Eclipse's Punishment||SAMS FA...

By perildeath

26.5K 1.4K 2.3K

Art book for this au: Eclipse was living his bes... More

Happy Pride Month! :D
Nah FC Looks Scary
Average Fate and Eclipse Interaction


590 27 64
By perildeath

Eclipse looks up from his phone and rubs his eyes, he grunts softly and looks over. He saw Sun and Moon sleeping nearby in a cuddle pile next to his leg. They are absolute gremlins. 

Wait- I did not just call them a gremlins?!

Moon snores loudly, how such a tiny thing can achieve such a loud snore Eclipse had no idea. Sun decided to ruin the moment by smacking Moon in the face lightly with a hand in his sleep while rolling over.

Eclipse grunts In annoyance as Moon jolts awake and smacks Sun back letting out a low snarl of annoyance. He made loud baby sounds angrily and Sun looks unfazed and just turns over facing his back to Moon giving him the silent treatment for the very problem he started. 

Eclipse held back a laugh at Sun's sass, he just couldn't help it. He was a little ashamed from this fact of course but gosh dang it, the way Sun just turned over and ignored Moon after waking him up.

Eclipse silently wheezes and Moon growls and turns away from Sun, they are no longer a cuddle pile. Eclipse sighs and when they both fell back asleep he carefully got up from the bed, he cringed when it let out a low and long creak. He looked over a Sun and Moon and to his relief they were still asleep, no screaming and crying can be heard and no clinging can be felt.

He stared at Sun and Moon then at a blanket nearby thinking hard. One side of his mind, alarmingly, was telling him 'well... I don't want them to be cold...' Eclipse stared at them sleeping the logical and prideful side of his mind began to worry.

Why do I care?

I shouldn't care.

They are my enemies.

What am I thinking? This  'well... I don't want them to be cold...'  thought process?! No, let them freeze to death. They don't need a snuggly blanket, it isn't even cold out they'll be fine!

Let them suffer and shiver or whatever.

But Eclipse hated that that was half-hearted. Something has to be going wrong with his systems, it's the only other explanation. He's gonna have to check them later, do a quick diagnostics. 

He's glad that Computer isn't awake to hear this or he'd get the tease of his life. The mock of his life. His systems must be bugging out, Sun and Moon suck.

he groans rubbing where he assumed his temples would go with his fingers and left the little bunker room and looked around. He looked up only to see that he left the hatch open, he watched the streams of sunlight illuminate the falling apart staircase and sighs.

Leaving the hatch open was a big moron move, he remembered he was exhausted but still, he should have closed it, anything could have come in or be in here! 

He walks around the bunker giving it a good check out, it wasn't much. The main thing was the room Sun and Moon were currently sleeping in. Eclipse's rays twitched as he looked around the dimly lit bunker, he doesn't see anything of danger so that's good.

It also seemed the bunker was on some kind of timer, the lights seemed to have shut off on their own making the few strands of sunlight from the hatch vital to Eclipse's vision as he squinted into the darkness.

Where was that stupid light switch again? He wondered irritated and he began to trail his fingers along the walls slowly, he walked around the room trailing his fingers across the smooth concrete walls slowly before finally his fingers landed on something that seemed to be shaped like the button. 

He pressed it and there was a faint buzz, but the light didn't come. Eclipse was confused, he saw the light flickering faintly. Something wrong with a fuse? Eclipse wondered when suddenly much to his alarm he heard a loud earsplitting 'CRACK' Eclipse flinched covering his "ears" from the sudden loud sound.

Following that crack was a loud 'SSSSCCCRRRRRREEEEECCCHHHH' sound that kept going, the light bulbs exploded and Eclipse desperately tried his very best to find the light switch again. His rays twitched and spasmed in pain and teeth are gritting together, he really didn't want to add hearing problems to his list of problems. 

Covering his ears the best he could he stumbled towards where he thought the light switch was and slammed his fist one it desperately, the screeching sound stopped and he screwed his eyes shut. Oh god... horrible... absolutely horrible... He breathes heavily, not turning that on again.... not until I fix it... Eclipse's eyes open slowly and he is met by the dim light of the bunker. 

He realizes his hands are shaking and he tries to control the shaking, he hears faint wails nearby and it was then that he remembered Sun and Moon. He stood up instantly, forgetting his 'let them suffer' mindset almost instantly he rushed over to where they were, he pushed the door open quickly and saw them crying on the bed nearby curled in a tight ball covering their ears.

He messed up.

It was not just him that suffered from possible hearing loss. 

He heard the entity say "wow, I mean I understand that was unexpected but jeez" Eclipse turned and yelled "SHUT UP! IT'S NOT MY FAULT THE LIGHTS SUDDENLY TRIED TO EXPLODE MY BRAIN!" the entity said "that's exactly why I won't punish you, that would be quite hard to detect" Eclipse grunted, why does this entity like to annoy him? Eclipse rushed over to the two balling babies, he reminded himself that they were Sun and Moon. 

