Cold Shards and Warm Stars (O...

De Lumi_agardite

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Oliver and Yohi - mutant brothers, fled from a laboratory on a cold winter night... Their escape was aided by... Mai multe

0. Prologue
1. Just a Normal School!
2. Rivalry
3. A Slight Danger
4. Group Outing
5. Homemade Lunch
6. Lunch in Company
8. Stressful evening
9. Bleeding Hands
10. The Friendship Agreement
11. No Peace Without Candy
12. Broken Prohibition
13. Hurt and Tears
14. A Revolting Outburst
15. Nauseatingly Pleasant Feelings
16. A Silly and Strange Gift
17. Incredible Tactility
18. Reluctant Participation
19. Warmth in Little Hearts
20. Threat of Exposure
21. What's going to happen next...?
22. Will Everything Be Alright...?
23. Everything Will Be Alright...
24. Epilogue

7. A Fun Day with Friends

58 6 3
De Lumi_agardite

   Today feels strangely cool. Maybe that's normal for this place, every area has its own climate! Whatever the reason for the cold, I'm dressed warmly today... I'm afraid of the cold, it reminds me of that escape and the terrible pain, and I don't want to remember that!

   – Oliver! – I heard from afar. Nana was calling me, waving her hand and jumping on the spot so I would notice. She wasn't alone; she was with our entire team, except for Fukase. Though I still don't know if he's considered part of our team...

   I ran up to them, slinging a big backpack over my shoulders, which I usually didn't carry. I just needed a bag to put a lot of things in.

   – Hi, guys! – I said, reaching the group and hugging them all at once, – Thanks for agreeing to help me! I don't know where to find a craft store here, and my brother doesn't really support my work, ha-ha...!

   – It's all good, you already told us, let's go! – Piko said, heading towards the town center. He was on a bicycle with Nana. I sat with Defo.

   – Still can't believe you just started selling my work without asking... – I said to Defoko.

   – Come on, Oliver's got money now! – Defo exclaimed, focusing on the road.

   Those twin girls wanting plush toys approached me again on Friday and began pleading for me to make them stuffed animals, one wanted a pink baby dragon with blue speckles, the other wanted something like a Japanese blue dragon with pink speckles, they even had a crude drawing prepared. I started to say that it would take time, and I needed money for materials, and time was short, but Defo barged into our conversation, offering $29.99 per toy, with a 50% upfront payment for materials. I didn't want to do this, school isn't the place for business, but since these fools had already made the girls happy, I was too embarrassed to refuse... Defo, as the parliament representative, declared she would take care of covering for me. Nana even suggested maintaining the myth that "we trade outside school territory," so there shouldn't be any problems.

   – Stop! – I exclaimed, spotting Fukase walking down a path with a skateboard in his hands.

   Defo stopped, as did Piko and Nana, hearing me. I hopped off the bike and ran up to Fukase. I wanted to hug him, like I did with my friends earlier, but he stepped back slightly, indicating that I shouldn't.

   – Hey! – I blurted out, not knowing what to do with my hands... I wanted to hug him before, but what now? – What are you doing here?

   I looked behind him and saw in the distance... a dump?

   – I was collecting clothes... There's a place where people can leave things that are nice but they no longer need. I pick up clothes and some other stuff there... 'Someone' always leaves new things that fit me perfectly, and they're exactly my style, so yeah...

   – Wow! That's interesting! – I exclaimed genuinely, examining his new long coat, seemingly unisex, – Can you show me around there sometime? I'm curious to see! In England, I lived in a bi-i-ig city, we didn't have that there!

   – Yeah, sometime... – Fukase replied, glancing at my friends.

   – Wait, Oliver, weren't you born in the States? – Piko noted, looking at me with interest. Panic washed over me. I'm such a fool, I forgot that it's better not to let people know where I'm really from!

   – Oh, um... um... I didn't say, but I actually lived in England for a long time, but was born in the States, ha-ha! I'm just a bit... dramatic, didn't want to spread too much about myself, sorry! – I tried to wriggle out of it, blushing and stuttering with fear.

   The guys looked at me with a mix of disbelief and confusion, not understanding what was so important about it, but Fukase, realizing the situation, decided to save me by changing the subject and making the guys forget my slip-up:

   – Where are you guys headed?

   – Oh! We're going to buy various sewing materials for Oliver! Well, he will be buying them, but we're showing him where to find them! He's got an order, he needs fabrics and threads of special colors. And a lot of fluff! Or cotton? – Nana replied, – Want to come with us?

