The Final Home? //Wilbur Adop...

By APanWeeb2

14.9K 460 1.5K

Wilbur has been in the foster care system for 14 years, he has picked up some bad habits along the way. When... More

Question (please help)


392 17 69
By APanWeeb2

Tw- underage smoking, body shaming (kinda), slight sexual assult

Third person (no one's POV)

Wilbur spent most of History getting to know his new friends.

They seemed like good people, although they did say some things that unsettled Wilbur but he brushed it off by saying that he was just being paranoid.

His History teacher seemed chill, it was either that or he didn't hear them talking, which Wilbur doubts since they were being kind of loud.

Soon the class was over and Wilbur was dreading his next class, gym (or p.e. whatever you call it).

He was highly considering just skipping the class and finding something else to do. Maybe smoke and play on his phone for the whole period.

It's not like he'd be the only one to skip gym, plenty of people who don't like gym just skip.

Plus the gym coaches probably wouldn't care. Not many kids like gym but they're forced to take it all four years of high school.

Wilbur groaned and closed his locker before making his way over to the gym.

Mid way through his walk over to the gym he said 'fuck it's and turned around. He'll just tell them that he got lost or something.

As Wilbur was walking around, avoiding teachers, he heard a yelp and someone or something hit the ground from around the corner.

Now normally Wilbur would have minded his own person but he decided to be a bit nosy.

When Wilbur rounded the corner he saw a short guy with blue hair on the ground that Wilbur didn't know. (Which isn't very surprising since this is only his second day-)

And standing over the guy was the familiar pink haired teen of his temporary house.

The shorter teen was bruised and Wilbur assumed the guy was crying because he could hear sniffling. Techno looked up and straight into Wilbur's eyes.

How Techno knew he was there, Wilbur had no idea but instead of sticking around any longer he just decided to give Techno a quick thumbs up and left.

He decided he'd just go to his locker and get a few of his cigarettes to smoke somewhere. Well that was the plan but he somehow got lost and ended up in a different hallway.

He made one wrong turn and that one wrong turn turned into 9 thousand different turns. But it worked out because he eventually found his locker.

He grabbed his cigarettes and lighter out his bag that he left there the previous day, and shoved them into his pocket. He was glad he left them there yesterday. He really needs them at the moment.

There was about thirty minutes left of that period so Wilbur walked behind the school where there weren't any cameras and pulled his cigarettes out.

He lit one and took a long drag from it before slowly exhaling the smoke from his lips. He took his phone out and scrolled on Twitter (I refuse to call it X) while taking a drag from his cigarette every once and a while.

Time skip brought to you by Gary the gay slug

About 25 minutes and 4 cigarettes later, Wilbur was rudely interrupted by someone texting him, 'see u at lunch!'

When he realised it was Quackity who texted him he checked the time and saw that the class would be ending soon he stood up and dropped his current cigarette then crushed it under his foot and went inside the school again to look for Quackity.

He didn't know what class Quackity was in at the moment but he could guess. Wilbur was going to walk around the school aimlessly but realised it would just be better to go to Quackity's locker instead.

So he waited at his locker till Q got there. "Oh Wilbur, I was going to come find you."

"Yeah I just got here really quick." I leaned against the locker next to Q's as he opened his.

"Mhm, you sure you didn't just skip class? Don't think I don't smell that smoke on you."

Well shit. I've been caught. Wilbur thought as Quackity put his stuff in his locker. "Uhh whatever do you mean..?"

"Don't play dumb Wilbur. You know what I mean."

Wilbur sighs and looks at the ground before saying,"I know.."

"I'm not mad, I'm not Niki."

"Where is Niki anyways??" Wilbur asks, he hasn't seen her since yesterday.

"Ah, she doesn't hang out with people like me and Schlatt. She has her own friends ya' know?"

"Oh.. okay that makes sense."

"Yeah.. sorry about that.. Why? Did you smoke all your cigarettes and need to ask for another pack from her?"

Wilbur gasps."Before the week is over!? Hell no, I'd die before I'd ask for another one!"

Quackity laughs and closes his locker. "Let's go to lunch idiot."

Big Q starts walking away and Wilbur walks beside him as they make their way to the cafeteria. When they get there however, Wilbur sees what they're serving and his stomach tightens as Schlatt's words replayed in his head.

"No one likes a fat person."

Just as Wilbur is about to walk away from the line and tell Q that he isn't hungry but Q pulls him in the line.

"They're serving chicken nuggets, fries, and cinnamon rolls today! This is one of the best things they serve."

Wilbur shrugs, "Eh I don't like chips much."

Quackity gasps, "how could you not like fries!?"

Wilbur laughed and they went back and forth as they moved up in the line till they got their lunches then they went outside and sat under a tree.

Q quickly dug into his lunch while Wilbur just stared at his. 'Just till I'm skinny again, then I'll eat again.' Wilbur thought as he pushed his food away.

"I'm not that hungry Big Q, you want mine?"

"Yeah sure." He grabs my lunch and sets it next to his.