(To Twisted Ties readers, Fate gets really irritable around this Eclipse for a couple of reasons. She is normally sweet and kind but she tends to hate people with the star cause they are normally connected to Star himself, thank you for reading)

He scooped them up and they hugged him sobbing, Computer had jolted awake from the sudden loud sound and rightfully so was yelling in panic. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Computer screeched and Eclipse's rays are drooped as he held Sun and Moon, he ears hurt really bad right now. "The lights" he said dully and Computer said confused "the lights? I did a scan they should be fine" Eclipse grunted "something must have broken in the middle of my little snooze session or app gaming session" he held his hand up to his ears and thankfully saw no oil.

His ears don't seem to be damaged, phew... he felt Sun and Moon clutch his sobbing and he grunted deciding he should probably check their ears for damage even if he really didn't want to. Sun and Moon clutch him tight, Eclipse noticed that now that he was here they were calming down slightly. Deciding to ignore that fact Eclipse checked their ears, much to his relief everything was fine.

Oh- uh, relief that the entity won't be mad- yeah.

Computer was doing scans himself, Eclipse's breath was a little shaky and he took some labored deep breaths to calm it. Somehow it worked, Sun and Moon calm down their sobbing and clutch him close while sniffling. I swear to god, I hate the direction my life is going. 

Eclipse sighs and got a better grip on them seeing now that he is not going to be able to get them off of him and that they are now clinging to him like gorilla glue. Eclipse's tried to lift his rays up but they refused to cooperate, Eclipse brushed it off deciding that his rays are rebooting from the sudden sound. 

Eclipse felt a soft smack on his chest and saw Sun looking at him with wide teary eyes, it took Eclipse a moment to realize that Sun was asking for a cookie. Eclipse frowned looking at him and Sun smacks again slightly harder looking at him with grumpy big pouty/puppy eyes, Eclipse groans "oh my god fine, just stop being annoying." Eclipse opened his chest compartment carefully and pulls the basket of cookies out.

He avoided Sun's grabby hands for the basket by doing some expert hand movements, so epic, and held them out of Sun and Moon's reach. Moon just looks confused by the baskets existence, Sun knows what's coming though cause he grinned widely trying to climb up Eclipse's arm.

Eclipse looked at Sun's smile, his human like teeth were showing. It was cute... but mostly creepy. Eclipse considered turning them sharp so it was less unnerving to look at, Sun coo'd as Eclipse wrestled him in place "no" he said and Sun pouts and Eclipse grunted at his impatience. 

 Eclipse grabbed a chocolate chip cookie and held it in front of Sun, he was not surprised when it was suddenly snatched. He grabbed another cookie and held it in front of Moon, he noticed that Moon was more weary. He saw Sun eating it though and took it gently, Eclipse was surprised cause Moon seemed like the rough one that would eat anything, he ate a lizard so it's what Eclipse had decided,  but Eclipse brushed off Moon's weariness.

Great... now they are eating my cookies. I am weak for giving in like that. He thought bitterly and Computer said "nah, found it cute" Eclipse's rays drooped more and he hissed "shut up" and Computer said "nah" Eclipse growls softly and Moon finally bites the cookie, Eclipse watches his eyes go wide and he just starts shoving it in like Sun.

Eclipse just kinda stood there, telling himself that he was not getting attached and there was simply something wrong with his systems and that's that. Grumpily, he decided he can't stay in this dim bunker any longer. He walked out of the room and looked at the stairs wearily and began to slowly go up them. 

Much to his relief they did not fall under his weight and he made It out of the bunker, it felt nice to feel the wind in his rays. The air from the bunker was still and stale so this was a nice change, he breathed it in then out and sighed. It wasn't city air either, it was fresh forest air, the city wasn't for miles.

It was very nice and calming, he heard the tree branches moving and swaying in the wind and Eclipse closes his eyes softly for a moment before opening them he looked towards the stream, his metal feet falling onto the dirt in soft thuds. His rays finally started to function correctly and they perked up in their usual spot. 

He crouched down and put his finger in the dirt, holding Sun and Moon with one arm they squeaked and tussle and Eclipse simply ignored them. He drew a quick house in the dirt, looked at it, and kicked dirt over it destroying the drawing. Then he a familiar laughter.

His rays perked and he turned to see Balloon Boy walk into the clearing, "hi" he said softly focusing on the river, Balloon Boy ran over "hi!" Eclipse turned to him "why are you miles from the Pizza Plex??? Oh and do you want the goods?" Balloon Boy shrugged "I tried to steal from he store again, and yes" Eclipse grunted and dug in his pockets and Computer was slowly growing more and more concerned.

Eclipse held his hand out expecting money and Balloon boy gave him twenty bucks, Eclipse grunted pocketing it and Balloon Boy waited patiently, Computer is just there thinking he's witnessing a drug trade. 

Eclipse pulled out the object and Balloon Boy said "thank you Eclipse!" Eclipse gave him the giant double a battery pack and Balloon boy grinned and Computer let out a sigh of relief. "Dude I thought you were gonna give him cocaine or something!" Eclipse wheezed "yeah, well I mean that's how I made it seem. Balloon Boy got banned by like every store in the city so I supply him  the battery's, what he does with them? I do not want to know, but I make money off it so I don't care" Computer sighed "so a weird Balloon Boy drug trade?" Eclipse said "probably" Sun coo'd and looked at Balloon Boy curiously.

