PROLOGUE, what has been sowed shall be reaped

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what has been sowed shall be reaped

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RHEA, 117 AC

The sky above her was gray and dull, but nothing pleased Rhea more. She enjoyed soft sunshine and azure skies spotted with fluffy white clouds, as most often do, but the Vale of Arryn was rarely treated with such weather. Rain was almost a daily occurrence, especially in this part of the Vale. No, Rhea was content with the bleakness of Runestone because it was what kept her husband away.

Besides, the Vale—and Runestone, for that matter—was much too isolated for the likes of Daemon Targaryen.

Since they were married at sixteen, Daemon had only made a handful of appearances, the majority of his arrivals occurring after Rhea had inherited Runestone and its title. Whenever he did visit, they would ignore one another for the most part, but if they were in the same room, the arguments and insults never ceased.

There was once, though, perhaps a year after poor, good Queen Aemma Arryn had perished in the birthing bed, when Rhea and Daemon hadn't argued for the first time in fifteen years. It had started with a quarrel, of course, but Daemon had been so frustrated—and perhaps slightly embarrassed—after losing Dragonstone a mere few days after he had claimed it.

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