   Fukase looked at the group indifferently, then shrugged. With a bunch of plasters on his face, he looked particularly worn out. He silently placed his skateboard on the ground and, stepping on it, rode in the direction we were headed. I quickly ran back to Defo and got on the bike. We sped off again. It was pleasant and quite interesting, as we were moving quite fast and to a part of the city I had never been to before. It was lively here, people walking the streets, some grumbling at us for speeding past them, but we were on the bike lane, so we weren't to blame.

   After about 10 minutes, we arrived at a small shop. Parking the bikes, the guys locked them, and Fukase simply tucked his skateboard under his arm. We entered a fairly large store... at first, I saw a bunch of stationery for artists, and further back, I saw what I came for!

   – Oh my goodness, sewing heaven! – I exclaimed, touching the fabric... so soft, perfect for the toys I sew! – How awesome!

   I quickly picked out the colors I needed, cotton, and a bunch of threads. My hands soon became full with all these goods, so Nana and Piko helped me by taking some of them. I headed to the section with fabric ribbons, glittering ones, but that was for me. My costume was missing some beautiful yellow ribbon, but I couldn't find any.

   – Ahh, seriously?! – I asked in frustration, examining the ribbons.

   – What's wrong? – Fukase asked, coming over to me and looking at the ribbons.

   – Where are all the yellow ribbons?

   – Right there... – he said, pointing to a ribbon.

   – No-o-o! That's not the right shade! It's too ugly-yellow, I need it a bit more golden and less acidic! I want to sew them on my cloak and also tie them into a bow on a thing I don't wear because it lacks a pretty ribbon! – I whined, displeased with the ugly colors, – Oh, look!

   I ran over to the section with sewing machines.

   – Oh, yeah, it would probably be easier for you with a machine? – Fukase remarked, following me, – Expensive, right?

   – Yeah! At least $100, a nightmare! Well, it's okay, I don't need it! Too expensive for that, I'll manage with a needle and thread for now! Besides, my brother wouldn't appreciate it, and he would definitely notice the machine!

   – Your brother is against this hobby? – the guy asked as we walked back to the threads and fabrics.

   – Yeah, he really doesn't approve! – I shared, grabbing purple threads and fabrics off the shelf, as well as skin-colored ones, – He says it's "an ungrateful job", "not a man's hobby", "try yourself in medicine or linguistics"...

   – Fool...

   – No! My brother just worries about me, he wants the best life for me! You know, we lost our entire family... – I said, blushing, wanting to defend my brother, – He's afraid of losing me too, afraid that my life will be unhappy...! But... yeah... Guys! I've picked everything!

   We and the guys approached the cashier, the saleswoman started ringing up the purchases, and I pulled out my wallet. Paying about $28, using one and two-dollar bills, I packed everything into my huge backpack and left the store, friends following me.

   – Thanks a lot for taking me here! This will last for a long time! I still have a couple of dollars, maybe we can go somewhere and split the bill? I'm a bit hungry, ha-ha! – I suggested, feeling a rumble in my stomach.

   – Oh yes! I want to eat something too! How about pizza? There's a place nearby with really good American pizza! – Nana agreed.

   – Defoko suggests ordering pizza right to her house... Defoko will pay herself, she has a lot of money. How about ordering 3 pizzas, each half one type, the third half chosen by Defoko, the other half together, that half will be shared... – Defoko proposed, approaching Fukase and taking his skateboard, – Defoko will ride on it, she's going to place the order, Fukase and Oliver on Defoko's bike.

   Defoko pulled out her wallet, took out the keys, and tossed them to Piko. House keys, I assume.

   – What pizza do you guys want? – she asked, taking out a notebook and pen from her small shoulder bag.

   – Pineapple for me! – Nana exclaimed, excited about the tasty lunch.

   – Prosciutto! – Piko said.

   Defoko turned to me and Fukase. I didn't know what to say... Our family wasn't big on eating pizza, so I hadn't had it for 6 years... and the last pizza I tried was from our school cafeteria!

   – I... sorry, I haven't eaten pizza for 6 years, I don't know what to choose! I don't even know the names, ha-ha! – I exclaimed, causing everyone but Fukase to look at me in bewilderment, – We didn't really eat pizza in my family, just like that...

