By Silent_Flower_

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LITTLE DO YOU KNOW Kim Dahyun had suffered too much, being married to her cold husband, Kim Taehyung, for two... More

• ONE •
• TWO •
• FOUR •
• FIVE •
• SIX •
• NINE •
• TEN •


87 23 2
By Silent_Flower_

JENNIE raised an eyebrow, her tone laced with surprise. "Gracious, Kim Dahyun. What kind of pick is that? Didn't I buy you a dress last night?" Her eyes scanned Dahyun's unconventional outfit for the night's dinner with Madame Kim.

Dahyun's transformation for the evening was nothing short of a style metamorphosis. At the forefront of her ensemble was an oversized t-shirt with its sleeves meticulously folded to her elbows. Adding a layer of eclectic charm, Dahyun donned dungarees, its ends folded with precision as well.

Her attire crescendoed with the inclusion of a red Saffiano leather bucket bag, a gift from her mother on her last birthday, dangled at her side, injecting a burst of color against her ensemble. Grounding her feet were black Dr. Martens sandals.

Unlike on her previous life, her hair was colored with a gray hue; this time, she embraced her blonde locks where her brownish-black roots were peaking on her scalp.

Jennie's frustration showed as she eyed Dahyun's outfit. "Do I need to remind you where we're going?" she asked, her tone exasperated. Her hands gestured in emphasis.

"We're meeting the person who helped us with our studies at a three-star Michelin restaurant," Jennie continued, her fingers punctuating each word. "And with that get-up," she declared, her hand sweeping across to encompass the entirety of Dahyun's outfit, "people would laugh at you or possibly mistake you as — I don't mean to shame anybody — a maintenance worker for the place."

Dahyun's defiance radiated as she defended her choice. "But I'm more comfortable with this, eonni," she asserted, her hands gesturing towards her outfit as if to emphasize the point. "In fact, Appa said we can wear anything as long as we look presentable and free because that's what matters." Her stance remained resolute, and she stood firm, making it clear she had no intention of changing her attire.

Jennie, unyielding in her concern, shot back with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, but Appa didn't say you should dress like you're just going to the convenience store to buy soju," she quipped.

As the tension escalated, the matriarch of the Kim family, with a discerning eye, caught sight of Dahyun's attire. "Excuse me, Ms. Kim? You're wearing that? Have you got no shame?" The mother's words cut through the air, her tone screams disapproval. Her hands gestured towards Dahyun's outfit, judging.

Mrs. Kim, unapologetically blunt, seized the moment by pushing her youngest daughter towards the stairs. The forceful motion was accompanied by a pointed gesture, directing Dahyun to retreat to her room and change her outfit.

"But eomma~ we got no time to change. We will be late~" Dahyun countered, her voice carrying a hint of sulking resistance. Despite the plea, she made herself deliberately heavier, a subtle physical protest against being pushed.

Mrs. Kim's frustration peaked as she resorted to pinching Dahyun on the side. "It's better to be late than for us to go and meet an important person with you wearing that. Go and change! We'll wait for you!" Her fingers, emphasizing each word, punctuated the urgency of the situation as she nudged Dahyun toward the direction of her room.

Dahyun winced at the sharp sting of her mother's pinch, cutting through her resolve. The urgency of the situation spurred her into immediate action, and with a reluctant sigh, she ascended the stairs.

In a matter of minutes, Dahyun emerged from her room, adorned in a more formal ensemble. She was wearing a black floral motif pleated maxi dress that gracefully cascaded down to her ankles. Its fabric swayed with each step she made.

Completing her refined look were simple yet chic 3-inch tall black sandals, the muted elegance of which complemented the ensemble without overshadowing her dress. Dahyun's jewelry choices were similarly understated – floral earrings and a slender bracelet.

In a departure from her previous life's routine, Dahyun chose not to indulge in makeup extravagance. Instead, she embraced a more natural aesthetic, opting for a light tint on her lips that added a subtle warmth to her features.

"MADAME Jeon... I mean, Jeon Chaewon! It's been quite a while," Mrs. Kim, Dahyun's mother, warmly exclaimed upon spotting Jungkook's mom entering the restaurant with her husband and sons. The change in timing, orchestrated by Dahyun's wardrobe adjustment, altered the anticipated sequence of events. Initially, the Kims should have been comfortably settled inside, with Dahyun coming out of the restroom after relieving herself.

"Kim Misun." Mrs. Jeon Chaewon reciprocated the greeting, initiating a genuine embrace. The warmth in her hug revealed a predilection for physical touch, an action that showcases her affectionate nature. "Long time, no see," she continued, gracefully turning her attention to Mr. Kim and Jennie. A brief yet heartfelt hug was extended to each, while Mr. Jeon just shook the other's hand.

"You've grown more beautiful, Jennie. You look more elegant in person!" Mrs. Jeon praised the older Kim, her words accompanied by a sincere admiration that resonated in the atmosphere. In response, Jennie graciously returned the compliment.

