Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

By GabrielXander

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{NEW/REWRITTEN} [KnY Various x FEMALE!Isekai!Reader] If you're honest with yourself, getting thrown into 1900... More

1: Fuck, Am I Screwed?
2: America Doesn't Suck When You're in an Anime
3: Did You Hate Inosuke, or Did You Just Need to go to Sleep?
4: The Fuckening
5: Do Wah Diddy (Di-Dee)
6: I Thought You Were American
7: Gurenge

8: Living is Hard, Being an Immigrant Can be Harder

640 56 116
By GabrielXander

A/N: Gentle reminder that the reader is half Mexican-American, and half whatever nationality YOU WANT! Or she can be a full beaner! That's cool too! So please do not type shit like "Me who can speak Cantonese" or "My Indian ass" because, respectfully, I will just delete your comment and/or block your ass. It's fine if you're sharing fun facts about it, but please have enough common sense to know if your comment will be annoying or not.

ANOTHER GENTLE REMINDER-That things won't always be the same! Take Chapter 5 for an example! That's about the happen again in this chapter, so be prepared! Why so many reminders? Because people need it sometimes which is completely fine!

Thank Ily (parasocial rizz)


Just like all the brain-dead teenage dirtbags from your world, once the boys had a taste of your phone, they kept begging for more. Honestly, it's so sad they've gained an addiction to such technology so quickly, even if all they ever wanted to use it for was to listen to more music.

Jokes aside, you didn't actually mind their curiosity for it. You can't tell if they like your trash taste in music, or if the genre didn't matter to them since it's new and different. Either way, you'll admit that it stroked that ego of yours that they seemed to like all that was saved on your device.

After the third day, you were getting tired from being awoken from your nap just because one of them (Zenitsu and Inosuke because at least Tanjiro had the heart to wait until you woke up) wanted to listen to music. You decided to remove the passcode from your phone after that since you didn't really have anything to hide from them. Not only that, but you also added Japanese to one of the language settings they could change it to. Before you only had English and Spanish as the default options with English as the chosen language. It took some time (another three to four days), but you managed to teach them how to do it themselves. They're all such smart cookies and got the hang of it.

Anyway, it was cute to see them so amazed by the magical black box that you cherish so much.

It is weird though, that your battery is still the same as before at 86%. The time changes too, but you don't know if it's actually in tune with this world's time, or if it's just your phone's operation. You wish you were conveniently smart to know this crap.

In any case, you weren't about to fucking complain. The fuck? Why would you? If you can have this one good thing, you weren't about to take it for granted just because it didn't make sense. Sure, there might be some weird, suspicious, underlying reason why it's working the way it is, but that's for future [Y/n] to worry about!

Anyway, all things considered, it was a pretty good time! You always got your phone back in great condition as well, so it wasn't like they were untrustworthy with your belongings.

That was until... they found your gallery by accident one day.

Your memes...

Oh God, your MEMES!!!

You had different albums depending on the type of memes you had because you're so organized in the ways that do not matter. In all, you had about maybe over 2,000 photos altogether, and that's NOT including the TikToks you've also saved, which is a little over 200 videos on just that.

Yeah, no fucking wonder your phone lags a lot. Do you care? Not really.

Anyway, your memes are fucking glorious. Did Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu share this opinion? Also not really.

Though to your surprise, Tanjiro seemed to really fuck with the reaction memes. Specifically, the sad cats who were balling their eyes out. That shit made you sob because he probably relates to it. You can't blame him either because that's literally him.

It's been a chaotic first week here at the Wisteria house, but you can't say you'd want it any other way.

... Sure, they might've accidentally found your private album of your nudes and you were mortified for life (and so were they), but you can't say it was that bad.

You knew, after all, that you have the most amazing tits. No matter the size, shape, color, etc. All titties are amazing, but yours? They were the fairest of them all.

It's not just your phone that they care about, by the way. You have so much shit in your bag that they were curious about. Your pretty colored pencils and Sharpies had their attention since all they knew of were those bulky brushes they have to use all the time and the occasional black pen.

Inosuke especially loved to scribble on your paper with the colored pencils, and often times you'd join him in doodling. You tried teaching him how to draw a few things, but he is not patient enough to learn and would often just... yell and tear up your poor paper. That was fine with you though, drawing isn't for everyone.