   – Hmm... maybe then, you can tell the ingredients you like? – Piko finally stopped staring at me like I was some anomaly.

   – Um... I think I like pepperoni, mushrooms, onions and tomatoes. Probably... and olives...

   – I love olives too! – Piko playfully murmured, suddenly hugging me around the waist, making me laugh at his silly, joking "compliment".

   – What about Fukase?

   – Me? – the guy asked in surprise, pointing at himself.

   – Do we have another Fukase?

   – Uh... no?

   – Choose.

   Fukase pondered, looking at the girl with confusion. Probably, he too hadn't tried anything like this for a long time, but he have different circumstances.

   – The same as him, but without tomatoes... and... can I add bacon?

   – Okay! The shared one will be pepperoni with mushrooms, any objections? – there were none, – Defoko will be home soon, and the company will go without her for now! There's juice in the fridge, pour it into glasses! – the girl stepped onto the skateboard and rolled away.

   Nana sat behind Piko, waiting for us. I looked at Fukase, and he looked back at me.

   – I don't know how...! – I said immediately.

   – Alright... – he said, getting behind the driver's seat. I sat behind him, grabbing onto his waist, which made him flinch, stretch up, and suck in his already flat stomach, – Y-you can hold onto the thing behind you...?

   I looked at the "thing" he mentioned, which Fukase had held onto the day he injured his leg and had to be carried. I couldn't do it, as I was too scared, which I explained to him. He sighed irritably but resigned himself to the fact that I would be holding onto his waist. I grabbed him again, and we set off.

   – Fukase? – I called out to him, receiving a quiet "Hmm?" in response, – How's your face? Does it hurt? You didn't come to school for 2 days, I wanted to visit you, but I don't know where you live...

   – I'm fine... – he replied curtly, trying not to get distracted, – You don't need to come to my house...

   He fell silent... he didn't want to get distracted from the road. But I had to! He was riding terribly, I kept thinking I would fall... he shook our bike over every little stone, seemingly on purpose not avoiding them! Those 15 minutes it took to get back felt like an hour to me. When we arrived, I was still afraid to let go of him, now not just holding onto the sides of his waist, but fully wrapping my arms around it.

   – G-get off! – he exclaimed, making me open my eyes, which I had closed to not think about the dreadful ride.

   – Ha-ha, Oliver, what are you doing? – Piko asked, laughing, tugging at my hand.

   I finally opened my eyes and, awkwardly apologizing, dismounted, letting Fukase get off the bike as well. Piko put the bikes in the garage and opened the front door of this big house... I would even say, huge! Not surprising, since Defoko's family consisted of five people – two parents and three children, with each child having their own room. We entered the house and went into the living room. The house was delightful and, despite the absence of people, it had a very warm atmosphere.

   We did everything Defo had told us to and sat waiting for her arrival, and she appeared very soon, but we still had to wait for the pizza, so we sat down at the computer and Defo connected some other device with two joysticks.

   – Who wants to fight with Defoko? – the girl asked, starting some fighting game, – Oliver, do you want to try?

   – I-I don't know how! – I replied, shaking my head from side to side.

   – Fukase?

   – I don't know how... – he replied as well.

   – Fukase and Oliver should play against each other... – she handed us each a joystick and made us sit next to each other.

   The game started and I didn't understand how to move... clearly, I had to press the joystick buttons, but no matter how hard I tried, my movements were very clumsy. However, Fukase wasn't faring much better, and by the time I got a little hang of it, he still didn't understand anything. I started hitting his character, which made him really angry and he began frantically pressing buttons, beating up my character, but I still did better because I tried to think about how to dodge and not die, while he just wanted to beat me. And he lost...

   – Fuck...! – he cursed, baring his teeth angrily.

   – Oh, come on, two more rounds! – Piko exclaimed, pressing some buttons and starting the second round.

   Fukase wasn't having fun... I was still beating him, and it was more than just irritating for him! I didn't want to ruin his mood for the whole day, so I decided to play less aggressively, and yes, he beat my character.

   – Not so bad, right? – Nana asked awkwardly, clearly aware that I had let him win.

   The third round was the same... He was breathing so heavily and baring his teeth as if this game was his life... as if he was ready to tear the whole house down if he lost! I didn't want to risk it, after all, it wasn't my house, so he won again.

   – Ye-e-es! – he exclaimed joyfully, broadly smiling, leaning back on me and hugging me, – Heh-heh, who's the weak one now, huh? Huh? Ha-ha, I beat you!