Mrs. Jeon had come across Jennie's posters in several malls across Seoul, and she could personally vouch for the fact that Jennie was truly deserving of modeling for such prestigious clothing brands.

"My daughter! I'm delighted to see you again," Mrs. Jeon expressed upon turning to Dahyun, enveloping her in a warm hug.

With the exchange of pleasantries complete, Mrs. Jeon took the initiative. "Shall we head inside together?" she proposed, the gesture indicating a shared destination. The offer was then met with collective agreement, and together, they walked towards the direction led by a staff.

Presently, the Jeon siblings were aware that they would be meeting the family with whom a potential marriage could be on the horizon. Both Junghyun and Jungkook carried the weight of this expectation, having been conditioned to accept the possibility since childhood, alongside Taehyung. However, the timing caught them off guard, as none of the three heirs had anticipated the arrangement occurring so soon, especially considering Jungkook was still in college.

As the others walk together, Jungkook subtly adjusted his pace, synchronizing his steps with Dahyun's. His voice, a gentle inquiry, broke the rhythm of their footsteps. "What brings you here?" he asked, his gaze meandering appreciatively from her head to toe. The unspoken appreciation hung in the air as he took in the details of her attire.

"Is it a date?" he playfully teased, a mischievous grin playing on the corners of his lips accompanied with a subtle tilt of his head, adding a layer of charm to his question.

"Are you really that dumb? You saw that I'm with my family, so obviously, it's a family dinner," Dahyun argued, her words carrying a playful tease as she lightly pointed at her family members walking ahead of them.

Jungkook grinned in response, a playful spark in his eyes. He scratched his scalp even if it wasn't itching, "Oh, yeah right." His face turned sour as he continued, "But, really? Do you really have to call me dumb? That hurts my feelings, Dah," he playfully protested, placing a hand over his chest as if nursing an imaginary emotional wound.

Dahyun chuckled. Her amusement, accompanied by a light shake of her head. Suddenly, her phone vibrated inside her bucket bag. She came to a halt, reaching for her phone with a curious expression, wondering about the unexpected call. Because before, no one called her phone when they were heading to their table.

"Seokjin-hyung?" Jungkook queried, his voice laced with curiosity as he subtly halted beside Dahyun, peering at her phone screen without her notice.

Dahyun felt a pang in her chest upon realizing the caller's identity. It was her older brother Seokjin, currently balancing work and pursuing a master's degree in the U.S. The chain of events leading to this call traced back to a few weeks ago when Dahyun, unable to contain her emotions, abruptly ended a call with him upon hearing his familiar voice.

"Why don't you answer it?" Jungkook suggested, his gestured hand indicating the prolonged ringing of her phone, the silent urging for her to pick up the call that had persisted for a while.

Dahyun, her lips slightly moistened by a nervous lick, hesitated for a moment before finally sliding her thumb across her phone's screen to answer the call.

"Oh, thank goodness you answered, Hyun-ie. I'm sorry I just called. It'd been awhile since the last time you called me, and I was quite busy at work and at my study the past few weeks, so I hadn't found a time to call back. Anyway, I'll be coming home soon, and I would make it up to you, my little sister. Anyway, what are the things you want me to buy for you? Are chocolates still your favorite? Have your feet grown? What size are they now? And your shirts? Do you prefer small or medium T-shirts? Or do you like oversized ones? I heard they're trending these days..." Seokjin's voice flowed through the phone, a cascade of words expressing his affection and excitement upon reconnecting with his sister.

"Hmm, Hyun-ie, are you still there? I'm sorry for talking too much; I just got excited when you answered the call... Hey? Are you crying?" he abruptly questioned, picking up on the subtle sound of Dahyun's sniffles.

Dahyun, caught off guard by her brother's perceptiveness, quickly wiped away her tears and cleared her throat. She hadn't realize her eyes were already wet. "Of course not, oppa. I just... I just had a sneeze. The temperature here has been changing quite a lot, so I had a fever, luckily I only had a sneeze now," she lied, her words carrying a slight tremor.

Unbeknownst to her, Jungkook keenly observed the exchange, his gaze filled with understanding, though he chose to maintain a contemplative silence.

'She must really miss her brother that much. Or is there something more to it?' Jungkook pondered, his watchful eyes tracking Dahyun's efforts to suppress tears while absorbing Seokjin's words over the phone about taking extra care of her health and taking medicine on time.

Jungkook, having shared a considerable history with Dahyun, reflected on the unprecedented sight of her shedding tears while conversing with Seokjin.

As the scenes unfolded, Jungkook questioned whether deeper emotions were at play or if the impact of the ball that struck her head a month ago lingered in unexpected ways. Dahyun, known for her vivacious banter with her brother, typically shared anecdotes about her day and achievements to make him proud. However, the energetic aura that usually accompanied these interactions seemed to have dissipated, leaving behind a sense of unspoken complexity that intrigued Jungkook's observant mind.