Zenitsu was more interested in the sound of your keyboard. It didn't work or want to turn on, but that didn't matter to him. Since you had the very clacky keyboard type, he loved to just randomly press the buttons for the noise. He's so real for that honestly.

As for Tanjiro, he spent the most time listening to music. It... It reminded you of how you'd often play music or a show in the background whenever you felt lonely because you got so used to the loudness of when your siblings used to live with you. Ever since they moved out, it was too quiet and it made you uncomfortable, so you needed the noise.

You think Tanjiro might be the same way, even if he hasn't realized it himself yet.

All in all, you're a little embarrassed to admit it, but you've already grown quite attached to your new friends. And... And it's okay if they don't feel the same way towards you. You're already mentally preparing yourself for the goodbye that'll come once it's time for them to leave.


It's been... rough. Despite all the good times you've had, and despite it being peaceful since you were all in the healing process, it's been kind of hard for you.

For starters, you don't speak Japanese. Hisa has been very kind to you and would occasionally sit through with you to try and teach you some words and phrases whenever she had the time, but it's only been two weeks by now and that's not enough time. Another thing...

You are technically an illegal immigrant in Japan now. To make matters worse, you don't have official documentation or any records of your existence ANYWHERE so even if you told the truth and said you're from America, they won't find records of you there either because this isn't your world.

Isn't that fucking great?

They can't send you to America because, like, where the hell would you go? They can't exactly prove that you immigrated here, so arresting you isn't the right move either. It's a little funny though, can this be classified as a situationship? You always wanted to be in one of those just for the memes!

But anyway, that's what's happening. You're stuck in this stand-still of the authorities not really knowing what to do about you, and you trying to heal in this place because Inosuke thought it would be a cute idea to break your ribs. At least Hisa had reassured you that, if anything, you are more than welcome to stay at the Wisteria house, even if you're not a Demon Slayer, and even after you've healed up.

The three boys also seemed to have something to say about your situation, too. Near the end of the second week during your one-on-one doctor check-up, they were privately discussing something of importance.

"So, what are you guys gonna do with her?" Inosuke asks, "She's a fighter, but nowhere near our level. She's gonna die fast if she joins you."

"Not to mention, it seems like those older gentlemen that came by a few days ago were talking about how she doesn't have any identification or records," Zenitsu adds; of course he overheard everything (that he could understand) with his amazing ears. "The old lady is the only one who can even talk to her right."

Tanjiro purses his lips, "Well... It's not like she has anyone else. We might not know her all that well, but I'm sure to [Y/n], we're all she has. It wouldn't be right if I just left her here alone."

"Hmph, it won't be any safer if you bring her along, Tontaro. If we're too busy tryin' to protect her, we're just gonna get ourselves killed in the process."

"Tanjiro... Inosuke is right, you know. I don't like it any more than you do, but she's not a Demon Slayer like us and never took the Final Exam, either. We can't talk to her properly either, what if something happened and we had no way of telling her?" The blond frowns, feeling bad for you and the whole ordeal in general, "There's just no way to protect her and ourselves in the process."

"Well, yeah. But..."

Tanjiro trails off, not really knowing what to say. Maybe it's his inane desire to protect everyone (it's most definitely that), but he can't just bring himself to abandon you even if that is the safest option for you.

When you two first met in that forest, he could tell you were scared and lost, and in such a panic. Yet you trusted him so easily, taking his hand and walking with him as he led you out of the forest. Sure you still had the underlying scent of confusion of fear, but he could also smell that his presence alone made you feel a lot happier and safer. Perhaps that was the reason why Tanjiro had decided on his own that he'd be responsible for you because you trusted him the most.

Also, you're like a stray kitten and the Cat Distribution System found him so really, he has no say in it because the law is that once a cat adopts a human, the human is required to take care of them.

Tanjiro isn't sure if you'd appreciate being compared to a stray kitty, but luckily there was no way of you finding out he thought of that.


Side eye.

Anyway, he doesn't understand how Inosuke and Zenitsu can be so okay with the thought of you staying behind (more so Zenitsu than Inosuke if he's honest). You had a dance party, for crying out loud! You're always to so happy to let them use your phone whenever they want, and you rarely stay mad at them for long whenever they annoy you by being the teenage dirtbags they are.

You never push Zenitsu away wherever he gets too touchy, rather you indulge him and often initiate the hugs or hand-holding yourself first. You fight back with Inosuke a lot, but that is more akin to siblings teasing each other and messing around. And... You always look so happy to see Tanjiro, whenever he makes the effort to talk to you, even if you don't know what he's saying.

