BLOOD IN THE WATER || aemond...

By miss_congeniality18

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EPIGRAPH, fire on fire
PROLOGUE, what has been sowed shall be reaped
ACT ONE, oh mama i pray
》CHAPTER ONE, loneliness has no wings
》CHAPTER TWO, steel is forged of silver and bronze
》CHAPTER THREE, to pay the price of fire
》CHAPTER FOUR, an invasion from the hills and sea
》CHAPTER FIVE, parted but never alone
》CHAPTER SIX, a thousand letters
》CHAPTER EIGHT, of salt and stone
》CHAPTER NINE, wings of mourning
》CHAPTER TEN, the closing of an eye
》CHAPTER ELEVEN, a fury yet to be claimed
ACT TWO, ashes in the cold
》CHAPTER TWELVE, the summoning of a new age
》CHAPTER THIRTEEN, a vision of lethal beauty
》CHAPTER FOURTEEN, plights to be endured
》CHAPTER FIFTEEN, of sharp tongues and fiery eyes
》CHAPTER SIXTEEN, beautiful and mortally edged
》CHAPTER SEVENTEEN, what lies beneath
》CHAPTER EIGHTEEN, eyes that look but not see
》CHAPTER NINETEEN, a story for the ages
》CHAPTER TWENTY, what we fear most
》CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE, deeper than blood
》CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO, when all is quiet
ACT THREE, the desire to move
》CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE, the joining of hands
》CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR, of vows and promises
》CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE, truth holds weight
》CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX, the greatest challenge yet
》CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN, to hold one's trust
》CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT, where the mind seeks not
》CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE, dreams that would answer
》CHAPTER THIRTY, the blood in our veins
》CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE, one step closer
》CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO, two steps back
》CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE, what fate decides

》CHAPTER SEVEN, a thousand and one letters

467 24 4
By miss_congeniality18

chapter seven

a thousand and one letters

Dear Aemond,

I can now say that horseback riding is my favorite thing in the world, besides reading or archery. Or sunsets or the color orange. Or sapphires. Or playing with baby Kyle. I cannot believe that he is sitting up already! Well, we have to hold him upright or he falls backward.

Myranda has written to us, and she is expecting a child! Gunthor is positively ecstatic, and Josslyn is eager for Kyle to have a cousin his age. I am eager to have another baby in the family! Kyle has grown much too quickly.

Runestone is buzzing with activity for my nameday celebration tomorrow. I have requested a sweet cream cake so that it feels like you are here.

How is everyone in King's Landing? It has been a while since I last asked about them. Rhaenyra writes that she is doing well even though she feels as large as an elephant.

Willam has been distant lately. I am not sure what I've done to offend him. He and Robar had formed an alliance against Josslyn and me, especially in our weekly night of parlor games, but in the past three weeks, he didn't show up. And every time I walk into the room, he finds some excuse to leave. I shall have to investigate and let you know at once.

Yesterday, Gunthor took me to visit Runestone's crypt, where my mother is buried. The crypt is within the hill that Runestone was built upon, right on the edge of sea. It was strange to see where Rhea lay, the bronze statue at the head of her tomb. Gunthor says that it doesn't look like her, but it is not as if I would know the difference.

Sometimes I wonder if I look like Rhea at all. Everyone here says that there are similarities, as if Rhea were of Valyrian descent, but that doesn't make any sense to me at all. If my eyes are more purple and hers brown, how can I have her eyes? I can only assume that I am a blend of her and my father, and some mannerisms from each. Gerold said that when I get angry, my nose scrunches up just like hers did.

Gunthor told me that Rhea had loved me dearly. He reminds me of that almost every day. It makes me sad that I never got to know her. I would've liked to know her, to truly know her as a mother. But I suppose that if she'd lived longer, I wouldn't love Laena as a mother in the way that I do now. I can't imagine a life without her.

Enough melancholy. I should stop while I'm ahead.

Onto another subject, how is your Valyrian? Do you still need my tutelage, or have you impressed the Dragonkeepers?

All my best,


Dear Alayne,

I am pleased for your cousin's news, congratulations are in order.

I hope that your nameday was exactly as you imagined it. Did you get the gift I sent? What other gifts did you receive?

Everyone here is well, I guess. Aegon is becoming unbearable. Just because he's taller doesn't mean that he can push me around. I do hope I grow taller than him one day.