'What happened to you, Dah? What brought about these changes?' he pondered, recognizing the improbability of a person undergoing such significant transformation in less than a week after that incident during their sports subject.

"Are you alright?" Jungkook inquired, his concern etched in the furrow of his brows, after Dahyun slid her phone back into her bag.

Dahyun offered a faint smile, her eyes holding a lingering emotion. "Yes, I just missed Seokjin-oppa," she confessed. With practiced ease, she retrieved a mirror and a tissue from her bag, delicately wiping away any remnants of tears from her face. "All done, shall we go inside now?" she asked Jungkook, gesturing towards the entrance and taking the lead.

They strolled towards their destination. As they approached the table, where Taehyung, his grandmother, Dahyun's family, and the Jeons were gathered, the weight of curiosity lingered beneath the surface.

Jungkook couldn't believe his eyes. He turned to glance at Dahyun's family, seated at the same table as theirs.

"So, you're the---" he began, his sentence left hanging as Madame Kim interjected with an inquiry upon noticing Jungkook and Dahyun's tardy entrance.

"What brought you two late to arrive?" Madame Kim teased, her tone carrying a playful insinuation.

Dahyun's heart warmed upon seeing Madame Kim, a pillar of strength and wisdom in her life. The respected woman, who had always believed in Dahyun's potential and played a crucial role in shaping her character, was there—alive and healthy. Dahyun couldn't contain her emotions. Her feet acted on their own accord, carrying her in a rush towards Madame Kim. In a heartfelt moment, Dahyun enveloped Madame Kim in a tight hug, expressing her gratitude and affection. Madame Kim, touched by the genuine display of emotion, reciprocated the embrace although she couldn't remember meeting Dahyun in person before this.

"Oh, dear," Madame Kim uttered, her voice filled with affection, as she lightly tapped Dahyun's back. The gentle gesture prompted an emotional response from Dahyun, breaking down the barriers she had erected, and tears began to stream down her face.

"I missed you, Halmeoni Kim. I've missed you so much," Dahyun mumbled, her words muffled by the embrace, yet carrying a profound sincerity.

Observing this tender moment, Dahyun's father stood up, intending to intervene and separate Dahyun from Madame Kim. However, Madame Kim, with a subtle yet firm hand gesture, halted his movement. She nodded, conveying through her actions that this heartfelt reunion was not only welcomed but encouraged.

It was somehow peculiar for Madame Kim to feel at ease embracing someone she hadn't personally met before, yet she adamantly refused to release the vulnerable lady within her arms.

A minute passed with Dahyun tightly held in Madame Kim's embrace before she finally regained composure. A tinge of embarrassment flushed over her, prompting Dahyun to stand and immediately put some distance between them. With utmost respect, she bowed at a 90-degree angle, expressing her sincere apologies to Madame Kim.

"I'm sorry, Madame Kim. I mistook you for our grandmother. I deeply apologize for invading your personal space without your permission," Dahyun conveyed, her words spoken with humility and sincerity as she maintained the bow, awaiting Madame Kim's response.

"It's alright, dear," Madame Kim reassured, gently guiding Dahyun to stand up straight. Standing face to face, she tenderly caressed Dahyun's arm and used a paper towel to wipe away her lingering tears.

"You must be Kim Dahyun. I've heard a lot about you from my youngest grandson, Jungkook," Madame Kim remarked, casting a knowing smile in Jungkook's direction.

"Yes, she's my friend, Gram. Just like what I always tell you," Jungkook affirmed, a hint of color gracing his cheeks as he spoke.

"Don't be shy, my little Kookie. It's part of growing up to fall---"

"Gram~ you're making me feel embarrassed in front of everyone," Jungkook protested, his lips forming a playful pout as he averted his gaze to his lap.

"Arasseo, arasseo. Dahyun, have a seat beside your sister for now. We still have some things to talk about," Madame Kim suggested, her warm tone inviting, and Dahyun offered another brief apology before shyly making her way towards the vacant seat beside Jennie.

Across from her, Jungkook appeared nonchalant, his gaze seemingly directed elsewhere. Despite his apparent disinterest, Dahyun couldn't shake the feeling of someone's eyes fixated on her. Searching for the source, she glanced at the adjacent table on her right and then scanned the surroundings, eliminating possible gazes from others. Yet, the unrelenting sensation persisted, leading her reluctant gaze to the last place she expected—Taehyung.
Locked in an unforeseen gaze, Taehyung's eyes bore into hers with a depth that sent a subtle shiver down Dahyun's spine. It was a gaze that held intensity and a subtle touch of curiosity, a departure from the indifference she had grown accustomed to.

In the past, during her previous experiences of this night, Taehyung rarely cast a glance her way, some that were not intentional. Yet, in this unexpected moment, just when she sought to distance herself from his attention and move forward, his gaze became unwavering, fixed directly into her eyes.

'Why is he--- why is he staring at me like that?'



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