In fact, you encourage him to talk simply because you like his company. You encourage them to all talk and keep you company....

Do you know that Tanjiro knows when you wake up randomly in the middle of the night sometimes? Presumably from a nightmare if the slight scent of fear and sadness told him anything; that's what always wakes him up. Do you know that he knows whenever your futon would move or shifts too far during your sleep, that you move it closer to them to feel better? Do you know that Inosuke and Zenitsu probably know, too?

So how... How is it so easy for them to say you need to be left behind?

Don't misunderstand him; he is completely aware and in the know that leaving you here is the best option. If anything, they can just come by to visit you whenever they want to.

Perhaps it's due to Tanjiro's sensitive nature that... that he can't really bring himself to do that, either. He thought maybe Zenitsu would feel the same way since he had no issue wanting Shoichi to come along, and at least Zenitsu seems interested in you. But he supposes he was mistaken about that.

But... ugh! The redhead can't deny that it would be a horrible idea to have you tag along in the future! As Inosuke said, you have some fight for you, but unfortunately, that's not going to be enough for the dangers that lie ahead. Tanjiro can't risk his new friend's safety just because he feels bad about leaving you, but Tanjiro also can't risk his own life because he has his goal of returning Nezuko to a human. And as much as he already considers you as a cool friend, his sister's life is obviously the greater priority.

What... should he do?

"We still have-Or rather, I still have some time to think about it," Tanjiro finally says, "I think we can agree that, out of all of us, I'm the most responsible for her since I found her and it was my idea to bring her, to begin with. Whatever I decide, don't worry about it. I'll be ready to bear whatever responsibilities that come next."

Inosuke huffs and looks away, while Zenitsu looks down at his hands.

"Alright," The Thunder user nods with a sigh, "If you say so, Tanjiro."

That's it, then. They're nowhere near healed of their broken ribs, maybe another three to four weeks to be good enough to take on another mission. That should be more than enough time to come to a final decision. As much as it pained him, he knows Zenitsu and Inosuke are right about their concerns. God, especially about communication.

Hisa is already doing what she can to teach you some Japanese, but he's sure learning a new language is super challenging for you. Maybe... Maybe as you're learning Japanese, Tanjiro can try learning English, too? Obviously, it'd be easier if you just learned the language that everyone here spoke, but that doesn't mean Tanjiro can't try a little for your sake, too. He can try asking the homekeeper later if she has any books that can help him out with that.


Yeah, Tanjiro said he'll think about it, but come on! What's there to think about?! The redhead wasn't thinking rationally at all! They all know it would be better if you just stayed here, so why is he hesitating so much with that? And anyway, isn't that your decision at the end of that day?

Zenitsu doubts you'd want to go with them, and he has half a mind to tell you that behind Tanjiro's back, too. He's sure you'd agree with him and rather leave a peaceful life at the Wisteria house.

... If he knew how to tell you. Which is the cRUX OF THE PROBLEM-

Alright, he needs to chill the fuck out.

But seriously, as, clearly, the most sensible one, Zenitsu needs to do something about this.


You smile as she tells you the TLDR of what the doctor had told her. Unsurprisingly, you were healing a bit faster than the boys were. If you continue to take it easy as you are now, there shouldn't be any lasting effects or repercussions.

Woo! Score one for the bitch from the future with a better immune system so that's probably why you're so goated with the cheese and with the sauce, too!

Yes, that is meant to be all in one sentence.

Anyway, when Hisa and the doctor arrived, she also had some paper, a pen, and a tape measurement with her. You thought it would be used on you to chart your height and size and whatever, but that already happened when those Japanese government Officials were here to get you ✨ legal identification and documentation ✨ so you wouldn't be left with nothing if you were to stay here for the time being. On the chance that you are either sent to this world's America, or they decide to make you a proper Japanese citizen, you're going to need it.

"You only have such little clothing, dear," Hisa was telling you as she took your measurements again, "Wouldn't it be nice if you got some pretty clothing to wear for another time?"

You start to tear up, "Yeah... I would like that..."

Is this what it's like to have a loving meemaw?

... fuwa fuwa...

So that took about another five minutes before she left you to be, reminding you that later tonight she'll have time again to teach you more Japanese.