I am sure that you have done nothing to Willam. If anything, he is probably still sore from you beating him in cards last week. My advice is to whack him in the head and see if it knocks some sense into him.

I've yet to see a crypt in person since it is the Targaryen tradition to cremate their dead. Are they terribly frightening? I asked my mother what crypts were like, and she said that I shouldn't talk about such morbid subjects. Would you mind telling me instead?

As for who you look like, I can definitely see some Valyrian. But when your cousins came for you, I saw that you and Robar had similar noses if I remember correctly. Or was it Willam? The angles are the same.

My Valyrian is coming along just fine, thank you. I've not spoken to the Dragonkeepers very much since I only observe, and if they do speak to me, they speak in the Common Tongue.

But if you want to continue tutoring me, I would be very grateful.

Your friend,


Dear Aemond,

Thank you for your congratulations, but I regret to inform you that a week after receiving Myranda's letter, Jakob wrote to say that she lost the child. We are completely bereft and are in need of prayers.

My nameday was as I expected, which was a festive occasion. I received many books, for my family knows my love of knowledge. My parents and sisters sent a sapphire necklace and earrings to match my ring, so I have a complete set now! Gunthor gave me my mother's bronze armor, the one that has been passed down for generations. I am too small to wear it now, but I will fit into it in a few years. Gerold also allowed Lamentation to be given to me early, though I am not allowed to wield it yet. I did hold it though, and it wasn't as heavy as I thought it would be.

A million thanks for the dagger you sent me! You clearly know me well, because I think the bronze hilt with tiny sapphires is beautiful. It shall wear it always. How did you manage to have it made?

I'm sorry that Aegon is teasing you still. Your letter was shorter than the others have been, so I can tell that something has not been right. I suspect you will be taller than him in a few years, and then he won't bother you anymore. Are Jace and Luke still joining him? I feel like I should write to Rhaenyra about it, but I do not want to overstep and create more problems between you all.

I found crypts to be curious places, but I was not frightened, so I don't think you would be. They are dark and cold and terribly damp. The tunnel stretches for miles, I suspect, and it smells like wet leaves that have been buried underneath something. You can hear every sound echoing inside, every step and every breath you take. That part was eerie, I admit, though I wasn't scared.

How DARE you say that my nose is the same as Robar's? Do you mean to insult me? My nose is small and dainty, and his is much too large. It is very distracting.

On that note, I have discovered what has been shoved up Willam's behind. I cornered him one evening and jumped on his back and wouldn't let go until he told me. Apparently, Gerold has been talking to him about betrothing us. Me and Willam! Us, married! Can you believe it? I went to Gerold and confronted him about it. He said that my hand has been discussed several times already, and that it would be best if I married a Royce. I asked who else I would marry, and he said that technically, I am already betrothed, but he didn't want to say to whom just yet because it wasn't finalized, which is why he was considering Willam and me.

I still shiver thinking about it. I just turned twelve, and Willam is eighteen! If we're being technical, he should be married since he is of age, but he doesn't seem to be interested at all. In fact, I haven't even seen him look at a girl in that way, or spend time with one. He usually spends his time with his best friend Marvyn.

And yes, please send me some Valyrian translations. No one here speaks it, and I need to be active with it or I feel I shall forget everything. Sometimes I talk to myself in Valyrian, but then I get some strange looks. I even sing some Valyrian songs my father taught me to baby Kyle when I am bored.

I miss my family, and all of you in King's Landing, of course. Except Aegon. He's annoying.



Dear Alayne,

My heartfelt sorrows for your family.

I am pleased that you like the dagger. It matches one that I have, though the hilt isn't bronze and doesn't have sapphires. It is the same mold though. I spoke to Ser Criston about it, and he asked the blacksmith. Ser Criston was a bit apprehensive, but I persuaded him. I am his favorite pupil.

As for Jace and Luke, do not write Rhaenyra. I would go to my mother first. And besides, Rhaenyra started her labors late last night. She will be occupied for a while.

It's kind of amusing that you can tell how I am feeling just by how much I write in a letter. Perhaps I should switch it up just to see if you know the difference.

The crypts do sound fascinating from your description. And yes, I feel like it would be more thrilling than frightening. Really, every sound can be heard? I think that theory should be tested.