Balloon Boy raised an eyebrow at Sun and Moon and looked at Eclipse questioningly and Eclipse said quickly "do not question!" Balloon Boy shrugged "eh whatever, you business is not my business" that's what Eclipse likes about Balloon Boy, he is not nosy. 

"Let me guess, you're on the run again" Eclipse said unamused and Balloon Boy grunted "I steal batteries, what can I say? I can't resist, no idea why that was coded in me" Eclipse rubbed where he thought his temples would be and said "great great, well your not staying here, already hard enough with these two, can't Imagine your constant laughing while in the vents" Balloon Boy giggled "oh don't worry, will get off your back, I gotta keep moving. Oh and also the cops followed me" Eclipse face palmed and Balloon Boy said "don't worry, they are far back, had enough time for a nice quick chat" Eclipse grunted walking to the hatch.

He turned to Balloon Boy and asked "can you kick dirt over the hatch and hide it?" Balloon Boy nodded, Eclipse trusted Balloon Boy to hide the tracks quite well. He was known worldwide for being able to disappear without a trance, yep world wide. People were searching for him worldwide, he was a worldwide criminal for stealing batteries.

Eclipse chuckled at that and nervously crept onto the stairs, he trusted Balloon Boy to hide the hatch well, after all Balloon Boy wouldn't want his battery dealer to get caught would he? Eclipse heard Balloon Boy kicking dirt over the hatch before jumping into the tree's and disappearing without a trace. 

For such a chunky animatronic, he was very agile.

Eclipse walked down the metal stairs with hard thumps due to metal colliding with metal and he walked onto the concrete where his footsteps were more soft, Sun coo'd and Moon drools onto his arm. Eclipse ignored the drooling the best he could, rays twitching in disgust. He walked into the little living quarters and sat on the bed, he tried to set Sun and Moon down but they clung to him.

He gave up instantly and sighed taking out his phone laying down with Sun and Moon at his side, he's pretty much given up on the idea that Sun and Moon will turn back to normal so he's just kinda... dealing with it. Deciding he didn't want to die.  He scrolled the phone and decided to watch some YouTube.

It was then though that his eyes landed on the latest SAMS episode, he choked on his spit when he read 'Eclipse takes in Sun and Moon?! In VRCHAT!' oh no- no- no- no- He clicked on it and watched it (basically the events of chapter 1) and his face flushed in embarrassment and he read the comments and saw people joking and laughing about him in the comments.

He was used to being bullied in the comments, but right now he's just embarrassed. 


I can't believe this happened! This is too funny! Anyway theory time, god came and punished Eclipse by turning Sun and Moon into kids.


The fact that Moon just barfed down his legs XD


The way Eclipse looked existential in the thumbnail XD

Who's up for a dad Eclipse?



I'm up for it!


That would be cute, I doubt it would happen though. I'm worried Eclipse would find some way to kill them


@Killtheturtles     What is with that name????


I love the idea of Eclipse being a dad! It sounds so cute!

Not replies

8908789 I gave up on a name

I love the fact Eclipse had to change into Sun's pants because he didn't have his own change of pants due to the fact it was made from the star!


The computer is on his side!


@JackTurnoverSucks   Listen, I know I'm from another dimension but dude- I've heard that enough from my mom

(Please someone tell me y'all know what I just crossovered)

Eclipse stopped reading and groaned putting his face in his hands in embarrassment, stupid editor.... he thought and looked down at Sun's pants he was wearing and groaned. His privacy had once again been destroyed by the editor... great.

Computer said "wow... I haven't checked the channel in a while... I am genuinely sorry Eclipse" Eclipse groans "stupid editor" Sun coo'd and nibbled his arm, Eclipse kept his hands in his face. His face was flushed from embarrassment, but then it hit him.

Earth and Lunar are bound to check the channel due to Sun and Moon not being around, they are going to see the video! Eclipse began to panic and he said "Computer do you think you can take this video down-" Computer said "yep! Give me a sec!" Eclipse let out a sigh of relief and he reloaded the page a couple of seconds later and low and behold, the video was gone.

But not before like thousands of people could see it, Eclipse tries to stop Sun from chewing on his arm and Moon snores loudly again. Why does he sleep so much? Eclipse wondered, all he does is sleep. It was then that Eclipse heard foot steps above him and talking.

Must be the police, Sun stopped chewing and looked up cooing curiously. Moon snores and Eclipse covers his mouth to muffle them. He heard muffled talking above him, couldn't understand what they were saying. Eclipse is silent and Sun grabs his rays and chews on them, some time passes and the police move on. 

Balloon Boy as always did a good job covering up the traces of the bunkers and their existence. Eclipse sighed and uncovered Moon's mouth, Moon sneezes softly and cracks his eyes open and coo'd tiredly. Eclipse lays back down and pulls the blanket over himself, today has been interesting... my ears go blasted, gave battery's to a world wide criminal,  found out my situation was showed to thousands of people.

Embarrassment filled Eclipse more at the thought, but now, now it's time to sleep. 

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