You look towards the shoji doors (bless Hisa for educating you), noting that it's still early in the day. Sighing through your nose, you walk towards the doors and open them up. You stare out into the open field, leaving the door open since it was fucking beautiful out.

The sun was almost done rising, leaving a tinge of orange and pink in the sky and clouds. The bamboo trees were green and dancing gently in the small breeze. The rocks and pebbles were a pretty white, and the few small ponds here and there were clean with a few flowers and lily pads floating on the surface. It was quiet save for the sounds of nature, the early birds, and the few busybodies of those who work around this estate.

It brings a tear to your eyes.

Nature's so fucking beautiful, man.

It's so fucking cliche too, but you're not complaining in the slightest.

With a smile, you sit at the edge of the engawa, at least, you think that's what it's called. You'll need a refresher from Hisa later on. You sigh with a smile, understanding now why older people always sit outside to just... enjoy the early morning on their porch.

You hear the soft padding of bare feet on the floor, someone walking up behind you but you don't feel in danger. Still, not to be rude you turn around with a polite smile. It turns more genuine when you see it's Inosuke wearing his boar's hide. His yukata was pulled down to leave his chest exposed, but he always does that so it wasn't a peculiar sight. What was strange were the swords both held together in his left hand.

Oh, dude. You're a fucker master at Japanese thanks to Hisa now. You're going to totally impress him with this next banger.

"Good morning, Inosuke," You greet softly with a smile, patting the space on your right.

He huffs in amusement, taking you up on that offer and sitting next to you. One of his legs stays perched up with his foot on the edge of the engawa while the other dangles freely. He sets his nichirin swords down on his other side and leans his hands back to sit comfortably. Lucky for your innocent eyes, he made sure the leg that was perched up had his yukata on the knee so he didn't accidentally flash you.

You're trying to move past your small grudge against him from when he beat the shit out of you. You don't hate him or anything like that, but it's not something you can easily forget either. You're getting better with it though, especially during your little drawing sessions. For example, just the other day, he learned mixing red and blue together in a certain way can make purple! Good for him!

You, uh... You haven't introduced him to the Sharpies yet, though.

That's a bottle of chaos you can save for another day.

"It's so nice out today," You say suddenly and softly, "I don't get this weather in Arizona often, maybe in the Spring but it's pretty short-lived. This is really nice change."

Ah, you're doing that thing again, Inosuke realizes. Talking to him and not caring if he can understand you. That's also your way of inviting him to do the same. He can't say he isn't much of a talker, and it's not even the reason why he's out here with you to begin with, either. Still, he supposes he can enjoy this relaxing atmosphere for just a little while longer.

He'll just talk about what makes him relax in the meantime then.

"Whenever I'm bored, I go to this big waterfall that's near this cave I go to sometimes. I don't swim in it unless I'm really bored, it's nice to just be there." He says just as softly.

You assume that whatever has got him speaking so gently must be one of his interests. Like fighting! Ooh, maybe he's talking about fighting!

"Yeah, fighting is cool and all, but... I don't know. I fight, but I never really enjoy it," You shrug, getting a bit melancholy just thinking about it, "That's why I try to have other hobbies. You're hella flexible, right? Ever thought of dancing? Ha-ha!"

"Hm... What else... Ah, I remember, when I was younger, I saw this deer in the forest licking its junk," Inosuke winces at the memory, but there was no going back now. "I remember thinkin': there's no way its head can bend like that. So then I tried to bend my back like that, and that's when I realized that I can bend all kinds of way."

He then scrunches up his nose, "Never tried licking my junk, though. That's just gross."

You laugh a bit at his sudden tone making an "ugh" kind of sound. "Aw, don't be like that, Inosuke. I bet you could rock some colorful tights. You also got pretty privileges, so if you suck, then no one would really care."

Call him crazy, but he has the weirdest feeling you're making fun of him...

Wanting to stop whatever train of thought you're having, the brunette decides now would be best to finally do what he sought you out for. He grabs his swords with one hand and pushes himself off the engawa. You look at him in confusion that tenfold when he holds out one of his swords to you.

"Look, [B/n]. You're... ugh. You're an okay fighter, but you need to be better. For some reason, Gonpachiro doesn't wanna admit that you should just stay back, and it's just gonna be a big pain for all of us." He says, "If for some reason, that moron wants to take you with us, you gotta learn the basics."

If worse comes to worse, then you have to learn. If not for Tanjiro's sake, then for your own. Even if you stay back, it will do you some good to learn how to fight for your life. And who better to teach you than the best of the best?

