By duvetbangtannies

1.1K 84 3

[ status : completed ] " Love is overrated, just like winter romance. " " Winter is when magic happens. It's... More



27 2 0
By duvetbangtannies

"Holiday surprises are the unseen magic that turns ordinary moments into extraordinary memories, filling our hearts with the joy of unexpected joy and shared celebrations."

Your eyes lit up at Avery's suggestion.

" Imagine the joy on his face. It's perfect,  his birthday and New Year's together. Let's make it happen. " Avery cheered.

" It will be the biggest surprise for him. " You smiled to yourself.

" It's settled then. Operation Surprise Taehyung is a go. We'll make sure this surprise is etched in his memory forever. Now c'mon let's pack our bags. " Avery pats your back.

" But mom ? " You glanced at Avery.

" Of course, mom would accompany us. Don't worry about that. " Avery assured making you pull her into your embrace.

" You're the best sister. "

" I know. " She chuckled patting your back.


11:20 pm. | Minnesota.

Taehyung was seated at a sleek glass desk, surrounded by an array of papers and a laptop.  The city lights outside the tall windows twinkled, creating a breathtaking backdrop.

The air was filled with the low hum of the city below, as Taehyung focused intently on the task at hand.

Little did Taehyung know that the calm before the storm was setting the stage for a birthday celebration he would never forget.

Taehyung was interrupted from his work when the cell phone made a ring. He glanced at it.

' Faye ♡'

He grabbed his phone receiving the call without giving a second thought.

" Faye, Where have you been? I have been texting you, and you haven't replied. " He barged before you could speak.

" Sorry, I have been a bit busy. You know how it is. " You clutched onto your phone while the other hand held a bag.

" Busy? Is there some other programs today in winter havan ?" He questioned while continuing to glance at his laptop.

" Well, kind of. You can say that. "

" Damn. I guess I'm missing all that now. And especially you." He speaks leaning back on his chair.

" Well. I don't miss you. " You spoke holding back your laugh.

" What? Not even a little? "

" Well, maybe just a tiny bit. " You teased.

" Ouch, Faye. That hurts. I thought I was irreplaceable. " He mocks pretending to be hurt.

" Oh, you are, Taehyung. But a girl's gotta have some fun, right? " You laughed.

" Well then, enjoy your time without me. I'll be here working hard. We'll meet soon. " He smiles reassuring.

" Oh, I intend to. But who knows? You might get a surprise sooner than you think. " You spoke over the phone.

You approached Taehyung's penthouse, greeted by the luxurious surroundings of the building.

As you neared the entrance, you noticed the guards stationed at the door, recognizing them from your previous visits.

With a confident smile, you gave a subtle nod, indicating that you were expected.
The guards, familiar with you as a close colleague of Taehyung, immediately understood your silent request.

With a swift and discreet gesture, they opened the grand entrance, allowing you to step inside without Taehyung being aware.

The penthouse exuded an air of sophistication, with dimmed lights casting a warm glow.

" A surprise? What are you up to, darling huh? " He voice sounded curious.

" Patience, Taehyung. Good things come to those who wait. " You chuckled as you made your steps upstairs making sure you did not make much sound.

You stopped as Taehyung's silhouette was visible from his transparent work room.

You entered inside standing behind him.

" Just turn around, Taehyung. " You whispered and gave him the final hint.

Taehyung in confusion, slowly turned around to see you standing there.

The astonishment on his face turned into pure shock and joy simultaneously as he witnessed you ,unable to believe she was really there.

" Faye? Is this real? " He got up approaching slowly towards you.

The clock struck midnight, marking the beginning of a new day and, more importantly, Taehyung's birthday.

" Happy Birthday, Tae. " You smiled beamingly and pulled him into a hug.

Taehyung was unable to  process the unexpected delight, his happiness was soaring to new heights.

" Surprised is an understatement. How did you manage this? " He embraces you with the warmest hug.

" A magician never reveals her secrets. " You shrugged chuckling.

" I don't know how to express this, Faye. This is the best birthday surprise I've ever had. I usually spend my birthdays alone, and this... this is beyond words. " He leaned in locking his lips with yours for a moment until you both pull apart.

In Taehyung's mind, a whirlwind of emotions stormed through as he embraced you.  The unspoken joy danced in his eyes, and his heart, once accustomed to solitary birthdays, now beat to the rhythm of unexpected delight.

His mind echoed with gratitude, the warmth of your presence seeping into the deepest recesses of his soul.

The usual solitude that accompanied his birthdays was replaced by the glow of your smile and the radiance of shared moments.

Taehyung's thoughts raced, forming an intricate tapestry of emotions. Gratefulness for the unexpected company on his special day, wonder at the effort you had put into the surprise, and a growing realization that this birthday would forever be imprinted as a turning point in his life.

In the quiet corners of his mind, Taehyung acknowledged that the magic of the moment went beyond mere surprise, it was a testament to the newfound connection he shared with you

a connection that transformed ordinary nights into extraordinary memories.  Taehyung embraced the enchantment of the moment, eager to unravel more surprises that awaited in the journey ahead.

( A/n : Play snow flower by V here. )

The room, bathed in the soft glow of dim ceiling lights. As you both twirled and swayed, the moonlit room bore witness to an ethereal connection,  illuminated by the quiet magic of the season.

Beyond the window, the snowflakes descended like celestial dancers, casting a serene spell on the world outside.

Your eyes held a glimmer of excitement and love, reflecting the joyous celebration of this special moment.  In the arms of Taehyung, you found solace, and he, in turn, felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the beauty unfolding before him.

The dance, accompanied by the melodic whispers of your hearts, painted an unspoken love story.

The winter night, with its hushed symphony of snowfall, wove an enchanting tapestry around them, creating a memory that would linger in the recesses of their minds for a lifetime. Each step echoed the promise of a journey filled with warmth, laughter, and the timeless beauty of shared moments.

" Tonight is magical. The snow, the dance – it's like a dream. "  You spoke.

" A dream I never want to end. You've turned this ordinary night into something extraordinary. " He swirled you before resting his chin on your shoulder.

" Your birthday deserves nothing less. " You smiled.

" Well, I have the biggest surprise for you too. " He Whispers against your ears.

" A surprise for me ? " You raised your brows being curious.

" Yes, for my dearest Ms. Winter magic. " He cheered.

" Ms. Winter magic ? " You chuckled.

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