   – Yeah, cool! You did great! – I replied, blushing, smiling awkwardly, and laughing nervously. He's so happy, God forbid he notices the deception...!

   All the guys laughed at his cute reaction, and that's when he realized that he was seeing himself as too cute, and after all, he was trying to keep up the image of the "single guy" that he was, he was just shy about showing his second side. Anyway, he pulled away from me and didn't want to look in my direction anymore.

   The awkward moment was interrupted by a doorbell. Defoko got up from the floor, instructed us to go to her room, taking the glasses of juice with us, and then went to answer the door. Following her direction, we grabbed the mugs and the box of juice, followed Piko, went upstairs, and found ourselves in a quite neat and pretty room.

   On the wall where the door was, there were certificates hanging. By this same wall, there was a piano, with a violin in its case on top. On the right wall from us stood a large bed, surrounded by curtains, the blanket patterned with bubbles and jellyfish. Further along, there was a desk with textbooks. Opposite us was a window with a balcony and very delicate curtains... The left wall was completely covered with posters of various people and strange anime characters.

   We entered the room and sat on the soft carpet by the bed, but Nana sat on the bed... rather, she lay down... or more precisely: wrapped herself in the blanket and started rolling from side to side.

   – Defoko's room and bed are so cute! – she exclaimed with unreal happiness.

   – Is this her first time here? – I asked Piko, slightly confused by her behavior.

   – Nah, she's just weird... – he quietly replied, shrugging his shoulders.

   Defoko entered the room, carrying huge boxes, with six small boxes of white and pink sauce on top. She placed the food in the middle of the room and, taking one of the boxes, put two sauce boxes on it and handed it to me and Fukase. I took the box and placed it in front of us. Defoko gave another box to Nana and Piko, and kept the third one for herself. Opening these boxes, I was hit with a delightful, almost magical smell. My mouth immediately started watering... I was so hungry that the smell and sight of the pizza were driving me crazy. Fukase remained calm, as if shy about his hunger... he hadn't been to school for 2 days after that fight, and he probably hadn't eaten much...

   I pushed the box closer to him, as if offering him to take a piece first, but he just muttered something, hiding his hands behind his back. The other guys had already started eating, chatting about various things, and here we were, like fools, sitting and blushing awkwardly... Was it so hard for him to take a slice first?

   – Everything okay? – Nana asked, looking at us panicking.

   – If Oliver and Fukase feel awkward, they can go and eat in another room. In the living room, for example! – Defoko suggested, nodding towards the door. As awkward as it was, it seemed like the best solution...

   Now we were sitting at the large family table, quietly nibbling on the edges of the pizza slices, too shy to eat larger bites.

   – Will you be back at school on Monday? – I asked, glancing at him from the corner of my eye.

   – Yeah, sure... – he replied briefly. I didn't know how to get him to open up more...

   – And you... remember you said something like "someone always leaves pretty new clothes there, in your size"? Can I ask who?

   – Teacher Asterian... the biology teacher. – Fukase responded with a slight smile, – We both pretend not to know anything. He acts as if he isn't the one bringing the clothes, I pretend not to know it's him. He pretends not to know that I know, I do the same. I just come to school and he says: "Nice sweater!", ha-ha! He thinks I'm really pathetic...

   – Oh, no, I don't think he sees you that way!

   – No, he does... Everyone thinks I'm that pathetic because it's true... – he stated confidently, making me look down, – How do you like the pizza?

   – Changing the subject, ha-ha...? Well, it's good! You know, definitely better than the school's, for sure! – I said, spooning a little garlic sauce onto my slice and taking a big bite.

   – Yeah, ha-ha! – he laughed, doing the same as me but opting for pink sauce instead, – I haven't eaten pizza like this in a hundred years...

   – Yeah, I get it...

   We both awkwardly smiled at how different our circumstances were, yet how much we had in common... It's funny!

   – Um, about Point... I don't carry it with me to school...! – he said, blushing, bowing his head down, not wanting his flushed face to be visible to me.

   – Ha-ha, sure, I totally believe you!

   He pursed his lips in embarrassment. His face when he's embarrassed is so cute and funny... red ears and cheeks, lips tightly pressed, eyebrows curved as if in sadness, and his red eyes always looking down. Such a funny and adorable guy, it's a pity he tries to act so cold, though I understand why he does it... but still, I hope one day to see all sides of my new friend.

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