Yeah, you're weird and you're a weakling compared to him. But... Maybe he's come to see you as a minion of his. And as his minion, he can't have you dying off so easily.

Okay, but in all seriousness, all you got from that was "Gonpachiro" and "[B/n]", and that's more or less yours and Tanjiro's names. You push yourself off so you're standing with Inosuke on the smooth pebbles.

You shrug your shoulders while holding your hands up weakly. A small, sheepish smile on your face. "I can't understand you, bud. But you know, go off, king."

He rolls his eyes from under his mask, having an idea of what you're trying to tell him. He takes a moment to unwrap them from the worn-out fabrics, tossing them to the side without much care. Inosuke thrusts the butt-end of one of the swords to you, and in a panic you just accept it. Very lightly, he hits the other sword with the one you're holding.

Ohhh, I see.

Inosuke wants to teach me how to sword fight.

That makes sense.




Oh God, your skill does not lie within a blade! Moreso, trying to learn how to properly use a sword with the real thing is just asking to get a finger cut off on accident! He's looking at you expectantly and waiting for an answer!

"W-Wait, Inosuke," You grin nervously and hold your other hand up in a "stop" motion, "Uh, look. I appreciate what you're trying to do, but... ah..."

You look around before setting the sword on the engawa. You turn back to him and take a stance, widening the space between your feet, lowering your upper half some while holding up your fists.

"I'm more of a "pow-pow-pow! Pow-Pow!" type of girl, you know?" You make punching motions while doing your sound effects, hoping that Inosuke will get what you're trying to say.

He tilts his head up in thought, getting the idea of what you're telling him. While it would be beneficial if you knew how to use a sword, this could be a good start, too. Inosuke shrugs and walks over to the engawa, setting his sword down alongside the other. Sure, if you say you're better at fist-fighting, then he can help out with that, too!

"Alright, change of plans," Inosuke grins, taking your wrist to drag you a bit further from the engawa, "I'm gonna teach you how to kick ass like nobody's business!"

"So true, king."


This was a mistake.

You're on your hands and knees, trying to catch your breath while one of your arms is clutching where your broken ribs are. Your lungs are burning and your arm is shaking, struggling to keep you up. Inosuke was standing across from you with a bored expression.

Still, you lasted for a full hour nonstop so that's praiseworthy. You had a few impressive moves of your own, and you managed to knock Inosuke down a few times. But in the end, his skill exceeded your own, and the mountain kid emerged victorious.

This would probably help you out more if you could somehow learn how to do breathing techniques like the others.

With a heavy sigh, you weakly push yourself up to stand, stumbling a bit from sudden dizziness. Fighting for an hour straight while injured and without breakfast will do that to a man.

"I-I need a breather, Inosuke."

Considering that you were walking away to the engawa, you were probably done for the day. It makes Inosuke huff but he can't really blame you. After a minute of just standing and thinking of new ways to train you, he decides to chase after you to bug you about it.

He effortlessly hops up the engawa and walks through the shoji doors that you had left open. It takes less than fifteen seconds to reach your shared room, opening the door to scout for you,

You were laying your back on the floor, eyes closed with a small, pleased smile on your face. Tanjiro looks pretty concerned for your health and well-being, while Zenitsu is unimpressed with the situation he and the redhead somehow found themselves in. Fanning you with your notebooks.

"Hey," Inosuke shouts, putting his hands on his hips, "What do you think you're doing?! I didn't say training was over!"

You all jump in surprise at his tone. The boys stop what they're doing while you move to sit up.

"Inosuke, don't you think you're being too hard on her?" Tanjiro asks with a frown.

Zenitsu points the notebook accusingly at the other, "Yeah, you brute! What were you two even doing?"

"Hah?! I was just trying to help-"

"Zenitsu! Tanjiro!"

At your snappy tone, they immediately pick up where they left off.

"Sorry." They deadpan.

The boar-kid just watches as you sigh in relief at the cool air.

Whatever, he'll let you off easy just this once. But just you fucking wait, he'll trick Tanjiro and Zenitsu into helping him help you with your new training schedule. To be frank, it doesn't matter where the hell you're from, or where you're going to end up. Right now, you need to fight if you want any hope of surviving.

It's the least he can do for you after breaking your ribs. You've been strangely kind to him still despite that, and he's fair enough to return the favor in his own way.

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