangs , criticising almost everyone except me and Malfoy , whom he seemed to like . He was just telling everyone to look at the perfect way Malfoy and holly had stewed his horned slugs when clouds of acid green smoke and loud hissing filled the dungeon. Neville had somehow managed to melt Seamus's cauldron into a twisted blob and their potion was seeping across the stone floor, burning holes in people's shoes. Within seconds, the whole class were standing on their stools while Neville, who had been drenched in the potion when the cauldron collapsed, moaned in pain as angry red boils sprang up all over his arms and legs. " Idiot boy"!

McGonagall look straight at Snape said " you and I are gonna talk about this".

Snape gulped.

Snarled Snape , clearing the spilled potion away with one wave of his wand . " I suppose you added the porcupine quills before taking the cauldron off the fire "? Neville whimpered as boils started to pop up all over his nose. " Take him up to the hospital wing', Snape spat at Seamus. Then he rounded on albus and Ron , who had been working next to Neville. " You _potter_why didn't you tell him not to add the quills?

Esme looked at Snape says " they were doing their own potion , it's not their job to looked at his potion it's yours! " And you ! Pointed at Dumbledore. " Why do you let him treat them like that?

Dumbledore look at the lady. Then look at McGonagal who was nodded to Esme looking at Dumbledore.

" That's another point you've lost for Gryffindor ". This was so unfair that Snape was blaming everyone.albus was going to open his mouth to argue, but Ron kicked him behind their cauldron. " Don't push it ', he muttered. " I've heard Snape can turn very nasty ". Holly heard Ron whispered. As holly finish her potion class she climbed the steps out of the dungeon an hour later , Holly's mind racing and she couldn't believe it what have her ex father did to Snape to make him hate him. She wondered  .

Regulus looked straight at Sirius and James , Remus in disgust.

Many was wondering the same thing.

Edward read James Potter mind and couldn't believe what he saw. He saw that holly probably not gonna like it.

Albus lost two points for Gryffindor in his very first week. Likely holly won five points. Holly walk to the Griffindors tower . As she walk she heard Ron said " cheer up". " Snape's always taking points off Fred and George ". So by the afternoon holly went outside for a walk , and meet a big half gaint by the name of Hagrid.

Hagrid was bright red. Hearing himself in the story again.

At five to three she left the castle and made her way across the grounds . Hagrid lived in a small wooden house on the edge of the forbidden forest . A crossbow and a pair of galoshes were outside the front door. When holly knocked she heard a frantic scrabbling from inside and several booming backs . Then Hagrid's voice rang out, saying , " back', fang_back". Hagrid's big hairy face appeared in the crack as he pulled the door open . " Hang on". He said . " Back , fang ". He let her in , struggling to keep a hold on the collar of an enormous black boarhound. There was only one room inside. Hams and pheasants were hanging from the ceiling, a copper Kettle was boiling on the open fire and in a corner stood a massive bed with a patchwork quilt over it. " Make yourselves at home". Said Hagrid, letting go of fang , who bounded straight at holly and Started licking her ears. Like Hagrid, fang was clearly not as fierce as he looked.

Holly looked at Luna . " Don't trust to cute names ones".

Edward look straight at holly.

Holly started getting in a nice chat. Telling him her first week and meeting Ron and albus. Hagrid was pouring boiling water into a large teapot and putting rock cakes on to a plate. " Another Weasley, eh ? Said Hagrid, looking at holly. " I spent half me life chasing ' those twin brothers away from the forest".

Molly yelled " boys!.

The Cullens and the pack winches.

The rock cakes almost broke Holly's teeth , but holly pretended to be enjoying them as she told Hagrid all about her lessons. Fang rested his head on holly's knee and drooled all over her robes . Holly was amused when she hears Hagrid call Fitch " that old git". " An , as fer that cat , Mrs Norris , I'd like Ter introduce her to fang some time ". " D'yeh know , evey time I go up Ter the school, she follows me everywhere? Can't get rid of her_ filch puts her up to it. Holly told Hagrid about what happened on Snape's lesson . Hagrid , Prasad her for doing a good job. And to not worry what everyone else is doing. " But he seemed to really hate potter".

" Maybe is because what four nasty boys did to him". Regulus says

" What do you mean dad". Ask holly .

" You see". Says regulus. While he was looking at James as Snape.

James was thinking to himself, she's gonna hate me more".

" Rubbish"! Said Hagrid. " Why should he ? Yet holly couldn't help thinking that Hagrid didn't quite meet her eyes when he said that.

" Dame you good, should have become a detective". Said Jasper.

Holly smile says " thanks".

Edward was looking at Jasper shocked that he getting a long with his mate.

"So how working going". Holly asked changing the subject. As Hagrid talking and telling her about getting things ready for holloween. Then holly noticed a piece of paper that was lying on the table under the tea cosy. It was a cutting from the daily prophet:

Jasper sat straight hearing that. As Alastair moody and shacklebolt.

Gringotts break in latest
Investigations continue into the break in at gringotts on 31 July, widely believed to be the work of dark wizards or witches unknown. Gringott's goblins today insisted that nothing had been taken. The vault that was searching had in fact been emptied the same day . But we're not telling you what was in there , so keep your noses out if you know what's good for you" said a gringotts spokesgobln this afternoon.

Holly remember  Ron and albus talking on the train that someone had tried to Rob gringotts, but Ron hadn't mentioned the date. "Hagrid! Said holly . " The gringotts break in happened on Albus birthday! It might've been happening while he were there! There was no doubt about it, Hagrid definitely didn't meet Holly's eyes this time. He grunted and offered her another rock cake.

Hagrid was surprised of how one little girl can tell when he's lying.

Dumbledore was more trouble with how she was more doing more then what albus did. But if she was doing that then what did that mean.

Holly read the story again. The vault that was searched had in fact been emptied
Earlier that same day she and her dad and uncle lovegood was there. And if holly thought is that Hagrid must had something to do with it .
Had what ever Hagrid toke from the vault is what the thieves were looking for? And holly walked back to the castle for dinner, her pockets weighed down with rock cakes she been too polite to refuse,

Regulus smile at holly whispered " it's ok to say no sometimes".

Holly thought that none of the lessons she'd had so far had given her as much to think about as tea with Hagrid. Had Hagrid was visiting gringotts to get something? What was it? " Where was it now? And did Hagrid know something about Snape that she'd didn't want to know ? Maybe she will ask dad or uncle lovegood.

Luna look at holly ask " did you find out?

Holly smiled" you see".

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