Quackity waves to someone behind Wilbur so he turns around to say hi but he freezes when he sees that it's Schlatt.

He quickly recovers from his panic and greets Schlatt. "H-hey Schlatt.."

"Hey pumpkin, hello pretty boy," Schlatt responds as he sits down next to Wilbur. "So Wilbur, what are you eating for lunch?" Schlatt questions.

"Um, I'm not really hungry so I'm not eating lunch today. Had a big breakfast y'know?"

Schlatt nods and says, "alright."

Lunch seemed to drag on forever for Wilbur, but it was finally over and he had a free period.

After he dropped Quackity off at his class, Wilbur went to the band room he saw earlier when he got lost. Thankfully no one was in there, if there was he wouldn't have gone in there in the first place.

Wilbur opened a few doors till he found where they kept the guitars. He grabbed one and brought it over to a chair then took it out of its case.

He quickly checked if it was in tune, which it was, then started playing songs for the rest of the hour.

When the bell rang signalling that his song playing had to come to an end. So he quickly put the guitar away and headed to his next and final class of the day, maths.

He stepped into the class and scanned the classroom for Q, he quickly spotted him in the back of the class talking to a raven haired boy Wilbur recognized as Sapnap.

Wilbur walked over to them then took a seat in the empty desk next to Big Q.

"Hey Wilbur! How's your day going?" Sapnap asked.

"Hey Sapnap it's been fine, you?"

"Eh, you know how it goes."

Then the teacher walks into the classroom and her eyes are instantly on me.

"New student, stand up and introduce yourself!"

Wilbur stares at her and shakes his head, "I'm good," he tells her politely.

"It wasn't a suggestion, stand up and introduce yourself!"

Wilbur mentally prepares himself then stands up. "Um, I'm Wilbur Soot, I'm originally from Snowchester, uhh."

"Say something about yourself." The teacher tells him.

"Uh, I play guitar and like to sing?"

"Great, now sit down Mr. Soot."

Wilbur gladly takes a seat again then she yells, "alright everyone pull out your homework from last night!"

She went around and checked that everyone had done their homework and the ones that didn't got a 0.

When she got to Q, he didn't his so he got a 0 and a glare from her. "The fucks her problem?" I asked him quietly after she left.

He shrugged and replied, "I think I did something stupid in her class when I was high once, but I can't remember."


Time skip brought to you by Dapper (10 minutes later)

It wasn't even 15 minutes and Wilbur was already bored. He sighed and raised his hand.

Ms. Stuppi stopped what she was saying and called on Wilbur. "Yes, Mr. Soot?"

"Could I go to the restroom?" Wilbur asked.

Mr. Stuppi gave an annoyed sigh and asked, "Why didn't you go before class?"

Wilbur furrowed his eyebrows. "Because I didn't have to go then? My bladder doesn't run on a schedule."

"Do not back talk to me again Wilbur."

Wilbur rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Can I go to the bathroom?"

"I guess but be quick."

"Alright." Wilbur said as he stood up and walked out the room. He walked to the bathroom and when he got there he pulled out his cigarettes from his pocket.

He pulled one out and lit it. He took out his phone and took a drag from his cigarette while checking his phone, watching tiktok, checking Twitter, and some other stuff.

He was leaning on the wall when he heard footsteps entering the bathroom. He quickly put out his cigarette on his arm and hid his phone, then acted like he was washing his hands.

Surprisingly he knew the person who walked in, and it was the person he wanted nothing to do with.


He looked away and pretended he didn't see him, hoping that Schlatt would ignore him. Unfortunately Wilbur's prayers went unanswered as he felt arms go around his waist and a body pressed up very close to his.

"Hey pretty boy."

"Um hey Schlatt, I got maths that I have to get back to."

"Let me just say, I'm proud of you for not eating today, maybe if you keep it up for a couple days people you'll like you."

Or in other words, people'll like me. Wilbur thought to himself. "Alright. I have to get back to maths."

"Hold your horses man, we just started talkin'" Schlatt said as he slowly lowered his hand into Wilbur's pants. Wilbur started to panic slightly.

"Schlatt, I have to get to maths." Wilbur's voice shook. Schlatt's hand went lower.

"Schlatt, please," Wilbur begged, tears started to form in his eyes..

"We'll continue this another time Wilbur,": Schlatt told him, kissed him on the cheek then left the bathroom.

Wilbur slid down the wall and held his head in his head. I'm a fucking weak pussy that can't handle shit.

He took deep breaths before standing up and returning to class.

"Dude, what took you so long?" Q asked him.

"Eh nothing, lost track of time I guess."


So.... sorry for not updating for a month...

What'd you think of the chapter?

I personally think it feels rushed but I wanted to get you guys a chapter
thank you for being patient and for all the support!

Anyways, I've rewatched Hot to Train Your Dragon too many times, I'm actually watching it as I'm typing this, it's just too good of a movie.

QOTC- if you had to choose to know how you'd die or when you'd die, which one would you choose?

(1855 words)

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