I didn't mean offense by saying you and Robar have similar noses! In fact, I didn't say they were the "same," I said they were "similar." And you're right, yours is perfect and Robar's is not. It is bulbous, actually. Better?

Gerold is thinking about betrothing you and Willam? I suppose from a strategic view, it would make sense, but I'm not too sure. I haven't had lessons in that yet. I asked my mother about betrothals, and she said that it is a way for a person to do their duty to the realm. Then she asked why I brought up such a subject, and I mentioned what you told me. It was strange, the way she pursed her lips and her eyebrows did that thing they do when she's annoyed. I don't know why she would be annoyed at a possible betrothal for you. If anything, she should be pleased, shouldn't she?

Also, why wouldn't he tell you who you're betrothed to if it isn't final? Besides, shouldn't you have a say? You are the Lady of Runestone.

I shall write a short note in Valyrian to you, so that we may both practice. Have you been writing to your family in Valyrian? I'm sure that would help as well.

Your friend,


Dear Aemond,

A matching dagger! Now it is even more special to me.

No worries, I would never do anything without your consent, especially intervene by writing Rhaenyra. I hear she has another son! What a joyous occasion. Was your father terribly pleased?

I've also heard of the horrendous prank against you in the Dragonpit. What a cruel thing to do. I understand why you didn't tell me, but you can always confide in me. I may like to talk a lotand often speak my mindbut I will always listen.

And you went into the depths of Dragonpit? Again? I know I have temporary lapses of judgment, but you are much smarter than I am. You didn't get burned, did you? I hope not. They are itchy when healing. Thankfully mine is only pink now, not red, though there are a few bumps and ridges along it. It is an ugly thing, and some of my dresses don't cover it completely, so I ask for higher necklines to be added.

Nevertheless, I applaud your bravery in confronting a dragon. You have done it many more times than I, so I would conclude that you are much braver than me.

If you ever switch up the length of your letters, I still shall know your true feelings. Do not bother attempting to find out how, because I will never tell you. I have my secret ways.

One day, I will invite you to Runestone so we can test how well sounds carry in the crypts. I wouldn't bother to do it myself, for I want you with me when I do.

You know I jest about the offense, but really, I find it appalling that I have similarities to Robar. I told him of it, and he only laughed in my face, saying it was an honor to look like him. I hope for Kyle's sake, he looks like Josslyn. And thank you for calling Robar's nose bulbous. It made me feel better.

I am not taking the possibility of a betrothal seriously, especially between Willam and me. I'm sure that since I turned thirteen, the subject will be brought up more often. I am already seeing quite a few more ravens arriving. They are most likely offers for my hand. Why must alliances be forged in marriages?

And you are right, I should have the final say in my betrothal. But I think once they are made, they are hard to break, especially if they have lasted years. That is where trust comes in, I believe. If a betrothal was made between two children, and it is broken years later when they are adults, it would be a breach of trust. Once it is lost, I don't think it can ever be gained again. Trust is a hard thing to build.

My family writes to me in the Common Tongue, mostly because Rhaena still struggles with it and Father only teaches Baela. Though there are a few Valyrian words here and there in their letters. I will suggest it to them, though. And thank you for the offer of practice, I will gratefully accept it.

Can you believe that we are only one month away from seeing one another again?

See you soon,


Ser Gerold,

As I understand from my son Prince Aemond, since he has been writing your cousin, King Viserys's niece Lady Alayne Targaryen, you intend to betroth her to your own son, Willam Royce. I felt the need to remind you of the arrangement we had agreed upon when you and your family came to escort Lady Alayne to Runestone.

If you need further persuasion, I can arrange knighthoods for both your son and your nephew Robar Royce.


Queen Alicent Hightower

Your Grace,

I had not forgotten our agreement, but as a formal contract had not been written, I began to seek alliances elsewhere. However, I have considered your offer for my son and nephew, and I accept. If a contract can be sent via messenger, I will sign in due haste. I believe your grace understands the importance of finalizing matters before more offers can be made.

Your humble servant,

Ser Gerold Royce

My daughter Alayne,

It is with great sorrow and regret that I write this letter. Words fail me, and therefore I have no choice but to write them plainly. Your mother Laena has died after complications prevented her from giving birth to our child. The funeral is to be held on Driftmark in a week's time.

Please relay the urgency of your presence to your cousins. Our family in King's Landing has been notified and will meet us there.

Your father,

Prince Daemon Targaryen

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